Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1848: For the world

As the pillow of the posthumous deity, in fact, the emperor knows the posthumously more than anyone.

At first she could be in the temple. After that hatred was passed on to her, he was even more dangerous.

As a last resort, he had to stare coldly at the woman in front of him.

"What on earth do you want?"

"I just want to ask His Majesty the Emperor to do a little favor."

"Are you threatening 朕?"

"Don't dare, just exchange."

"What to exchange?"

Your Majesty, "Tell me everything you know, and I will tell Your Majesty how to cover up the truth. You wo n’t lose money on this sale."

She is not afraid that His Majesty the Emperor will not agree, after all, he will never have another heir.

Gritted his teeth, Huang Zun's eyes, showing a bit of rudeness.

"Hum, do you think you're ready?"

Lin Lin Mengya smiled with determination.

"Of course not, because Your Majesty can choose to give up the mountains and mountains to others, such as the posthumous mother-in-law's nephew and the like."

Her words, although it was a cloud of light and light wind, but it made the posthumous, changed his face.

The reason why she has such great confidence is because she has seen many books when she was in the temple.

These things are invisible outside.

There are some things recorded in the royal family.

If you join this royal family and want to become a royal family, you must go to the temple to worship.

The sacrifice used for sacrifices is his entire family.

That is to say, no matter how many people are in the clan, in fact, the only person left in the end is the one who ascended the throne.

有人 If someone is on the throne, it means that he will sacrifice his parents, children, and even relatives


哪里 Where is the throne, clearly, it is the demon who eats people.

However, even if it is a person, after decades and even hundreds of years of reproduction, it has also changed from one person to a small family.

At this moment, the temple will send someone to let the emperor make a choice.

Do you want to stay in this position or to be replaced by someone else?

Instead, it's very simple. Take control of your position and give it to someone who can sacrifice your parents.

To stay in this position, you need to let your offspring lose the ability to give birth.

Then, among the side branches, choose one to inherit the throne.

This rule is strange, but if you think about it, you will understand why the arrangement of the temple is for it.

After all the branches were cut off from the main family, it was clear that things had returned to the original point.

To put it plainly, this is a trick they play.

What I want is that no one, or any family, will occupy this position forever.

Therefore, His Majesty valued Yu so much.

But the thought of this incredible rule made her air-conditioned.

It seems to me that the people below the ground have never disappeared in their lives!

In order to gain this position, the ancestors of Lu Murong's family sacrificed the entire family.

His Majesty and His Majesty also wanted this position, and His Royal Highness had to be like this.

Is it ordinary to be ruthless and selfish to such a person?

What's more terrible is that they package this selfishness as a last resort, so they can enjoy it with peace of mind.

However, they have forgotten that those who have been hurt most by them are those who have been sacrificed by innocent people!

That's why, she feels more and more abominable.

Poke them, they are playing with the earth!

"Do n’t think about it! This David ’s country can only be our Murong family! At the beginning, we paid the price of extermination to regain this position.

Wu Huangzun was a little excited, Lin Mengya looked at him, but her heart was sneer.

I was right, his ancestors sacrificed the entire family, but he also sacrificed his son.

The cold blood of their Murong family is the same.

"That being the case, why does your Majesty not cooperate with us? I promise, you Murong family will never fall into the hands of others, how?"

轻 Anyway, Qing Han is Yu's younger brother, who is his own family and not an outsider.

Zhuang Huangzun, stared at her desperately.

"you sure?"

"If you do n’t believe me, there is nothing I can do. Her Majesty the Emperor can also consider sending me to those individuals. But at that time, whether it is Murong's family, the royal family, or David, all will It's over. It's gone! "

When Lin can threaten people, Lin Mengya has no time to relent.

Sure enough, as soon as Huang Zun heard this, his expression began to hesitate.

Believe it or not, this is the question.

After a long time, the posthumous exhaled gently.

"It seems that 朕 is really old, actually, was caught by a little girl."

Xun again had this kind of self-deprecating ridicule, but this time, Lin Mengya didn't care.

Some things can be believed when I say it again.

After a second pass, it became worthless nonsense.

"So, does Your Majesty Royal agree?"

"朕 Even if you don't want it, Gongya, let me ask you, have you heard these things in the temple?"

She didn't hide, nodded, and then warned.

"Your Majesty, I advise you, the people who follow you, you still have to clean your hands and feet. Some places, but not to go in, go in. His Royal Highness can not walk freely, let alone others."

其他 This other person means Yu Ming.

She can see that Yu Ming is very happy and has great personality defects.

But such a person can master the Emperor's side, and the most close one is the elite strength, which shows that this person is still outstanding. Now it seems that if he can get such trust from the Emperor, it should be a person who is extremely loyal to His Majesty.

So she would warn.

Otherwise, Yu Ming will really do it.

Speaking of her words, Huang Zun's face was gloomy after a while.

"Oh, I see."

He didn't walk away, which was enough for Lin Mengya to be surprised.

"Okay, now that your Majesty has agreed to me, then I would like to ask you a favor for the next cooperation."

She is still polite, even if just a moment ago, she didn't say much.

In this regard, Huang Zun is somewhat satisfied.

After all, if Lin Mengya was the kind of brainless woman, he would have shot desperately.

A smart woman is dangerous, but at the same time, a smart woman will do something unexpected to him.

"Hum, you say it."

"I hope you can tell me, where are the people who told you this before?"

She thought about it and thought that she could start with Huang Zun.

Compared with other families, Huang Zun is a little bit more difficult to do.

After all, they consider themselves the masters of this country, so naturally they will not easily believe the words of the temple.

So there will be someone to stare at him.

This person must not be a little 喽 啰.

For a while, Xiao Yan was unable to approach the palace and his side.

Twenty-two years later, he is a king in the end, even if he is a puppet of the underground fairy city, but the power on the ground is real.

So, if the person with whom he comes into contact has insufficient brains and can't calm down, how can the Emperor fully believe and do such a thing?

She thinks there is a great possibility that this person, even now, is still prominent.

It's just that they can hardly notice it for a while.

"Actually, every time I went to see him, he was not in the palace. When he first saw him, he was still a teenager. He said to me, as long as he gave up something, he would be treated as an emperor and stable. Sit securely on the throne "

When Huang Zunzhuang said these words, his mood was mixed with some regrets.

After all, this opportunity is equivalent to sacrificing his son's life.

He didn't feel better about himself.

This is probably called self-injustice, can't you live?

"Why do you listen to him so much every time?"

If it is her, someone dares to come here to say these crazy words, then she will surely sweep it out of the house immediately, and won't believe it for half a word.

What a pity, not only did the Emperor believe, but he did as well.

Suddenly, Lin Mengya felt really sorry.

Prince Lao's skin and morals are considered good. If nothing happened, I am afraid that now he is a normal man.

Although it does not hinder the use, it is also difficult to tell.

"I originally did n’t want to believe it. But that person said every time, if I listened to him, he would make the world a purgatory. You do n’t know how much you are facing such a person. It ’s uncomfortable. It does n’t matter if you die, but it ’s the innocent people who are involved! ”

The so-called seven-inch fight with snakes, catch people and weak spots.

That person is really clear about the personality of the Emperor.

If the opponent threatens with the prince or the posthumous, perhaps the emperor's response will not be so great.

But he uses the world.

This is really no way for the emperor to endure.

"Hey, it's the emperor! It's the example of the people of the world, the king of the people of the world, how can you let the people of the world be disappointed?"

Xi Huangzun looked sad, but Lin Mengya was silent.

I spoke for a long time.

"The people in the world do not have to ask you to save them. You can save the people in the world, why not save your wife, son. Are they not the people in the world?"

The Emperor Huang respected him, who dares to blame him for so many years?

"You mean, oh, wrong?"

She shook her head and said.

"I can't say whether you are right or wrong, but Your Majesty, is it true that you must save? If someone comes out at this time and says that he can govern the nations, it is better than you. Will you abdicate and give up? "

This sentence was completely thorough, and he held the Emperor to him.

"you you"

I spoke for a long time, and Huang Zun did not say a complete sentence.

Lin Lin Mengya was helpless, and she knew that things would become what they are now.

"Please be honest in the future, and don't use the world as a cover."

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