Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1435: Chonghua confession

不过 "But in a few words, you have leaked so many things, the county master still treats you well. When I come home later, let the emperor cousin, seal me a princess."

Min Er glanced at his mouth and said, his face was not panicked.

"Hum, I'm still hard-mouthed now! I'll let you be a bitch, and die in my hands!"

Zhong Zhonghua's tone is wicked, and it seems that he has the power to kill and kill those people, and his smile is gradually distorted, cruel and crazy.

Laoer sneered and continued to sneer at her, but was pushed away gently by Lin Mengya.

Wu Zhonghua thought that they were a stranger, but outside, no one came in to take people.

She started to feel a little panicked.

"You go out and see, why is there no one yet?"

Wu Zhonghua said to his two maids, but before the two went out, they were blocked by Bai Su who came back from the outside.

Bai Su, who took the sword in his hand, passed by with a cold eye, and the two immediately shuddered, afraid to make trouble.

"Master, the movement outside just now was brought by the housekeeper to build the garden. They went to the house for the first time and did not know the way, so they went wrong."

"Oh, this is the case."

Gao Lin Mengya nodded, pretending to look at the host of Chonghua County in surprise, but in her eyes, there was a satire on it.

Wu Zhonghua looked at her stupidly, and it took a long time before she reacted.

Hit her and was played by Lin Mengya!

"Bitch! How dare you blame me!"

Xu screamed, and Zhonghua slammed into her direction.

Opening her teeth and dancing, she went straight to her face.

I'm afraid this person is really crazy.

But she had been prepared for a while, and as soon as she hid, she let Chonghua take a break.

Bai Su also responded long ago. Almost at the same time, Bai Su pulled Chonghua and flung her hands hard.

He only heard the sound of "Dangdang", and Zhonghua slammed into the table next to him.



The two girls ran to her together, looked up and down nervously, and determined that she was okay, then turned and stared at the Chonghua County Lord hatefully.

"Ahem, Gongya! I will kill you, I will kill you!"

Even now, Chonghua has gone, and there is no room for resistance, but she still does not know how to repent.

This kind of person is afraid that it is no longer saved.

"Miss, this kind of person, you still don't have to talk too much with her. Just leave her here to die, lest you dirty your hands!"

Chen Er said angrily, but Lin Mengya just looked at Chonghua expressionlessly.

来 "Come! You killed me! Hahahaha, you dare not! Lin Mengya, as long as I die, I will ruin you! You have made me so miserable, I will never make you feel better!"

Xi Zhonghua thoroughly became a madman, and jealousy had completely twisted her mind.

Lin Lin Mengya was not angered by her, her eyes still clear.

"You keep saying, how miserable I was to you, how did I harm you?"

"It's all you!"

Xie Zhonghua's mouth shed blood, but people became more and more crazy, crying and laughing, very scary.

"You are a wild species, but why can you occupy his heart? Why don't you die, ah, why come back and entangle him again and again! He should belong to me! Why can you have it all! Me? I can only struggle in the mud! Lin Mengya, I hate you! I hate you! How good you are to die at sea, why do you want to appear again! Kill you, I must kill you! "

"Okay, lord, what else do you bother with this kind of person?"

I couldn't even hear Bai Su, who had always been indifferent. This person was just trying to make sense.

But Lin Mengya crouched down with a sneer on her lips.

"You want me to think you love me, so don't you have a mental disorder?"

Wu Zhonghua didn't talk and continued to scold her there.

"You didn't love Long Tianyu originally, you only approached him for power. But this time you failed. So, you have to pretend to be stupid, maybe you can get your life back, right?"

Her tone was so cold that Chonghua couldn't help but wince, but only glanced at her with a resentful glance and turned her head to look inside.

"You said, if I let go of the news that you have betrayed and let everyone know that you are pretending to be crazy, what will they do to you?"

She downplayed and saw the line, but it was like scraping a bone steel knife, making Chonghua's body tremble slightly.

"I forgot to tell you that the posthumous people did indeed go to the residence of His Highness Xi today. However, they are not where I live and search out those things. They are where you, the principal of Zhonghua County, live temporarily Searched out. Now, you are the true murderer of His Royal Highness Xi. His Royal Highness, under the anger, must kill you to vent your anger. What about the taste of being a living dead, right? In this way, You never have a chance to stand up again. "

Xi Zhonghua turned her head sharply and stared at her.

Lin Lin Mengya sneered, and sure enough, she was no different from her guess.

不可能 "Impossible! You are lying to me, this is absolutely impossible!"

"Nothing in the world is impossible, the book was found in your room, and the person died in your yard. Oh yes, from entering the house to now, Xun'er has been your care. So everything Are logical. "

She grinned, but her eyes were cold.

Tong Zhonghua was panicked, her eyes were chaotic, apparently confused.

"You're lying to me! No one has come in here from now until now! To avoid suspicion, I haven't been out of the yard for several days!"

"I don't know if you are stupid, or if you are smart enough, look, is this the same mansion as before?"

She got up just to let Chonghua look out of the door.

I pointed at the yard, she reminded kindly.

"Maybe all your thoughts are on how to frame me. Didn't you notice that this morning, your yard is not quite right? Look, is that door slightly newer than the previous one? If you look at the furnishings in your house again, don't you feel that something is missing. What do you often use? Well, it's a pity. I thought you had already observed it. You bad guys this time, the quality is not enough ! "

She got up and smiled, full of ridicule.

With her guidance, Chonghua was dull.

"This is what he prepared for you with all his heart. You should be content once you have this life."

She imitated Zhong Hua's tone and teased each other.

In fact, this is also deceiving Chonghua. According to Long Tianyu's personality, how could he spend his mind on Chonghua?

Just because he didn't care about all this, the decoration of the guest rooms was almost the same.

"No, it's impossible! Last night, I didn't feel it at all. You lied to me, did you lie to me, right?"

Wu Zhonghua didn't pretend to be stupid because she knew that it would be useless to go on like this.

Once the evidence is found in her place, no matter if she is stupid or crazy, Murong Xi can deal with her.

In this round, she was undoubtedly defeated.

"What did I lie to you? He went out early in the morning. Obviously, it's going to be over there."

Although he didn't say it, she smelled the clue from his words.

He said, this is their home.

Only with absolute safety can he be a family, settle her here, and leave alone.

As for Chonghua, she was already a blockbuster.

Once the postman learned that he did not return home last night, then he could quickly speculate that the person who took her away last night might be her.

This person is really troublesome.

Especially when she saw this almost identical courtyard, she had already guessed Yu's plan long ago.

Before she came in, she instructed Bai Su to let the housekeeper take someone for a while.

Sure enough, this trick worked.

"No, it won't be like this. Gong Ya, I was wrong. It's all my fault, please, please help me, okay? I'd like to be a bull and a horse for you in the future. help me!"

Huo Zhonghua shuddered, crawled to her feet, hugged her legs, and begged hard.

Tears meandered down her cheeks. In fact, in addition to howling, she really felt a bit pitiful.

I presumably, when she conspired with Hou Zun, she relied on the same expression, so that Hou respected her.

What a pity, I don't have such a soft heart.

救 "It's not that easy to save you. However, I want to see if you are sincere."

She bent down, bewildering Zhonghua.

The other person seems to have no God, but the eyes turn fast.

She sneered silently in her heart, afraid that until now, Chonghua was still thinking about how to lie to her?

"Okay, I can tell you everything. As long as you can save me, I can say anything!"

"Then you talk about it first, how did you know my past with Yu."

She took a step back and broke the hands of the Lord of Zhonghua County, sitting in a chair with all her heart, looking at each other.

Xi Zhonghua swallowed a sip of water and thought for a moment before she said.

"I know about you from the main mouth of Cheung Hwa-gun. At that time, I was fascinated by ghosts, so I would believe that bitch! If you believe me, I am innocent!"

She didn't say a word, and Chonghua couldn't figure out her mind, so she just kept talking.

"In the beginning, it was she who found me first and said that Her Royal Highness was coming back. She also said that Her Royal Highness was attacked on the road and temporarily lost her memory. It was a good time to take advantage of the imagination. What I did not want at the time was always repeated I was encouraged by her. At that time, the posthumous respected me as much as before. I had no family to rely on, so she was used. "

Even though Zhonghua now speaks pitifully to herself, she knows better than anyone else. The reason why Zhonghua has this day is because she is too greedy.

Although Wu Zhonghua is not necessarily true, it is not all false.

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