Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1334: Qi Family Dinner

Hagiya Shichi laughed at himself, but his eyes were very firm.

"The reason why a person is being used is because he has value. And if the value of being used is gone, then the person will lose the meaning of existence. Even if he is the emperor, in fact he is not Are you using the power of these families and ministers to maintain the stability of the throne? I never feel how foolish it is to be used. If we get benefits from it, then the use becomes cooperation. If Not only failing to make a profit, but also losing the benefits that already exist, is foolish. "

Lin Lin Mengya stunned the thoughts of Di Shen, the elder brother, and she was really avant-garde beyond her imagination.

But think about it, isn't that what she meant to express?

"From the moment you get home, maybe every decision you make is for you to achieve a certain purpose. But in fact, it's not just you who make a profit. The palace family is turned over because of this. Body, this is the best proof. "

看着 She looked at Gong Si, and for the first time in her eyes, there was a pure appreciation that had nothing to do with identity and belonged to like-minded generations.

"Little girl, do you know everything you did before, what's the weakness?"

He shook his head. The so-called authority fan is probably the reason.

"Because you always want to stay out of the house. You want the entire family to work, so even after you leave, the family will not fall. But little girl, if you, the decision maker, Without being in it, then some of the decisions you made are no longer suitable for the palace family, do you understand what I mean? "

I nodded, she really understood the meaning of Miyaji this time.

He said it plainly, like a lawyer.

If you want to be like a fish in a certain rule, the first thing to do is to clarify the rule.

Now she doesn't even have a complete grasp of the palace family, nor has she fully integrated into the circle of defending the country.

So, whatever she wants to do, she will actually run into a wall.

In this way, she also violated her original intention.

"If you want to pull away, you must first get caught up in it. Brother Si, are you saying this?"

Pu Gongsi looked at her with a little comfort in her eyes.

He naturally knew the strength of his sister, so he didn't worry from the beginning that Gongya would be confused.

Now it seems that it is true.

"I see, I know how to do it. Sorry brother, I worried you before."

Regardless of the others, the great ancestor of the great ancestor and the five elder brothers are in her eyes and in her heart.

"Stupid not stupid, we are a family, why do you say that?"

A family?

This title actually made her a little strange.

But since returning to this world, she has father, brother, husband and son.

Now there is another whole family.

Lin Lin Mengya felt that the so-called perfection is nothing more than that.

"Well, yes, that's right!"

Since then, she has to truly accept this identity of the Gong family.

Then wait until one day when she can let go, and then return the palace family to her family intact.

Only in this way can we repay everyone's trust in her.

"Can you figure it out, it makes me happy than anyone else. By the way, after the great ancestors knew that you were going to Qi Family, I hope you can bring your third and fifth brother."

Hei Gongsi resumed his smile again, and he became more and more spoiled in treating Gong Ya.

"It's not difficult, but did the great ancestors say, let them restrain themselves, don't get the attention of the people who care?"

"The third brother is in a bad mood recently, and you are not unaware. As for the fifth child, what happened to the Liu family before has greatly damaged his image. So Zengzu thinks it can be restored a little."

Although the Liu family's affairs seemed to have washed away the grievances to Gongwu in the end, it actually turned him into such an infamous Yuan Yang.

Brother Wuwu could not care, but his grandfather could not bear it.

After all, he is a family member. If his reputation is bad, it will also affect his future and marriage.

As a last resort, Lin Mengya nodded.

好 "Well, will the fourth brother go with us?"

"I won't go. There are many things at home, and I need to take care of your going to the temple. Brother can't be too busy. I have to stay and help him."

The four palaces have always been gentle and considerate, and Lin Mengya also feels a bit pity.

But I ca n’t go to all six of their family. That way, it seems too important to Qi ’s invitation.

Fortunately, she is not yet a formal homeowner, otherwise she would not easily set foot on such an invitation.

After the baby was settled, she took Gongsan and Gongwu to dinner.

"Brother Wu, why do you always doze off? Where have you been all these days?"

On the carriage, the most lively house in the house, Gongwu, was dozing off.

Gao Lin Mengya and Gong Sanyi looked at him curiously, this product, is this a posture of not sleeping for several days?

However, seeing Wu Qing now knows what kind of life he has been in these days.

别 "Not to mention, there was an accident on a snow field outside the city. It was said that a lot of people were buried below. I ran with my brother for several days and did not save a few lives."

Snow field? Lin Mengya already knows what Long Tianyu said about the loss of the corpse, is it impossible? Is this also related?

"Should not, the average person would not go to the snowy field. Besides, it's a Chinese New Year."

"Of course ordinary people will not go. They are the slaves responsible for building snow blocks in the snow field. You said. They are not the first day to do such errands. Why are they so careless? Thousands of slaves are almost all Buried in the snow. Our manpower and material resources are limited, and we have dug out less than a hundred living people. Moreover, we have all fallen into disability. I am afraid that it is better to die. "

The tone of Nian Gongwu was very bad, apparently because he was aggrieved outside.

Lin Lin Mengya knows Gongwu's temperament, but that guy is a rare hot-blooded young man.

After seeing the tragic situation of the slaves, I could not sympathize with the sympathy. How could I say such cool words?

"what happened?"

"Don't mention that the officer in charge of the slave was pretty good. I wanted to apply for a sum of money for the slave as a cost of healing. However, the officials above didn't care. A piece of waste should be destroyed by itself and deprive the wounded of vitality. I was so angry that I took it out of my pocket, but the officials said that it was nosy. If it weren't for my brother, I would have rushed to draw them some whip. "

I didn't expect such a thing.

In the Patriotic State, slaves are indeed not considered adults.

But this does not mean that they are statues without blood, tears or pain.

那 "So, what did Brother Lien say?"

Streak wins are by no means the hard-hearted generation, otherwise, they will not think about how to improve the situation of the Guards.

"What can Brother Lien do? It's just a secret help. That official didn't say it came from the top ten families. Hey, what is it?"

No wonder, even the winning streak has to give way.

The emperor and the emperor both gave three points to the ten great families, not to mention the family of the emperor.

"Don't be mad, if you really want to take care of this, then I will give you an idea. You'll be at Qi's house in a while. Be more precise, don't make a mistake again."

Wu Gongwu nodded reluctantly, not to go to Gongya.

Lingong Sanyi was silent, Lin Mengya looked at her two most uneasy brothers and shook her head helplessly.

The Qi family's house is half a dragon away from the palace family. They left the house just after lunch, but it was almost dark before they arrived at the Qi family's door.

It was already brightly lit here. Xiao 的, who was standing at the door to welcome the guests, immediately greeted him diligently after seeing the sign of the palace carriage.

The third palace and the fifth palace step out of the carriage one after the other.

I was in front of a family of children, and the two of them were not inferior. Instead, they were quite noticeable because of the quiet and lively contrast.

Suddenly, the people who came out again attracted the attention of many people.

Under the light, a touch of red, bright and beautiful, magnificent.

The girl is not a slender and delicate girl, and her face has long been charming.

Beside her, it was either the pure or the charming woman who had taken away all her brilliance.

厮 The little 厮 is also a little crazy, but my heart is ecstatic because of his good luck.

I can't be the one who can lead such a beautiful woman.

Three people in the palace family entered Qifu.

Even though they were in the carriage just now, the three of them still had their own thoughts.

But when they got here, the three immediately showed their best manners.

"I really want to dig out their eyes and see what it looks like. This is my sister!"

Kuimiya five showed his brightest smile, but whispered something in the ears of the other two people, but it had a bit of a gloomy taste.

"There will be opportunities in the future, don't worry."

Miyazaki Miyazaki is also calm, gentle and kind.

But his answer was full of murderous.

好 "Okay, you guys all gave me a good party. If it messes up, I'll let the great ancestors pluck your skin when I go home."

言 She said with a smile, Yan Yan, all eyes glanced at one by one, and finally fell on the body of a noble lady.

"Gong Ya has seen Mrs. Qi, thank you for your kind invitation."

Mrs. Qi Qi looks very beautiful, no one is middle-aged.

I am also very different from Lian Jia's. This not-so-former Mrs. Qi has a pink face and a beautiful peach eye.

"Where is it, the lady doesn't think I am rude here. Ms. Gong is really like a fairy, like a legend. When I see it, I like it so much that I don't even talk."

Mrs. Qi Qi's voice is very soft, whether it is a man or a woman, I will probably like this soft but not sweet sound.

After a few words of confusion, Lin Mengya introduced the two brothers behind him to Mrs. Qi.

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