Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1279: Choose to believe

Xi Mingming was a person with eyes closed, but reached out and covered her hands.

"are you tired?"

Lin Lin Mengya raised her body slightly, and touched the hands and feet of small things.

Fortunately, the temperature has dropped.

的 The toxins in his body are almost gone, but what makes Mengya helpless is that she is the first time she encounters this situation with unknown ingredients.

到底 What kind of situation is this little thing?

"It's all right, is he all right?"

I hugged the child for almost half a night, in fact Mu Rongxi's arm had been sore for a long time.

Lin Lin Mengya nodded and motioned him to put the child down.

I was a little surprised that the small things were a little bit unwilling.

The little brow froze tightly in her sleep, and finally she softened to soothe, and then stretched out.

"Take off your coat and go to sleep together for a while."

I don't know what's wrong. The husband and wife are just talking, but Lin Mengya feels embarrassed.

Fortunately, there was a little thing to cover up for her, Long Tianyu must have not found her abnormality.

I blew out the candle, and footsteps came from outside.

I want to come out, and I and Bai Su, who stayed outside, went back to the room to sleep.

Nine Dragons Tianyu also lay in the quilt, and her long hands caught her habitually, but this time, there was only a small thing between them.

With him, Lin Mengya is always inexplicably at ease.

But she didn't have any drowsiness. There were too many things in her heart, and she didn't know where to ask.

"Whatever you want to say, don't have to be between you and me."

I didn't expect it to be discovered by him.

Lin Lin Mengya sighed softly and turned to the other side of the bed.

"You told me before that you have a fiancee, but really?"

She felt the man's arms stiffen, and then held her tighter.

"You don't have to worry about it, believe me."

I didn't answer directly, Long Tianyu's reply made Lin Mengya completely insomnia.

Knowing that the person's heart is thin, Lin Mengya still closed her eyes and hid her consciousness in the Shennong system.

Although her body was resting, her brain was very awake.

She found out in the memory bank, and there was something about her and Long Tianyu.

This night, she seemed to watch a movie.

I was just the heroine in it.

Early morning, she noticed Long Tianyu's departure, but did not exit the system.

He didn't open his eyes until his breath had dissipated in the air.

After a long time, she sighed quietly.

After all, she still knows her best. Even though she can't let go of her deep-rooted feelings with Long Tianyu, she can't accept working with others.

Since Long Tianyu told her to believe him, she had to do the same.

I rubbed the corners of her eyes, and forced her back to tears in her eyes.


what sound? She looked into her arms, the voice came.

It turned out that it was a little thing!

He closed his eyes, opened his mouth, and sobbed softly.

第 一次 It's the first time that such a voice has been heard since this child was brought back by her.

I quickly checked the child, but found that everything was normal.

Soon, the little thing woke up.

Then looked at her in grievances and felt her own belly.

"You are, hungry?"

Zhe Lin Mengya asked tentatively, and the little thing nodded immediately.

I just let go of a hanging heart, this kid

I hurriedly asked people to boil him some rotten meat porridge, shook his head after eating two full bowls of small things, and refused to add another bowl.

跳 He jumped off the chair and hugged Lin Mengya's thigh.

She gently wiped the child's mouth, and the little thing smiled at her Mimi.

I didn't know if it was her illusion. She always felt that the child's face seemed a little lighter.

Wipe it slightly with a handkerchief, but still nothing was wiped off.

Did she think too much?

The little thing has just detoxified, and his body is still very weak.

After Lin Mengya was thrown so few times, there was no way to go out for the time being.

But things must be done.

In the past few days, the fourth house officially took over the major affairs of the family, and under his orderly command, everything was quietly rolled out.

In the study, Lin Mengya was sitting on a pile of soft cushions, but still could not bear the pain.

She must be there because all the shopkeepers who are carefully selected and ready to be dispatched to reorganize the inn's business are gathered in Longdu this day.

作为 As the supreme decision-maker of the palace family, she must be present.

Although everything has been arranged.

After briefly introducing the situation, Miyaji gave her the right to speak.

After lingering for a moment, Lin Mengya looked at the twenty or so people in front of her, and said.

"To invite everyone here today, there is actually a very important thing to announce."

The big shopkeepers looked at each other, and there was something in their hearts, after all, no one had mentioned them before.

Lin Lin Mengya looked at the uneasiness in everyone's eyes, and could not help but smile.

"Everyone don't have to be nervous. In fact, this is a good thing for you. Everyone may know that the inn in the palace is a well-established country in Weiguo. Unfortunately, the business has not been good for a few years, so it is temporarily closed. Everyone is in the industry. The best of the best, I am assured to leave the inn business to everyone. "

I first gave them a calming pill, and the shopkeepers probably understood her meaning.

"Since the young lady said so, we will definitely work together to make the inn flourish again."

These people are all veterans of business and naturally know what to say.

Lin Lin Mengya nodded, and then said.

"Don't conceal you, I'm not as good as you all in doing business. So today, I will not be in trouble. I think everyone knows the commission given by our palace family before coming. I don't know everyone, but I can return it. satisfaction."

These people were collected by Gong Shi and Gong Bin after some hard work. Many of them were once wealthy businessmen, but now they are down.

There are only two principles in Lin Mengya's selection of people. One is to be upright, to be opportunistic and to be good at others, and not to use them.

Their family is doing a long-term business, so it can't protect customers.

The second is to those who, because of irresistible external reasons, have failed or are unable to expand the scope of their business.

Such a person has vision and ability but lacks strength and means.

And this is exactly what the palace family can provide them.

Almost these people were treated with courtesy by the palace family at the most disappointing time, and they were invited with a very high treatment.

Therefore, no matter what they think about the palace family, they are very loyal on the surface.

What Lin Mengya has to do next is to tie their interests to the palace family.

In this way, we can guarantee that they will not regret and trust in others.

"The palace family is so generous, which is beyond my expectation. Miss, rest assured, I have done business after waiting, naturally lion will not open their mouths."

Some of them are probably afraid of the palace family's remorse, and hesitated.

Lin Lin Mengya knew that the price she offered was indeed a bit high, and no wonder everyone was skeptical.

"You have misunderstood what I meant. I mean, how can you use these money to hire you capable people? So I discussed with my brother. If you don't want to give up, we want to share the profits equally with you. Of course, what I'm talking about is net profit. The first and second years may not be much, so the commission for everyone can supplement the household. Once the amount of dividends exceeds the commission for everyone, then everyone can choose to get dividends. The latter is to keep getting commissions. "

These words suddenly surprised these people.

Generally, the big treasurer does have dividends, but it is very rare to share the profits with the owner.

They were all cautious people, and for a while, no one answered.

"You don't have to rush to answer. I have a contract here, which has clearly written the meaning of our palace family. If you don't understand anything, you can ask the four masters. I still have something to do I will not leave you. "

群 This group of people are also stupid, and left the palace house with a contract in a daze.

Seeing people go, Lin Mengya was immediately struck by Bai Su and her son, and she returned to the room.

He waited until they were all settled together before Gongsi knocked on her door.

"Little girl, should I share the profit with them, should I still consider it?"

其实 In fact, he knew this beforehand, but all he knew was to give some high dividends to those shopkeepers.

坐 "Sit, don't worry, listen to me first."

Xun Gongsi sat on the chair where Xun Er moved, and Lin Mengya also gave her reason to tell.

"The elder brother didn't think I could be stupid with my elder brother?"

Horimiya smiled shallowly and shook his head.

The oldest brother in their family has an nickname '憨 机灵'. Don't look at the ordinary and honesty, in fact, everything is hidden in my heart.

Especially after my sister returned, my elder brother was more like a backbone, and he could make some amazing moves every time.

In fact, in the final analysis, which time was Gongya ingenious and did not have the full support of his elder brother?

It seemed to him that he sat on the well to watch the sky and became a frog at the bottom of the well.

"Also, since we are not stupid, why do we still do this? Brother Si, in fact, I and the older brother know that although the inn can be opened, but because of the closure of the business in recent years, it is no longer as profitable as it was earlier. . We need to operate all the inns, which requires a lot of manpower, material and financial resources. Even if our family has money, these are very sad things. No matter you, big brother, you all have more The vast development space, how can these things get in your way? "

Kojimiya looked at her sister and knew in her heart that she was right.

所以 "So, we might as well let go. Our palace family is only responsible for providing financial support, and let others do it. This way, we can free up our manpower and make full use of the resources in their hands."

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