Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1220: Ask her to die

"This is, for me?"

Wu Murongxi raised her eyebrows and looked at the woman on the bed.

"No, it's less beautiful, it's fine, it's for you."

This is indeed the big **** she prepared for Long Tianyu. This person's habits are not good. She always relies on martial arts to be in good health, and her clothes are not always good to wear. In winter, there is no stove.

Seeing that she seemed to be in the memory of others, Mu Rongxi's heart suddenly felt pain.

What kind of existence does that person have, so that she can think in front of herself?

"嗳, you"

Lin Mengya, who returned from her memories, looked up, but found that her eyes were empty.

人 This person is really coming without a trace.

He smiled, Lin Mengya fell into the bedding.

Xun Long Tianyu's intention to win over Lianjia is obvious, but judging from his current identity, pulling in Lianjia will only make his position more dangerous.

He was secretly planning what was going on?

"Xiaoya, did you wake up?"

Suddenly a knock on the door interrupted her thoughts.

"Wake up, please come in."

听到 She heard the door was opened, hurriedly arranged her clothes, and put a little cymbal in the inner room before walking to the front of the palace.

"This room seems to be colder, you should be careful at night, but don't catch cold."

The fifth house of the palace is not very satisfied with the temperature in the room, but it is not cold at all.

It's just that she's not well now, so she wears a little more.

"It's all right, Brother Wu came so late, but what's the matter to tell me?"

Don't look at Gongwu's wave-shaped skeleton, but in fact the palace family attaches great importance to rules.

When their siblings get along, Gong Ping, 在 儿 and Bai Su must be there.

No, Gong Ping was on the side, adding charcoal to her stove.

"You know, it wasn't an accident that you were involved?"

I really do.

Lin Lin Mengya just lingered for a moment, then smiled lightly.

"Well, I can guess some."

后 She thought about it afterwards. Although the road conditions were not good at that time, their speed was really faster.

But the carriages in Longdu will be replaced with wheels with certain anti-slip function once it is winter.

She remembered very well that the carriage was actually out of control that day after almost rushing out.

下去 Going on like this, the carriage will have an accident sooner or later.

"In addition to the carriage being moved, there is that carriage. I have seen it afterwards. The alley is very shallow, and inside, you can see the outside. In your situation at the time, It is entirely possible to see you first, and if he only stops for a while, he will not overturn your car. "

所以 "So, the carriage was deliberately rushed out?"

Hagiya nodded at five, his face was not very good-looking.

"I blame me for arriving too late. The car has disappeared. But according to the guards on the spot, the car didn't have any sign of identification. And the driver was wrapped tightly, No flaws were revealed. "

Zhe Lin Mengya had some calculations under her heart. It seemed that the other party had deliberately done it.

"I have sent someone to check the carriage and horses, maybe, there will be news soon."

Wu Gongwu looked at her solemnly and immediately said lowly.

However, Lin Mengya looked up and looked at him.

"No need, since that person can do these calculations. Presumably the traces have already been touched, and even if we check, it is estimated that nothing can be found."

"Did we just eat this loss?"

Five palaces gritted their teeth. This time, even the guards at the scene said that the little girl could survive simply because of her life and the soft snow around her.

Otherwise, I'm afraid I'll smash my head on the spot.

Since others have murdered the palace family, how could he let it go easily.

"Bad? Brother five, I eat everything from snacks, but I don't lose. Rest assured, I will come back with interest and profit sooner or later. But now, we have to figure out what they are doing.

Motivation is important.

The killers besieged Long Tianyu and Lianjia only to hope that Long Tianyu and Lianjia completely disappeared, at least it was noisy.

Therefore, they will first choose to poison before they start to siege.

In this way, even if the family is lucky enough to survive, it will hate Long Tianyu.

What's more, these people did not want to keep Long Tianyu alive at all.

Strangling without proof, this is the best solution.

So what happened to her? Is it the same group?

I thought about it, Lin Mengya felt something wrong.

If it is the same group, shouldn't the killers think of a way first, and it is better to get her trapped in Lianfu?

And the carriage was not accidental.

It seems to me that there is enough control in her hands today, until her carriage is out of control today, and she knows that they will definitely go there.

I'm afraid there are not many people who can do this.

"That driver, what's the situation now?"

The five eyes of Hagiya looked a little dark, and shook his head.

"He was not so badly injured, but because he also hit his head, he has been lethargic. Do you think he has a problem?"

"No, the problem is probably not with him. You do me a favor and get the horse I drove that day. Whether it is alive or dead, I want to check it. Also, let people investigate, these days the driver , Have you contacted your friends and relatives outside the government. It is best to be the kind who can go to the wine table. "

Kunimiya nodded at five, signaled that he would definitely do it.

"That's right, there is one more thing. Didn't the fourth brother say before, and then come? I guess it will arrive almost a year ago. If we can't solve it, it is better to wait for the fourth brother to come.

The fifth palace is not in a hurry, nor does it admit it.

He was just worried about Gongya's body, she was afraid she couldn't take it anymore.

"I know, it's good that the fourth brother can come. But this dragon is too messy. We don't know if we can get away and pull him in. I can't bear it."

才 It didn't take long for her to come, and she offended the Zhonghua County Lord and His Royal Highness one after another, and now she has a relationship with Lianjia and Long Tianyu.

Isn't it a misfortune?

In this case, it would be good for her if Miyaji came.

同时 But at the same time for Gong Shi himself, he was deeply trapped in the mud pond and could not help himself.

"Don't think about it so much. Our palace family has experienced so many ups and downs, is it not good yet? You just need to relax your mind and take a good command. It's OK, I won't bother you anymore. Go ahead. "

Wu Gongwu took Gong Ping up and left, Lin Mengya returned to bed again, but she was completely sleepless.

How many pairs of eyes are staring at her in the dark night of Luolongdu?

She wrapped her quilt tightly, Lin Mengya felt as if she were a boat traveling between the waves.

Exhaled a long breath, Lin Mengya closed her eyes.

For the sake of her own man and child, as well as the second half of her life, she must overcome these demons and monsters!

I heard that she was awake, and even Mrs. Lian wanted to visit her in person.

But now that the storm has not subsided, Lin Mengya is afraid of accidents on the road, so she politely declines the kindness of his wife

But I did not expect that Mrs. Lian gave her a lot of things to supplement her body.

Looking at the expensive tonics entering the palace, Lin Mengya only felt that her head hurt more.

He lowered his head and glanced at Gongwu's command, and boiled the whole tonic soup for a whole day.

This thing can't help her at all, she's got a little bit angry when she drinks it.

But now, even Bai Su's girl is on the front with Gong Wu.

As long as she dared not drink, the big guy either murmured in her ears or stared at her with tears in her eyes.

I was just a tonic, but Lin Mengya felt as if she had done something terrible.

After a few more days, I finally had to wait until she could go out, and Bai Su and Gongwu looked like enemies again.

"What are you doing?"

Outside the carriage, there were at least twenty followers.

And each, with arms in his hands.

But this is not the point. The point is that she was wrapped into a ball by Bai Su and 纭 er, with a finely crafted but ridiculously thick hat on her head.

Judging from her current situation, she feels that she is more like a mountain carving.

保护 "Protect you, if someone dares to be against you on the way, these people can come forward and cover you and run away!"

Fangong Wu's expression was a little serious, he touched his chin, and looked at the guard at the door.

I waved my hand, and immediately ran out of the house a dozen strong family members.

"Or else, let these people follow you, too?"

Lin Lin Mengya heard her words and rolled her eyes.

"Why don't you let the slaves protect me?"

Who knows that Gong Wu looked around like a thief and lay in her ear and said.

"I have made them all change the clothes of ordinary people, scattered along the way to protect you. Rest assured, we have a lot of secret staff."

Wu Wenyan smiled, Lin Mengya smiled, and turned to go to the room.

"Xiaoya, do you feel uncomfortable? Would you like me to tell Mrs. Lian that you wouldn't be there for a few days?"

A group of people chased her into the room. Who knew that after Lin Mengya went in, the first thing was to take off her hat and the fur coat on the outermost layer.

不 "No, you let me breathe, I'm going to be choked with suffocation."

She fanned her hands, and the clothes in this body had to be 20-30 kilograms.

Along with the arrangement outside, wouldn't she be worse than going to prison?

"Brother Wu, you let everyone back. Why? I'm going to the house, not fighting with others."

This battle, to ensure that she hasn't gone far, she must be watched on the spot.

不 "No, what if you have another accident?"

At this time, Gongwu refused to let it go.

When the two were deadlocked, the subordinate came in and said a word.

Lin Lin Mengya suddenly lighted up, the savior came!

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