"What will happen in the future?"

Pian Lianxing is still a puppet with a face, obviously according to his logic, he doesn't think there is any problem in it.

Lin Lin Mengya glared at him without iron, and continued to flicker.

"If you do n’t believe me, go back and ask Uncle Lian and Brother Lien now. They must be like me. They are not allowed to act without permission. It ’s like a deer. Everyone is here to hunt. Only you return. I will definitely look at the credit in your hands. By then, it will not be such a simple question. "

Speaking of her is like drinking with a bang.

三个 These three are from a family background, and the twists and turns of them are naturally clear.

But they are also young people, they have a passion.

It is really difficult for them to let them use the family mentality to measure the gains and losses of doing one thing.

To this point, they are not reconciled.

I was especially Lian Xing, but he was always struggling to make some achievements for those under him, and his father and brother at home.

It is really difficult for him to let him give up now.

"I'll do it myself! This way, it won't make you embarrassed!"

Suddenly the child's temper, even Xing stubbornly turned and left.

Cheng Kecheng was more stable, and he stopped people back.

"Lian Xing, listen to the girl from the palace."

Lin Lin Mengya looked at Lian Xing and shook her head.

莽 This reckless temper, sooner or later, something will go wrong.

"I just said that you can't move now, didn't you say you can't move."

"What if that man runs away, can you compensate us?"

Qin Lian Xingjun flushed and said anger.

Fortunately, Lin Mengya doesn't care about her, she just smiles and looks at the silly boy.

"Run? Where do they run? Are you stupid! If you ran, would you have already run!"

Pian Lianxing was still not convinced, but at least he did not continue.

Wu Gongwu looked at this, and quickly came out to hit the round.

"I said sister, if you have something to say, don't take the three of us open? OK, good sister, you have a lot of adults, let us three, okay?"

I glanced at my brother who was turning his elbow outward. What kind of sister control is fake?

Brothers like brothers and sisters, sisters are not as good as clothes!

However, if Lian Xing wants to listen to her, it really needs some work.

After clearing her throat, Lin Mengya continued.

"According to my speculation, those people must have arrived here before the winter arrived. Otherwise, there will be heavy snow blocking the road in winter. No one can get over such a natural barrier. So if they want to leave, they have to wait until After the spring flowers bloom, but the Emperor and the Emperor will never let them go. Therefore, the best way for them to escape the hunt is to find a reasonable identity for themselves. "

"Reasonable identity?"

Wu Gongwu didn't quite understand, but Cheng Hao, in the phrase.


I was a little surprised by Cheng Hao's keenness, Lin Mengya cast an admiring gaze.

But the latter, but flushed a face, obviously embarrassed.

"Who's follower?"

Qi Lianxing still didn't understand, he jumped out and asked.

"Of course, whoever wants to kill the emperor is his attendant. Because the New Year is almost coming, so in principle, those heads and royal families will also come. After a few years, the snow and ice on the road has melted a lot. At that time, people also It can pass. However, with so many of them, they must find a suitable reason so as not to cause suspicion from others. Therefore, after the person who wants to be unfavorable to the Emperor and the Emperor comes, they become his followers. Isn't it the easiest thing? Come to Longdu in a grand manner, and after leaving the Emperor, leave with a big swing. Is n’t God good, do n’t hesitate? ”

Actually, this is not just her guess. Although this thing may be done by the temple, the temple will never take the shot in person.

In the present form of the Wei State, it is not difficult to instigate several great families, or royal families.

What's more, that is the temple that represents the spiritual symbol of this country.

So Lin Mengya feels that no matter whether the assassination is successful or not, the minds of the families that are hiding behind the scenes will definitely be dragon capitals.

By that time, the departure of those people would be justified.

And all the evidence was eliminated.

She doesn't want to let them go to the temple bar, but this doesn't mean that she will let this opportunity of meritorious service slip away.

也就是说 "In other words, as long as we wait patiently, we will know who is trying to rebel, right?"

Pian Lianxing's eyes looked at her brightly.

"Don't you believe what I said? Whoops, our second Master, forgive me?"

Pian Lianxing is not as skinny as Cheng Cheng's big man, and she was next to her, smiling sweetly.

哪 "Where is it! Our Miss Gong Palace has a clever plan, the world is the first! Small, admiration is tight! In the future, I must be Miss Gong Palace's horse head is looking forward, wherever you say, let ’s go, can we succeed?"

Lin Lin Mengya couldn't bear such a touch, only felt that a layer of goosebumps had formed on her body.

But in the end, the three were temporarily advised.

Also, if the person's head is found in the future, it means that they will not take the initiative to follow the temple.

Jain family is afraid to give up the temple. After all, this kind of thing is terrible.

好 "Well, I really have something for you to do."

哎 "Oh, big Cheng, I'm a little sleepy. Listen first, tell me after listening, remember, you must tell me nothing!"

"Me and me too! Go, Lian Xing, let's make up for it. I didn't sleep last night, so tired!"

Qin Lianxing squinted his eyes at Gong Wu, and the two men immediately rubbed their backs and rubbed the soles of their feet.

The gangster left a Cheng Hao who also stayed up all night, and looked at her diligently and earnestly.

Lin Lin Mengya sighed, and sure enough, these two will bully honest people.

算 "Forget it, I think you are tired too. The next time you encounter this kind of thing, you must resist knowing it? The two guys, one is a weasel, one is a little fox, no good guy!"

Cheng Chenghao touched his head and nodded with a smile.

Lin Lin Mengya knew that he was kind, so he didn't embarrass him.

"Bai Su, take Master Cheng to our guest room. After you have rested, listen to me, I am not in a hurry."

Cheng Chenghao looked at her gratefully, and then he was taken away by Bai Su with blushing ears and red ears.

In my opinion, he is still not very good at dealing with girls.

I looked at a messy dining table and looked at the back of them as they left.

Lin Lin Mengya could not help but sighed.

She is about the same age as them, but her state of mind is like an old man, without their red blood and blood.

But when people are alive, they still need this energy.

I thought for a while, now that the first three of the family went to bed, she was holding the little things for a while.

As soon as she returned to the room and took off her shoes and socks, she remembered that tomorrow, she would go to dinner at Princess Xiao's house.

I thought for a moment, and she called my son to come in.

"Let's go to visit Princess Xiao's house tomorrow. Can you prepare all the gifts?"

Min Er nodded, and simply reported the names of those gifts.

After Lin Lin Mengya heard it, she knew that there was nothing wrong with her, and she let down her heart.

"By the way, you have to prepare another satin that a young woman will wear. Remember, the brighter the better, the one that you want, the big family's family room only likes."

"Miss, the princess will not like such materials. Originally, we had such a good relationship with the Fanghua County Lord. If you sent it like this, wouldn't it offend the princess?"

Chen Er has a very professional vision, who can see what kind of people like.

Especially the things in the big house of the deep house, this girl is even more clear.

Lin Lin Mengya smiled.

"It's just to offend her. Remember, the material must be expensive, be gorgeous, and enough to make the princess hate it. The best is the one that you want to tear up when you see it. You can rest assured, if it really comes out Whatever it is, I just stand up. "


Yuner still agreed and followed her instructions.

With this thing, don't worry that Princess Xiao didn't notice her.

By that time, her plan can be carried out smoothly.

As soon as he woke up, when he asked about the three guys, he learned that they were all three and ran away secretly after waking up.

She was so angry that Lin Mengya told him to go down. After seeing the three white-eyed wolves, she was starved to death!

Although people are laughing, I think the lady at home and the three young masters are really interesting.

But no one dares to point it out. Just kidding. Do n’t you know who is in charge?

Everyone agreed, but turned around and continued what to do.

In Uncle Rong's words: "The owner's face is still to be given, unless the monthly money next month is not wanted!"

Gao Linmengya didn't know that she had become a paper tiger in the eyes of her brothers.

Alas, she is a very cute and respectable paper tiger.

On the second day, Lin Mengya got up early to bathe and change clothes.

Not long after breakfast passed, Wangfu sent to pick up her carriage.

"Isn't it the evening seat, why is it so early?"

I came to pick her up, a wife beside the princess.

My uncle's surname is Feng, and she seems to be a shrewd and capable master.

"But it's just that, ah, our county lord is noisy, you have to go over and talk to her first."

I can see that the princess' rules are extremely strict.

婆 This wife speaks kindly and kindly, and people don't dare to be proud. After seeing her, she looks extremely respectful and courteous.

If it wasn't for Lin Mengya who left the tea for tea, the mother-in-law would not say anything.

Even so, he pleaded guilty three times and sat on only one side of the chair.

"Exactly, I miss your homeowner too. You can sit for a while and allow me to prepare."

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