Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1525: Wrong theme

Shimiya naturally knew how to deal with it, and immediately got up and took them away.

Lin Lin Mengya looked at their disappearing back, and then exhaled softly.

"You don't have to be such a person, why is it so?"

She looked up and saw Long Tianyu's face dissatisfied.

He smiled helplessly and leaned proactively on his shoulder.

"In fact, if there is a suitable person, I will not be far from being so reluctant. But I can't live in the palace for a lifetime."

Nine Dragons Tianyu moved her heart, clasped her hand, and played with it.

"Yes, you are my wife. Naturally, you will not stay at the palace forever. Let me do whatever you want, everything is with me."

With these words, she spoke warmly.

"No way, if I kill people and prevent fire, will you also give me an aftermath?"

She teased intentionally, Long Tianyu raised her small face, and looked down at her affectionately.

不 "No, you can leave this dirty work to me. You only need to know the result."

所有 All her obstacles will be cleared by him.

Lin Lin Mengya couldn't help but smiled, and his little hand gave him a soft slap.

"Where I am so weak, Long Tianyu, you know that you did the same to me before. But I also told you, my enemy, that I must have my own hands. I will not let anyone Be my shadow, even if he is strong. "

She looks firm, and the words she speaks are also ground-breaking.

Xun Long Tianyu does not seem to doubt her words, because he can see them these days.

It's definitely a ruthless character to hit his coquettish wife.

The thin lips evoked a smile, and he nodded more to her.

好 "Okay, then I will be responsible for washing your enemies clean and binding them to you, shall you?"

She frowned slightly and immediately shook her head.

"How does that work? Do you not know that this process is the most fun? I warn you, do n’t take away my pleasure. If life is not exciting, it is as boring as boiled eggs. Although I do n’t like being with people Fight, but I'll take out my enemies with my own hands! "

Xiao Long Tianyu smiled, his eyes were full of petting.

It seemed to him that he was not in love with a kitten, but a proud little lion.

"okay, I get it."

There are so many things that she can hardly parry now.

That's why he was secretly blocking the danger for her.

But now it seems that he looked down on her.

I also want to be the final winner. His little lion must not be trapped in a cage.

It seemed that it was time for him to let his little lion slowly come into contact with those things.

I just ca n’t be in a hurry, I have to figure it out slowly.

哪里 Where do you start?

夫妻 While the couple was at your door, I heard a cough again outside the door.

Lin Lin Mengya quickly withdrew from Long Tianyu's arms, her face flushed.

Nine Dragons Tianyu was unhappy, and one day, sooner or later, he would have to drive out those people who were out of sight!

"Axiu, what's wrong?"

Xuan Chuanxin has always been a matter of Bai Su, and Bai Su is extremely eye-catching and will never disturb them both easily.

But now, it is Axiu.

Now that the girl has recovered her eyesight, she feels a little embarrassed.

Sometimes it is better to be blind.

"Yes, there is a lady Liang clamoring to see you. I can't stop her, she rushes in. She can only cope with it, so I hurried to come and report.

A Xiu has a thorough mind, and long ago guessed that Su Yan was His Royal Highness Yu Yu.

So although a little shy, the eyebrows are with a smile.

After all, she was the one who was abused by the dog.

She's already used to the loving scene of the couple.

Just every time, some blushing and heartbeat are inevitable.

"Miss Liang?"

"Well, it's Mr. Liang's sister-in-law, the one named Liang Yue. She's coming menacingly, and I don't know who has caused her."

Ye Liangyue.

She suddenly remembered that it was the woman who spilled her a bowl of fish soup.

Qi Liangyue came to her for what? If Mr. Liang is ordered, it is indeed difficult to refuse.

Whatever Mr. Ke Keliang had, he also sent someone to pass on the story, or through his elder brother.

I really have no direct intersection with her.

So, what happened after Liang Yue?

"Go and invite her in."

In the final analysis, in the face of Mr. Liang, she is not good at pushing Liang Yue out.

I didn't expect that Axiu had just gone out, and Liang Yue took two of them and rushed in.

"Miss Liang, do you have anything to do with me? Or, Mr. Liang has something to do with me?"

态度 Her attitude is pretty good, but Liang Yue just stared at her fiercely, as if she owed Liang Yue money.

Lin Lin Mengya rummaged through her memory, as if there was no place, offended this Miss Liang?

After the man looked her up and down, Lengheng said.

"What's so great about my being Mr. Su, but that's the case. I don't know what ecstasy you use, and it actually makes the palace family treat you well!"

Alas, the sour taste of old vinegar was revealed.

She turned back and glanced at her man.

Can't we do it again, is this peach blossom debt left by this guy?

A snow teacher walked on the front foot, and a beam moon came on the back foot.

Well, it seems that this guy is really charming!

"Miss Liang, what you said is so rude. The palace family treats me well, because I am a gentleman hired by the palace family. If the girl has this ability, the palace family will treat you so kindly."

Treat the love enemy, she always adheres to the principle of crushing.

Especially this kind of dare to run in front of her to demonstrate, then don't blame her for being rude!

你 "You! Are you showing off to me?"

Ji Liangyue opened her eyes wide and wished to swallow her.

Lin Lin Mengya smiled, but the words in her mouth were unabated.

"Show off? No, I'm just saying that you are incompetent."

Suddenly, Liang Yue was shaking with anger.

Although the Liang family is not a rich man, but because Mr. Liang is quite famous, he has also been respected and treated since childhood.

Where have you been so clear?

"Okay, even if I am Liang Yue incompetent, don't think how long you can be proud! The gate of the palace is not so easy to enter! Just for your temperament of poplar, the palace will recognize you sooner or later. true colors!"

Lin Lin Mengya raised her eyebrows and thought that the girl was really stupid.

She can't get in the gate of the palace

Wu Mingming is the man in the family, I wish she would never go out!

"Is it? I don't think the threshold is a bit high, but every time it's convenient to go in and out. Miss Liang, I must haven't been there?"

Yan Liang was almost angry with vomiting blood.

哪里 Where is this show off, it's like poking a knife into her heart!

"You wait! I Liangyue, I will never let you go!"

The eyes of the girl were red with anger, but unfortunately Lin Mengya would not be afraid of this without any substantial threat.

"Okay, I'll wait for you quietly. But Miss Liang, last time you poured the bowl of fish soup on me, I'm afraid it was intentional?"

Qi Liangyue heard her lift up, and a guilty guilty swiftness crossed her eyes.

"What's intentional or not? I just slipped my hand. Does Mr. Liang want me to be wronged without evidence?"

Sure enough, is it because she and Long Tianyu's eyes are so explicit that they can be broken into "rape"?

I have to say that Miss Liang has keen eyes.

This bowl of fish soup, she has to get it back.

"Of course not, but I want to remind Miss Liang. No one can take advantage of me, you better be a little more acquainted, don't talk about things you can't get. Otherwise, the consequences are serious and you can't afford it. "

其实 She is just too lazy to care about these wild flowers and weeds.

Fighting for a man is never her style.

What's more, Long Tianyu has a heart, which she knows better than anything.

Rather than fight with them for a man who belongs to her, it is better to fight with those old scholars.

At least I won with a little excitement.

This kind of weak opponent has no meaning.

"You! You dare threaten me!"

In fact, Liang Yue's heart is also bottomless.

But for the four young masters of the palace, she is bound to get it.

I suddenly rushed out of a Su Mei, and even snatched her yard. How did this make her angry?

"No, I'm just warning you."

脸 Her face suddenly cooled down, a pair of water eyes were dark and cold, just like a cold lake.

Yan Liangyue had a sudden rush in her heart, but after thinking about it, her father had the final say.

When I arrived, my heart was energized again.

"I should warn you, don't think you can run rampant in the academy. Don't you just like to attach power and riches? I tell you, that yard, but I value it first! If you want, let it be!

What? courtyard?

Lin Mengya, who was still in full swing just now, got stuck instantly.

What yard, why didn't she know?

I glanced at Bai Su and A Xiu, and those two people were also embarrassed.

I glanced back at Long Tianyu, who was looking down at the book.


I was too smooth just now, and now I ask, will it seem a little disrespectful to the opponent?

"I don't quite understand what you say, what yard?"

Qi Liangyue was so mad that she thought she was pretending to be garlic.

"Pretend what? Don't think I don't know, you just fancy Luo Yuezhai! Yes, there is indeed the best courtyard in the whole college, but that's for Miss Gongjia! It's just you, you too Yes! "

Wait? What Luo Yuezhai, she has never heard of, okay?

I saw her frowning and thinking, Liang Yue thought she was deliberately angry with herself.

"Hmm! I can give this to Miss Gongjia, but I will never give it to you! Let's wait and see!"

After I finished speaking, I turned and hurried away.

Lin Mengya left behind, it was hard work.

What is Loyak fast? Dare to love people not to fight for people, but to fight for the house?

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