Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1488: Snake out of the hole

As soon as Xun out of the woods, Long Tianyu's men hurried to arrive.

"His Royal Highness!"

She is headed by a stranger with a clear eyebrow. She had never seen it before.

I do not know where Ling Ye and Baili Dust have gone.

"Well, you will protect the lady from now on."

刚 As soon as she wanted to refuse, she saw his eyes full of worry.

"Obey, don't worry me."


She lowered her head, this guy is really getting more and more grasping her weakness.

It is this kind of tender and affectionate look that is why she can't refuse.

"Good, go back and put your tongue on the ice."

He raised his mouth at her.

Suddenly, she pursed her mouth.

Isn't she still saying that she has a good accent? Huh, liar!

"Don't you go fat with the nests?"

She looked at Yu as if she was leaving, and asked immediately.

The latter nodded helplessly and squeezed her little face.

"I still have something to do, and I'll meet you again in a few days. There are spies in Zhenlongtang. After that, you must be very careful.

This matter is also a thorn in her heart.

She watched Yu leave with her men, but she was still a little bit reluctant.

Suddenly, the subordinates he left before, followed her naturally.

"What is Shima Famous Paper?"

The little brother smiled humbly and saluted with fists.

"Little Meng worry, have seen the lady."

I do n’t understand, but Yu can stay with him, and he is a trustworthy person.

She glanced outside, the body of Zhenlongtang's brother lying on the ground, and there was a coolness in her eyes.

"Li first hid Qi Nai, like the nest, and Fei asked Yin to find Li."

Fortunately, Meng You is a very clever man, disappearing a little bit and disappearing into the night.

虽然 Although she doesn't understand martial arts, she knows that the more martial arts people are, the fewer flaws they can find after hiding.

Wu Mengyou looks young, but martial arts is not weak.

Can't stand it

She raised her brows slightly, as if Long Tianyu and Qinghu martial arts should have improved a lot.

Otherwise, why is it difficult for them to notice each time they approach?

In the past, she thought subconsciously because she was too familiar, so the Shennong system would be relatively slow to capture them.

But now, it seems that it is not all for this reason.

I shook my head, now is not the time to think about these details.

For safety reasons, the teacher and Bai Su cannot appear in the ghost market for the time being.

Fortunately, there is a teacher here, and Bai Su's injury need not worry too much about her.

But before leaving, the teacher still held her hand and urged earnestly.

"Girl, the medicine door is not something we can easily contaminate, you remember, you must protect yourself and never reveal the identity of the poison door."

Looking at the teacher's worry, she agreed with a smile.

I was just on the way back, but she was full of heart.

I did not expect that Zhenlongtang, which had been chosen a lot, still made a mistake.

Suddenly, my heart was a bit sad.

She doesn't want to doubt anyone, but this time, it is an unquestionable fact.

As soon as I reached the gate of the ghost market, the two replaced goalkeepers immediately greeted with a smile.

"Isn't this older sister Yinyue? Come in soon!"

Now, whenever there is some power in the ghost market, she will respect the older sister Yinyue when she sees her.

She suddenly remembered that when she was out of a ghost market, although she was sitting in a carriage, the janitor could recognize it, and the driver was a person from Zhenlongtang.

If the person you are interested in is right next to you, it may not be unrecognizable.

She was a hundred secrets, but at that time, the people she took were also powerful men. Even if the boss in the ghost market came to block her, she could still be full.

The only thing I misjudged was the martial arts identity and identity of the ziyi.

In my opinion, in this ghost market, in addition to Qiandufang, there are still people collaborating with the medical department.

She looked around calmly for a week, and after that, she must be careful to not give those people a chance.

"Sister, you are back!"

Outside Longzhen, Tongzhen, the brother in charge of the care saw her returning alone, but was a little puzzled.

She looked around and suppressed her voice.

"Well, don't speak up. Tell your brothers, be vigilant."

Now, her prestige is second only to that of the church owner.

And those people also know that she is Xie 晗 's elder aunt, who is too close to be able to kiss.

Therefore, she has a little more closeness and trust in her.

Xun hurriedly came to the hall, but Xie Xun did not see it, but saw that Xun Er was holding his chin and was bored with a daze.

"Where is it?"

As soon as she spoke, she didn't respond for a moment.

The pain is over, but there is still some tingling.

Anyway, when she got home, she immediately asked her to get some ice for herself, and massaged for a while, she finally pronounced normally.

After hearing about her encounter in the woods, Xun's brows frowned and tightened.

"I didn't expect that the things in this world are so complicated. Miss, we need to be careful in the future."

"Well, I know. By the way, what about Xie?"

When she left, Xie Yan had not yet gone out.

As a partner, Yaomen, a powerful enemy, she must inform Xie Ye.

"I went out with Brother Qinghu and said yes, there are a few companies who want to set up a banquet to apologize to him, and haven't returned yet."

担心 She was worried about Xie's safety, so she asked Qinghu to protect him personally.

Moreover, in the event of misbehavior, Qinghu, a great master, can do it.

I didn't want to, and almost let myself go.

The next month, they were all asleep, and the two talents returned.

Qing fox frowned, holding Xie, who was drunk.

As soon as I arrived in the hall, I shoved people up to the uncle.

"Really! Do n’t be stubborn if you ca n’t drink it. I have a smell of stinky wine. Girl, hug me, smoke these smelly men!"

Lin Lin Mengya gave the guy a white look, and a cold eye knife flew over, and the latter stopped halfway.

I can only look at her with poor Barra's small eyes, but unfortunately, with this ordinary face, the lethality is greatly reduced.

Suddenly, he shrank to the door.

"Hmm! I just haven't been beautiful before, so you will treat me like this! Superficial!"

Don't bother to care about him.

Fortunately, Yier was ready to learn about wine soup.

After pouring a bowl of water into the bowl, Xie Tiao became sober.

"You guys, why haven't you slept?"

I looked at them with a bit of surprise. Today's Xie Yi is a little less arrogant and more calm.

"Among those people, I'm afraid that there are still people who have misconceptions about our town."

She is concise and clear, and finishes her encounter with Ziyi.

As soon as Xu finished talking, Qinghu gave Xie Xu a cold glance.

"I will never leave you in the future."

She knows that it is not a grudge.

Xun was just Qinghu, a person who favored her for no reason, so she pushed her blame and annoyance on Xie Ai.

"This group of people is really treacherous."

I was very surprised, Xie was so angry that he gritted his teeth.

In fact, she didn't feel any anger, after all, everyone just used each other.

It is trivial to talk about loyalty.

"Dare to count my girl, otherwise, I'll kill them all."

The clear fox stunned aside, showing a faint smile.

"No need, the purple clothes are dead, the owner of Qiandufang runs away, and I need a clue for many things. This person will definitely jump out by himself. After all, the people he depends on are now gone."

According to Yu, the reason why he was delayed for a while is because that night, he went to destroy the subordinates of Ziyi.

In this way, even if the medical practitioner found the Purple Yishi, he may not know who he died in.

Now, as long as you control this internal response in the ghost market, everything is still within the controllable range.

Squinting as her secret medicine business was about to start, it couldn't be ruined.

And if it was learned by Yaomen that the last person to be seen by Ziyi was himself, then Zhenlongtang would be uprooted.

"What do you want to do?"

Xie Xie thought about it and looked at her and asked.

She sneered, squinting her eyes and saying.

"Naturally, the snake is out of the hole. Tomorrow, you told everyone that I had something to go out. The first batch of secret drugs was afraid to delay the shipment. Remember, except for our own channels, the orders of those leaders must be a few days in the evening. To be shipped, understand? "

Xie Xie's eyes were clear, and there was still a bit of drunkenness.

Now they are up and down, but she wants to see who it is, stalk it!

In order to avoid being exposed, she changed her face again.

This face is more ordinary than before, but because of the time rush, I can't stop looking at it.

Fortunately, those people haven't seen her so much, so she pretended to be her servant.

After all, 纭 er is the future lady of the church. No one is always ridiculous to serve, and it will not cause others to doubt.

But Ke Qinghu also practiced the promise not to walk away from her, and sharpened her all night, letting her make a face.

Their height and shortness are quite eye-catching.

I was just bitter, and I was always restless, letting her do nothing.

她 Under her repeated education, the girl reluctantly agreed, at least in front of others, to do a good job.

"Xie Tang, what do you mean?"

I followed Bian's side. As soon as they walked outside the hall, they could hear it, and a rough question came from them.

Xie Xie was calm, but in this calm, but could not help hiding a little guilty conscience.

"It's just a delay of a few days. Why do you respond so much?"

"It doesn't matter if you postpone it for a few days, but I also found the buyer with great difficulty. The deposit was collected. In case of any mistake, my old face, there is no place to put it!"

The man was anxious, and did not seem to be cheating.

I was thinking, the three of them had come to the living room.

I saw seventeen or eight leaders sitting here, and Xie Yi sat in the center.

虽 Although he is young, his momentum can hold him back.

I can only grow up so much in just a few days.

"Xiao Bangzhu rest assured, I am thankful that I will never lose faith with you."

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