Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1277: Cut off the old meaning

"What's wrong, brother?"

Sugimiya sighed and shook her head.

Zhe Lin Mengya didn't think much, but only after seeing Cai Lingtong's red face and a smile of canary expression, she seemed to understand something.

怎么 How can people like him use medicine for trauma?

She thought for a while, and understood why her four brothers had a good relationship with Cai Ling.

I probably don't want to see him being bullied by others.

People in the palace family always have a chivalry in their hearts.

You are born equal, and you are not bullied to others.

For Cai Ling, she also has a little bit of maintenance.

"Sister, what are you talking about with Brother Si?"

During a few conversations, the palace five came in arrogantly.

Xi first rushed to Lin Mengya, drank the tea on her table, wiped her mouth, and looked at Gongsi and Cai Ling.

"Oh, this is Cai Ling, you are crying Bao Cai, Cai Ling, right?"

I heard that Gong Wu mentioned his childhood nickname, Cai Ling was even more embarrassed.

His head almost dropped to his chest, but he nodded.

Zhe Lin Mengya just wanted to make Gong Wu converge a little, so as not to frighten Mr. Cai.

He didn't want Gong Wu to have a bear hug, so he hugged Cai Ling who was much slimmer than him.

"How many years have we not seen each other? You too, knowing that I am in Longdu, why not come to me?"

He thought Cai Ling would be at a loss, but he smiled.

Zhe Lin Mengya just let go of her heart slightly. It seems that the two people in the palace family have a good relationship with Cai Ling.

"I originally wanted to find you. The other day they invited you to Yuqing Pavilion. I was in the room next to me and wanted to meet you. Who knows, if you leave like that, I will not show up."

Cai Ling's weak and weak explanation, but fortunately, Gong Wu didn't really care about it.

I just complained in disguise.

"Look at you, you're still so ashamed like an older girl. Yeah, then I'll forget the villain, and forgive you. But you have to invite me to dinner next time, do you know?"

Cai Ling was a little worried just now, and now she smiled.

"Okay! Wherever I go, I invite you!"

Wu Gongwu also laughed and gave a thumbs up to Cai Ling.

"It's still our boss Cai who has the confidence, then I'm welcome."

Xiongong Gong and Lin Mengya glanced at the two people, could not help but smile at each other, and shook her head.

对 "Yes, you came back in a hurry like this, but is there anything important?"

Hagiya went out early in the morning and didn't even have time to say hello.

拍 He patted his head and almost forgot the business.

"I made an appointment with Lian Xing this morning, and took someone to help with the winning streak. You said, it's not surprising that the last snow sculpture reward made people frightened. Why this time, Huang Zun and Hou Zun Will it be held? Also, the scale this time is much larger than the last time. The Emperor has posted a notice that the entire dragon, regardless of men and women, regardless of official office, regardless of origin. Only the ultimate winner can get gold. Wanliang. Today, the entire Longdu people are crazy. Even with the winning streak, the sign-up was just three streets away. Fortunately, I greeted it in advance and I signed up. "

Hei Gongwu took out a small wooden sign with a rough snowflake on it and the number 33 on the back.

Lin Lin Mengya took it, and looked over and over again.

It seems that the big men in Beijing have already received the news, otherwise they would not be in the 30s.

"Cai Ling, would your family participate?"

Wu Gong turned his head and asked, Cai Ling's eyes widened and looked quite interested.

But after thinking repeatedly, he still shook his head.

"Still no, after all, the Cai family should be as low-key as possible. But, can you take me to see it? Last time, I wanted to go."

I looked at him waiting for big eyes and longed very much. Where did Lin Mengya disagree?

"Really? Thank you so much!"

不过 "However, although you can go out with us, remember that you must follow us unwaveringly. There must be a lot of people that day, and I am afraid you are in danger."

Cai Lin Mengya's patient explanation made Cai Ling happier.

I can't help but worry about the remaining three.

The last time Lin Mengya's design was actually ingenious, but she didn't get a chance to show it.

那么 So many people are participating now that the masters are in the folk.

If they want to stand out from the crowd, I am afraid it will be a bit difficult.

I sent Cai Ling away, Lin Mengya went to the study with Gong Si Gong Wu.

Cai Ling is only here, and some things cannot be said.

I didn't mean to conceal him, but it was their own business and it was hard to let people know.

"You saw what happened yesterday, right?"

Zhe Lin Mengya spoke, Gong Fourth and Gong Wu nodded at the same time, but the look on the face was not so good.

"You all know the attitude of Anjia today. What to do, I want to hear your opinions."

Lu An's family is not all good, at least her impression of An Zichen is not bad.

And it can be seen that the brothers of the palace family also have some affection for the family.

She can disregard everything, but the people in the palace may not be able to do it.

Sure enough, the two of them were silent.

I am afraid that no one wants to see it. Two people who used to be close to one family now look like this.

Lin Lin Mengya sighed and said softly.

"If you don't want to break, it doesn't matter. There are no permanent friends and no permanent enemies. As long as the palace family returns to the top, everyone will become friends again."

Wu Gongwu looked at Gong Shi, who was also complex in his face, but the firmness in his eyes could not be concealed.

"What kind of friendship is this? Oh, indeed, when the palace family fell into disappointment, the family did not take the opportunity to fall down. But in fact, we all know that it was not that they did not want it, but that the four masters were fighting fiercely with the grandfather at that time, and they could not make it It's just here. Now that they have solved their own affairs, they have the reputation and support of that Miss An, and how can they tolerate and make friends with the palace family. "

Fangong Wu said a little self-deprecatingly that he was not unwise. He saw these things very clearly.

Some things are tingling, but in fact, they can feel it unless they deliberately blind their eyes.

"I feel the same way, so let's avoid any friendship with the world. Our palace family cannot afford to be their friends."

The behavior of the four palaces has always been this way, when it is broken, it will be broken.

"That being the case, then I can rest assured. In addition to the wealth left by the ancestors of the former palace family, I don't think there is much available. We can also open up new contacts. From today, we No one can give any face, no one's old feelings. It doesn't matter what is said to be ungrateful. For so many years, those families who have dealt with us have not received the favor of our palace family. So, be human It's better to be shameless. It's less easy to lose. "

The nonsense is not rough, and what Lin Mengya said is exactly what the brothers thought.

Don't worry about him, they will not give any face in the future!

When the three of them were silently changing their minds, they heard a knock at the door.

"What's the matter?"

"Miss, someone is looking for you outside."

How do you find her?


"He said that he was from the Xianghua County Lord and came to pay you for your sins."

Is it Qinghu?

Gao Linmengya just wanted to meet, but the reason in her head told her that there was something wrong with Qinghu, and it was better not to see it.

Gong Shi and Gong Wu laughed sneer twice and said.

"He threw you like this, how dare you come? Little girl, you go back to the room first, and my brother and I will meet him well."

When Lin Mengya thought of that guy, the wound was painful.

Yeah, it's okay to let Gongsi and Gongwu test.

I just do n’t hurt him.

"That's the way to do it, but in the end he is the person next to the Lord of Cheung Wah County, you two, don't do too much."

He said that it is a very happy thing to know someone from another country.

Whether she met Zhu Yan or Shangguanhui at the beginning, even if it was a horrible event, she felt the joy of reunion in her heart.

But Qinghu, and the Xianghua County Lord, made her feel inexplicably uneasy.

I shook my head, trying to drive this strange emotion out of my mind.

The fourth house and the fifth house agreed to her casually and left the study first.

Xi Baisu helped Lin Mengya move to the room a little bit. Although her recovery was good, she felt a little painful and still made her feel uneasy.

"Bai Su, you also saw Qinghu that day, didn't you?"

On the day when I went to my home for a banquet, Bai Su and my son were waiting outside for her.

But I heard that Qinghu never left the Xianghua County Lord easily. Later, when she came out with Mrs. Lian, she was the Xianghua County Lord and brought Qinghu to her.

Although she was so painless at the time, her memory was clear.

Bai Su nodded, lowering his voice.

"I don't think Qinghu is a bit right."

Gao Linmengya glanced at her, and the latter looked around cautiously before making sure that there was no one else before continuing.

"The martial arts practiced before Qinghu was weird and overbearing. He practiced all killing martial arts, which is the most sinister of martial arts. But this time, I found that his martial arts path is a little different. Perhaps the lady did not Be aware of it, but the people who practice martial arts, because of the difference in martial arts, even have a slight perception of walking. This time, I always feel that the clear fox seems to have changed a person. Master, do you think so? "

Can you even see Bai Su? It seems not her illusion.

"Yes, you are right. Memory can be tampered with, but the habits caused by years will not be easily changed."

It seemed to Qing that there was a secret in Qinghu's body.

The two masters and servants were talking, but the children rushed to them in a hurry.

"No good, no good, Wugong is fighting with others!"

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