Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1218: Complete upgrade

Lin Mengya, who was worried about sitting in the carriage, had no idea that it had become a pot of porridge.

"Miss, someone is here."

The driver whispered a reminder, Lin Mengya's heart could not help but hang.

"Go! Where are many people rushing!"

Gao Linmengya gave a cold drink, and the driver who had been prepared for a long time lashed out.

哪里 Where the people who just came around wanted to get such a response, they saw the carriage crashing like crazy, and those people walked away subconsciously.

马 The carriage was so clear away that it was just catching up with snow and ice on the road, and it was pulled out for a long time.

Under such circumstances, no matter how high the level of accomplishment is, the power is too weak.

What's more, horse-drawn carriages are especially difficult to stop when there are many people on the road.

A few people responsible for the killing looked at each other, or decided to return to the government first, and then make plans.

"Slow, slow!"

For the first time, Lin Mengya felt out of the roller coaster.

The severe shaking has made her dizzy, not to mention the bumps on the road, almost let her fall apart.

"Miss, you sit still! Slippery, I'm afraid it's hard to stop!"

The coachman was also anxious. Although he was a veteran of many years, at this time, most of the carriages were as slow as ox carts. They just borrowed their money, and now they have to return .

There is one pros and cons to one pros.

"Oh, I can't sit still!"

I kept bumping in the carriage. In the end, Lin Mengya had to cling to her head and try not to make herself a fool.

"Flash away! All flash away!"

The driver yelled constantly. Fortunately, there weren't many people on the street at this time, but even so, many people who did not dodge accidentally fell over.

All of a sudden, on the streets of Longdu, there was a spectacular scene where everyone fell into a ball.

The culprit, the mad carriage, ran quickly, and even those who hurt so badly could only look dumbfounded at the back of the carriage.

Is it crazy?

"Miss, please hold on! Not far away is an open field. When I get there, I will stop the carriage again!"

The driver was still shouting, but his voice was hoarse at this time.

当然 Of course he knew that in this case, once the horse got out of control, he and the young lady in the car would not have any good results.

"Who is running around in Dragon City! Stop!"

I did not expect that at this time, there was another voice of high drinking.

Lin Lin Mengya heard, and climbed out of the car window, shouting at the back.

"Are you the Guards in charge of the patrol?"

A few people who were riding on horseback did not expect that there were still people inside.

I immediately hurried the horse and followed.

"Now stop, now that you know!"

"Let's go to Liandu Tonglian to help!"

She shouted loudly, but behind the guards stunned God.

"I am a palace man, believe me, even adults are in danger now!"

Before she finished speaking, Lin Mengya was thrown to the other side by the carriage.

And the several guards finally recognized, the carriage really has the family logo of the palace family.

"Some of you, ask someone to go to Dutong, and the rest, follow me!"

Fortunately, the head on duty is a flexible person.

After I ordered it, I took a few people and rushed forward.

Their horseshoes are nailed with horseshoes suitable for the winter snow and ice road. Even so, there is still a heart running.

At this time, the speed of the carriage has weakened a lot.

I think the driver must have run out, as if not so fast, to slow down the horse.

But what he didn't expect is that at this moment, another car suddenly rushed out of the alley.

Once the two cars collided, I was afraid that the loss would be heavy.

Kumafu's subconscious choice flashed away the opponent's carriage, but did not want to completely lose the balance because of this.

'Boom', the carriage fell to the ground.

The driver was dumped out fiercely and fell on the snow.

The puppet guards then rushed to see only their fragmented carriage.

"Save! Come on, save!"

After the huge pain struck, Lin Mengya's memory left only the shouts of those guards.

Forehead was cold for a while, she touched her hand subconsciously, but found that she had wet her hand, it turned out to be blood

"Doctor, what's the situation now?"

In the palace of the palace family, Gong Wu had just been bandaged for the wound, and immediately his eyes were red, and he asked eagerly.

"My son, you are okay, but the lady inside, cough, would you like to persuade her personal maid?"

I am a middle-aged man, and I think he is a doctor who is benevolent and kind of helpless.

He has been practicing medicine for decades and has never seen such a fierce family member of a patient.

He is almost like a she-wolf.

He kept guarding his master, and no one was allowed to approach.

好 He was so good at saying 歹 The girl named Bai Su refused to let go of life or death.

Anxious, he blinked his eyes and scared himself with a sword.

He was definitely not afraid of the sword in her hands, but she was standing in such a vertical bar. What was it for?

Qi Wenyan said that Gongwu strode into Gongya's room immediately.

"Bai Su, don't make any more fuss! Now the younger sister's situation is not good. What do you do in case of delay?"

Wu Gong Wu Ning frowned, staring coldly at the girl in front of her.

He knows that Bai Su is loyal to Gong Ya, but the current situation can't be delayed for a moment.

"Master never makes people approach, even now!"

Xi Baisu held a sword in his hand and guarded it in front of Lin Mengya's bed.

Why don't she worry about the master, but the situation of the master is too special. Now the master is unconscious, so she must guard the master.

"You're here, don't blame me for being ruthless! What are you all doing? Pull her away!"

Gong's worry about Gong Ya made Gong Wu anxious.

He also managed to escape from a fierce battle. God knows how worried he was when his family told him that Gong Ya was hit with blood.

I did not expect Bai Su to stop back as soon as I rushed back.

It's okay to block him, but now come to block the doctor again, what does this man mean?

"No one is allowed to touch my master!"

Bai Su was also anxious.

Now, she is the only one who is dependent on the master. In any case, she must guard the master's secret!

"Master Five, sister Bai Su, what are you doing!"

I came back holding a clean water basin, but saw that there was already a tense sword inside.

I immediately put down the things in my hand and blocked them in front of them.

"Hey, you also let me go! Didn't you see my sister, did you get hurt like that?"

Wu Gong is so mad that Bai Su is stubborn or stubborn?

Even if Gong Ya is not close, she should see what is going on.

"Sister Bai Su, otherwise, let's get out and let the doctor see how the lady is doing? It's okay, we are all here, even if the lady blame me, I will help.

Lin Er looked at Lin Mengya, her breath was weak and her face was pale.

布 The bandage on the forehead has been able to see a faint pink.

This delay is obviously not a solution. Instead, enlighten Bai Su.

But the latter didn't give any face, and didn't budge.

The two sides were deadlocked, and when they were about to quarrel, the people on the bed woke up.

"Stop noisy! Miss Woke up!"

Sui Gongping pointed his eyes and saw it all at once.

Everyone immediately lay in front of Lin Mengya's bed, and the latter opened her eyes hard and only looked at Bai Su.

"Don't let anyone give me a pulse, Bai Su, please."

Weak voice, but through another kind of determination.

Wu Gongwu was dumbfounded, he didn't expect that it really meant Gong Ya.

"How can this work, Xiaoya, how can you"

"If anyone touches me and kills!"

Although the voice is weak like a kitten, the murder in Lin Mengya's tone made the Lang chilly.

He narrowed his neck and looked at the poor-looking girl.

Forget it, it still matters.

"Oh! One or two, why are you so embarrassed! Stop it, Gong Ping, send the doctor back!"

Gong Gongwu gritted his teeth and said, until now, naturally, he could not violate the words of his sister.

After all, he knows Gongya's temperament, he must do what he says.

What's more, there is a loyal Bai Su beside him?

Jilang was sent away, but Gongwu did not leave Gongya's room.

He knows that this injury is not a minor injury. Once the wound worsens, even if Gongya knows that she will get angry in the future, he will definitely find someone to cure her.

Gongya fell asleep on the bed.

The wound on the **** also stopped the blood after changing the towel and medicine several times.

Under the supervision of Bai Su, Gong Wu touched her hands and feet.

I'm fine, my bones are fine.

Except that his forehead was damaged, other places were just scratches.

After three days in a row, Gong Ya woke up from her coma, but after opening her eyes, she stared straight at the roof.

"Xiaoya, you finally woke up, how about it, all right?"

Wu Gongchang breathed a sigh of relief, and lay in front of her bed, like a large dog.

But now, Lin Mengya has no time to ignore him.

Because she didn't know if she should laugh or cry.

I originally thought that this fall would become a fool, but I did not expect that this fall was not only not stupid, but instead upgraded Shennong's system.

In the past, when she used various functions, once some functions were used, her body would be overloaded.

Now it's good. The Shennong system has been fully evolved and upgraded, and has many more functions.

But in the deepest, she felt that this was not the highest form of systematic evolution.

Alas, is this a blessing in disguise?

Zhe Lin Mengya comforted herself with a mockery, turned her head, and saw a room full of tears.

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