Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1504: Hero saves beauty

I have no dreams all night.

I have been on the road lately, and when she woke up, she was always at a loss, not knowing where she was.

I rubbed my head and she remembered what happened yesterday.

"Master, what's wrong with you?"

Xi Baisu came in with a basin of hot water and saw that she was in a daze, and could not help asking.

I shook my head, and yesterday's events returned to the brain again.

"Nothing, right, sent to follow Chen Lu's people, but the news came back?"

Chen Lu is just a small captain of a small patrol team. If there is no umbrella above him, where can he have such courage.

I look at their fearless appearance, but I am afraid that this matter can't be related to the palace family.

Frowning frowned slightly, today's palace family is completely different from before.

Who the **** is so brave?

She must thoroughly investigate the matter, and must not let her previous efforts be ruined.

"The person sent out said that Chen Lu went out yesterday evening to meet with a person and gave him something."

"But our silver ticket?"

"I just know it is a sandalwood makeup box, it looks very valuable."

Makeup box?

This is strange.

Even some antique calligraphy and paintings are much more valuable than makeup boxes.

"Did you hide the silver ticket?"

She thought about it and shook her head.

If you do this, it will be more conspicuous.

"Continue to follow up, thoroughly investigate the person's details, to see who he will give this thing to in the end."


According to the account of the group of people, Chen Lu has made several cases within a few months, and it can be seen that his courage is getting bigger and bigger.

I ca n’t just let it go like this. If they catch Chen Lu at this time, I'm afraid it will cause the skepticism of those behind the scenes.

After thinking about it, she suddenly thought of someone.

"Bai Su, please help me to come alone."



Outside of the most inconspicuous tea house in the city, Gong Xun looked puzzled, and looked at the woman from time to time to invite herself over.

"Girl, I'm still on business. If it's okay, I'll go first."

姑娘 The girl was so strange, she said that she had something very important to tell him, but after bringing him here, she said nothing.

He tried to leave several times, and the girl stood at the door and blocked him, saying nothing.

He gradually lost patience.

"Girl, Hugh is going to mess around!"

"Mr. Gong, sorry, I'm late."

Lin Lin Mengya walked in with a gentle smile.

Wu Gongxun looked at the girl in front of her, and gave a little stun.

"you are not"

"Yes, that's right, right down there."

"I heard Chen Lu say, it has been confirmed that it is not your arson. It seems that he can still be believed."

He heard that Lin Mengya sneered.

After she entered the door, Bai Su was automatically guarded outside, and in the compartment, they were the only two of them.

"Brother, the reason why we can regain our freedom is that the three of us should not die, and that Chen Lu has nothing to do with it."

"What do you mean?"

She glanced at Gongxun and said coldly.

"Brother Gong knows how many lives were buried in Chen Lu's hands?"

Gong Gongxun stared at her, lowered her head, she was not ill, and told the news she had collected to Gong Gongxin.

"How is this possible? Chen Lu is a little selfish and willful, but he absolutely does not dare to do such hurtful things!"

如何 "How can't I?" She bent her lips, smiling extremely ironically. "I've experienced it myself. If Brother Gong doesn't believe it, he can check it by himself."

Xia Gongxuan was a little excited, and started shooting, glaring at her.

"My brother of the patrol, definitely not like you said! I will ask Chen Lu now, if all this is wronged by you, I will never spare you!"

She smiled and leaned lazily on the chair, but when she spit out, she pinned Gong Xun's footsteps.

"Go and ask now, he can admit that it is strange. Gong Xun, it turns out that you are just a selfish person. It seems that those undead who died before are dead for nothing!"

She got up and bumped him away without mercy.

"If you still have a little conscience, look at Chen Lu well, so that no innocent people will be hit by his poison."

Qiu Gong's inquiry was in place, and a complicated look appeared in his eyes.

I came out of the tea house, Lin Mengya thoughtfully glanced behind her.

The man didn't chase it out right away. It seems that there is a doubt in his heart.

The people in the palace are clever, but sometimes they are too upright.

Judging from the current situation, this is not a good thing.


Bai Su followed the steps and followed her.

She asked her what was going on with her eyes. Bai Su looked around and made sure that nobody was around, and then she spoke.

"Our people returned, saying that there was indeed an arson that night, and that the arsonist is now in the city."

The fire was so strange, but she didn't feel that Chen Lu had the courage to do such a thing.

After all, the reason why they add poison and find someone to finish off is definitely not wanting to make things bigger.

But the arson is unlikely to let go.

So she guessed that Chen Lu should be planting stolen goods, so he knows better than anyone that Qinghu is not the mastermind of arson.

"Go and see."

According to Bai Su, the arsonist should be in the south of the city.

I waited until the two of them arrived here, but saw the scene almost like a refugee camp.

Countless poor people lingered here, and there was a stench in the air.

She frowned, she couldn't figure out why there was such a place in the city.

According to the elder brother's character, it is impossible to ignore it.

"Sister, please, save my mother!"

Suddenly, a little girl in a dress, hugging her thigh, crying and begging.

She lowered her head and looked at those longing eyes, unable to resist.

"Don't cry, tell your sister, what's wrong with your mother?"

She squatted down and wiped the little girl's face with clean sleeves.

"My mother, she's sick, right over there."

The young girl pointed timidly at an alley next to her. It was important to save people. She didn't think too much and let the little girl lead the way.

I did not expect that little girl ran into the alley and disappeared.

Then, a few strong men jumped out of the stream.

"Hey, I really got two good purchases today!"

猥 These men looked at them both warily and up and down, with eyes full of bad intentions.

She just came to understand that the little girl was the bait for fishing.

The anger in my heart, the deeper I get.

She has just come back to Beiling and has encountered so many problems.

If this continues, the reputation of the palace family will be ruined by them!

"Brother, these two should be able to sell some money! Look at this fine-skinned tender meat, that dead girl is really capable!"

I can't understand the situation now.

I listened to what they said, Bai Su's anger was rolling in her heart.

I was thinking about going up and teaching the gangsters, but I heard a cold drink behind them.

"Let them go!"

Following the sound, she looked back subconsciously.

I saw a young man in a commoner standing at the alley.

The man's eyebrows were deep, like a sharp-edged, sharp-edged face full of killing.

Holding Bai Su's hand, it seems that the hero has come to the rescue.

"It's your little **** again! I warn you, no worries"

Several hooligans across the street threatened the youth in front of them fiercely, but the youth was unmoved and pulled out the steel knife that had been held in their hands.

哈 "Hahahaha, holding a rusty broken knife to pretend to be prestigious, it seems that last time, I still didn't teach you to learn how to be good!"

A few rogues sneered at the youth, and at the same time, they took out their own weapons.

Zhe Lin Mengya saw the dagger they were holding, her eyes flashed.

It seems the same as the thief who attacked them when they first entered the city!

I can't think too much, there is a fight over there.

She was holding Bai Su close to the wall, for fear of being affected.

The young man's martial arts are not low, but it seems that he has less strength.

I see his face paler and harder to resist those people, I'm afraid it's stubborn.

"Bai Su, help."

Bai Su nodded and immediately went up to meet.

The young man received her help and suddenly the pressure was greatly reduced.

I'm afraid the gangsters didn't even think how the little woman who looked fragile could show her power.

After a few rounds, they couldn't get any cheap, and they were afraid of catching their lives, so they resigned.

"What a shame! You wait and see!"

A few people fought and retreated, but one of them turned his eyes and followed her.

Suddenly jumped out and came straight to her.

"Be careful!"

The young man shouted, and hurled towards her, blocking her in front of her.

When the man couldn't do anything, he was so angry and angry that he inserted the dagger into the young man's chest.

Bai Su aroused everyone, but it was a step too late.

I heard only a "beep", and the dagger penetrated more than half an inch.


Bai Su was angry, and Changjian took the opponent's first level mercilessly.

The couple saw their brothers killed, but stepped up their escape.

I waited so long to escape.

快 "Quick, he's hurt!"

Lin Mengya was a little guilty.

In fact, she has been alert for a long time. Since coming here, her dark crossbow has never left her body.

I was just, but it made people innocent because of her, she really felt sorry.

"I'm fine."

The young man shook, leaned against the wall, and dragged the rusty steel knife in his hand.

"What's all right? Bai Su, help me get people to our carriage."

She Qinghu was kept at home to protect Axiu. These people were not Bai Su's opponents at first, but the young man who jumped out of the air was really unlucky.

"No need to"

The young man waved his hand, still stiff.

But Lin Mengya was anxious.

"You do n’t have to do anything. You have to die.


"Shut up! Follow me! Big man, so much nonsense!"

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