Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1249: Gu Pan visit

Although she knew in her heart that this woman should be jealous, Mu Rongxi still felt that this matter was too ridiculous.

"I already know this, rest assured, I will not have too much contact with her in the future."

Lin Lin Mengya is not really jealous, but if a person like Ai Lian can not be used by Long Tianyu, the farther away the better.

"Okay, you're home."

Between the two, whether it is arguing or sweet, time will pass very fast.

Lin Lin Mengya also felt that there were thousands of words in her heart to talk to him, but the door of her family was close at hand.

"I'm leaving first, you have to be careful yourself."

Hidden the truest heart, she had to make her most casual expression and say goodbye to her lover.

But Murong Xi didn't let her go. After dragging her into her arms, she gently kissed her forehead.

"Say anything to me, do you know?"

Biting her lip, Lin Mengya nodded.

She is never a weak woman, but his support will make her stronger.

She stood at the door, Lin Mengya wrapped her cloak tightly, and watched the carriage leave her sight a little.

I turned and knocked on the door.

"Miss, Fanghua County Lord has been waiting for you for a long time."

Uncle Qi Rong greeted him personally, and wiped the sweat on his forehead and whispered.

There are so many guests in their house, but the young lady always likes to run out of sight.

This errand is really hard to do.

"What is Fanghua-gun doing here?"

"I don't know, but the county master heard that you weren't angry and just said that he was waiting for you at home. At this moment, even the wife is talking with her."

Between the two people talking, Lin Mengya has entered the inner court.

The arrival of Gu Gupan gave her some new ideas.

In fact, when Zhu Yan appeared, she should have guessed that someone was playing a dark chess game beside her.

Those people she knew appeared to her in a near coincidence.

Zhu Yan's desire was over, Long Tianyu said goodbye to Qinghu, and now she was embarrassed by Shangguanhui.

If she hasn't guessed the other person's intentions, it might be a little too sorry that the person tortured her with a blunt knife.

But she didn't understand what deep hatred she had with the people behind the scenes.

Although she has offended many people, she can not reach many people now.

Lin Lin Mengwu is one, but just looking at the current situation, that person is also afraid of being used.

In addition to Lin Mengwu, can anyone have such a powerful strength and such a strong hate?

She can't figure it out, so she can only be extra careful.

"Yaer, you are back, the county master has been waiting for you for a long time."

As soon as I entered the door, even his wife saw her.

I wanted to come because I was afraid she would lose the rules in front of the county master, and hurriedly made a word to remind her.

"I have met Ms. Gong before, and the moment I saw her, I felt very special. So I took the liberty to come."

The master of Fanghua County, Gu Pan said with a smile.

He became the hope of the Lord of Fanghua County, speaking and doing things differently than before.

If she used to be a little aristocratic girl with a little bit of coquettishness, but her character is still straightforward, then the current hope is a complete lady.

Lin Lin Mengya did not know why, always felt that Gu Pan's nature should not be like this.

Perhaps, like her, was imprisoned by something.

"That's the case, then I won't bother you young people. Yaer, I'll go out first, so you can be with the county master."

Mrs. Lin Lian should feel good about Gu Pan, otherwise she would not take the initiative to leave them alone.

After going through Ai Lian's affairs, Mrs. Lian completely loved Gong Ya as her daughter.

After all, this kind of thing is always a little help for boys, but if there is a daughter, at least one of their own grievances, there will always be personal relief.

Soon, the two of them were left in the small hall.

Gu Gupan dismissed the maid next to her, looked at her, and sighed quietly.

"Country Lord, why sigh?"

"It doesn't matter, I just feel that it's boring when I come back. You don't know, I used to be alone outside, I don't know how happy I am. Now when I get home, I have to keep the rules everywhere. This is not allowed, that It doesn't work, it's really boring. "

Lin Lin Mengya could not help but ease her face, she knew Gu Pan's temperament, as a serious county chief, was afraid that she would be wronged.

Although he can't reveal his identity, it is still okay to solve Gu Pan's boredom.

By the way, she can listen to some other news.

Squinting his eyes, Lin Mengya said softly.

"I heard that there is not a sister of the lord in the house of King Xiao. Sometimes I admire the lord of the county so much. You also know that we are the only girl in my house. Even if there is something in my heart, I don't know who to tell. "

I heard her mentioning the elder sister at home, Gu Pan sneered.

"Don't mention her, huh, rather than a sister, it's an enemy. You also know that I was born to the first princess. Later Princess Ma was not my mother-in-law. If it wasn't for my maternal family, , I'm afraid, Xiao Xiaofu has already lost my place. "

When Gu Pan said this, his expression was sad.

Lin Lin Mengya thought about it a little bit and knew how Pan Pan was feeling.

Alas, she remembered what happened before at the auction.

At that time, the 纨 绔 of Xie's family wanted to touch her, but was unexpectedly beaten to death by Ma Beichen.

Concubine may not be spoiled, and there is not a man and a woman under her knee. If Gu Pan could get the love of Princess Ma, then it would be much better in the palace.

What's more, she wanted to meet Princess Ma. In this way, wouldn't it be more effective?

"What about you, Princess Ma?"

Gu Pan shrugged, and there was no hatred between Meiyu.

"What else can I do, just like ordinary people. Princess Ma is a few years younger than my father, and she is very decent and not bad for us. I can come this time, or she will try to give me reason It was a fight. However, my father Wang was so angry that he assigned us together. "

Everyone knows that no matter how harmonious the royal family and the royal family are on the surface, it is actually a dark tide.

Therefore, every time the royal family sends people to Longdu, they are very nervous and fully prepared.

I say something bad, in fact, every time they come, they come to hostage.

In general, the three kings send their children. On the one hand, they expressed their surrender to the royal family. On the other hand, they were also testing the royal family's attitude.

I did not expect this time, King Xiao actually gave his princess over.

I was afraid that the princess Ma really angered Xiao Xiao.

This is a good opportunity. She is worried that she can't find the right time to meet her.

原来 "That's the case. If the county chief doesn't dislike it, he can come and go in the future. I also lack a friend who can talk. It is rare that the county chief doesn't dislike it."

As soon as Gu Pan heard, people narrowed their eyes with a smile.

I grabbed her hand and pursed my lips, not to mention how wronged I was.

"Let's say then, don't you bother me."

"How come? It's my pleasure."

Zhe Lin Mengya was wary of Gu Pan, but not deep.

I just had to remind her a little bit about something.

She took a sip of tea and asked casually.

"I think the people around you are very capable. There is no such smart person in my family like the county owner."

They don't talk very much, but they should not hear clearly outside.

She just glanced at the door accidentally just now, but through the gap, she saw a touch of lake blue.

Most of the men and women in the palace are turquoise and gray clothes, and the female relatives, such as Bai Su and her son, are also some delicate colors.

I only have the maid who is next to Gu Pan, wearing a lake blue skirt.

Gu Pan, glanced outside and said indifferently.

"She is capable, but in the past was someone who had served my mother. However, I haven't known who was trained by her in the past few years. It's really neat."

Zhe Lin Mengya turned her mind, but did not continue to turn around on this topic.

At this time 纭 er came to pass, saying that his wife called her over to invite them to dinner.

The guests and hosts were happy the next night. If it wasn't for Princess Ma personally sending someone to invite, I'm afraid Gu Pan would have to sleep with her.

I bid farewell to Gu Pan. After Lin Mengya cleansed, she went to check on Shangguanhui's situation.

As she had expected before, Shang Guanhui was scared by her torture.

Because of the wound, I started a high fever in the afternoon.

Lin Lin Mengya gave her a needle while she took the medicine.

After seeing Shang Guanhui falling asleep, she returned to her room.

She thought about what she was looking forward to her.

The only thing she can be sure of now is that Gu Pan is fine.

If Gu Pan is also the one sent to test her, then the presence of this maid is unnecessary.

But if the other party can only buy a maid to watch Gu Pan, it means that the person behind the scene who wants to harm her has no way to control the entire Xiao Wangfu.

Alas, there is another possibility.

Gu Pan has nothing to do with that person. The person who wants to monitor Gu Pan may also be someone in King Xiao ’s house.

No matter what the situation, for her, for Gu Pan, it is a crisis.

Perhaps, she should think of a way to attract the person behind the scenes.

The night was bright, but she was tossing and turning to sleep on the bedside.

Everything that happened here told her that maybe she was going to face an unprecedented wave.

On the second day, at the dinner table, Gong Wucai brought the good news of the promotion of his father and son.

Mrs. Lin Lian was naturally mixed, and fortunately Lin Mengya was there to comfort her, but what made them a few of them did not expect that the first person to come to the door was the boss Ai Lin Ai.

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