Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1439: Premeditate

"Go and help me find out, is that doctor's medicine really so amazing?"

"However, even if the medicine is really useful, you don't have that much money."

Wu Zhonghua looked at the maid and suddenly showed a meaningful smile.

"No one can stop what I Zhonghua wants. You can just inquire about yours, other things, don't worry."

The servant girl's eyes flashed, but she retreated as she said.

In the main courtyard, Xuner hurriedly walked back from the outside.

Lin Xieya did not conceal her about Xie Xie's affairs.

姑娘 The girl looks soft and delicate, but her heart is tough.

With red and swollen eyes, he started to do things for himself.

小姐 "Miss, the Chonghua County Master has been curious about the news that was deliberately spread out. But I don't understand one thing, the Chonghua County Master is not stupid, would she be so easily fooled?"

By candlelight, she is reading a book.

She had to go out temporarily when something happened. She covered a small blanket and leaned on the soft collapse to wait for someone.

After listening to 纭 er's words, she raised her lips and sneered.

"Of course it will. In her current situation, if I don't find another way, I'm afraid I will never escape my palm. So, even the most absurd method, as long as she can use it, she will try of."

She's completely complete, and she knows Chonghua's psychology.

Because he grew up in the imperial palace from a young age, in the heart of Chonghua, power is greater than heaven.

怎么 How could such a person endure, he was imprisoned in a small yard.

Such things as sense only exist in the minds of people who have room to turn around.

Wu Zhonghua, does she have a mind?

"But is there really that kind of medicine in the world?"

Queer and other big eyes asked suspiciously.

Bai Su aside, but thoughtfully.

垂 She lowered her eyes, her expression unknown.

"A thousand worlds, there are all kinds of wonders, maybe there will be."

Mi Er is even more confused, but for one thing, she always believes it.

Miss Yun said yes, then there must be.

安静 Quiet at midnight, Long Tianyu returned with a cool body.

When I entered the door, I saw the orange candlelight shaking, letting out a warm light from the room.

The cold and stern face eased immediately, he took off his coat and walked to the bed tiptoe.

A slightly messy little head came out of the puppet, rubbing his eyes and yawning again.

"Come back, are you hungry? I'll leave you some snacks."

He said, he wanted to go down, but he caught his feet.

The warm big hand struck her tender feet, she immediately retracted, and looked at him with some anger.

"You starve to death, hooligan!"

She said, retracted into the quilt.

Chen Long Tianyu smiled lowly, he likes to see her petite look.

After using a little pastry a little, he lifted the tent and went to bed, squeezing the outside tightly.

Lin Lin Mengya moved inside and didn't have time to sleep.

"How did things go? Xie 晗, should you be alive?"

In the afternoon, their talents just received the order to find Xie 晗 in the ghost affairs. After a short while, they received the news.

Xilairen only said that the matter was a bit tricky and required Long Tianyu to go there in person.

I didn't expect this to go, most of the night.

I took the person in my arms, Long Tianyu whispered.

"Xie Xuan has no worries about his life for the time being. Although the Qingwei Club is down, there are still a lot of people available in his hands. This kid is quite capable and already has a place in the ghost market."

Alas, this made her worry a lot.

"Why didn't you bring someone back?",

In a place like the black market, white is strength.

It's killing people, it's the least valuable thing there.

"Don't worry, I went to take a look myself tonight. It is impossible for Xie Ye to pull away completely. And if he really wants to reorganize the Weiwei Hall, the ghost market, Is his only chance. "

She heard that she frowned.

In the final analysis, the reason why she cares about this is because of her relationship.

But she is not Xie Yan's, and it is not easy to decide other people's affairs without authorization.

But she is still a friend who distresses her.

"Is there no other way? If something really happens, I'm afraid 纭 will die sad."

Lost love, bitter.

She was reluctant and could not bear to see her being tortured in this way.

"Things are not completely irreversible. As long as Xie 晗 can succeed, the two of them will have a day to meet again."

Yun Yu's words made her hesitate.

He rolled her eyes, she said suddenly.

"You mean, let Xie Tiao be the master of the ghost market? This is easy to say, but it is too difficult. Not to mention that the existing forces in the ghost market must be intertwined, I'm afraid he will still They have been strangled before they have risen. "

She is no stranger to this kind of cannibalism.

When the former San Jue Tang opened up territory with the kingdom of Lie Yun, there were many clashes with the original rivers and lakes in secret.

Moreover, how detached the Qingwei Hall was before, now how annoying it is for those who originally wanted it.

In this way, before they became the master of the ghost market, they were full of enemies.

It's not easy to stand out from the crowd.

所以 "So, I want to leave midnight to him."

"Ling Ye, why is he?"

She admits that Ling Ye's martial arts are very strong.

Alas, judging from his pretty good mix in the temple, it is clear that this person is not just a fist.

But there is still a difference between the ghost market and the temple. It is not enough to fall into a thank you. Is there another one?

"Ling Ye is currently not suitable for staying in the temple. The teacher said that there will be great changes in the temple in the future. And I'd better not be involved. So I hope that Ling Ye will be able to escape from the previous group. Looking at it now, the ghost market is the best place to stay. "

She was silent for a moment, and finally nodded in silence.

But now that she's decided, she'll do her best.

What's more, it wouldn't be a bad thing if Xie Yuan could really control the ghost market.

"What do you think, just do it. If I can help you, I will try to help."

Looking at her helplessness, Nine Dragon Tianyu was actually distressed.

I put her little head in her arms and said softly.

"As long as you are by my side, that is the greatest help to me. Mengya, promise me, never leave me."

A touch of sourness appeared in her heart, he always did that, he could hit her directly.

"Okay, I promise you. Then you also promise me, you need to protect yourself."

Dawn was approaching, but they didn't feel any sleepiness.

Yan Jiujiu was speechless, Yu said in a voice she could barely hear.

"For you, I am willing to die."

She shuddered in her heart, and her little hand held him tighter.

I hope everything goes smoothly.

According to Yu's original plan, they should set off secretly and return to the palace house after a few days.

But it is obviously not your simple task to conquer the ghost market.

At noon, he sent someone to talk and said that he was already online with Xie 晗.

However, how to persuade and how to deploy will obviously not be achieved overnight.

Wu Youyu went out in person, she didn't need to worry too much.

What's more, she also has important things to do.

"Miss, a guest is here. Say yes, Your Highness sent someone to take it over."

She was playing with flowers and plants in the yard, and her eyes brightened when she heard her words.

"Hurry up, please! Come, prepare tea!"

Soon, the guest arrived in front of her.

The man took off his black cloak, revealing a face she knew so well.

She frowned and smiled sweetly.

"Teacher! It really is you!"

Bari Rui looked at his students and smiled.

Blowing his nose slightly, he saw the flower juice on her hand.

"What are you doing?"

She looked at her fingertips and showed a naughty smile.

"I am perfecting the thousand faces mentioned by the teacher!"

Bian Ruiru's brow frowned.

Thousands of people face, that is the strange medicine he saw in an old medical book.

Speaking of which, the effect of a thousand faces is actually to soften the skin, and then cover the face with a fixed mask.

In this way, you can achieve the effect of easy capacity.

However, this way, once the Thousand Human Noodles are no longer used, the facial features are fixed. Moreover, because the flesh on the face is forced to be exiled in the past, something will happen sooner or later.

He thought his students were crazy and stopped immediately.

"What are you going to do? Think Yirong, don't we have any other ways? This thing can't be touched!"

I did not expect, but she shrugged and looked helplessly at herself.

"Sorry teacher, I have no other way. To pit people, I can only choose the worst."

"You child, why are you so stubborn! Wait for someone? Who do you want?"

Looking at the teacher's grief and anger, she just felt too cute.

Sure enough, teasing the teacher is as fun as ever.

"It's that Chonghua County lord. She wants to take me instead of her dreams. I naturally want to give her this opportunity."

I know my own housework.

I want to say that there is something bad about this student, that is, he is unwilling to eat.

But he felt nothing bad. Everyone is the same. Why should his students suffer?

At the moment, I could not help narrowing my eyes and showing a deep smile.

"You medicine, there should be something worse, come, may we teachers and students, haven't we cooperated for a long time?"

She gave a smirk.

I know that in this kind of thing, their teachers and students will always reach an inexplicable consensus!

A few days later, the master of Chonghua County exchanged her jewelry for a box, a box of medicine developed by Lin Mengya's teachers and students, and an iron mask with at least seven or eight points like Lin Mengya's features.

I looked at myself with almost all the net worth, Chonghua's face exposed a touch of ruthlessness.

Lin Mengya, see who can laugh to the end!

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