Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1246: Theater listening

I looked at the guy reluctantly, but Ma Bu still looked solid, Lin Mengya smiled slightly.

人 This person is like a puppy and always needs someone to train.

There is nothing wrong with my own little wolf dog, mainly on Lian Xing.

"Okay, you listen to me now. I suspect that Madam's illness has something to do with this woman."

The voice didn't fall, and even the star surface with the color of wind and thunder, rushed out in an instant.

But fortunately, Lin Mengya's eyes were quick and she grabbed his sleeve.

"Run, listen to me!"

In the end, Lian Xing had to stand next to her, but kept her anger value at all times.

"Is that the woman who did 15 years ago?"

Wu Gongwu is much calmer in the end, and his mind can keep up with Lin Mengya.

But the latter, but shook his head gently.

"I don't have conclusive evidence to dare to say this. But there is one thing I know very well. Even Uncle doesn't have **** with Ai Lian. Don't stare at me! I'm not your father's affair!"

After yelling at Lian Xing, Lin Mengya continued.

"Maybe you didn't feel it, but when I saw them at the first sight, I knew that they were ruthless. Maybe Ai Lian had love for Uncle Lian, but Uncle Lian didn't seem to care. So I was thinking, If that's the case, what are the reasons for Uncle Lian to go to Ai Lian's study automatically? "

She stared at her, secretly staring at Lian Xing.

Although the latter is impulsive, it is only temporarily out of breath.

Seeing this, Lin Mengya let go of her hand.

"Is Ai Lian threatening Uncle Lian with Flail's condition?"

Fangong Wu was clever in the end, immediately understood her intentions, and immediately cooperated.

"I guessed this way. What's going on? I have to let Uncle Lie speak for myself. Lien Xing, where are you going?"

I saw Lian Xing step out, but this time, he calmed down a lot.

"Sister, should I chase him back?"

Fang Gongwu looked a little anxious, for fear that the guy would go into trouble again.

"It's okay, I believe this time, he will definitely not do stupid things anymore. Let's pack up and get back home."

Wu Gongwu always looked at her sister Ma Shou, and when she said that, she immediately went to get ready.

After sending a letter to Lian Xing, Lin Mengya took a party in the courtyard to answer the palace mansion.

But what she didn't expect was that the people inside greeted them before they entered the door.

"Miss, Master Five, you are finally back in peace."

The steward Uncle Rong greeted him excitedly. After seeing a few of them, his eyes almost turned red.

"Well, Uncle Rong, I worry you, aren't we all right? By the way, this is Mrs. Lian and the mother of Lian Sheng and Lian Xing. You have to take good care and be treated slowly."

Zhelin Mengya first let Mrs. Lian welcome him in. Lianfu now cannot live, and even if his wife is in a bad mood, she cannot sit still.

And sooner or later, she is a thick thigh who wants to hold the emperor. It is not a bad thing to have a good relationship with the family earlier.

Upon hearing this, Shu Rong went to make arrangements immediately.

The palace house is well-organized, and it didn't take long for people to arrange it neatly.

Gao Linmengya and Gongwu sat in their own small room and drank tea.

"What's going on in the house these days?"

Uncle Wu Rong shook his head. Before that, they were still waiting. But what was unexpected was that nothing had happened at home, but something had happened outside.

Lin Lin Mengya knew that the assassination of Emperor Zun was too sudden, and those people could not react.

Although she was not willing to eradicate those people in one fell swoop, from now on, at least in Longdu, she has a life-saving hole card.

The Emperor of the Emperor and the Emperor of the Emperor, even if they did not look at the life-saving grace, had to look at the large sum of money to protect her life.

Because that's about the face of the two of them.

"I'll take a walk around to see the situation, you are so happy to stay at home. Remember, don't be careless, after all, even my wife is in our house now."


Uncle Wu Rong did not dare to neglect and immediately agreed.

"Sister, where are you going?"

Wu Gongwu looked at her in confusion, why didn't he just come back, why go out again?

我 "I went to see Lian Xing. Although this man is clever, he still has too little experience with women. I am afraid that he will suffer as time goes by."

Wu Gongwu deeply agrees. If it had not been impulse for a while, things would not have been the way it is now.

Xu told Gong Ya to go early and return early, and the latter took Bai Su and her son out.

Outside of Momo Xiangxuan, Lin Mengya got out of the carriage far away.

After all, she came to observe in secret, and if she alarmed the people inside, it would be more than enough.

The three of them stood quietly behind the wall and looked at the study not far away.

There was nothing coming from the inside, but fortunately, Lian Xing finally knew it.

Lin Lin Mengya is going to wait here for a while. It is best if you can see Lian Xing and Master Lian come out.

If she can't see it for a while, she asks her to pretend to be a family member and ask two people to come out.

However, I didn't expect to wait long, and there was another carriage stopped at the door of the study.

Although the horse-drawn carriage is inconspicuous, but the materials are exquisite, you can know the owner at a glance. It must be rich or expensive.

But her eyes were completely attracted by the people who got off the carriage.

what happened? Actually Long Tianyu!

She saw Long Tianyu come down from the carriage with her own eyes, and then she entered the study with a light car.

Then, the maid who stopped her came out to look around, and finally closed the door.

What happened? That little white lotus, still young and old?

Suddenly, Lin Mengya regained the feeling of anger and rushing to the crown again, but this time, she and Mrs. Lian changed their positions.

"Miss, don't you seem very happy?"

Min Er raised her small face and asked carefully.

The latter took it lightly to retract the hand that had just been scratched on the wall, and almost broke his hand, and noble and elegant went to the side of his carriage.

"Nothing, I just think that I really want to drink green tea."

good very good.

Although she doesn't know the relationship between Xiao Bailian and Long Tianyu, if once she knew, Long Tianyu really had an entangled relationship with Xiao Bailian.

Hehehe The snow field outside the city is a good place to throw corpses.

For example, a pair of unclear dog men and women.

Bai Su and 纭 Er hit a chill at the same time. It's not too cold today?

I am angry and angry, but Lin Mengya has never been a person who likes to eat flying vinegar.

She was just annoyed at the moment.

I looked back and thought, maybe Long Tianyu really had something to do and maybe not.

The urgent task is to find Lian Xing's father and son first, take them back, and discuss it from a long-term perspective.

Xun Ke found Lianfu from his study and retrieved the small courtyard where they had lived before from Lianfu. No trace of their father or son was found.

When he got home, Uncle Rong told her that someone had just come to report that he was the father and son of the family, and had been declared in the palace by the Emperor and the Emperor.

And they asked her to take good care of Mrs. Li.

I turned out to be in the palace.

A heart hung by Lin Mengya, this was put down.

At least in front of Emperor Zun, Lian Xing and Lian Father were not crazy.

She just didn't expect that for three days, even her three fathers and sons disappeared.

Mrs. Qilian was also very concerned about those three people. Lin Mengya thought about it, and felt that it was not a way to let his wife stay in the house.

I had to take Miyago with my wife to take a stroll to the streets after I had done the work properly.

这么 After so many days of rest, most places have resumed their prosperity.

Mrs. Lin even did not like to go out and walk around, so several people had to find a garden to go to the theatre.

There are only a few dramas I can stage now.

Mrs. Lin Lian loves to watch a play of a gifted and beautiful woman. Lin Mengya can't touch her interest, so she has to follow along.

In the box on the second floor, even his wife was fascinated, and Gongwu was slightly moved.

But she really didn't appreciate the artistic cells of traditional opera, but within a few minutes, she was lethargic.

I wouldn't have been a kid from time to time, and she would have slapped her back, I'm afraid she would have fallen asleep.

This hypnotic skill is also stubborn.

When the show was at its peak, there was a sudden commotion.

Lin Lin Mengya immediately followed the sound, but saw a few strong men dressed up in the lobby below.

壮 The strong men looked like they were looking for someone, looking at each seat.

Gao Linmengya was vigilant, and also had a glass of snakes, so she had to pay attention.

But what she didn't expect was that the door was slammed open.

Then a figure rushed in.

Min Er exclaimed a little, and caught the attention of the people below.

"What is this?"

Xuan Er looked at the living creature in front of him in shock, but Lin Mengya stepped forward and grabbed the man's slightly dirty arm.

Because she knew those eyes!

Only now, she can't tolerate other extra moves, because those strong men have already ran up at this moment and are walking towards their box.

"You didn't see anything, you know?"

Rarely did she show such a stern expression, and several people in the box nodded subconsciously.

After speaking, Lin Mengya hid people under the table, arranged the tablecloths, pretended that nothing had happened, and cast her eyes on the stage.

The door of the private box was knocked. Lin Mengya gave Bai Su and Yuner a complexion, and they immediately understood.

Tonger opened the door and asked two Liumei with her eyes.

"Who is so brave and dare to disturb our wife and the lady?"

She looks pretty and is dressed up as a girl in a big family.

The sudden rush of such a sudden, but let outsiders do not dare to make trouble easily.

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