Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1336: Now and now

The young ladies of the Qi Family are indeed very good, and their looks are very attractive.

I just think that Lin Mengya feels that they are being judged by people as if they were commodities, which is really a pity.

But who in this world can really control their own destiny?

The banquet will last until midnight, but the family members will leave early.

Chen Longtianyu insisted on sending her in person, Lin Mengya also felt that it was too late to avoid suspicion.

And the two elder brothers are also eyeing each other. She was afraid that the three of them would really fight, so she nodded in agreement.

I didn't want all three of them to follow, the atmosphere was a little awkward.

"Brother, otherwise you should go back first"

The two men glared at him at the same time, showing the general injuries of large dogs.

立刻 She immediately felt that she was absolutely terrible, and it was not good to speak again.

"Your Highness, you first"

The look was not hurt, but it was full of threat.

I'm afraid that if she doesn't answer the uncle's mind, the guy will immediately do something radical.

In order not to stimulate the fragile nerves of the two brothers, she had to submit to the forces of evil.

I walked to the door like this, Long Tianyu held out her hand subconsciously, and she went to subconsciously.

I didn't expect to be knocked down.

"Brother, you send the younger girl back first. I have to learn from that, I do n’t know the depth of the apprentice!"

There was a bit of wickedness in Wu Gongwu's eyes, and Lin Mengya screamed badly. This was a sign that Wu Brother was about to explode.

好 "Okay, I'm trying to teach you the strength of the bad guy's marriage."

Nine Dragons Tianyu raised a brow and said quietly. He raised his arms and didn't care.

"I suddenly remembered that Her Majesty Xi should have other things, so I can't stay here, isn't it, Her Majesty?"

She desperately winked at Long Tianyu, who gave her the face after a cold hum.

"Little sister, don't let him go! I will take a good look at the reputation of His Shit, Shit!"

Wu Gongwu clenched his fists, but what he didn't expect was that Lin Mengya was violent.

"Okay! You can't beat anyone!"

I was so annoyed that she had such eager and violent elements who wanted to solve everything by force.

"What can't beat? Little sister, how can you face outsiders!"

The five palaces suddenly quit, and shouted in dissatisfaction.

After glancing at that guy, Lin Mengya also knew that Long Tianyu's hand today was just a shock to the palace family.

"Yes, my little girl is right."

Xu Gongsan looked at Mu Rongxi's back and thought for a long time before saying such a sentence.

但是 "But if you change your life, you may not be able to seriously hurt him!"

Lin Lin Mengya felt that she was really helpless.

"Well, he's not killing his father and enemies, why is it so. Brother 3, don't make any noise. I will tell my great ancestors personally today. How should you two deal with them in Qi's family for a while? Is that right? "

What happened today was totally caught her by surprise.

As for why Long Tianyu wants to make it public, she must ask in private.

Good to say 歹 said that Gongsan and Gongwu finally let go of their minds, don't go back to the banquet.

I turned around, but she saw Yue Qi, who was also sent out.

The man kept staring at her with a very uncomfortable look.

I was not fighting back, Lin Mengya was just fearless, showing no sign of dodging.

And Yue Qi also thanked the person who came to send her, and went straight to her.

"Do you think you won?"

Lin Lin Mengya raised an eyebrow and looked at Yue Qi indifferently.

"Lin Mengya, I know your past. Yes, you did be a loving couple with him. But now you don't deserve him. Your existence will only drag him down and make him a laughingstock for everyone! If others know He is just a small place of origin, and once married your daughter who was a run-down family to be his wife, his future is ruined. "

For a moment, Lin Mengya felt that Yue Qi in front of her was very sad.

But it was only for a moment, there were no other thoughts.

"It's not up to you to be worthy or not. Besides, how do you know if what he wants is what you want?"

After Xie Yueqi sneered, the young girl with a slightly green face looked a little ironic.

"I see, it ’s you who do n’t know him? Look at everything here, where, you do n’t need your little Jin country, it ’s even more fascinating? Men, you can never just keep a woman. How long he will regret it. "

This remark made Lin Mengya extremely ridiculous.

"Yue Qi, oh no, Xianghua County Lord. Then let me tell you the true facts."

She showed her smile slightly, even in the night, she was still beautiful.

"If he wants this country, you are not his help at all. Or, he doesn't care about the so-called help you give her. Know. Why does he like me so much?"

This, for Yue Qi, is like a sharp blade inserted into her fragile heart.

"Because, if I want to, I can manage this country. For us, power and status are just the process of life, not the ultimate goal. What you think you can do, but for us, It doesn't matter at all. "

"You! Huh, you might be too arrogant! Do you think this is Jin country?"

Qi Yue yelled, but Lin Mengya smiled softly.

"Even in Jin Dynasty, aren't you just an unknown government official? Now, although you are the master of Xianghua County, the fiancee of the prince. But I am Gongya."

The first one is a woman who is attached to her father and her fiance's name.

But the other one is the name that coexists with her family.

Qi Yueqi is always only a shadow that is tied to others, and can only be a fake tiger, and she, Gong Ya, will become a real figure in the top ten families.

This is the difference between them.

"Do you also rely on the palace house? What's so great about you!"

Qi Yueqi's eyes were red, and her fists were clenched tightly.

She hated Lin Mengya's indifferent look, but why is this woman able to easily get everything she wants?

"Relying on the palace family? Yes, I did rely on the palace family, but it was also me that made the palace family. Yue Qi, you and me will never be the same. What people remember will be Gongya. And how many people will remember your name and title? "

Zhe Lin Mengya has more skill than Yue Qi can never learn.

还有 "And, Lord Cheung Wah, don't mess with me. I can't mess with you."

She raised her brow and said word by word.

After speaking, she turned and left.

He left Yue Qi standing there, staring angrily at her, and boarding the carriage, he walked away.

"Sir, are you okay?"

The maid who was thrown away asked timidly.

The master of Xianghua County took a few deep breaths to stabilize her own mood.

I turned around, her smile was a little gloomy and scary.

"It's okay, of course I'm okay. Go, go home."

After I warned Yue Qi, Lin Mengya didn't feel relieved.

After all, Yue Qi was once her friend, and now the two have become this situation, she feels very sorry for sister Yue Ting.

In the beginning, she promised Yue Ting that she would take care of Yue Qi.

So no matter what the future, she will always be merciful to his players.

I returned to the palace, and Ninger had fallen asleep.

I know they haven't returned yet, and Zengzu didn't sleep, waiting for her.

I pondered all the way, Lin Mengya felt that she still couldn't tell the truth completely.

Fortunately, between her and Long Tianyu, there are other things to say.

After Nai made her mind, she went to the flower hall.

"How about the third and fifth? Why didn't they come back with you?"

Wu Gongbin looked at her and asked.

"The Qi family's banquet is not over yet, and it is not appropriate for them to return. Great ancestor, three brothers, I have something to say to you."

Twenty-four eyes looked at her, but Lin Mengya never felt so shy.

Although she has all the baby, she is the first time in this case.

After twitching for a long time, she closed her eyes and spoke all the words.

"I, His Highness Xi and I fell in love at first sight!"

"Oh who? What's wrong with you?"

Xun's always-great great-grandfather exploded, his eyes widened.

Suddenly, Lin Mengya felt the pressure of early love as frank as her family.

But after talking about everything, she will go out.

"Please ask your great ancestor to forgive sins, but things like feelings are really difficult to control, and he will also be punished."

Nine Dragons Tianyu has been more cautious since he knew his background.

如今 But now he suddenly made it public and must have his own intention.

Sting her, can't drag his hind legs.

"Xiaoya, this, when is this happening?"

Qiang Gong was so stupid that he never dreamed that when he came to Longdu, he would have lost the old man's capital.

I'm sorry Li Zuliezong, I'm sorry Gong family.

"Actually, on the day of the Winter Solstice, I met His Royal Highness in chaos. At that time, in order to dispel those people, I pretended to be the Emperor. His Royal Highness was an Emperor and moved forward with me. Since then , I felt that His Royal Highness Xi was extraordinary, so I asked his great ancestors to punish him. "

She knelt on the ground, but the dead man could have hurt her miserably.

She still wants to maintain the image of Xiaobaihua. Now, she is in ruins.

The four men in the house of the palace were completely stunned, and the rare treasures that were finally found were hard to find, and they must be presented to others with their hands.

This gap almost makes people have the urge to kill.

"Xiaoya, you, what you say is true?"

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