Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1347: Oh it's you

人 The goal of these people has never been Long Tianyu, but those cocoons.

Those who were agitated before were also caught in the drum.

If she had troubled with Long Tianyu because of her wedding, then others would have a chance.

So, without any hesitation, Lin Mengya rejected the "goodwill" of the Emperor.

They will hold on to the cocoon firmly, and see what can be done by the black hands behind the scenes.

The day when I left was approaching day by day, Lin Mengya was all right these days and stayed with Ninger all day.

The little guy was more and more flamboyant, although he didn't like to talk, but he laughed very much.

In addition to going to class with Xiao Yi, I was with his mother.

Lin Lin Mengya holds her baby every day, not enough to kiss, not enough to love.

"Master, what will the young master do in the future?"

Wu Baisu was a little worried, after all, they couldn't stay in Longdu forever.

Bian Ke Ninger is different. He is now the righteous son of Murong Xi and the heir to the title of His Highness the Future.

The only thing she could not recognize was the biological baby of her family.

孩子 "Children, of course with their parents. I don't want to let my children go through those things."

It wasn't that she didn't hate and didn't want revenge, but that the time was not up.

Once the time is right, she will let those who have hurt her son pay back 100 times.

"That's fine, I think since the young master returned, the master laughed a lot, and people were a lot more happy."

Even though she smiles every day, only Bai Su can see the hidden worries in her heart.

"That's natural, because this is my baby."

Holding up the child, her beautiful face with motherly love, as if it could melt all the coldness in the world.

"Miss, the master of Xianghua County is here."

Suddenly, a mother-in-law came to inform.

He heard only the four words of the Lord of Xianghua County, and the smile on Lin Mengya's face narrowed slightly.

Then, holding the baby son in his arms, he drew a strand of hair in his hand and held it behind his ears.

"Dare she come home?"

Bai Su frowned, with a sneer on his face.

Lin Lin Mengya didn't know about it. Ever since Bai Su knew those things, she had been struggling to pack Yue Qi.

I can see that it is better to come early than to come early.

"Come on, please, that's a VIP, but you can't leave it alone."

Her look was calm and she could not see anything.

"Doesn't the Lord bore her?"

当然 "Of course it's annoying, you can't eat it when you see her."

"Why miss, then, Miss?"

Lin Lin Mengya tilted her head and smiled at Bai Su playfully.

因为 "Because I'm bored."

Otherwise, who will take care of her when she is busy

This is the first time Yue Qi has come to the palace, but everything here cannot attract her the slightest attention.

Yun Ke came to the outside of the courtyard where Lin Mengya lived, but she stopped.

There was a hint of crazy jealousy in his eyes, and even though his father was very spoiled for her now, he was no more than one tenth of the palace family's.

The yamen is a common wooden door, but the grass and trees inside are extremely carefully arranged.

Even the street lamps in the yard are affixed with various gems, shining in the sun.

Unable to help, Akira spent the eyes of Yue Qi.

Why, only that woman can have it?

Why is she always easy to have what she desires?

如何 Even her own elder sister valued her better than herself. How did she not hate and jealous?

"The lord of the county is here. If you miss it, please sit down."

There is a world in the courtyard, which is specially designed as a conservatory.

Lin Lin Mengya leaned lazily on the couch and greeted casually, with Yu Xue's cute child in her arms.

Qi Yueqi's eyes stuck to the child from the beginning.

Why isn't this the right son of Long Tianyu?

"Well, the landlord thinks that this place is not good enough for me, so I don't want to sit, right. In fact, I can understand, after all, this place, one can't just make waves, and the other can't be threatened by others' hearts. For the landlord It really doesn't fit well. "

She has a light tone and a gentle attitude, like a joke between friends.

But Yue Qi heard other meanings. She was shocked. How could she know?

"I don't understand what Miss Gong means."

"It doesn't matter if you don't understand it, mainly after the county master, don't do this kind of thing. I am a nostalgic old person, and I have a good temper and education. If I change to another person, I will insert it into your chest as soon as possible You and that black heart. "

笑 She has a bright smile, but her voice is getting colder.

"You! Even if you are the head of the palace family, you are just a civilian, but I am the close county leader of Her Majesty, and you dare to disrespect me and pass it on, Her Majesty the Emperor will only become more and more tired of you. At that time, I see how you marry Murong Xi! "

I can't argue with it, do you start to use identity?

What a pity, Lin Mengya was not afraid of her.

"The emperor is the emperor. Which one will he marry, which one do I marry? Yue Qi, I am not you. Whether it is my engagement or my destiny, I dominate it myself. Others, be a fart . "

In her eyes, Emperor Huang Lian was just a wise, but only occasionally confused boss.

She has money, looks, and strength. As long as Long Tianyu is not stupid, she should know who to choose.

Looking at Yue Qi's elementary school students, she suddenly felt boring.

Alas, how can it be so difficult to find a close opponent this year?

"You don't have to be hard-mouthed, Gongya, you don't want to know the one that Huang Zun values? As far as I know, the lady is talented and not under you. Besides, you have rejected Huang Zun now, then, Xi In this position of His Highness's wife, I'm afraid I can't make it to you anymore. "

Xun Yueqi said gleefully. At the beginning, after going through hardships and hardships, she became Mu Rongxi's fiancee.

Yun Ke hadn't even waited for her to sit down before Gongya appeared.

Suddenly, Murong Xi was seduced by the woman in the blink of an eye.

I stubbornly broke the marriage contract with myself, and made her the laughingstock of the entire dragon capital.

This makes Yue Qi very irritable when I think of it.

Who knows, Lin Mengya even smiled and said: "As long as it's not you, right, my little highness."

Looking at her indifferent look, Yue Qi was so angry that she vomited blood.

"Lin Mengya, when are you going to act?"

She almost groaned and questioned her, but Lin Mengya raised her lips and smiled with a cold three-pointer.

"Yue Qi, this is what I want to ask you. Also, how does it feel to kill your adoptive parents?"

Qi Yue's eyes narrowed and she looked at the woman in front of her.

Alas, how could she know about this?

After seeing the confusion in Yue Qi's eyes, Lin Mengya knew that she was right.

"How did you know? Lin Mengya, you answer me!"

"Why should I tell you? Anyway, now you're the county owner, aren't you? Oh, I forgot. The county owner has been recuperating outside. If you talk to someone else, say that you are distinguished The county lady, who grew up in a trial land, and also seduce people, wants to hurt innocent people. Still, I want to put you on the night of the winter solstice, deliberately seduce the county grandeur, and try to rebel Are they being pushed to Qin Wang and her daughter? "

Lin Lin Mengya was not aggressive, and even her voice was still soft as usual, but Yue Qi was shocked with cold sweat.

"Lin Mengya, do you have any evidence? Don't forget, the Emperor will not believe you anymore."

Her fierce warning, but it was useless.

Lin Lin Mengya leaned there, but she looked like Taishan, and remained motionless.

"Evidence? If you don't have it, otherwise. If I had, wouldn't you just run to our house every day. Or to destroy the evidence, do something radical, or prepare early, That makes my evidence invalid. Yue Qi, do you look at me like that fool? "

Many things, there is no hard evidence.

Lin Mengya said this just to lie to her.

But I do n’t know if Lin Mengya is too stable or Yue Qi's ability is too poor.

Qi Yueqi did not deny it and did not strive for it.

Lin stared at Lin Mengya coldly, as if to swallow her alive.

"Do you think they will believe you?"

"Oh? Why don't you believe me?"

哼 "Well, everyone in your house wants to share a cup of 羹. They want you to make a mistake, and then you swarm up and divide up everything!"

"I'm not afraid, as long as you can't get it."

I was still indifferent, and I became more and more impatient with Yue Qi's mood.

Lin Lin Mengya looked at her with a smile, but smiled, but did not reach her eyes.

"Don't you feel sad and want to strangle me? But I'm sorry, there are too many people with this idea, you are not the first, and definitely not the last. Ke Yue, I have some debts, I should ask you Recovered.

You Shangguanhui, did you hit it? "

In fact, from the moment Shang Guanhui appeared in front of her, Lin Mengya actually guessed who might do it.

There are many people who know her in Jingjing City, but there are not many people who can know the people around her.

Others have survived the devastation of the wind and frost. Only Yueqi knows some of her secrets, and it is easier to start.

"What are you talking about? I don't understand. '

Qi Yue's eyes turned around, and some unnaturally denied it.

"You don't admit it's okay, we will have the opportunity to face off in the future. However, you should come here today for another purpose, should you sit down and have a cup of tea first."

She said with a smile, with a calm tone.

"Lin Mengya, leave him, otherwise, you can only bring him bad luck!"

Who is he? It goes without saying.

Lin Lin Mengya looked at Yue Qi and put away all her expressions.

"That's our business too, what do you care about?"

Suddenly, Yue Qi's face was gloomy, and he was almost furious.

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