Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1481: Open the door

好 "Okay, then we'll open the door to welcome guests."

A gimmick smiled at the corner of her mouth, and today she is ready to be blind again.

Thousands of poisonous squares in the past have changed appearances now.

The traders around the village were afraid of being caught, and they had already disappeared.

A few torrents poured into this oldest bustling street.

They only have one goal today, which is to win the big fish of Qiandufang.

Alas, and before they came, they had passed.

I joined forces to drive away the lucky dragon town, and then divided up.

But what they didn't expect was that when they first arrived at the door, they saw not a sad cloud.

Instead, the doorways were cleaned, and a few well-dressed family members were standing at the door with smiles on them.

"Welcome the arrival of seniors and seniors, our church owner is already there, waiting for a long time."

Real swords, real guns, they see more.

But it is rare to open the door to meet the enemy like this.

At the moment, the leaders of several forces subconsciously looked at each other.

I found the same surprise in each other's eyes.

Longtang Town, Jaina Town, what are they doing?

Ke everyone is here, if they do n’t go in, they will be laughed at.

A few people have a certain mind, and they have determined that there is nothing evil.

"Go in! Huh, boy, you **** master, it's best not to do anything. Otherwise, hum, the pair of meteor hammers in Grandpa's hands will be merciless!"

One of the most burly strong men said politely.

The gatekeeper was smart and nodded in a hurry.

"Uncle has learned that since this is the case, the church owners please."

The people who looked at the door were so sloppy, naturally thinking that the Lord of the Church was afraid of things, so they made such a low profile.

A joy in my heart, this way, they can save a lot of trouble.

He took his own confidant one by one and went to the yard.

They ca n’t let others take the lead!

The gate was knocked shut behind them.

It's just that those people don't take it seriously, after all, their people are all outside.

If there is any accident, a signal is sent out, I'm afraid the whole Qiandufang will have to be flattened.

Therefore, one by one, they went to the main hall of Qiandufang.

"Grandma, how about your dog-day cousin? It's impossible to trick grandpa into bringing grandpas in?"

Among several people, the strongest man in the mouth counted the most.

Tong Tongling's big eyes stared, but it was quite deterrent.

"Who am I? It turned out to be the eldest brother of the flower leopard. As the saying goes, good meals are not afraid of being late. You ca n’t wait to be so impatient that you ca n’t eat hot tofu.

Everyone looked at the source of the sound.

I saw a woman inside and walked.

I walked in and took a look. Although the woman's appearance can only be regarded as ordinary, her manners are excellent.

But in the eyes of these reckless men, women have only two functions.

The first one is the bed warming and succession.

Twenty-two came to make money.

女子 Although the woman's looks are not terrific, she is superior in temperament.

If you sell it, it will be worth a lot of money.

There were a few greedies hidden in the eyes of a few people when he arrived.

Lin Mengya's brows and invisible crickets stunned, these people always remind her of the wild wolf hungry in the forest for several days.

Although she felt a little uncomfortable, she did it generously.

"Have seen you boss."

"Hey, you little lady, it's kind of funny."

Qiuhua Leopard just wanted to get angry, and when she saw her, her mind quickly turned away.

After she smiled slightly at these people, she just called for tea.

"Let ’s just sit and wait, my host has some personal matters to deal with."

A few words of sneer appeared at once without the words of the uncle.

"Your little town hall, the shelf is not small."

After a slight glance at the man, the smile on her face was still elegant and gentle, but the tone turned cold.

"Our host asks you to wait, you have to wait."

"Little girl, what do you mean by that?"

Squinting, watching those people about to be provoked, she just sneered slightly and narrowed her eyes.

"Why didn't you dare to make trouble when the host of Qiandufang was here?"

I do n’t want to expose the shortcomings, but her words have caused anger.

"It seems that your Zhenlongtang is really arrogant to go to the sky. Mo said a **** in Zhenlongtang, even if the owner is there, Lao Tzu has lifted her skin."

Xiuhua Leopard was clamoring again, but this time, she smiled gently.

"Brother Hua is really amazing. If so, then please."

The leopard flower leopard heard the words and stunned the god.

Yun even took the others and looked at her in doubt.

She seemed to think of something suddenly, covering her mouth and smiling a little smugly.

"I forgot to tell a few people. Not long ago, the owner of Qiandufang had surrendered to my Shura Hall. Today we are here to clean the disobedient people. It ’s a coincidence that it is a few Bit hit. "

When she said this, the expressions on those people's faces suddenly became extremely exciting.

"You, you bullshit!"

Xiuhua Leopard was the first to jump out and refute her.

But she spread her hands, two big eyes looked at them innocently.

"Do n’t I talk nonsense, you'll know in a while. Or, do you have any evidence to prove that I'm wrong?"

She dared to lie because of the situation at that time, except for her and Long Tianyu, those living people were almost dead.

Although the fang owner and some 喽 啰 are at large, because of these years, Qiandufang has offended many people and blessed many people.

If you let them know, it would be no different from suicide.

After years of oppression, they were afraid of Qiandufang from their bones.

Otherwise, why do these leaders who are not afraid of death even come together?

The more tartars, the weaker the heart.

"Huh! My people saw it with your own eyes, you fight with the people of Qiandufang! And they almost all fled! If you join forces with that girl, how can you kill each other!"

Don't look at this man who is five big and three thick, but his brain is enough.

It's a pity that in front of Lin Dahuyou, all of them succeeded.

"What's available for those people, besides, when you kick the widow's door, will you hit the gongs and drums to tell the world?"

As soon as she said this, the flower leopard blushed.

Everyone in the ghost market knows that his favorite friend is a widow.

I usually do n’t even care about it. Now when I am taken to the table, it seems that my face cannot be hung up.

"Damn, you **** too"

He was so anxious that he wanted to come up and teach her, but didn't want a black figure, but it seemed to appear out of thin air and blocked him.

The man is tall and tall, and he is obviously not a level.

He didn't want to. He slammed into it, but was beaten back by the man.

"Brother Hua, you still have to be careful. You can't sleep well this night, you have no energy during the day."

She held her mouth and laughed at each other.

Xunhua Leopard was unwilling, but his years of knife-licking life told him that the man who suddenly appeared was not easy to mess with.

"Little girl, don't you think that if you have such a master, you can dominate it?"

There was a gloomy scarred face that hadn't spoken for a few bosses, but now he spoke slowly.

Among several people, although his territory is not the largest, this person is a fierce character.

She said so much and was waiting for this person to speak.

当然 "Of course not, it is difficult to make a tree alone. We want to take root here in Xiuluodian Town and rely on your support. Therefore, I invite everyone to come today, not to fight, but to discuss cooperation."

When Yi heard the word cooperation, the faces of those people were strange.

They came here to rob the house, and what cooperation do the people who are being robbed talk about now?

She scared her face and looked at her deeply before opening her mouth again.

"You are a stranger, and I generally do not cooperate with strangers. Unless, you can ask the owner to come out. Otherwise, don't blame us for being rude!"

The man was quite prestigious. As soon as his voice fell, the atmosphere became tense.

"Well, those few, please come with me. But there is one thing, don't blame me for not reminding you. No matter what you see later, please keep quiet. Otherwise, I can't save you."

After speaking, she smiled extremely strangely.

A few people saw that they could not help but feel a little anxious.

He got up, Lin Mengya took these people and walked towards the backyard.

The further I walked inside, the more I could smell a pungent rancid smell.

In the end, two people couldn't help but held the door and vomited.

"It's useless, you guys are waiting here now. Remember, if you dare to speak at will, just wait for death."

After she warned gently, she motioned to the men who were following her around, and raised the two white-headed vomiting heads to the nearby room to rest.

I finally arrived at the innermost "Yu Lu".

Before, it was a pharmacy dedicated to the owner, but now it has become the source of this strange smell.

"People, this is a Qingnao pill specially made by our host. If you don't want to pass out, put it under your nose."

She took out one at random, and then scraped off a little powder with her nails and put it under the nose.

She motioned for her followers to distribute it. Although several people held it in their hands, it was not used immediately.

"If you are not assured, you can try it first."

I saw that she said so, and those people also took out silver needles and silver tinctures, and poke and poke on the pills.

I waited for a while and saw that there was no discoloration. Then I learned her movements with ease and wiped it under my nose impatiently.

The refreshing mint smell instantly dilutes that weird rancid smell.

Their complexion is much better than before.

既然 "Now that everyone is okay, let's don't delay time. Everyone, please!"

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