Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1328: System against sky

If you want to untie it, I'm afraid it will be difficult.

However, under her constant petitions, the fourth brother finally agreed to her request.

But the four elder brothers just came out angrily and soon after they went out.

"Xiaoya, you still like it."

Lin Gongya's eyes were measured, and Lin Mengya's heart was cold.

"Brother, you are"

"Although it ’s harder for your fourth brother, my skill is not as good as he is, but there is something better in our family than him. Today, it is either he died or I am dead. I do n’t wear it with him!"

It's ok!

Lin Lin Mengya immediately dragged Gong Shi, so that she said, only to let the other side breathe a little bit.

I waited until she asked the followers what happened, and almost laughed.

It turned out that the guy repeatedly embarrassed his four brothers for the so-called realistic effect.

Although I finally agreed, this consent should be more reluctant and reluctant.

But the four brothers have been patient for her.

But on the way, naturally the more you want to get angry.

No, I can't hold back when I get home, but I have to fight with the other guy to get things done.

I was able to make the four elder brothers, who were always gentle and elegant, like this, and the guy who wanted to come to Long Tianyu must have done something 'good'.

Alas, it's a pity that the elder brother of the four brothers raised from a young age was destroyed by the guy Long Tianyu.

Suddenly, Liangzi can grow big!

Anyway, she went to the temple with Long Tianyu, and finally settled in a chicken flying dog jump.

The family members were okay, probably because Long Tianyu had a good impression on them, so there was no strong objection.

Brother No. 4 could only bear it. Lin Mengya didn't know how much good words he had said for that guy in the back of the ground, which made Gong Shi reluctantly tolerate it.

In fact, there is no specific date for the Yuanyuan Moon Festival, as long as the top ten families have arrived, they can begin.

It is said that this was settled by a former holy deity of the temple. Unfortunately, people have made it ancient.

Otherwise, such a casual person must be very free and easy.

Lin Lin Mengya really wanted to make some friends.

After leaving for a year, the family would be reluctant to leave.

The same is true of Zhe Lin Mengya, so today, she spends most of her time at home.

There was nothing outside her that she didn't know.

"Miss, that Mr. Baihe said that after three days, he would leave Longdu."

Lin Mengya's brow frowned upon the news of Bai Su's return.

Now, she can basically be sure that Mr. Baihe is almost 100% coincident with Ai Lin when selecting students.

So this matter cannot be described by coincidence.

"Well, did she say where she would go?"

Bai Su shook her head, and Lin Mengya had no accidents, so she let her back for the time being.

Wu put down the book in her hand, and she started the reading system of Shennong system, and read the information of Mr. Baihe.

Every student is automatically extracted information to form a web.

Lin Lin Mengya can clearly see the similarities and differences between those people.

In fact, the similarities are very simple, they are all children of the family and they are not very old.

But these people, several of them, died in the middle.

She glanced around, and there were 11 dead children.

Except for one who died before playing a horse and smashed the horse because of playfulness, the other children were in this accident after the end of the lesson.

This made Lin Mengya a bit strenuous. She stared at the information. Unfortunately, at the moment, the information seems too rigid and deserted.

"This is definitely not an accident!"

Suddenly, a voice came out of my mind.

Gao Linmengya was frightened and immediately retreated from the system.

Frightened and patted his heart beating, just now, is this a hell?

Alas, after calming down for a long time, Lin Mengya decided to open the system and take a look.

Ye Ke just entered, there is still quiet inside.

It seemed that the sound she heard just now was an illusion.

Do not! How is this possible!

This is artificial intelligence, how can it be an illusion?

For a moment, she was a little confused.

"Welcome back, my master."

Voice reappeared without warning, this time Lin Mengya calmed a lot.

The Shennong system does not have any protective devices, because when she uses it, it is still a test product.

Almost all those functions later were triggered by her in very unexpected circumstances.

So she felt more horrified.

Is this thing going to become fine?

"No, master. I am not a fairy, in fact, I am your consciousness."

what? Her consciousness?

"Yes, that's right. It was you who awakened me. In short, I am a series of instructions in the Shennong system. Once you are very skilled in the operation of the Shennong system, I will appear."

This voice, indeed, lacks the living spirituality.

But not like a machine, with a little cold feeling.

"I will be your operating instructions in the future. In order to simplify your operating instructions on the system, I will automatically connect your consciousness and control the system for you after starting the system."

At this moment, Lin Mengya understood it temporarily.

But what is the existence of this thing?

"My function is to make it easier and faster to find the information you need. Also, after using me, the loss caused to you will be greatly reduced. You do n’t have to worry about any of my consciousness and brain Damage, the Shennong system has an automatic destruction device. The day when your life reaches the end is also the day when the system ends. "

Lin Lin Mengya felt a little curious. When she used to operate the system, she used consciousness to get it.

And they are already familiar with it. Isn't the existence of this operating system very bad?

"My role is to perform smoother operations when you are unconscious or distracted. If you want to experience it, please open your eyes now and keep the system open, and I will show you . "

In my opinion, this operating system must be connected to her consciousness.

Otherwise, why can each other capture what they want at the same time?

She did it according to the requirements of the operating system, but found that a huge screen suddenly appeared in front of her.

Also, it is in three-position projection mode.

She rubbed her eyes and found that it did not disappear.

Strange, how did this happen?

"This is my operating system for you. In the future, you can use the modeling function at will. I will put everything formed in the system on your retina. You can zoom in or zoom out. Everything is up to you Your own consciousness. "

Sure enough, when she wanted to zoom in, the screen zoomed in immediately.

And when she transferred the information of Mr. Bai He just now, she found that she could, and enlarged each word to the details.

This feature is really good.

She kept giving instructions, and in an instant, the screen could change.

Then she played with her heart, and suddenly made these things into an information model that can be directly viewed.

I used to choose what model I used to use, but now, it almost becomes what she wants almost instantly.

This operating system is really quite awesome. Why didn't I find it before?

"Sorry, master, because of my instructions, it will only appear after the upgrade conditions are met, otherwise it will damage your consciousness."

The operating system explained immediately, but Lin Mengya could express her understanding.

有了 With it in the future, the Shennong system will be more powerful.

Lin Mengya was so happy that she absolutely gave this operating system a name.

I might as well call it a little medicine in the future!

Anyway, it is Shennong system, so it's quite appropriate to call it Xiaoyao.

"Yes, Master, Xiaoyao thank you for the name given. In the future, if you need any help, please call Xiaoyao."

I didn't expect this system to be accepted quite quickly.

After all, it is just a series of instructions, and naturally there is no way to raise objections.

With the unexpected joy of small medicine, Lin Mengya's speed is not much faster than before.

It's not that the small medicines don't help, but the information is too scarce.

In desperation, she retrieved the unknown substance on Lien's body from the database.

"This substance is synthetic and has very serious side effects. Please stay away from the host!"

Xiao Yaoyao's voice appeared again, but this time, it really surprised Lin Mengya.

Did n’t you say it couldn't be detected before?

"Because the system can only detect non-synthetic or known synthetic toxic substances, you had no way to obtain this information before."

It turned out so.

Alas, artificially?

She raised an eyebrow, probably not.

In this era, there is no such technology, right?

This time, Xiaoyao was silent.

Lin Lin Mengya was also lost in thought, but she and Xiaoyao should not have appeared in this era.

Aren't they still showing up for some kind of chance?

小 "Small medicine, what is the specific effect on the human body and its side effects, can you detect it?"

"Sorry master, no. Some components in synthetic substances cannot be effectively monitored and it is difficult to obtain virtual test results."

Huh! This system can actually simulate the test results?

After that, wouldn't it be the time when she wanted to develop a new drug, as long as the small drug helped to virtualize it, and she would get results?

"Yes, the master's system stores 100,000 detailed data of the human body and the most advanced simulation experimental device."

Lin Lin Mengya was a little stunned at this moment, this system is almost against the sky!

I shut down the system, Lin Mengya looked at the world that had become normal again, and couldn't help sighing lightly.

The emergence of tincture is an accident and an extremely important aid.

However, people still have to rely on their own strength, which is the most important.

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