When he saw a man and a woman coming to the door, the man immediately got up and greeted him diligently.

"Two, please."

Lin Lin Mengya stared at Long Tianyu and followed the man to the table.

I saw the man very familiar from under the table, took out two rough porcelain bottles, put them on the table, and laughed.

"Looking at the two of them may be strange, it may be the first time to come to our Qiandufang. The small name is Chaihu, who is the steward here. This is our exclusive secret detoxification agent. Customer, then give you a new customer price, five or two silver, how? "

May two or two?

This man really dare to ask for a price.

But Lin Mengya knows that the strong dragon does not suppress the snake.

What's more, this person knew at a glance that she was a rogue. At present, she doesn't want to have more trouble.

I picked up the "Detoxification Dan" on the table, she poured out and looked, her eyes changed slightly.

"Is this Jiedu Dan necessary for everyone?"

Wu Chaihu smiled and nodded.

He slammed behind him and said noisily.

"You have also seen that our Thousand Poisonous Ponds have a lot of poison. If you accidentally touch something, you encounter something, and if you are poisoned, you will be in trouble. Therefore, the guests who come and go, will Buy some detox pills. This is also for your benefit. "

These words are not justified.

But Lin Mengya just took a look at the man and took out a silver ticket of twelve silver from the purse.

"Okay, we'll go first."

She Jiedu Pill was put in her sleeve, grabbed Long Tianyu, and strode inside.

Outside, Chai Hu looked at the silver ticket in his hand and smiled, but his eyes were obviously malicious.

Chen Longtianyu knew her temperament, and it seemed that it must be the so-called Jiedu Pill, which had problems.

She entered inside, and she found out that there was nothing special in it.

也 There are no buddies here to entertain, but there are different rooms lined up and separated by curtains.

She glanced at it, and the curtain was marked with handwriting.

He wrote "killing poison, rotten intestines", and he also wrote "being scented and smashed".

In short, all kinds of things.

And these people are also strange enough, the words on the curtain are clear and clear, what kind of poison is sold inside.

In my opinion, the poison is really no different from other things here.

But she noticed that only one or two people could go in at a time, and they were almost all together.

I also say that if you buy poison that kills people and goods, then naturally you need to hide some.

Thinking this way, this thing is reasonable.

As for the others who have not had time to enter, they wait in the hall.

There is also a chair in the hall, which is similar to the pharmacy of a modern hospital.

It's just here, it's all killing things.

She pulled Long Tianyu and sat back.

Next to her, there were constant people, before taking the detoxification pills she bought.

"This thing is not an antidote, but an addictive poison."

She frowned, explaining softly to Long Tianyu.

The latter glanced around inadvertently. Indeed, those who took the poison pills seemed to be a little different.

他们 "They are brave enough."

Xiaolong Tianyu snorted coldly, and his impression of Qiandufang was already too low.

"No wonder they sell us five or two silver, because anyone who has some discrimination or some family members will not easily take the medicines from unknown sources outside. You see those who take the medicine, they look all dressed It ’s not a wealthy home. And the price of their medicine is much lower than ours. ”

She has excellent hearing, so after entering, she intentionally paid attention to the man named Chai Hu at the door.

Those who came in after them, Chaihu sold them for three money.

In my opinion, those are his patrons.

And like them, they can dig a handful.

鬼 This ghost market is really a crisis step by step.

我们 "Let's buy some poison?"

Nine Dragons Tianyu has no time to take care of others, or the people here, there is no need to save.

I was like the gambler I met at the door. If he was poor, he sold his wife and children in exchange for gambling money.

He said that the poor must have hatred.

Here, compassion is the least valuable, but also the deadliest.

She thought for a moment, and pointed to a curtain in the middle of selling drugs.

Compared to other rooms, the business here is obviously hot.

After all, who can use poison for things that can be solved with drugs?


Nine Dragons Tianyu has great trust in her choice.

After all, compared with poison, his wife is the leader.

From entering to now, Ya'er's face never showed the slightest dignity.

He seems to his mother's eyes that these are all rubbish.

I finally managed to line them up.

Nine Dragons Tianyu took a step forward and raised the curtain.

But it was a little unexpected that no one was there.

I was just inside, there was a curtain.

Next to the curtain, there was a used and new catalog.

Beneath the curtain, there was a small copper hammer and a small copper bowl.

They glanced at the catalogue to know that they dared to trade here. They chose it first, then tapped the copper bowl with a small copper hammer to tell them what they wanted to buy.

All the drugs have been marked on the catalogue to be knocked a few times.

Then, if the opposite side can provide it, tap it, otherwise it will be double.

Then, they put the money in a copper bowl, and someone will come out to take it, and at the same time give away the drug.

To put it bluntly, whether you buy or sell, in fact they do not know each other's identity.

I didn't expect that the people here were so cautious.

I think this Qiandufang, I'm afraid there are a lot of debts owed.

They carefully looked at the directory, there are really a lot of styles here.

Also, men, women, and children, including horses, are used for veterinary purposes.

Although Lin Mengya did not like this place, she still felt that something here was really advanced enough to surprise her.

It didn't take long for them to choose the same.

Is really just an ordinary drug, but it is special because it is completely undetectable, and after a person wakes up, he won't feel the dizziness of a normal drug.

People who use Chinese medicine consciously seem to be asleep.

She pointed to the directory, Long Tianyu nodded, and stepped forward.

The interval in front is long and the interval in back is a little short.

Then, I heard a response inside, and it was sold.

They took out the silver tickets and put them in a copper bowl.

He only saw that the curtain was opened by someone, and then showed his hands.

But those hands were clenched tightly.

After picking up the copper bowl, he suddenly lifted something to them.

Nine Dragons Tianyu held her breath subconsciously, while Lin Mengya frowned.

I was the kind of drug she just selected.

His hand quickly retracted, and in the small space, it was full of medicine.

The medicine powder is very delicate, even if it reacts quickly, it must be inhaled.

其实 But in fact, Long Tianyu took real Jiedu pills before he came.

Although drug is powerful, it will not affect the two of them.

They are also sure, no one here knows them.

到底 Who the **** is that, and want to harm them?

The two of them, however, made the same choice between light and flint.

He heard only two sounds of "Tong Tong" and "Tong Tong", and the two fell to the ground one after the other.

Lin Lin Mengya lay beside Long Tianyu, her eyes narrowed, looking behind the curtain.

The curtain was opened quickly, and then two people covered their faces walked quickly to their side.

Two people did not make nonsense, one quickly carried one, and then got into the curtain.

The peony powder gradually dissipated, and that cabin would welcome new guests again.

I just do n’t know how much evil is hidden in this hut.

They also don't know where they will be shipped.

They were transported out of a narrow aisle. It should not have been too far before Lin Mengya saw the light again.

She continued to pretend to be ignorant, and was carried to a place similar to a firewood house.

"People have arrived, you go and notify Master Jia, and say that the woman he wants is already there, and ask him what to do next."

It was obviously not the first time that the two men had masked themselves.

Lightly familiar, no hesitation.

"Brother, what about this man?"

的 The man in black, called Big Brother, looked at Long Tianyu who was still asleep, and sneered a few times.

"Of course it is sold, but now this ghost slave is in short supply. Our brothers have done so much and naturally want a little reward. Come on, let's finish this ticket, go and be happy!"

The two men's wretched smiles did not last long before they saw the man who had been paralyzed on the ground leaped up, and before they exclaimed, they clicked on the acupoints of both of them.

In their astonished eyes, the stunned woman also opened her eyes. Where, there was a slight fascination.

"I advise you, or listen to me obediently. Otherwise, I am not very good-tempered. Just now, when you touched me, he was so angry that he wanted to kill."

She raised an eyebrow, with a hint of coolness.

The two people also passed through the storm, and blinked hard.

Chen Long Tianyu looked at the two of them coldly, but stepped forward again, struck **** them.

The two men's foreheads immediately burst into cold sweat, and their faces paled for several minutes.

Lin Lin Mengya looked at the two of them and asked softly.

"Did you just think that the acupuncture point you got hurt a bit?"


The two were terrified, looking at a man and a woman in front of them, and understood that today, they had encountered a stubble!

"My sage's unique skill is amazing. Without his exclusive method of acupuncture, in ten days, your bones will be cracked from the joints."

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