Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1464: So-called wives

I was like this.

Lin Lin Mengya sneered, but she looked puzzled.

"I'm also curious, when is the master Xie Tang going to marry, this smart and beautiful girl Du?"

She raised her eyebrows, and looked at Xie Ye eagerly.

Only, in her eyes, there is a shadow of sword lightsaber.

Xie Xun felt subconsciously that he seemed to be in some danger, otherwise, why did the back spin cold?

"I promised that I must take good care of Miss Du. But not to marry her as a wife. Miss Du is young and beautiful. I will choose a good match for her!"

He said very solemnly, Lin Mengya saw that Du Yan's smile froze on his face.

现在 She now understands why the girl just made a noise at the door of Mad Star.

I was afraid that because of the two words she had yelled before, she was in crisis and wanted to find out.

It was really hard for this girl to abduct such a big turn.

"Council, you can't do this!"

"That is, you are not unclear about Miss Du's thoughts about you. She is a girl who is willing to abandon her stable life and follow you to this ghost place to suffer. Her thoughts have moved me even when I saw it. Madam's position, you deserve her too! "

The words of Xie Xie have aroused heated discussion among many people.

Before Ke Xie came back, Du Yi had a dumb throat and barely smiled.

"Everyone can stop joking with me. In fact, I know that Brother Xie has never had a relationship with men and women to me."

I didn't expect this girl to be unexpectedly reasonable.

Everyone saw her say this, but she no longer insisted on making fun of it.

After all, the little girl was thin-skinned and could not help but make a few jokes.

"Brother Xie, these brothers weren't intentional just now. Don't worry about it. Du Fu, I'm sorry for you."

She poured a glass of wine, no matter what Du Yan thought, but in the end, she made a very free and easy look.

虽然 But despite this, Lin Mengya still saw something.

At the dinner table, although Du Yan no longer mentioned the matter, everyone heard it. Who said she was so annoying about that share and made such a joke?

可 杜 翎 but one after another, poured wine to those brothers, completely separated her from Long Tianyu.

She didn't care much, but Du 翎 felt to her, but it was not very good.

After eating, Xie Xie sent them to the edge of the town.

"Let's go out early, if there is any news here, I will send someone into the city to find you."

Xie Xie still checked and refused to accept her help.

On this point, she was not surprised.

I just, Du Du made her mind.

"Okay, but thank you, I suggest you still have to guard against Du 翎."

"Why is this? If it's because of your uncle, please be assured, elder sister. Although I promised the lunatic, I must help him take good care of him, but I want to understand that I don't love her, so marry her If I am a wife, I will definitely wrong her. I will tell her clearly about this. "

Her speculation was indeed right.

I think about it, she decided to ask the matter calmly.

"Why do everyone in your church think she is a pair with you? Did you say that before?"

Xie Xie's face was slightly stiff, and she immediately understood what was going on.

"At that time, the poison of the lunatic was very aggressive, and I was anxious for a while, so it was only then"

"Thank you, if you promise someone, you must do it as much as possible. You promise me first, you will treat your son and daughter for a lifetime, and now, in order to appease your brother, you promise to marry someone else as a wife. That matter is You're wrong. "

Even though Xie 晗 wanted to appease his brother, Lin Mengya still felt ridiculous.

Xie Xie frowned slightly, without a word.

"Well, it's your own business, and I don't have much to say. Then let's do it first, let's go."

She glanced behind him, Du Yan stood at the door with a few people, pretending to be giving her away, but in fact, he was just looking at Xie Yan.

"I will deal with it clearly, sister, there will be a period later."

She nodded, but she was a little dissatisfied with Xie 心 in her heart.

I watched Xie Yi leave, and the awkward feeling in her heart became stronger and stronger.

"Xie Xie, but it is no longer Xie Xie."

She was a little emotional, but the man beside her said lowly.

"No, he is still the old Xie."

She turned her head and looked at him without blinking.

What does this mean?

"Let's go, let's go back first."

He touched her head, but took her and turned a corner.

"Aren't we going out? Didn't Xie Yuan just say, was the road over there?"

She was led by him and crossed the alley.

I walked a short distance and came to the front of a pretty house.

这里 "Here, this is where we settle temporarily."

He said lightly, but she was aggressive.

"Here, do you have real estate?"

Chen Long Tianyu glanced at her and nodded gently.

Lin Lin Mengya crouched immediately, her little hand firmly holding his thigh.

"Lord, please hug your thigh!"

He was a bit silly, and didn't understand what her routine was.

"Aren't you holding your thighs again? Also, I'm not a tyrant."

"No! You are! Real estate is everywhere, you are not a tyrant, what are you?"

She clings to his leg, anyway, now she is not facing her own face, and she has lost nothing.

Xun Long Tianyu knew that she was playing with herself, but she looked helpless and hugged her in her arms.

"Let me down, I will go by myself."

"Don't make trouble, be careful to be seen."

He whispered a warning, but Lin Mengya immediately answered.

Bian Tuhao is right, at this time, it is better to keep a low profile.

If Xie's family can only be regarded as a dwelling house, if the men in their family have prepared it, it should be regarded as someone who still has some small money.

A small house in the lonely house, although it is a little small, is still appropriate everywhere.

Inside and outside the house, they were cleaned.

But even so, he took her and looked at the front and back of the house.

After confirming that it is very safe here, the two talents returned to the main hall.

I was sitting on a chair, Lin Mengya leaned Erlang's legs, eyes, and looked at her man with deep meaning.

"Why do you look at me like this?"

"I see you because I don't understand."

Suddenly approached, Zai carefully looked at his eyes.

"How the **** have you done on your back?"

If the feeling that Long Tianyu gave her before is a majestic and solid mountain, then the current Long Tianyu makes her feel that he is a vast deep sea.

Looks calm and calm, but inside is hidden mystery.

No one knows what kind of inside story is hidden under his appearance.

I, especially her pillow-holder, looked into him and seemed to be interested.

"Guess what?"

He smiled slightly, his eyes were full of gentle waves.

Lin Mengya felt that she probably couldn't escape the palm of this person in her life.

He is like a monkey monkey. One can turn over ten thousand miles. What about it?

In the end, isn't he going to be surrounded by him obediently?

But he was even more powerful when he came to Buddha, knowing that she didn't want to be a prisoner, he turned the whole sky into her cage.

Then he trapped himself in.

So, even if she had a chance to escape one day?

She was always reluctant to bear him.

"I don't guess, but since you can buy a house here, then we don't need to cooperate with Xie Ye anymore? Although he is a good person, the problem is too obvious."

Chen Longtian Yu was a little surprised, he had already prepared for her to ask the question.

I didn't expect this person to skip it lightly.

Is this a new idea?

He raised an eyebrow, and said with a smile.

"This is the last choice. Although you and I want a ghost market, we don't have much time to manage it. Although Xie Yan has a lot of problems, he is indeed the best person to do it. "

She pursed her lips.

Yeah, no matter whether it is character or ability, Xie Xun is not the best, but Xie Xuan has no use. He is more open-minded than others.

If later, she really wants to conquer the ghost market.

Then those original forces will definitely bite them like crazy dogs.

At this time, it was only people like Xie Xun who would turn their backs and even bet on it.

With this fierce energy, Xie 晗 can make things happen.

And her identity with Long Tianyu is too sensitive, a little bit bad, that is, moving the whole body.

夫妻 The ultimate goal of their husband and wife is not to dominate the entire patriotic country.

I was too tired for one time, and for the second time, they were tired of these days of working hard for power.

To put it plainly, they just want to find someone to pit.

Xie Xie had this ambition, so it happened to coincide with them.

"I know, that's why I'm angry. Look, today, the duo is obviously not good at him. And those who beat the drums, I just saved their brother, and they didn't hear me. Those words. But, look at them, and actually make such a joke in front of me. Is it possible that when I'm my aunt, is it dead? "

What those people mean, she can probably guess some.

Since ancient times, underground forces, especially in this life-threatening industry, have generally held two attitudes towards the boss's woman.

Either, it doesn't matter, anyone can.

Generally, such big **** are outsiders, and the man who has never known his own life eats rivers and lakes.

Either he is a virtuous internal helper, that is, a kind wife who can help his brother manage his career.

Obviously, Du 属于 belongs to the latter in the eyes of those people.

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