Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1370: Mountain pass

From the fifth floor to the sixth floor, they need to walk through a whole staircase.

And 纭 er said that the layout of the sixth floor is similar to that of the fifth floor, and Ninger was picked up on the ninth floor on the day he came up.

This made Lin Mengya temporarily stop trying to visit her son secretly. Although she is reluctant, she still has to endure it.

Fortunately, their father and son lived together every day, and the Lord liked him very much. Ning Er's safety, they need not worry for the time being.

I thought I was going to sneak up, but I didn't expect that Bianer took her in a twist, to the darkest corner of the fifth floor.

Because the mountain is excavated, it can't be neat and tidy. All parts are embedded in the mountain.

Here, because nobody sees the sun all the year round, basically nobody comes.

Therefore, it has been made into a small ornamental garden, in which the plants are planted with shade.

They lie in the flowers that are half a human tall, and move inside a little bit.

Zhe Lin Mengya was a little curious as she walked. Generally speaking, in such places, there are many small poisonous bugs.

But Xiaoyao was quiet and did not even sound the alarm.

The temple is really strange.

"Miss, we are here!"

Tonger held her hand, and quickly bent over and ran to a mountain wall.

After exploring for a moment, Xiao Xiao's hands also knew how she did it, and a hole was opened on the mountain wall silently.

She looked at the dark hole, and when 纭 er got into the road, she immediately followed.

There was darkness in the cave, and after searching for a long time in his clothes, he found a fire flame for lighting.

Then she touched the wall again,

Then the door closed again.

"Well, let's go!"

Sui Er seemed relieved, after all, after arriving here, there was almost no risk of being discovered.

Gao Linmengya looked around. Although Huozhezi's lighting range was really limited, she could still see that the surrounding stone walls were smooth and the steps were well fixed.

In my opinion, this should be a secret passage hidden in the mountain.

"How did you find here?"

She is a little curious, but because the existence of the temple itself is surprising enough, she is not so surprised to see this underpass.

Xuan Er turned her head and said with a little excitement: "This is what Xie Xuan told me. He also said that this passage can lead to the eleventh floor above and the bottom floor. Just be careful. After all, the position of the door is uncertain, except for his level, only the fifth level is more hidden. "

This Nizi seems to regard Xie's words as a decree.

According to the current situation, since this channel can be connected to the first eleven layers, it shows that the channel is not small.

In that case, the door should be open in a more hidden place.

And looking at the current situation, obviously the people in the temple may not know that this thing exists.

But why not go to the twelfth floor?

No one is on it, so isn't it needed?

Gao Linmengya felt that this matter was weird everywhere, but for the time being, it is not suitable for further investigation.

I soon reached the gate on the sixth floor.

I was very cautious. I pressed my ears against the gap in the stone door and listened carefully for a while before opening the mechanism carefully.

Her subconscious, she pulled her in hiding in the dark.

This way, even if there are people outside, it is difficult to find them both.

The door opened, and there was some movement outside.

Lin Lin Mengya was a little nervous, holding the dark crossbow in her cuff.

He didn't want to, and leaning on the door alone, he leaned in and got in.

He held a lamp in his hand, Lin Mengya looked at the man clearly.

"My son! Why are you here in person?"

He didn't wait for her to speak, and he ran out from behind her.

After I ran to the man, he subconsciously wanted to help him, but was avoided by the man.

Then, the man looked at her up and down several times, and the tension on his face eased a lot.

"Why are you coming back now? Do you know how dangerous it is now? If you get caught, I won't come to your rescue!"

I opened my mouth, and it was a general rebuke.

Xiao Nizi, who was sharp in front of her, lowered her head at the moment, and was very guilty.

Lin Lin Mengya stood not far away, but her mood was very good.

If the guy's first sentence was to ask where the children are, not to care about her little girl, she would leave with her and care about his cooperation.

"Okay son, am I not okay. Don't worry about it, it's so cold outside, beware it's not good for your health. May I help you back, okay?"

Probably not the first time she was trained, her tongue stuck out, a playful look.

Xie 晗 was really unable to take her, and saw that she returned safely, worried that she had gone for more than half.

At this point, Lin Mengya cleared her throat without interest.

In the middle of the night, she didn't want to stand here eating hot dog food.

"Yeah! Forget! Son, this is my lady!"

My son immediately made a big red face, and didn't dare to help Xie at random, so she had to stand among them and introduce them.

"I haven't seen it for many days, the style of the owner is still the same."

She walked out of the darkness, a beautiful little face, and in the faint light, it was not reduced to half bright.

But in Xie's eyes, a little shy appeared.

He stalked his neck and turned his head. After a few coughs, he pretended to be calm.

"Have met Miss Gong."

Wu Yi broke her true identity, in fact Lin Mengya didn't think how long the previous disguise could hide from him.

But 纭 儿 aside was anxious and immediately explained: "Miss, I didn't say it, I didn't say anything!"

Lin Lin Mengya cried and laughed a little, what did this girl think?

I didn't expect Xie Yi's face changed slightly, she said very seriously.

"I found it myself, it has nothing to do with 纭. You, you can't blame her."

Alas, before anyone enters the door, he becomes the enemy first.

Lin Lin Mengya now understands why the old husband and the son-in-law are as envious as the enemy.

The baby that has been raised for so long, has now flew into the hands of others, and as a result they are not even allowed to watch, can they not be angry?

"I don't understand what the museum owner said. 纭 Er is my person. It is my business to think about it."

She was right, but did not expect that Xie 晗 glared at her for a few seconds, and then held her hands.

"Give her to me, I'll pay whatever it takes! Even if you want the entire Qingwei Hall, I will let it go!"

"My son!"

Min Er was so confused, and Lin Mengya frowned.

Childish, too childish!

"Not to mention that I do n’t want your Qingwei Hall to be of much use. If you do n’t have the Qingwei Hall, how can you feed my family? Young people, think twice about everything. Besides, you look at me like I look great Do you snore? "

Gao Linmengya said intently, the two people were confused by her.

Later, 纭 Er reacted first and looked at her lady in surprise.

Is this passed?

"Miss Xie is complete, sir, 纭 儿 knows wrong."

"Hey, you don't have to be perfect? ​​Miss Gong, you promised?"

The two are really a match made in heaven, and this fool-like response is exactly the same.

Lin Lin Mengya nodded gently, what can she do if she is incomplete?

If I look back to her, if she gives her a feeling of love, will she not regret it?

好 "Well, what are we doing here, let's go."

In the middle of the night, she made a mouthful of dog food, and now she only feels like a shadow, cold wind.

She was a little embarrassed and followed behind her own lady.

After I walked out of the garden, someone came to answer them.

Also, still an old acquaintance.

"Have met Miss Gong."

At the moment, Yuyu Rong Taoist is a pure dress, quite a sense of immortality.

Lin Lin Mengya nodded and smiled at the other side.

这 She discovered that the place where they appeared this time was the back wall of a house.

No wonder, the Yurong Taoist was dressed in white, and he was not afraid to be found.

A few people walked through the garden and came to the main hall.

The courtyard was a little quiet, and she didn't see any servants except the four of them.

I was seated one after another, and I gave her a cup of tea, and then she stood behind her obediently.

Lin Mengya felt a little better in my heart, but fortunately, the girl has not completely betrayed.

She took a sip of tea before she spoke leisurely.

"I don't know why the housekeeper wants you to pretend to be a husband and wife?"

She had heard this from Yurong before, but didn't ask it carefully.

When Xun heard her, Yurong Tao was stopped by Xie Xun as soon as he wanted to speak.

"It's not a disguise, but a real couple."

"Oh? In that case, you shouldn't get your children involved too. Presumably things in your family are not that simple, are they?"

Her tone was a little bit sharp, and she raised her eyes to look at the two Xie Yan who were opposite.

"Miss Gong misunderstood. In fact, the owner of my house just hoped that she would be able to keep a good look with her sister-in-law. It is true that this time the owner came to the temple to completely inherit the Qingwei Hall."

Xun Yurong said that he was afraid that the two parties would collapse and immediately came out to reconcile.

After listening to his words, Lin Mengya felt that this matter was not easy.

"You do n’t want to participate in the affairs of the Weiwei Hall. You like me, and I can agree. But I do n’t agree with your involvement in the right and wrong between you. I think you should be able to understand meaning."

Min Er did not speak because she knew that Lin Mengya was all for her good.

Over there, Xie Yan was silent.

Pu Yurong looked at his master and didn't know what to say.

"I hope she will become a true lady curator."

After a long time, Xie Yan said firmly.

His hands were tightly clasped, and his mouth was splayed into a straight line.

Seeing this, Bianer walked over immediately and took his hand.

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