Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1436: Cheating intelligence

For example, whether it is the owner of Xianghua County or Yu Mingzhu.

They are all related to the temple, and every year there are many missing noble girls, almost all of them have something to do with them.

Although Wu Chonghua has great shortcomings in her personality, she is not a particularly stupid person.

Instead, she even secretly grasped some of these rules.

For example, many of the family girls who have been close to the owner of Xianghua County and Yu Mingzhu are suddenly ill, or died unexpectedly.

Although Chonghua's words were out of her words, she revealed to her that these people are very evil and can bring people's fortunes down.

But she gradually figured out the truth behind this matter.

Now she still needs confirmation.

"I ask you, why does the posthumous arrest me, do you know?"

She asked coldly, and the Chonghua County Master shrank a little, raised his eyes, and looked at her with a few scared eyes before whispering.

"I didn't know about it before, but one day, I accidentally in the lord's dormitory, I heard someone say that you have been watched by a big man. And I promised that as long as I can get you You can let the prince feel at ease. "

Is someone big on her?

She stunned God, and for a moment, she didn't respond.

In my head, I passed a possibility.

Suddenly, she felt a cold back, a feeling of nausea, but her stomach was tumbling.

行 "Okay, do you have anything else to tell me?"

突然 She suddenly became impatient, making Chonghua panic.

"All I said was true, I didn't lie to you. By the way, that person also told the posthumously. If there is no way to catch you smoothly, let it be announced and make you a target! I know There are only so many, and the sentences are true, none of them are deceiving you! "

Wu Zhonghua was afraid she would not believe it, and immediately swore with a curse.

In fact, she is not exactly what Chonghua said, but the word "published in the world" is extremely dangerous to her.

Wu Zhonghua has vomited everything she knows.

Others, she asks again, it is estimated that there will not be much gain.

I felt like a heavy rock in her heart. She was too lazy to listen to Zhonghua's begging for mercy and crying.

I brought my own person back to the room.

After a while, the housekeeper asked respectfully.

"Miss, may I ask the owner of Chonghua County what to do?"

"Let's put it there first, and wait until His Royal Highness comes back."

Something happened, some out of her expectations.

The big man who wanted her, in fact, she had long guessed.

I am afraid that even if he is not the one in Xiancheng, it is related to him.

I remembered that in the yard, she was feeding like a pig every day, and her chest couldn't bear a suffocation.

How do these people like to use people as tools?

If she didn't escape in time, if Long Tianyu didn't arrive in time.

I'm afraid it's very possible. I have to repeat the tragedy of the housekeepers of the past.

"What are you thinking?"

Holding a pair of big hands, with a slight coolness, embraced her in her arms.

A soft, low voice, miraculously ironed her heart.

She looked up and saw his handsome face.

I was outside, but I do n’t know when, it was completely dark.

"I was thinking, what if I want to catch me all over the world?"

I didn't want to, but he pressed her head into her arms.

"Then you can hide in my arms with peace of mind. Good, eat dinner, don't think about anything."

After a meal, she was absent-minded.

To be honest, she was not so scared.

The only and fatal weakness is that time is too tight.

一旦 Once her identity was made public, I was afraid that there would be no time to respond, and someone would want to seize her.

The interest is always crazy.

"Don't worry about it like this, for the time being, you are still safe."

He was helpless, and at the same time he understood what she was worried about.

Shechengmen was caught fire and pond fish, she was not afraid to fight alone with others.

She is worried that her relatives and friends will be affected.

She couldn't swallow, she simply pushed the rice bowl that hadn't eaten a few grains of rice.

"No, we can't sit still."

"You calm down a bit. The talent of the posthumous person has just lost you. They are also investigating the matter secretly. I went back today and made another such incident. In a short time, I am afraid that the posthumous person will not be particularly big. Movement. "

"But there are other people without the post. I understand what you mean. Regardless of the post or other powerful forces, they all want to seize me alone to get the maximum benefit. So, The news can't be leaked for the time being. But they are enemies, and I can't fully pin their hope on them. "

Her analysis makes sense.

Nine Dragons Tianyu's brow stretched slightly. It seems that she has not completely lost her mind.

相信 "Trust me, I know how to contain them. We still have time."

He took her hand and held him in his arms.

Backhand, she hugged her tightly, flustered, and slowly calmed down.

She closed her eyes and all consciousness returned to the Shennong system.

Inside, the interface flashed frantically.

And Xiaoyao did not come out to meet her as usual.

A large amount of data is like a vast ocean of smoke.

She looked at some of them, and as a result, it shocked her.

A "ding" sounded, a buzzing sound that symbolized the end of the test, and the anthropomorphic image of Xiaoyao appeared in front of her again.

But this time, it is still the image of the male researcher in a white coat.

"Director, the experimental results are out!"

She stunned for a moment, how systematic, but also a big tongue?

I saw the man holding a thick stack of test reports in front of her.

主任 "Director, you can see, this is the final result of our underground human evolutionary system this time!"

His Majesty's medicine pushed his eyes, completely like a scientific research man.

"You just called me?"

"Director! I have checked the system. Among the similar people you have met before, only the title" Director "has the highest obedience."

Come on! Lord your sister!

This artificial intelligence core must be playing with her.

Lin Lin Mengya felt her forehead and pulled out three black lines.

现在 But now, obviously, it's not the time to entangle this title.

"After previous comparative experiments, the system finally arrived at the result of human evolution under the condition of being named" Immortal City. "Generally speaking, human intelligence will not degrade. And because of the existence of mysterious matter, their physical life span Vision, hearing, etc. will exceed the normal number of people. But the only drawback is that their fertility will be seriously reduced. Especially for women, there is almost no way to give birth to a viable newborn. "

看着 Looking at the experimental results given by Xiaoyao, she had some ideas in her heart.

This is also why those noble girls will disappear.

Overall, it is not good news.

Because of this, once the war on the ground and underground, only people on the ground can not take advantage.

"Then, apart from the fertility function, do they have other shortcomings?"

"Of course they have fatal shortcomings, because they live underground all the year round, and they have adapted to a living environment without sunlight and hypoxia. So if they are on the ground and their skin is exposed to direct sunlight, they will fester. And if they Once living in a high-itch environment for too long, there will be problems with the respiratory system. And I also found that the mysterious substance can not withstand the long sun exposure. Once the excessive exposure, the mysterious substance will turn into a This neurotoxin, the carrier, will die immediately. "

Xiao Xiaoyao's analysis finally made her see such a glimmer of victory.

In this way, those people on the scene cannot casually come to the ground for activities.

But at the beginning, someone still came out.

现在 Even now, the scene is bewildering a bunch of believers.

This shows that they should have a way to live on the ground, but it may not be universal.

"Director, if there is nothing else, I will go first."

She still couldn't adapt to this title, just watched Xiaoyao with a look of embarrassment.

She never saw her anthropomorphic form in the system and suddenly became curious.

Who knows that she had just given the order and saw the opposite of herself, appearing in the image of a middle-aged oily man with a bald head, a humpback, short stature, and a pair of heavy black frame glasses.

She stayed for a while, and then snarled in the system.

"Little medicine! Madam wants to format you!"

The ubiquitous little medicine soon responded.

"Please enter the format password!"

She was blocked immediately because she didn't even know what the **** system password was?

Nima, pit father's artificial intelligence core, in the future, she must format it!

I quit from the system and she exhaled slowly.

"How do you sleep?"

Nostalgic, came Yu's low voice.

愣 She stunned God, only to find that she was lying on the bed and covered with a quilt.

"I'm okay, how about you?"

When she enters the system, if the time is too long, the body will automatically enter the dormant state.

However, she didn't like this feeling very much. Every time she woke up, she felt very tired.

I rolled over, and she found a more comfortable position in his arms.

"I haven't fallen asleep, I have been watching you. You don't seem to sleep well. Is it a dream that someone made you angry?"

She kept frowning and her fists clenched.

He didn't trust her, so he kept watching.

"Uh, in my dreams, I was suffocated by a brain."

She screamed at Xiaoyao in her heart, thinking she was a cute little lady, but she didn't expect it to be a black pervert!

"Oh? Really?"

Nine Dragons Tianyu was very interested in her strange dreams.

She didn't want to turn around on this topic anymore, and quickly turned away.

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