Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1341: Difficult to divide

I feel very strange. He clearly doesn't remember anything, but he still gives him what he needs most when he needs it most.

Perhaps this is the destiny between them.

She unconsciously grabbed the man's placket and whispered.

"me too."

I no longer think about how to solve all things calmly, in the eyes of those who care about her, she left without saying goodbye, but it was even more painful.

So, from the day she met Long Tianyu again, she decided that she would never be different from those she cared about.

The two hugged each other quietly for a long time. Seeing that there was no more sunshine outside, Lin Mengya had to push the man's chest gently.

"Can't you go back tonight?"

His tone was like a puppy waiting for his master.

Lin Lin Mengya is a bit unbearable, but after all, their current relationship does not allow this.

But she couldn't say anything about rejection, she could only touch his face, her eyes full of apology.

"Fool, it's my fault. If I hadn't forgotten you, but also for such a good child as Ning'er, why would we suffer from this separation. Thank you for giving me all this and making me a complete People. "

He took her hand and kissed him.

Zhe Lin Mengya's eyes were reddish, and she just wanted to say that if she did not do it alone, the family of three would not do so.

What a pity, Long Tianyu blocked her mouth with her fingers.

"Shh! Hold for a little while and I'll send you back."

Even if you are reluctant, you can come separately.

Now, it's not time to be willful.

Xun Long Tianyu personally carried her into a carriage, but did not stop at the gate of the palace house.

"Go back, isn't Bai Su following me, don't worry."

At the corner of the street, the sight of the two people is difficult to separate.

Nine Dragons Tianyu Lianlian refused to leave, but Lin Mengya saw that he did not leave, and could not move forward.

Wu Baisu looked, and finally sighed.

Then he turned his head and saw it.

When they were in the palace earlier, these four girls were already surprised at this kind of thing.

Let's bear it now.

In the end, Lin Mengya and Bai Su went to the palace again and again.

Chen Long Tianyu saw her figure disappearing into the gate, this time turned around and walked back.

He didn't want to have not gone long before a figure appeared in front of him.

"His Royal Highness, let's talk about it."

The man stepped out of the darkness and looked a little mysterious under the looming lights.

Nine Dragons Tianyu lifted the curtain of the carriage and stared at the person in front of him, but a sneer evoked in the corner of his mouth.

"it is good."

龙 When Long Tianyu met the mysterious person, Lin Mengya was already crumbling and returned to her house.

Unfortunately, as soon as the door was opened, she saw Gong Bin sitting in the room waiting for her.

"Brother, how are you here?"

I was like a late returning child. Lin Mengya was involuntarily guilty.

Xi Gongbin looked at her, but sighed quietly.

"How long will you keep hiding from us?"

Her heart screamed badly. Listening to the words meant that her elder brother had discovered something between her and Long Tianyu?

But this is something only four brothers know.

Is it possible to betray, that guy betrayed himself?

I didn't want Lin Mengya's hesitation, but Gong Bin automatically interpreted it as some kind of embarrassment.

He could not help but sigh, looking into Lin Mengya's eyes, but did not blame, but only distressed. "

"I know you have to do it, you can only do this for the palace family, but why don't you tell us straight? Don't you believe our people?"

为了 What is it for the palace family? Lin Mengya stunned God, and always felt that something seemed to be wrong.

"Brother, actually I"

"I know that from the time that Emperor Huang promised us to build the college, I knew that he must have let you do something unseen. In fact, in the past, this kind of thing is not without precedent. I am not angry that you do not tell us But you're angry that you ignore your safety. "

Lin Gongbin's words made Lin Mengya feel relieved, but could not help feeling relieved.

It turned out that it wasn't about her and Long Tianyu.

After settling his mind, he also started to fight with his elder brother.

The **** fell down, no matter whether it was right or not, it was always right to put it out first.

"Okay, I didn't blame you. Rest assured, Zengzu didn't know about it yet. Even if your wife came to you today, there seems to be something urgent. I said that after you visit the Lord Fanghua County, you still have to buy some The things you need to use on your way will help you pass by. Do n’t wear them. "

In my opinion, the elder brother thought that she was not at home and went to work for the emperor.

Although I don't know what's going on, the elder brother must have helped.

Squinting his eyes, Lin Mengya laughed so well.

After nodding his head and sending away his elder brother, Lin Mengya sighed quietly, so dangerous.

"Miss, Your Highness is waiting for you to be sleepy. Now I am asleep in my room."

Huer gently hugged the baby over. The little boy slept soundly, didn't he?

Lin Mengya couldn't help kissing and looking at this little guy who was more and more similar to his father.

I still have this one coming out of my stomach, at least, not like it is now, but also has to be sneaky.

I do not know how to deal with the frozen corpse.

Anyway, Lin Mengya's eyeliners in Longdu never brought back any relevant news.

In my opinion, the men in her family are still pretty good.

Even though I do n’t know what Lilian is looking for, I have to go and see Lilian before I leave.

一 大 Early in the morning, she brought many gifts before visiting.

"You girl, why haven't you run away in these days?"

I haven't seen it in a few days, even if my wife misses her, she thinks so badly.

I also want to see her, of course, there is Shangguanhui.

After seeing her, the two eyes looked exactly the same.

He is only one with the love of his elders, and the other with some urgency.

Lin Lin Mengya understood, so she came.

"After the New Year, things are busy, so I didn't come to see 婶婶, I should hit, 打 how are my health these days?"

"I'm much better. I have a child to accompany me. It is more effective than taking any medicine. By the way, I heard that you are going to go to the temple these days?"

Lin Lin Mengya nodded, this matter is well known in the world.

Tomorrow is the day when families will go to the palace to greet the emperor. After tomorrow, family members of the family can choose to go to the temple.

However, although the emperor is in front and the temple is behind, everyone knows that the temple is above the emperor.

Don't call it Emperor, even when she listens, she feels weird.

What a pity, this is how many years of old order, no one dare to violate it.

虽 "Although it is a good place, you have to be careful about everything. I know your child is bold, careful and smart. But the temple is not simple."

Qi Lianji was hinting at her. Although Lin Mengya didn't understand, she knew that Qi was out of good intentions.

The two of them talked for a long time again, and finally finally coaxed her into joy, Lin Mengya got up and left.

"Okay, I know you have a lot of things, go and get busy. Yueer, go and send Yaer."

Qi Lianchi was in a worse physical condition than before. After talking to her for a while, it was obvious that she had no spirit.

好 "Okay, rest first, I'll be back in a while."

She Shangguanhui smiled. It seems that she is getting along well with Mrs. Lian now.

Seeing the interaction between the two people, Lin Mengya was also relieved.

To be honest, after she left, if Sister Hui was not in the family, she was really uneasy.

"Let's go down first, the two of us can talk for a while."

Ying Shangguan Hui sent away the attendant, and said softly.

Lin Lin Mengya looked at her with a bit of smile in her smile.

"I didn't see it, our sister Yue is still a great character!"

"You, you will make fun of me. Now there is no one here, a few words, I have to tell you."

The words, of course, are your orders.

Lin Lin Mengya listened to her ears carefully, very seriously.

Tong Shangguanhui looked around and said, lowering her voice.

夫人 "Mrs. said, if you go to the temple, you have to be careful about the temple itself, in addition to those who are already looking at your family."

Lin Lin Mengya raised her brow slightly. His wife is from the family, and she is the person here. It is not easy to say these words.

"I know what you are thinking, Madam said, because she was the most beloved daughter in the family before she got married, so I can know some things. You know that every year the family goes to the temple, in addition to the first moon festival, but What are you going to do? "

Well, she's really not quite sure.

After all, she was the first to hear about such things as the January Moon Festival.

Not only that, but even the family members have not been there for a long time.

还有 "Also, send 'sacrifice'."

When Shang Shanghui said this, her dark eyes quickly passed a hint of fear.

Yuan Lin Mengya didn't ignore it, grabbed her hand and asked her voice down.

"Sacrifice, what offering?"

"Mrs. is not particularly clear, but this was mentioned accidentally by the elderly in her family before. When the top ten families went to the temple in the past, they had to bring the most valuable things besides the owners themselves" Offering. "

I said so, and she would probably understand.

But as a temple, if there is a sacrifice, it is actually reasonable.

Sister Ke Kehui told Lian Ye, I'm afraid it's not that simple.

也许 "Maybe, for the average family, gold and silver jewelry is valuable, right? But for those big families, what do you think is most important?"

Big family, ordinary gold and silver jewelry is definitely nothing, unless it is--

No way!

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