Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1467: All illusions

I can't go wrong, but the woman's words are very straightforward.

Suddenly, the leader turned black.

"I respect you as a guest, so I will not be held accountable! Now, please leave quickly, otherwise, don't blame me for being polite!"

Squinting at the other side, Lin Mengya smiled even brighter.

"Do you think we are willing to come? If it wasn't for the face of my brother-in-law, and you knelt down and begged me, I wouldn't bother to ignore you. A group of white-eyed wolves, pretending to be righteous, don't dislike yourself. Open your dirty hearts Let ’s take a look at it. In the end, are you trying to take control of Crazy Star, or have you already seized power? ”

Everyone understands some things, but only in a layer of camouflage, everyone can make themselves feel at ease.

It was a pity, but she pierced mercilessly.

Suddenly, the eyes of this group of people shone with cold light.

They surrounded the two men as if a wolf was besieging their prey.

Nine Dragons Tianyu stepped forward and blocked her behind.

As if all the dangers in this world can not hurt the people behind him.

"Be careful."


He nodded, his dark eyes calmed, and swept at the enemies around him.

The woman who stood behind him, but smiled and poked out half of her head.

"I mean, be careful, don't kill them all at once."

Chen Long Tianyu raised an eyebrow and pressed her back with one hand.

"I know, half dead, okay?"

She nodded with satisfaction, not paying attention to the people around her.

你们 "You! You are too underestimated our town Longtang! Brothers, just insult us just now against him, today, we have to teach him a lesson!"

The men who took the lead responded, and those people could not bear it anymore, and all the bees rushed up.

"Wow! You lie, don't say hello!"

Lin Lin Mengya jumped away immediately, taking several steps back, and reached a safe range.

But her face was clearly not half-hearted.

In front of him, Long Tianyu's figure was as stable as a mountain, but those people were only a little closer, so he kicked him out.

As if in no one's realm, Long Tianyu did not use any weapons.

He just hit his fists with his two feet and fists, looking for teeth all over the floor.

He heard only a few muted "bangs," and all the people flew out, falling to the ground, screaming again and again.

"Hand in hand with me, do you think you have a long life?"

Lin Lin Mengya's eyebrows fluttered, and her proud look made her group feel itchy.

But what about them?

Wang Cheng defeated the king. In the presence of the tall man, they could only shiver and let others slaughter.

"If you want to kill, you will hear what you do!"

The leading man did not expect to be very angry, but unfortunately his face was too ugly, and it was not within the scope of her appreciation.

Therefore, Lin Mengya's response to him was a disdainful cold eye.

"There are many people who have died in the hands of my relatives, but everyone is a man with a name and a surname. Are you like me, right?"

She stood in front of Long Tianyu with high toes. Someone behind the pair was so proud that she was so supportive.

But in the whole yard, it seems that few of them can stand besides the two of them.

At this moment, their lives and deaths were in her hands.

In the horrified eyes of everyone, she didn't rush to deal with them, but went directly to Xie, who was sitting on the ground all the time.

"Thank you, do you think this group of people is still your brother?"

Xie Xie looked up, his eyes filled with despair.

He looked around blankly, then shook his head with a bitter smile.

"That's good, that is, even if I kill them all, you won't blame me for it, right?"

声音 Her voice is soft and soft, as if killing her is as ordinary as eating and sleeping.

The people in Long Town of Qiongzhen are also begging for life on the tip of the knife. How to understand such people must be of extraordinary origin.

Coupled with the man's skill just now, it is simply the pinnacle.

Suddenly, the fear shrouded in the shadow of death made them discard the last shame.

"Thank you, Lord! We are all brothers and sisters who follow you in the world. You can't help outsiders to kill us!"

"Church Master, we are not intentionally opposed to you. You have a lot of adults, please help us!"

The voices of begging for mercy and admitting mistakes one after another.

Zhe Lin Mengya was unmoved, her eyes kept staring at Xie Zhe.

只要 She only needs a word of Xie.

In the begging of everyone, Xie Xuan lowered her eyes, sighing sighingly, containing many complicated emotions.

Everyone thought that Xie 晗 would definitely stand by their side.

After all, he had previously covered up and protected them many times.

"Kill them all."

Slightly low voice, like a thunder, blew in everyone's ears.

They widened their eyes and looked at their former cousin unbelievably.

"Thank you, how can you treat us like that! Do you forget our previous lives and deaths? You do n’t talk about morality in this way, who will kill you again in the future!"

慌 They panicked, begging for mercy from the beginning, and turned into a curse.

He stood at the vantage point of morality, as if Xie He was the real sinner.

"Shut up for me!"

She really couldn't listen anymore. She gave a cold drink and stopped them.

A pair of eyes were cold and cold, staring at the crowd mercilessly.

"You figure it out, it's me who kills you, and it's me. Xie 晗 just said something in your heart, you can't wait to blame him. Look at you, it's ugly!"

The despicableness of human nature is shown vividly in this farce.

When I was on the peak, they felt that they had justice in their hands, and they could pack themselves into a fair arbiter in accordance with the so-called principles, regardless of the wishes of others, wantonly hurt others and protect their own interests.

Once they lost power, they instantly changed their faces.

They can beg for mercy, confess their sins, and struggle without any means.

But in essence, they are all just for themselves.

Therefore, Lin Mengya didn't feel pitiful at all.

做出 After doing this kind of thing, no one should think about taking himself out.

"We know it is wrong, lady, please let us go!"

The shameless begging for mercy continues.

But this time, they changed their goals.

Even some people started crying.

I said that there were both old and young, and she begged her to forgive them.

However, some people yelled at Xie Ao for their inaction and told them about their sinister intentions.

But the big brother who took the lead always had a somber face and stared coldly at the couple.

"Enough! Isn't it enough to shame?"

I took the lead and the big brother gave a drink, everyone was quiet again.

"Do n’t be too proud, everyone is here. You are merciful today, and we will surely vote for you in the future. If you insist on wrongdoing, we will never flinch! You kill us today, you will pay cost!"

The ruthlessness in the man's eyes made her very upset.

He walked over and looked at the other with a smile, but with a little foot, he did not hesitate to run on the man's finger.

"I hate others to threaten me the most in my life. I don't know if anyone else will die today. But if you take the lead in making troubles, you must die so much."


The man sneered at her, seeming to be sure she didn't dare.

"Xie 晗 is right, you are all going to die. But before you die, I will let you know one thing."

She raised her head and said suddenly.

And Long Tianyu behind him waved.

Suddenly, a crowd came from the front hall and the backyard.

The big brother who took the lead widened his eyes and looked at the group in shock.

"Did you not think that the people you depend on are actually our people?"

She raised her eyelids and said cruelly and proudly.

This matter, she was also on her way before listening to Long Tianyu's mention.

Before she heard about Xie Xun's news, she asked Long Tianyu to help and give Xie Xuan some help.

I didn't expect that the man in her family could help it completely.

In fact, all of Zhenlongtang's true core forces are theirs.

"Impossible! How is this possible! They, they obviously cultivated my own hands, how could they betray me!"

The big brother who took the lead must have not really thought of it, or it might be too exciting, and he suddenly told the truth.

But Lin Mengya broke through his delusion.

"What betrayal? They have never been loyal to you. From the beginning to the end, they are all loyal to my husband. If Xie Yuan is still the **** master, they will become your patron saint. If Xie Xun is wrong, then they will become your lifeline. "

She slowly revealed the truth. Suddenly, everyone's faces were frightened and scary.

This time, they were completely thorough, they were suppressed to hell, and there was no chance of turning over again.

Xie Xie looked at these people, but her eyes flashed with anger.

He stood up, but hostile to her and Long Tianyu.

"You lie to me?"

He yelled at his screaming exhaustion, and Jun Xiu's face was almost distorted with anger.

"Where did we lie to you?"

He was so indiscriminately roared, Lin Mengya also lost his temper.

How could he not see how he reacted when he was betrayed by his self-righteous brother?

Now, he yelled at her.

This man is really promising!

"I thought that I was not the same as before. I thought that everything here was built by my own hands. But it turned out that this was just a phantom. It was all an illusion that you built to coax me!"

Xie Xie shouted angrily with red eyes.

Gao Linmengya frowned, and just about to speak, Xie Ji was impulsive and punched Long Tianyu.

"what are you doing?"

She was furious and immediately blocked her in front of her man.

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