Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1483: World winner

毒 "Poison? Haven't they tested it before?"

My son became more puzzled.

Xie Xie said before that these people are all old and sly.

If the lady wants to use any means, I'm afraid it's not easy.

其实 "Actually, it is the pot of medicinal herbs that really moves the hands and feet."

Lin Lin Mengya smiled to reveal the secret.

Shabu-shabu is certainly not human flesh, but a medicinal material that looks like meat but is actually poison.

Qiandufang is not a stigma, there are indeed many types of poisons.

第 一次 The first time she came, she knew everything in it.

In fact, if this poison is normal, it will have no effect on people.

Few people use it because it will give off a strong stench after cooking.

However, once it is cooked and roasted, it will give people an illusion.

And unlike ordinary hallucinogens, people make people feel like they are awake, and the illusions they see are not completely false.

比如 Like just now, she was leading and suggesting those people from the beginning. The house must be the owner of Qiandufang, and later the drug slaves deepened their psychological cues.

Therefore, when the children who wore the same clothes as the owner of the house came out, they would immediately recognize that it was the owner of the house.

In order to make this successful, she also gave them the medicine that can paralyze the sense of smell.

They thought it was not bad, but in fact they would inhale more.

"Unexpectedly, there are such strange things in the world, it really opened my eyes."

After hearing her explanation, Xie said with emotion.

In the past, he thought that if he controlled Qingwei Hall, he would be knowledgeable and know everything about the world.

Now it seems that he is overly arrogant.

"Yes, in fact, even I was thinking about it. But you don't have to be afraid, as long as you are not close to the yard. There are too many toxins in the corpses, and I need to smoke them to bury them. "

Jain corpse in the yard is definitely a big problem.

Since she took the initiative, Xie Xi naturally raised her hands in favor.

The matter was temporarily resolved, and Zhenlongtang also had a lot of respite.

The next thing they need to do is to gain a firm foothold and solidify the results in the shortest possible time.

The night was heavy, and after Xie and the children left, the two of them were left in the room.

Lin Lin Mengya looked at Long Tianyu, who had been sitting next to her, and rarely spoke. There was something in her heart, and she was anxious.

"Yu, I have something to ask you."

The latter's eyes were gentle, waiting for her to speak.

She twisted her placket. She desperately wanted to make her inquiry, which didn't sound so direct.

"When we were playing against the host of Qiandufang, I seemed to see a white light flashing. Are you here, a new weapon?"

She's not doubting Long Tianyu.

I was just because the situation at that time was really too weird.

Nine Dragons Tianyu still had a gentle look and shook his head.

"No, it's still the long sword."

She lowered her head and what Yu said, that was what it was.

"Well, presumably because I was too nervous at the time, so I read it wrong."

Nine Dragons Tianyu didn't speak, but there was a touch of helplessness deep in the eyes.

"Look, it's been a delay for so many days. Ning'er's child must miss me very much. Now things have come to an end for now, should we set off and return to the palace?"

收 She lost her heart a little bit.

I worked hard and wanted to make my tone more pleasant.

"Go after what you want, just go."

"Okay, I will arrange things here as soon as possible. What arrangements can you make?"

Chen Long Tianyu looked at her with a hesitation.

"I may meet you later this time."

"What's wrong?"

"No, it's just some chores."

She didn't keep asking, but just took an excuse to take a shower and turned to the back of the screen.

I can't tell what it's like in my heart.

But she only knows one thing. In this world, only Long Tianyu will not harm her.

Hurriedly took a shower, and when she returned to the bedroom again, the man had already left.

看着 She looked at the empty bed and sighed deeply.

Sure enough, she was not as free and easy as she thought.

"Girl, can I come in?"

Qi Qinghu's voice came from outside the door, she immediately packed herself and went to open the door.

"That thing is stinking. Where did you find it? Is it impossible to make bacon?"

As soon as Xun entered the door, Qinghu complained to her.

I didn't, but got her answer.

I turned and saw the loneliness in her eyebrows.

I looked around and found that Long Tianyu was not there.

"what happened?"

The lantern was soft and soft, although his fake face did not have the same appearance as before, but his eyes were full of concern for him.

"I think he's hiding something from me."

"This is something, your husband and wife are different from ordinary people. He has nothing to report to you, and it is normal. Rest assured, if I look at it, I dare not mess around.

Qing Qinghu patted his chest and packed tickets.

不是 "No, I think, it seems important that he keeps out of me. Maybe it's my heart."

To be honest, this feels bad.

But she also didn't understand. She used to believe him so much. Why, at this time, she was like a little woman, she couldn't control her completely.

"Girl, you are too tired."

Wu Qinghu calmly touched her head, and said comfortably.

"You have gone through so many storms, and the last thing he should doubt is his heart."

Yan Wenyan said, she lowered her head.

Yeah, Qinghu is right.

"Maybe it's because I've been too tired lately, so I think everyone looks like spy, Qinghu, thank you."

She looked up and smiled brightly at him.

好 "Okay, rest early, I'll go out first."

He also smiled at her, but only his hand, but clenched quietly where she couldn't see it.

Tong closed the door, he turned and walked to the backyard of Qiandufang.

只有 There is only the ruins that have not been cleaned up.

"She noticed it?"

Hold a figure back to him.

I stood on that scorched earth, but seemed to be alone.

Qinghu unloaded the face, but his face was as cold as a thousand years of ice.

"You shouldn't hide her."

Chen Long Tianyu sighed and turned around, but with a little firmness in his look

"I must be like this, I drag her into this game. So, I must give everything I can. Even if I fall to the ground, I also want to make her the king of all generations! In the world, there must be only her one winner!"

Clear fox choked.

Frown frowned and shook his head.

"Crazy! I thought my little girl was a lunatic, but I didn't expect that you were more crazy than her! Long Tianyu, let it go! Do n’t you know, her purpose, from beginning to end, is only One? "

The night wind blows Long Tianyu's black hair.

He walked to the front of Qinghu step by step, but those eyes flashed Yinhui, unlike ordinary people.

"I naturally know that I also want to live with her and live with her. But what I want more is that she can be safe and happy, and no one can threaten her safety."

Jain's tone was cold, but who could have thought how much sadness was hidden under the cold?

Xi Qinghu could not help but take a step back. He had never been afraid of anyone before, but today he is afraid.

怕 He was afraid that the fire in the heart of the person in front of him would turn the whole world into purgatory.

"I can protect her forever, and you can too. There is no need to make a good thing into what it is now. You also know the reason why you sealed the memory, right?"

Chen Long Tianyu glanced at him and immediately turned his gaze.

"I live this life just for her. Mo Zai advised me, if you are afraid, you can leave on your own."

怕 "Fear? Since I was pulled out by the girl, this life has come to her! Don't think that in the world, you can sacrifice everything for her. Me, too!"

Clear Fox is always untamed, and the advice of her mother-in-law is not suitable for him at all.

I can't stop blinking, but I have a look of fearlessness.

"That would be the best."

He only gave a slight glance at Qinghu, strode away, and merged into the night.

It took a long time for Qinghu to go back.

He sighed and shook his head.

crazy! They are all crazy!

But after a short while, he looked up and looked at Moonlight with a smile.

How could I come to this world after a while, and go crazy again?

The next day, early morning.

The advantage of the Shennong system is that if one day cannot sleep because of heavy heart, the system's forced sleep function will allow the body to get the maximum repair.

She stood up, packed up everything, and smiled hard at herself in the mirror.

Don't worry about what's in your heart, at least the days still have to continue.

"Miss, Miss!"

I heard the sound of my son whispering early in the morning, she felt very kind.

"What's wrong? Your lady isn't deaf yet!"

"Miss, suddenly this morning someone sent you a war book!"

She raised a brow, and hehe, this is not unusual.

"Let's go and see!"

Longyuan Qiandufang, in the present hall of Longtang Town, Lin Mengya just arrived and saw that Xie Yuan and Qinghu were all there.

After searching for a few laps, Qinghu said sourly.

别 "Don't look for it. Your family is in business. You left last night."

就 left last night?

In my opinion, it was really urgent.

I just don't know if it's tricky or not, but it seems that she can't help anything, and she thinks for nothing.

"Just talk a lot!"

After staring at the guy, she looked at Xie 晗.

"I heard 纭 er say, someone sent us a war book? Where? Who sent it?"

Hearing the words, Xie Yan immediately passed the letter on the table to her.

刚刚 As soon as she took it, she got some ink on her hand.

So new?

Oh no! It's not that simple!

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