"Miss Gong, what's wrong with you?"

After hurriedly instructing Lin Mengya, she hurried to the front yard.

Soon, she suppressed her steps and tried to make herself look less panicked.

She must not panic. Since the other party can find this opportunity, it seems to have been premeditated.

Which is the case, there is no guarantee that no second hand will be left.

I must not fight against the grass and scare the snake by then.

The front yard was near, Lin Mengya's heart hung up, and the poison's medicinal properties were not violent. As long as she arrived in time, even if she took it, there was a great chance that she could be saved.

"Miss Gong, why are you here?"

Outside the flower hall in the front yard, the guarding servant looked a little surprised when she saw her.

Lin Lin Mengya knows that her return is probably a flaw.

Anxious in her own right, she pretended to put her finger on her lips innocently.

"Please, please do n’t see me. You know, my elder brother just had a drinking accident a few days ago. I am worried that he will forget the moment after drinking, but he will live up to his uncle and his aunt. It ’s good. I just glanced at it secretly. Could you both keep it secret?

The two nodded and nodded. The incident at Gongwu was indeed rumored, and she understood her difficulty now.

Zhe Lin Mengya smiled gratefully at the two, and walked into the front yard.

I glanced at the entrance of the flower hall, and she also saw a few young crickets standing at the door holding copper plates.

Although the taste spreads slowly in winter, the Shennong system can't go wrong.

The fruit, mixed with poison, is in these copper plates.

But those little 厮 s are not like a living person. She clearly saw someone fainted in the backyard. Could it be said that the person who brought in the fruit has lurked in the dark?

Thinking of this, she couldn't help being more careful.

The enemy is secretly hiding her, and she has to find a way to change this situation.

I was thinking for a while, the little sisters had already rushed in.

Lin Lin Mengya thought about it and followed it.

When I reached the door, it was still a rhetoric. Even the family members didn't have much defense against her, and easily put people in.

As soon as I arrived in the flower hall, Lin Mengya saw everyone sitting and drinking tea.

Mrs. Lin Lian was very happy to see her look, beckoned, and motioned to her to sit beside her.

"Why didn't I see you before and you would lie to me and say Ya'er is gone. Look, isn't this back? Have you eaten? What did you do on such a cold day?"

Mrs. Lin Lian's attitude is very kind, as if asking her child.

Wu Murongxi was a little displeased, but he acutely discovered Gongya's abnormality.

Even though her gaze seemed unintentional, she seemed to look at the copper plate a few more times.

Why did she care so much about the contents of the copper plate?

"Come and come, everyone tastes it. This is a rarity, and you can't eat it if you want to eat it. Today, I can count on His Royal Highness."

Mrs. Lin Lian greeted everyone with a smile, and then Mu Rongxi remembered that before she came, she ordered the Zhuangzi outside Longdu to send some fresh fruits to Mrs. Lian.

I did not expect that the woman was actually interested in such things.

Huh, Xiaojia is angry.

Lin Mengya watched as Xiao Xiao brought the copper plates to each person's face. After opening the lid, a few bunches of green and purple grapes were dripping.

She was so anxious. Before coming to Longdu, her elder brother repeatedly told her to keep her from disclosing her good ability to distinguish between poisons.

And now, where are those people not necessarily ambush?

I saw that everyone was preparing to taste this rare delicious taste, Lin Mengya's mind turned sharply, and she had a flash of light.

"Mrs., His Royal Highness is rare. What fun would it be if you just ate it like this?"

Mrs. Lin Lian's heart is lively and she likes interesting things the most. After listening to her say it, she was a little bit thoughtful.

"What do you mean by Yaya, is it interesting? Is it poetry or guessing?"

I talked about the whole morning and everyone was a little tired.

After hearing her proposal, I couldn't help but be a bit interested.

Lin Lin Mengya thought for a while, then smiled and said to Mrs. Lian.

"The winter is long, and poetry and guessing is the most common thing. It ’s better. Let's guess the number. If you win, you can designate the loser to do one thing. If you lose, don't regret."

Mrs. Lin Lian thought for a while, and thought the idea was good and interesting.

"Okay, okay, Xu Yan, how about you to be the owner?"

The Dr. Xu who came from Xu immediately came up, and even after his wife ordered a few words, she nodded with a smile.

"Well, let's get started. Counting is based on the grapes in front of you. Whose grapes are gone, this game can be considered to have ended. Each round of grapes must be in your own mouth. Do n’t be too greedy, you ’ll know how terrible it is when you cool down. "

Mrs. Lilian briefly introduced some rules, and everyone understood.

In the first round, everyone quietly threw a small bunch of grapes on the plate, and Lin Mengya did the same, but she didn't care about the numbers, but thought about how to warn.

"Everyone, are you ready?"

言 Xu Yan asked with a smile, everyone nodded, then he stepped forward to salute, the first one walked in front of Master Lian's plate and opened the lid.

"Lian Master, five."

Mrs. Xun was immediately discouraged, because Xu Yan quickly reported her numbers.

"Mrs. Li, four."

"Just one less! Master, you must have peeked!"

Master Lin Lian just kept silent when he heard his wife's complaints, but there was a little joy in her eyes.

"Master, seven."

"Two sons, six."

Even Li Xing was disappointed. Really, even playing a game can't beat his elder brother, it is really disappointing.

"His Royal Highness Twelve."

Everyone looked at Murong Xi, thinking that this guy's competitive spirit was really powerful.

After seeing it, Wu Gongwu shook his head and opened his copper plate.

"Five boys in palace, nine."

Mrs. Lin Lian felt more and more frustrated, so it seemed that she could only be punished.

Lin Lin Mengya has not been in the state, even if the copper plate in front of her is opened to people.

"Miss Gong, two."

"What? Two? Yaer, you can only be punished!"

Mrs. Lin Lian was a little happy, and smiled so blindly.

Lin Lin Mengya looked at her plate afterwards and then looked at her right hand.

Oops! She had just gone away and took out the more string and put the less string in.

"In this round, His Royal Highness wins, and Miss Gong loses. How does His Royal Highness punish Miss Gong Ya?"

Wu Mu Rongxi was a little happy. He originally thought that the game was boring and naive, but now it looks good.

He thought for a while before he said.

"Miss Gong just made a good cup of tea just now, I just feel tired, so let her make another cup of tea for me."

How about making tea again?

Suddenly, even the stars couldn't help it.

After all, Gong Gongya is a noble woman in the family. How can she always do these rough work?

But unexpectedly, Gong Ya stood up with a smile.

"Please wait, Your Highness, I'll be here right away! Everyone, don't eat it before I come back!"

Then, in the eyes of everyone's surprise, quickly walked out of the flower hall.

"Must, make tea addicted, right?"

Lilian Xing touched his chin and said to Gongwu a little.

"Go, don't talk nonsense."

Hagiya also felt that today's sister is a little weird.

But, after all, this is the game she proposed. Presumably, she also wants to hurry.

Qingcao came to the small kitchen, but someone followed, but it was not Xu Yan.

The man's eyebrows were pleasing and looked very submissive.

He just followed her step by step, making her feel a little uncomfortable.

"Can you find me a pen?"

She turned around and smiled gently.

"Miss, what are you going to do with your pen?"

The man still didn't look up, but the questioning seemed a little weird.

Lin Lin Mengya turned down and explained.

"Dr. Tea from your family must have told you, I ’m the one who makes tea, there are many unusual tricks. You can rest assured that it will not miss your errand. Remember, you need to be brand new It ’s better if you have n’t touched the ink. Otherwise, no matter how clean the wash is, this tea has a different taste, and it ’s a pity. ”

When he heard that she only wanted to write, and didn't need anything else, her attitude eased a little.

Xu turned around and walked out, while Lin Mengya turned around immediately, rummaging in front of the tea shelf.

After 搭配 matching many kinds of tea, the man hurried back.

Lin Mengya thanked and accepted the pen.

She soaked the pen with Xianshui, and finally dipped in some mixed tea, and wrote and painted in it.

But on the surface, it seems that she is washing the cup with a brush.

After so many times, she made the tea according to the normal procedure.

"Long wait, let's go."

Lin Lin Mengya took the tea herself and walked back to the flower hall with that person.

Fortunately, there are no wicked ghosts in these people, they are waiting for her.

"You're back, let's start the next round!"

Lin Lianxing couldn't wait, but Lin Mengya just smiled at her, and then gave the cup to Long Tianyu.

"His Royal Highness, please drink tea."

She held up the tea cup as a sign of respect.

Xi Mu Rongxi lifted the tea bowl gracefully, but took off the lid of the cup, and glanced into it for a moment.

Then, he put the tea cup beside him, frowned, and looked at her dissatisfied.

"what do you mean?"

Gao Lin Mengya ‘slightly’ in her heart, would n’t he, the dead man has become stupid?

But on the face, there is still a smile.

"This tea doesn't suit His Royal Highness?"

Wu Murongxi glanced at her, looking a little angry.

"You know that my chest is upset, but you still want to send me this strong tea, why? Are you dissatisfied with my requirements?"

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