Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1411: Leave book

On this point, Lin Mengya also had speculation.

每次 "Every time, the gate in the temple will only open after the family's sacrifice is delivered. And our people, there is no way to penetrate the king city."

When he said that, there was a little helplessness in the face of the saint.

Not only do they capture the principle that the thief first captured the king, I am afraid that those in Xiancheng also understand it, and therefore, they cannot find a suitable opportunity.

Seeing that little map, the Lord could not help but sigh.

"Gong Ya, no matter how you get the news. You remember, for the safety of you and Ning'er, you must not disclose it. For thousands of years, there are not many fans of Xiancheng. "Even if it is in the current temple, I can't guarantee that those people will be cleared."

You Shengzun looked dignified, but Lin Mengya had some thoughts.

She discovered a pattern, whether it was Master Yuan or Elder Liu. In their bodies, she found the mysterious substance.

Wuxiancheng does not treat people on the ground as people, they are just using these people to support the fairy city.

Few people can enter the scene.

其他 As for the others, it is not well-founded.

I believe that such things as religion are mostly linked to Lee.

"Holy Lord, rest assured, I will be careful to keep secrets."

那就 "That's good. Although your teacher is not good, you are a rare and good boy."

Wu Shengzun looked at him kindly, but only the words that he spoke made the teacher stare beside him.

"Well, no matter how good, she is also my student!"

The words of Teacher Wu angrily made the Lord's look a little unsightly.

After glancing at Bai Lirui, he pulled Lin Mengya's sleeve and asked in a low voice.

"Gong Ya, don't you really think about it, change another teacher? That old lunatic is not reliable."

She was stunned, and before she could talk back, the teacher had already yelled to teach the monstrous "stealer" 's despicable behavior.

Listening to their demolishing each other without any lethality, Lin Mengya smiled and pulled Long Tianyu away.

"Aren't you going to check it out?"

Chen Longtianyu didn't quite understand why his wife seemed to like to let the two elders fight.

"Don't look, this is a special way of communication for them. Okay, let's get ready for it, tomorrow, it's going downhill."

Long Tianyu has no doubt about her words.

They split their troops in two separate ways.

He came down from the temple and returned to the holy city.

She Yingzi and Taozi had already prepared properly. Because on the way back, there was Long Tianyu's personal protection, so the guards of the palace family went down to the mountains early to take over.

Lin Mengya couldn't help feeling a little bit as she looked at the holy city, as it always was.

Who could have thought that in this temple, a symbol of sacred power, it was just an illusion covered in a magic cave?

Sure enough, there are certain things that can never be seen on the surface.

"You are back! How is things going? How are you hurt?"

Cai Ling, surrounded by dust, suddenly appeared in front of her.

The man was wearing Wu Qing now, apparently he hadn't rested for several days.

Lin Lin Mengya nodded, and smiled and sent him a cup of warm tea.

"I'm fine together, you don't have to worry about it. I heard about the Cai family and the Xie family, don't worry, we won't have to make that kind of sacrifice anymore."

She knew that Cai Ling was working under Long Tianyu's men, but she didn't know the details.

After Cai Ling heard, there was no joy in her eyes.

I looked at her instead, and stopped talking.

"You have nothing to say, just say it."

She asked with a grin, but Cai Ling only hesitated for a moment before talking softly.

"The palace family, something happened."

"What? What happened?"

秀 She has a slightly frown and a slightly eager attitude.

Cai Ling thought for a while before she said.

"I'm not very clear about the specific things. In fact, before we came, there were people who wanted to do something with the palace family. This time, probably while you are away, you want to win the palace family in one fell swoop. After all, when you go back, you are the official housekeeper. "

He said so, Lin Mengya remembered.

Before she separated from Long Tianyu, the latter did mention that.

Although she did not go through the ritual of the temple, the current deity has long recognized her identity as the head of the palace.

So after she returned this time, no one could use her identity to make a fuss.

I'm afraid these people are also jumping over the wall!

Her cold smile brought forth a smile, but she was not in a hurry.

让 "Let them make a noise first, our palace family should also be a blockbuster."

Although she was working on things before, the territory of the defending country was too wide, so the news of the resurgence of the palace family was afraid that it was not known to everyone.

I was very nagging, and she just slumbered and someone put on the pillow.

Now, it's time to let those people know that the palace family has long been different.

"It seems that you have been prepared for a long time, it is my heart."

Cai Ling saw that she had a well-dressed appearance, and her face's anxiety had faded a lot.

Ke Kerimengya looked at him with a strange look.

He looked at himself as if there was nothing wrong with it.

"Cai Ling, who are you?"

She's curious.

Although she knew that her brothers could not lie to her, and she knew that when Cai Ling met her before, those shy looks were not pretended.

But it is clear that there are some things that Cai Ling's news is well informed.

I even knew some things inside Xiancheng.

She knows Long Tianyu well, and that person easily doesn't believe in one person.

However, he believes in Cai Ling.

The latter was stared at by her, and Jun's face turned quietly.

Lowered his head, and his voice became thin and weak again.

我 "I, I'm just an ordinary person. Gong Ya, don't make fun of me."

She narrowed her eyes and looked at him. After a while, she smiled again.

"OK, I won't force you. No matter who you are, as long as I know, you are my friend. This time, will you go to the palace with me?"

Cai Ling is very grateful for her no longer asking.

She nodded in a hurry, as if she was afraid she might have misunderstood something, and said hurriedly.

"I have promised the elder brother of the palace family before, I will surely send you back to the palace family in peace. Moreover, I don't plan to go back to Longdu. I will follow you later."

She nodded with satisfaction. Although Cai Ling had a soft temper, she had no shortage of abilities.

In her current plan, there is just such a key presence.

After two more words, Cai Ling left again.

They agreed, Cai Ling will come here to meet her again tomorrow morning.

I did not sleep all night. After she took a nap, I and Bai Su returned to her.

Before, they followed Ning'er, but this time, Long Tianyu will also follow her to the palace.

So, the two returned to her early.

"Where is Xie? I have forgotten to ask you."

Although Xie Er tried hard to hide it, she could still see that there was always a touch of worry in her eyes and brows.

"Thank you all right, thank you for your concern."

Xuner smiled reluctantly, but she didn't know, so she felt more distressed.

"You can tell me anything. That way, I can help you."

She held her in, soothing softly.

The remaining three Bai Sus were thoughtfully closed the door and left them in the house.

呜 "Woohoo, Sister Ya, Xie Ye doesn't want me!"


Gao Linmengya's anger exploded, and her anger value peaked instantly.

"It's not what you think, he didn't lose me, just"

Mi Er sat in front of her, her eyes full of grievances.

He kept sobbing, but also told the original story.

It turned out that those people just wanted to hold 纭 er and Bai Su down, but at a critical moment, Xie 晗 came forward and rescued two people.

He was so angry that he deprived Xie Ye of inheriting the power of Qingwei Hall.

For a moment, Xie Yan became a poor light egg.

There was no one besides the mad star beside him.

Because of this, Xie Xun felt that she was not worthy of Xun Er and could not give her happiness.

So after she got out of trouble, she just left her a breakup letter and disappeared.

"Sister Ya, I know he didn't mean to lose me. It's just that I really don't care. Besides, Xie Ye is a very capable person. In the future, he will rise again. I don't care to wait, I only care, he Beside me. "

After I spoke, I cried again.

He squinted and looked at a pair of eyes that were swollen like a rotten peach, Lin Mengya was distressed.

"This little bastard! I'm afraid he forgot it. How did you promise me at the beginning! You, wait, I'll get him out when I go back, tie it up and marry you!"

She scolded angrily, the little king **** Xie is simply bullying!

"Sister Ya, don't embarrass him. I know he's upset, and as long as he's good, I'm at ease."

A soft and soft glutinous word directly made Lin Mengya hurt people.

"It's this time, and you know that the little **** is jealous! Okay, I promise you, don't hit him or scold him, just talk to him. Well, don't cry anymore. You, cry It hurts my heart. "

Tong Er muttered her mouth, Ewha's big rainy eyes blinked at her, and finally nodded gently.

Will Lin Mengya not know this kind of taste, and just hope that Xie Yan ’s **** is not stupid, in case she really ca n’t think about it later, how can she explain to her?

In my heart, I couldn't help cursing the evil city again.

If it wasn't for this **** fairy city, I would surely be safe and secure at home with a bun.

Where can I commit it? As I do now, every day I open my eyes and figure out how to deal with them.

Sooner or later, one day, she will have to get this account back!

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