Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1298: Continuous memory

Lin Lin Mengya could not help but twitched and grabbed Lian Yue's hand.

"That man, what did he say?"

Bian Lianyue frowned, thinking hard, and finally shook her head.

抱歉 "Sorry, I don't remember well. In short, when I saw him in my dream, I felt very anxious and sad."

Zhe Lin Mengya let go of her hand in disappointment and sighed deeply, comforting Lian Yue.

"It's okay, this is a normal reaction. I will come to think of it later. By the way, not only do you have to pay attention these days, you also have to be careful yourself, you know?"

Yan Lianyue nodded, with a few worries about Gong Ya in her eyes.

"I heard that the slaves in the main house of Chonghua County fled?"

"Yes, I heard that several people have been injured. So if you don't have anything important, don't go out."

But did not expect, Lian Yue hesitated for a moment and said.

"You also know that I don't remember the past very well. But it seems that I stayed at the house of the Chonghua County Lord for a few days."


Lin Lin Mengya was amazed, what happened?

"Specifically, I don't remember well. In fact, I can still remember some of the previous things. However, the memories at that time were all dim, and some were even regarded as dreams. However, I do remember that I was in the house of the chief of Chung Hwa County. As for what I did, I can't remember. "

Lin Lin Mengya's heart beat a few times because she remembered another thing.

对 "Yes, you seem to have something to tell me before, now, remember?"

Seeing Lian Yue shaking her head, Lin Mengya was not discouraged and began to inspire Lian Yue.

"Do you remember, a child."

孩子 "Child"

Qi Lianyue frowned and repeated unconsciously.

"Don't embarrass yourself, just think of what you can think of, and forget it if you don't."

She stopped immediately, but did not expect to shake hands in succession and signaled that she was OK.

"I remember, I did have a child with me. Later on."

Seeing that things were bad, Lin Mengya immediately thought back for months.

"It doesn't matter, I can't remember now, it's okay. We will always remember it in the future."

She held Lian Yue in her arms and rubbed the acupuncture points on Lian Yue's head to ease the tension in Lian Yue's nerves.

After a long while, the girl sighed.

"It's all useless to me, if I can think of it, maybe I can help you."

Lin Lin Mengya knew that whether she wanted to be or not, the girl was just as intelligent.

"No, you are still alive, for me and we are the luckiest. You stay here with peace of mind, no one will hurt you."

Although I don't know much, it is enough.

After Lin Mengya let go, she was ready to leave.

He didn't want to be caught by that man.

"We knew each other before, didn't we?"

She wanted to shake her head, but in the end facing Lian Yue, Lin Mengya nodded slightly.

I saw the girl, suddenly relieved.

"Do you know? From the moment I first saw you, I had an indescribable sense of intimacy with you. Madam, although they are also good to me, I always do not know who I am. You must know who I am, right? "

Lin Mengya knows the kind of uncertainty that always stands on the cloud.

Sister Erhui suffered too much pain, and she could still trust herself. For her, the meaning was already extraordinary.

"Well, I will keep everything for you. Wait until you, the day when I think of it completely."

She ca n’t be in a hurry, whether it ’s a child or a man, they ’re not 100% safe now.

So she must be patient for her friends and relatives.

好 "Okay, then you must keep my memory for me. Sooner or later, I will all remember them!"

Shangguan Hui, after all, is Shangguan Hui.

The tenacity engraved in the bones will never be completely broken with those sufferings.

Returning from Lian's home, Lin Mengya locked herself in the room.

Now she is almost certain that the child in Shangguanhui's memory is either Ninger or has a relationship with Ninger.

He can abuse Sister Hui, but not necessarily the owner of Chonghua County.

After several things were connected in series, the incident of domestic slave traitors in the main house of Chonghua County was not so simple.

"Master, the letter from Qingwei Hall."

After returning from there, only Bai Su kept in touch with the other side.

But every time, Bai Su used different identities to follow her face. For the time being, Qingwei Club didn't know their true identities.

I also knew, and didn't take it apart.

"What's on the letter?"

At the time they agreed, Bai Su met with them again.

However, the owner did not give a reply, and said that it must be considered again and again.

"They agreed, but they offered conditions."

With this in mind, Lin Mengya was not surprised at all.

Well, business is bargaining.

He opened the letter, and after reading it carefully, Lin Mengya sneered.

"Then do what they want. This first thing is to find the two slaves who are still fleeing the main government of Chonghua County."


Wu Baisu left with her order. The requirements of Qingwei Club were not harsh, but they were required not to exceed three times a month.

If it is three times, you have to follow the rules.

However, they also have an additional condition, that is, after the year, I hope she can do a favor for them.

If she agrees, the number of uses can be doubled.

I am indeed a businessman. For Lin Mengya, the news network of Qingwei Club is indeed a powerful addition.

As for that busy, can't help, is she still in charge?

No matter what is outside, at least the palace family is now peaceful.

However, the heads of the palace family also let the other families dare not despise the palace family.

Zhe Lin Mengya just woke up after taking a nap, and heard that Gong San came over and asked herself.

"What's wrong with Brother Three?"

In the hazy pajamas, she was pressed by her son in front of the dressing table, and after carefully dressing up, she went out to see Miyazo.

"It's not our old stubborn yet!"

As soon as his voice fell, Gong Shi came in.

Lin Mengya was even more curious when she looked at the three gentle brothers who were always so elegant.

"Brother, what did your great ancestor do?"

Shimiya shook his head and sat down to explain.

曾 "The great ancestors were thinking about their relationship with Anjia, and they had to invite the Anjias to sit down. But I have told several brothers what Anjia has done recently. Everyone thinks that great ancestors should not ask."

It was only then that Lin Mengya understood what made Gong San so angry.

He smiled and poured a cup of tea for Gongsan.

"Why is this the third brother? The great ancestors would like to invite them over, then let them come over. The left and right are just a meal. Ca n’t it be done, can't my palace family still ask for it?"

She said this intentionally, and sure enough, Gong Sanyi said helplessly.

"Where am I reluctant to eat this meal, but before that, the Anjia didn't have any good intentions for you. Huh! I thought that the lady in their family could be a princess, so I didn't pay attention to our family. Inside. Now it's not working, just want to go into our house. What does he think of us? "

Of course, this is also the reason why the family members chill.

The former two had shared their hardships and shared a deep friendship.

Now it seems that it is just that they have not made up their home.

Xionggong family are temperament people, naturally do not see such snobs.

But great-grandfather, as the head of the palace family, he must have thought more.

"I know the elder brother's mood, in fact, I am also very angry. However, if our family breaks up with Anjia now, they will only say that our palace family has fallen down the rocks. I guess Zengzu did this, and he wanted all of our families to be kind Reputation. "

唉 "Well, this girl Gongya still understands my mind. You guys, I can't wait to get mad at me!"

The ancestors of the palace palace came in from the outside, and the three of them immediately rose to meet.

Zhe Lin Mengya warmly invited her great ancestor to the upper position.

Kuimiya IV also accompanied the smile, only Miyazo, with his head down, said nothing.

"Boss, I know you hate Anjia more than just a little bit. But you need to know that the current palace family is not what it used to be. You know, Xiaoya can do this, it is not easy."

Lin Lin Mengya looked at her estranged ancestor, and looked at the third brother who had lost her temper, and could not help but feel that something was wrong.

He knocked at the palace, and the man immediately lay in her ears to explain.

"The third brother's mother is at home."


Hey, is n’t it outside, it ’s already dead, why did you settle in?

"Xiaoya, there are some things that I shouldn't hide from you. However, it's not about the third person's face. I shouldn't talk too much. Your dear friend is now at home."

"No! I don't have her! She's dead!"

I didn't expect that Miyazo's response was great.

After Lin Mengya watched him yell, she clenched her fists tightly, but her arms were shaking.

"Great ancestor."

She immediately jumped out and rounded the field. Some scars may not be suitable for opening now.

"I think this matter, let's talk about it later. Before that, how you settled in Anjia, you must have heard it. They don't give us face, so if you want to save it again, you have to Come with sincerity. "

She knew that the owner of the family sent a letter to Zengzu, so Zengzu offered to entertain them.

Suddenly, Gongsan strongly opposed An's family to enter the house, thinking about it, and only in Yuqing Pavilion was the most suitable.

"The little girl is right, wherever you lose it, you have to pick it up again. Otherwise, where will the face of our palace be placed in the future?"

Gong Gongsi also immediately came out to support her. The ancestors of the Gong family looked at the two smartest children in their family, looked at Gong San again, sighed, and nodded in agreement.

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