What about you, let her not love him?

He took off his heel coat and Lin Mengya climbed to the bed lightly.

东西 The little thing has been sleeping soundly, she lit a little lamp, looked at the little face, and kissed the little thing.

Wu Mu Rongxi also wore only the clothes inside, and got together on the bed.

Fortunately, her bed was very large, otherwise, she really couldn't sleep the three of them.

With a long hand, Xun took her and the little things in her arms.

I don't know what happened, every time he is with them, he always feels inexplicable.

"Have you heard about today?"

I heard Mu Rongxi's whisper, Lin Mengya nodded gently.

"Don't you think I overdo it?"

"Why do I feel like you've done too much? If you want to dissolve your marriage, someone must not want you to be dismissed. If this is not the best solution, how can you possibly be at the banquet and give their father and daughter no face ? "

I kissed her long hair lightly, and he knew that only to her, there was no need to explain herself.

"I wanted to settle the matter privately. After all, Xianghua saved my life. This marriage was settled with the consent of both parents. But in fact, I never agreed to the relationship. So Then there is no publicity. "

He was telling the truth. When she sent someone out to inquire about the news, no one had ever heard a word about the relationship.

Instead, the master of Chonghua County, always paired with this guy, and was regarded as a golden girl.

"Oh-" Lin Mengyala prolonged her voice, and her little hand pricked his chest. "It turned out that you had a marriage contract in the beginning, and you lied to me!"

Tong Ming knew that she was deliberately turning her back, but Murong Xi still didn't want her to misunderstand.

"I didn't lie to you, just forget it then, and now mention what she does. You just need to know that you are my only woman."

She held her mouth and smiled brightly.

算 "Count your two dogs to talk!"

Lin Mengya, who said that she was leaking, changed her mouth immediately after receiving the **** threatening eyes of the other party.

"No, I mean, or our Highness Xi will make people happy."

Her voice was so sweet and greasy, and a small face smiled happily, and slammed into Murong Xi's eyes.

Xun Zhen treasured her in her arms, but Murong Xi's heart gradually grew a little uneasy.

No matter what happens in the future, he will protect his woman!

"Tomorrow, shall I take you out to play?"

Lin Lin Mengya did not think much, nodded and agreed.

"Well, where are you taking me?"

"My house."

"Oh, it must be waiting, why go to your house?"

Lin Lin Mengya widened her eyes and looked at Murong Xi.

The latter naturally answered her.

"Because you are my woman, go and see my house in advance. Is there a problem?"

This guy, actually said so rightly.

But after much thought, she still refused him.

"No, we can't let others know our relationship yet."

Suddenly, it was Murong Xi's turn.

为什么 "Why? Don't you want to marry me? Or, what do you think is wrong?"

After Lin Mengya saw Mu Rongxi's incredible eyes, her heart was a little bit sour.

She can understand his kind and wants to tell everyone's mood about her existence.

That is his commitment to himself, and also to this relationship seriously.

"I want to marry you. In this world, I just want to marry you alone. But, not now. Are you waiting?"

Wu Mu Rongxi was difficult to understand, her brows were raised, her voice turned slightly cold.

"Are you trying to get away with it, or do you think that this will make others look down on you? It's not your fault that I dissolve the marriage contract with Xianghua. Why do you want to meet with me only in private at night?"

人 This man Lin Mengya's tenderness and sweetness was suffocated by this indecipherable dead guy.

"What else do I use for you? What do those rumors and me do? I have my reasons, my pains, and I want everyone to know that you exist. But I really can't do it now. "

Whether it is his new identity or the so-called origins, Lin Mengya clearly realized one thing.

Someone wants to bury everything belonging to ‘Long Tianyu’.

And she is the most important part of the life of 'Long Tianyu'.

Therefore, if she and Mu Rongxi are in a double match, at least when they have not figured out the purpose of the other party, it is still a certain danger for them.

What's more, with his strength, he can be manipulated willingly only by people who are better than him.

Hit her, you can't take risks.


Xi Murongxi was so angry that every time she asked her, she had difficulties and difficulties.

If he went deeper, the woman would pretend to die and would not tell him anything.

If you are in a hurry, you start to throw your temper.

He got up and went down.

Lin Lin Mengya turned around and felt a little sad.

He thought he would go, but he didn't expect the man to just extinguish the candlelight, and then returned to bed.

"Why don't you go?"

"You are my woman, where else can I go?"

I was still angry, but his arms stretched out were still warm as usual.

Lin Lin Mengya turned over and touched his face with her little hand.

However, he was bitten hard by him.

嘶 "His—you're such a real dog, it hurts!"

But the other side ignored her, and only snorted coldly, then turned away awkwardly.

"Okay, your neck hurts when you sleep like this, turn around and sleep well."

She coaxed the man softly, and pulled his head back, then tidy him up.

"Good night, sweet dreams."

After I finished speaking, she closed her eyes, and a low response came from her ear.

"good night."


In the dream, Lin Mengya was awakened by a pair of small hands.

Opened her eyes, the smiling face of the little thing appeared in front of her eyes.

住 Hugging this little face in black and white and white, Lin Mengya kissed hard.

Don't say that although the appearance is not good, the taste is still tender and smooth, and it is delicious.

"Miss, have you got up?"

I heard the sound from the inside, and I heard the sound of my child immediately.

"Well, you come in."

After waiting for her to bathe with small things, Gong Shi was black and dragged Gong Wu, who was yawning, to eat.

"Where did you go for a night tour? Look at Wu Qing right now, as if you were punched."

Zhe Lin Mengya teased Miyago while picking a boiled egg for the little thing.

"Oh, don't mention it."

Wu Gongwu stretched his waist, yawned, shoved his mouth into his mouth, and said something vaguely.

"Last night, it was a big deal between King An and Yue, you do n’t know how realistic the people in the dragon capital are. At first, they were all directed to the Lord of Xianghua County, but they did n’t want to be retreated Married. I thought it was over, but guess what?

Gao Linmengya gave him a white look, and Gongsi gave him a slap.

"Well, you see that you have no patience. Later, the Emperor actually sent someone to say that he had given the Lord His Royal Highness to His Royal Highness. This time, the home was blasted. And Xianghua County Lord, it ’s a matter of life and death. That scene, oops, it ’s a pity that you were n’t there. ”

Gao Lin Mengya glanced at Gong Si, where Huang Zun wanted to lift Xianghua, clearly to humiliate her.

"What happened afterwards? You wouldn't, you have made such a night in the Yuewang Mansion?"

Wu Gongwu seemed to be overwhelmed. After all, Anjia thought that he had caught up with Prince Edward and Murong Xi, and what kind of face he showed.

Now it's chicken flying and beating yourself.

"That's not true. After this incident, Yue Wang realized that his face had no light, and asked people to send us all away. Before leaving, it was probably to stop us and give it back to everyone. Some of them are precious gifts. Unfortunately, who is present here is bad. I was because Li Xing felt a little bored, so I accompanied him out to drink and talk about the sky, so I came back so late.

I did not expect that things would turn into such farce.

However, there are certain things that are truly self-sustaining and cannot be resentful.

I only since then, Yue Wangfu and Anjia can't afford to look up.

Emperor Huang, why do you do this?

I shook my head. Some things were not unexpected, but she didn't want to waste that energy.

"After dinner, you can make up for it at home. I'm going to take the little things and go to the house."

Speaking of them, she hasn't taken small things to Lianjia yet.

Mrs. Lilian, they will love this little thing.

And some things, she also needs to talk to Mrs. Lien.

I had eaten a meal, changed the little thing into a pomegranate red robe, and took him to Lianfu.

Immediately after entering the door, she saw the maid and her servant hurriedly looking, and Lin Mengya asked the porter casually.

The gate house was also the second monk who was scratching his head and asked someone, only to know that his wife was sick again just now.

No, she had diagnosed it before, and his wife's condition was stable. How could she be ill again?

I hugged the little thing and hurried to the back house.

By coincidence, Lian Xing ran out from the inside. After seeing her, she pulled up and ran.

"Get off, get off, Gongya is here!"

When the people inside heard that Miss Gong's house was coming, they retreated immediately.

As soon as Lin Mengya came into the door, she just put down the little thing and asked the maid to take care of it, and she even saw the master and walked out with a worried look.

"You are here, come and see you 婶婶"

Lin Lin Mengya nodded, and immediately went to Mrs. Lian's bed.

On the bed, even the lady's face was flushed and her brows were locked.

By my side, Shangguanhui, which is Lian Yue, is taking care of it.

大家 "Everyone go out first, don't crowd here, I'll talk about it later."

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