死 This dead man's chop first, then play more and more slippery.

At this time, the Emperor and the Emperor were also preparing to drive back to the palace.

Yuan Lin Mengya also followed the people in the palace family and wanted to return to the palace.

He heard her, someone stopped her.

"Miss Gong, stay for a while."

She turned around and saw a kind-looking inner waiter.

"Sir, what's the matter, please?"

The red tide on Nian's face has not faded, but she has always been thick-skinned, and it is nothing.

"His Royal Highness said, I hope you can take charge of His Royal Highness. Also, Hou Zunniang hopes that you can cherish these hard-won fate."

The words of the Empress Dowager are the best affirmation among them.

It wasn't this that moved her, but all the efforts that Murong Xi made for the two of them.

"Please tell your maiden, Gongya remembered. Please also ask my blessing to my maiden for me, happy and healthy in the new year, healthy and peaceful."

Linai's waiter smiled and stepped back, Lin Mengya didn't say anything empty.

她 For her, the best order in the world is peace and health.

The baby was led by the inner waiter and turned into her hands.

Lin Lin Mengya picked up the baby and turned to catch up with the family.

After watching her leave, Murong Xi reluctantly returned to the posthumous side.

"Xi Er, are you really sure, is she her?"

As soon as she arrived in the palace, the queen after the dress changed, and Mu Rongxi was announced.

Wu Mu Rongxi nodded firmly, and it was definitely her from the day he met her.

"Hey, you child, you know you well. If it is the girl of the palace family, it will help you a little."

Hou Zun always considers more interests.

But Murong Xi always felt that she wanted her only because she was herself.

"A while ago, did you think about what your uncle told you?"

Tong Ming knows that now is not the best time, but the posthumously has no other choice.

Wu Murongxi also put away the temperature in her eyes, and she was a little bit ice-cold.

"Madam, I understand that this matter is very important, so I am willing to do it for you."

Jihouzun was a little excited, but after a moment, she settled down again.

After a long time, she sighed.

"If you can, this palace does not want to be hostile to the temple."

Houhouzun stood up, with a bit of hatred flashing in the beautiful eyes.

"However, they should never and should not start with the children of this palace!"

Wu Mu Rongxi knew very well that the posthumous had a reason to hate the temple.

There are some hidden agreements between the royal family and the royal family.

In fact, on the surface, Huang Zun is the only one.

But in fact, there are several families in common.

This is why, when the ruling family is replaced, several other families will bow their heads so quietly.

I just because it's just a cutscene.

But after the reign of the current emperor, things have changed.

The current emperor is a very capable, intelligent and capable person.

初始 At the beginning of his tenure, he carried out a lot of measures that are beneficial to both the people and the family.

The forces in the midst of the dynasty are gradually being replaced by those who the emperor himself cultivated.

When the paralyzed three royal families reacted, many things were irreparable.

如果 If they do not fight back, the current royal family will become a true royal family.

怎么 How could this be allowed for those royal families?

I did not expect that it was not the royal family who could not wait for the first shot, but the temple that claimed to be the judge of the defending nation.

他们 Their first warning was that the queen, who was pregnant at the time, gave birth to a sick premature baby.

Don't look at the prince now looking only slightly weaker, but he has a fatal weakness.

That is, you can no longer have children 嗣.

储 For the monarch of a country, this is not only a shame, but also one of the deadly handles that can plunge the country into war.

So the Emperor and the Emperor had to stop and show their compromise to the temple.

He didn't expect that the temple had no intention and just let them go.

"They want us to submit, and we do it. Prince, but he has been sacrificed. In any way, this palace will not allow the temple to continue to exist. Now, Prince, and in the future, who?"

I think of my son, and the posthumous inevitably comes from it.

He is also because of the temple, and she can no longer have a son and daughter.

But the posthumous woman is a strong woman, she did not confess to this, nor did she take revenge without brain.

Instead, she began a plan for revenge.

And the most important part of this plan is Murong Xi.

Wu Murongxi frowned. The reason why he promised the posthumous was entirely because he found something.

虽然 Although he is a disciple of the temple master, in fact, he is no different from the 蛐蛐 in a jar.

What's more, when he suspected that there was a problem with his lost memory, after investigation, he learned that it was related to the temple.

He has no memory of the temple.

He just listened to others saying that he had worshipped at the door of the Lord of the Temple since he was a child, and was a very favored apprentice.

He was only clear to him, and for some reason, he always had an inexplicably strong hatred for the temple.

After adding, he learned a lot, after the temple's actions in the defending kingdom, finally, his heart was moved.

"My nephew knows."

声音 His voice was low and cold, with a thunderous posture.

No one can stop his footsteps.

"Our palace knows that our palace and His Majesty did not read the wrong person. We will help you with your palace. By the way, our palace has heard that the temple was once drawn to the palace family. Only later The Gong family did not comply, and this defeated the family. Girl Gong Ya, smart, with luck on her body. You see, once she returns, the Gong family will rise again. If you like her, maybe she can give you There is no doubt what good luck will bring. "

He is different from Hou Zun, Mu Rongxi's feelings for Gong Ya are actually a little complicated.

At the beginning, he was uncontrollable.

After embracing her own mind, I always liked her too much.

I think there is a hole in my heart, only she can fill herself.

"Miya, she's fine."

"Yes, yes, but you also have to pay attention. Why did the temple go to draw the palace family, we still don't know yet. In case you can get it, be prepared."

Wu Mu Rongxi knows the meaning of the posthumous prince, and it means that if the palace family also mingles with the temple, then she must be prepared to give up her.

But what the posthumous doesn't know is that, even if Gong Ya is a party of the temple, he will never let go.

行 "Okay, since you are already so big, then this palace will not talk too much. Let's go, don't let people outside wait."

But in an instant, the post-upper is still the virtuous and elegant post-upper.

Murong Xi was still the cold and relentless Highness Xi.

I do n’t know anyone who secretly planned a big event in secret.

After returning from the outside, she set off firecrackers and ate hot dumplings. Both Gongya and her baby got a big red envelope.

"Oh, it's so heavy. Wouldn't Zengzu have used our private house money as a red envelope for us?"

Zhe Lin Mengya held a heavy red envelope and coaxed her great grandfather with a smile.

"You girl, even your great ancestors dare to joke."

The ancestor of the house of the imperial palace couldn't help crying or laughing. Although this girl was good enough to cause a lot of pain, if she was naughty, the other five at home would not have her ordinary skin.

Lin Lin Mengya stuck her tongue out and opened it for the baby.

Sure enough, it was a silver ticket of thousands of silver.

This kid is too rich, right?

But after opening her own much larger red envelope, Lin Mengya was dumbfounded.

There are not only silver tickets with tens of thousands of silver inside, but also countless real estate and real estate.

At this moment, she was definitely among the rich women.

曾 "Zengzu, what do you mean? Could it be, dowry for me?"

I did not expect that her great ancestor really nodded.

"I know that you may feel that you don't need these things now, and all the palace families will be yours in the future. However, these are all irrelevant to the palace family, the real estate and shops bought in your name. And silver tickets, both It has nothing to do with the palace family. "

The ancestor of the palace palace said with some emotion, but Lin Mengya pushed all the things back.

曾 "Zengzu, what do you mean? Hardly, do you still want to buy me?"

But did not expect, Gong Qianfeng said earnestly.

"Children, people are blessed with misfortunes. In the past, we have to be cautious. These things, you can not use them now, but once the palace family falls into the clouds and become a target of public criticism, these things can also protect you Food and clothing are worry-free. "

Lin Lin Mengya is really, angry and moved.

"Can it be in the eyes of the great ancestor, I can only enjoy the blessing together, can't we share the tribulations? Great ancestor, you still take everything back, I can't ask for it!"

She knows that great ancestors were scared by previous events.

The feeling that those buildings will fall is really bad.

What's more, it still felt like my family was declining and unable to get back to heaven.

But she is sure that no one except her does not have this guarantee.

Isn't they understand that they are the ones they don't need the most?

"No, you must accept it. Obedient, Yaer."

In addition to the position of great ancestor, several other people also began to persuade.

In the end, Lin Mengya had no choice but to divide these things into six equal parts.

"Yaer, what are you?"

The ancestor of the palace palace looked at her, and some did not understand.

"I know, do you want to buy insurance for yourself? In this case, we will have everyone in the family in the future. Isn't it all without worry?

Insurance? The other two people in the palace family looked at each other. They haven't heard of it yet.

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