"Although that is what you said, you still have to be careful. According to what you said, Lin Mengwu hates you, and since she has a way to harm you, naturally she won't let it go easily. Instead, you hand her give it to me."

Lin Lin Mengya looked at Murong Xi, this guy's protection of himself is as strict as ever.

In addition to my sweet heart, there is a little helplessness.

到底 When will he realize that she is not the kind of delicate woman who can only rely on others.

"No more, just rest assured, I will have a way to deal with her. It is you, sit down quickly, I will give you a pulse."

Suddenly excited, she had forgotten the business.

Xi Murongxi sat down obediently and stretched out her arm to her.

After Lin Lin Meng Azai's careful inspection, she couldn't help but feel strange.

How do you describe, what is Murong Xi's situation now?

"What's wrong, but is there anything wrong?"

To be honest, this girl looks like him, but it makes him feel a little bit jealous.

"Have you taken any panacea recently?"

I shook my head, not to mention that there is no such thing.

Even if he does, he won't believe it easily.

"Strange, before, you also gave me a medicine that can make people forget, but after you and I met again, I found that you used it and it was not the same thing to me. Your poison is not harmful to the body The only thing that works is that after you take this medicine, your memory will gradually decline, until your mind is blank, you will return to normal. But those forgotten memories are forgotten And you ca n’t find it. And you should still be in the decline of memory. Do you wake up every morning and feel empty and often forget a lot? ”

Wu Mu Rongxi was a little surprised. After all, he didn't even tell his own confidant about such a thing.

Sure enough, his memory is really not good these days.

What happened a few days ago, he will soon forget.

If it weren't for his habit of keeping track of what he did every day, I'm afraid he would forget more.

I did not expect, actually got a plot from others.

"However, the effect of your medicine is fading. So you can find out the scene of your first meeting with Ninger from the few remaining memories. I think it is because this scene is for you Is very important, so you think of it the first time. "

Actually, Lin Mengya is a little bit jealous.

Why is that man not thinking about himself first, but his son?

But angry and angry, the business is still to be done.

"You mean, the poison in my body is slowly being untied, right?"

Generally speaking, it really means that.

"If, then, my poison has been detoxified, will those memories of our past be retrieved?"

问 He asked a little unwillingly, but Lin Mengya gently held his hand.

"Can't remember what mattered in the past? Fortunately, we still have a long, long future, don't we?"

"But that's always the time that has something to do with us. I will definitely find it back."

The man, always on something strange, persisted beyond her expectation.

But she doesn't just like it?

好 "Okay, let's get it back together. Now, we should think about what you have done recently."

She seems to be coaxing a child, so she finally made Mu Rongxi calm down.

The latter thought carefully, because he really didn't know exactly where he was, and he knew the medicine.

"I've been with Ninger in the government these days. Other times, I'm in the palace. But the Emperor and the Emperor never gave me anything."

It's strange, what is it that makes Murong Xi restore her memory?

"Are you taking care of Ninger yourself? Is he good?"

She also just asked an unintentional question, but afterwards, her mind was full of light.

嗯 "Well, it is indeed my son. Very obedient, obedient, not picky, and especially smart!"

After determining that this annoying boy is his son, Mu Rongxi is a little bit proud.

My son can give birth to everyone, but it is so beautiful and cute, and it can be smart with ice and snow, isn't it?

那 "Have you ever encountered Ning'er's blood? No matter where or where you touched it, can you remember?"

Wu Murongxi frowned, and after thinking about it carefully, finally shook her head.

"He's here with me. There is no chance of getting hurt. How could he touch the blood? Instead, he had a nosebleed a few days ago. I seem to have encountered it, what happened? Is there something wrong with Ninger? "

What? nosebleed!

Lin Lin Meng Ya suddenly felt that she could not laugh or cry.

If it is nosebleed, then it is blood.

But what she didn't expect was that her son's nosebleed was so powerful?

"I think the reason why you are doing well today is probably because of this nosebleed that Ning Er shed."

"What? Are you kidding me?"

Lin Lin Mengya gave him a white look, and he didn't know how to explain to this person, so he could understand, so he had to pick the important ones.

"Because of my physical condition, when Ning Er was in my stomach, it was a little different from other children. After he was born, you also saw that his blood was even more strange. Before you think about it, before he was equal to How amazing is this child to be in the poison for ten months? So I wondered if you had any contact with Ning's blood. "

After hearing this, Murong Xi was silent.

After a long while, he exhaled softly.

Although he had previously seen Gong Ya feeding poisoned blood to his children, the situation now makes him even more shocked.

In the world, there are really such strange people.

"It seems that these are God's providence. If you do not reunite with Ning Er, then you will not be exposed to Ning Er's blood. His life also has a part of you. It seems that Ning Er is the God and bestows us Lucky gift. "

Zhe Lin Mengya said with emotion, while Murong Xi held her in her arms, put her chin in her shoulder, and sighed deeply.

"Yes, because we are family. Xiaoya, I'm so happy."

"What are you happy for?"

"I never dreamed that I had you and a child as good as Ninger. Yaer, I can't wait for it. I hope that our family of three can reunite."

Lin Lin Mengya smiled, she feels the same way now.

Lost and regained ecstasy hit her heart.

Fortunately, she felt thankful that even if he did not know his relationship with him, he still fell in love with himself.

In my opinion, they are destined to fate, and are destined to stay together for life, to become husband and wife.

"Don't worry, although you know what happened, we must be careful about something."

Wu Murongxi's eyes sank, because he also realized.

"We still don't know who has such a large capacity that you have to swallow the poison. And I also want to unravel why 50 years ago, my great-grandmother wanted to send To the trial ground. "

It now seems that a large part of the reason why these younger generations will experience all this is because of the decision of their great-grandmother.

Alas, from the records in the families she saw, she couldn't help but wonder.

Above, the records of the great-grandmother said that she was a smart woman with great wisdom and big mind.

As for her grandmother, although she has only a few words, she praises her for being very motherly.

Since she is such a person, why does she choose to escape?

Even if the grandmother had left the country for the sake of not wanting to marry talents, everything afterwards made her look like a fugitive.

Moreover, you must know that the original palace house was Megatron David.

曾 If the great-grandmother really wanted to catch her, she wouldn't be able to escape.

Unless, the great-grandmother intentionally let the grandmother go.

But as the head of the palace family, did your great-grandmother not know her daughter? What does it mean to the entire palace family?

The existence of grandmother grandmother is of special significance to the grandmother and the grandmother itself.

However, she has a reason not to stay in the country.

I'm afraid that's what she should pursue.

"About your great-grandmother, I once heard the posthumous mention once. She said that your great-grandmother was a rare and clear person. At the time, her grandfather also bowed under the pomegranate skirt of the other person. .Unfortunately, your great-grandmother never agreed. Not only that, she also unlocked her grandfather in person. I do n’t know what she said. Once the old gentleman got home, he married him before the family gave him. A woman who valued her and respected her as if she was a guest. She raised her case with eyebrows. Therefore, the descendants of the tribe have expressed gratitude to the palace family. "

This matter, she did not know.

I just want to come. If this is the case, then the emperor has not started the palace family these years, presumably there is such a reason.

This great-grandmother is a wonderful person.

But the more such a person, the less she can think about each other's minds.

She thought about it, but she was a little clueless.

At the time, people who lived with a great-grandmother for a time were either dead or just like a great-grandmother.

如果 And if she wants to unlock the fate that has engulfed three generations, I'm afraid she has to make a point of understanding.

"Is there no other way?"

Secrets are secret because there will be many people who will keep secrets all their lives.

What's more, today is more than fifty years later.

Wu Mu Rongxi thought for a while, then suddenly thought.

对 "Yes, I remember there is a place in the temple that can help you."

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