Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1535: Make a mistake


Sannomiya Miyako thought about it, then shook her head.

She is serious, but what is serious is true.

For those people, she is just dispensable.

What about her?

"I think, what is a woman in their eyes?"

The palace was stunned at thirty-one, and he said slowly after reflecting for a while.

女子 "A woman is a woman, a loved one, a loved one, or an enemy."

This is his true feelings for so many years, without any adulteration.

Lin Lin Mengya tilted her head and looked at him and smiled.

"Yeah, in the eyes of our family members, women are also human beings. But in their eyes, women are nothing but furnishings. What about women's talent and beauty? But like patterns on flower bottles, lacquer plates The pictures on the table are for decoration only. As they are utensils, they must be obedient and sensible before they can be properly placed. Otherwise, they will be broken and sold. "

Sannomiya Miya was lost in thought because of her words.

Is that so?

Maybe yes, it ’s just that the palace family values ​​women over men, so they feel that women are no different from them.

The indulgence of the younger sister is basically just a desire to protect her brother.

"Brother 3, do you think I'm strange?"

Her arguments are common in modern society, but not necessarily here.

After Miyazaki thought carefully, he said it seriously.

"I don't find it strange, younger sister, I finally understand your original intention of establishing the college. You can rest assured that I will definitely help you."

The men in the palace family gave her a surprise again.

Lin Lin Mengya couldn't help, and threw in the arms to give his third brother a hug.

谢谢 "Thank you, and thank you all for understanding me and supporting me."

Fortunately, when she was in heaven and earth, there would be such a group of people who asked nothing and said nothing. They just treated her well and supported her in the end.

"Stupid girl, family, what else did you say thank you. Let's go, now the news over there, we should also sweep the dust."

Sannomiya Miyazaki said lightly, but in a tone, with an inconclusive decision.

Now the college is still their palace family. For the time being, it is not possible for them to decide.

"For me to change my clothes, people have prepared such a great gift for me, I'm not good enough for 邋 Li to take it?"

She blinked playfully at the third brother, who could not help but rubbed her little head again.

Today, Sitai College welcomes its first dean.

Leaving aside Lin Mengya, the honorary dean whose symbolism is greater than practicality, who has the full authority to preside over the college's work has been in the speculation of these teachers.

But the palace family has never expressed his attitude, plus Mr. Liang also has some prestige.

So some people in the college think that the dean may be the highly respected Mr. Liang.

If you have expectations, then you have to please.

This is why Liang Liangyue dared to trip her.

Otherwise, how could a daughter of an ordinary teacher dare to overshadow her supervisor?

This time they went, it was a sudden attack, and the two did not disclose it to anyone.

So when they all arrived at the entrance of Sitai College, no one had found it, let alone someone passed it on.

Lin Mengya frowned as she watched the portal wide open and the extremely relaxed Sitai Academy.

These people seem to be living a very comfortable life.

"It seems that they forgot who lifted them so high."

She said coldly, and Miyazo's face also changed slightly.

"How high you lift it, how hard you fall."

许多 There are many people in it. They were all destitute and depressed.

I feel that I have no skill at all, but because of my background, I have no way to serve the country.

Now that they have become faculty members of the academy, because of their respect for their husbands, they begin to be proud and deliberate.

He did not know that their fate had never been in their own hands.


Xun Gongsan walked into the gate of the academy first, followed by Lin Mengya.

Inside the academy, the window is bright and clean, and the people who come and go are also uniform and clean.

Sannomiya Misaki hasn't been to the academy a few times, so some people don't recognize it.

But Su Mei, who is behind him, is a "celebrity".

It's just a pity that it's not a good name.

I saw that she had brought another man in, and now there were several people, and she started to give pointers.

"It seems that those gentlemen are right at all. Then Samui is a blank of water-based poplar!"

"Oh! I don't even see what she looks like, and I'm a lady. I don't think she can compare to Mr. Shen at all."

His Majesty's comments, Lin Mengya did not pay much attention to before.

Pouting is on the body of others, and whatever you like to say, let them talk.

But remembering her purpose today, she stopped and her voice was cold.

你们 "You guys, what did you just say?"

两个 The two subordinates are locals. The age of thirty or forty is the age at which the father and the child are upset.

Self-righteousness, isn't she actually trying to use her to vent her dissatisfaction in life?

"What can the two of us say? Mr. Su can do it, so no one is allowed to say it?"

One of them has a sharp-toothed mouth, and the mouth is prickly, which is awful.

The other one was aware that something was wrong, and quietly pulled the sleeves of his companions.

Lin Lin Mengya approached them both step by step.

With a crackling sound, she just said that she had got a slap in the face.

"You are worthy to talk about the romantic affairs of this inspector?"

虽 Although she is a girl, she is a doctor and she also learns the teacher's acupuncture tips all year round.

Although the five fingers are particularly slender and flexible, their strength is actually comparable to that of an average man.

This slap hit the woman straight down.

"You, dare you hit me!"

The woman covered her face and scolded her with a hood.

But Lin Mengya glanced at her.

There was only one glance, but those dark eyes were like the water of Huangquan, with a strong murderous spirit.

哪里 Where has the helper woman come here to see her fierce look.

But the woman is also field-tested, and she has a strong ability to respond to changes.

"Come here! Sumei hits someone! Come on!"

I also want to call friends and friends, why, fight in groups?

"Who is making a noise here, don't you know that this is Sitai College? Master Three, Master Three!"

The director of the Foreign Academy in the Shuyuan Academy actually met the young masters of the palace family.

At present, after seeing the frosty palace three young, immediately came to see the driver.

I was crying in my heart, why was this time?

"This is the man you recruited? I ask you, how did the palace family teach you?"

Sannomiya San is not eloquent, on the contrary, even in the anger, he still maintains a speedy speech and extremely elegant emphasis.

The uncontrollable man shivered inexplicably, and his legs and stomach began to twitch.

Even in the presence of the young master, he would not be like this.

After sweating out the sweat of the brain, the manager immediately knelt down in front of the third master.

"Yes, it was Xiao's dereliction of duty, and Xiao Xiao immediately kicked her out."


I spoke, Lin Mengya.

I saw a cold face and came to the steward.

"After you have slandered me, do you want to go away? There is no such cheap thing in the world."

The uncontrollable can't help but be frightened.

If it wasn't enough that the four masters brought this Mr. Su into a sensation before.

So now that she is coming with the three young masters, and after the young three masters still have a faint meaning to support him, Su Mei's identity can be incredible.

There are five young masters in the palace.

Twenty-four, five, and five are young and may not be the masters.

But the three young masters have quite a good name in the past. This time, it is obviously for what.

Yike yard

He wiped his cold sweat, totally afraid to imagine such a picture.

那 "So, Mr. Nasu said, what should I do?"

"I remember that even if you had signed a live-in contract, you would be punished if you dared to defy and slander the host family?"

The cold sweat of the scrutiny was thicker, but this time, he couldn't care less.

"Yes, Mr. Su has a good memory."

"Then follow the rules, and in the future, everything in the college must be regulated. If you don't, then the next time, you are punished."

The man in charge was pardoned, and immediately nodded and said yes.

"Master Three! Mr. Su, I was wrong, please forgive me!"

Suddenly the woman was shocked and hurried to Gongsan's presence, scratching her head for mercy.

She was a little bitter. She is very satisfied with the errands of Sitai College.

Actually, she deserves it.

Lin Mengya proposed and improved all the employment clauses and welfare measures of the 24th Thai College.

The capital she showed off was the kindness of Lin Mengya.

Even if you do n’t know your identity, it is a misfortune that comes out of your mouth, and you ca n’t blame others.

"Why should I spare you? Someone should have told you that Mr. Su's words represent the house of the palace. You openly slandered Mr. Su and did not repent. Then this is your end."

Sannomiya's tone was indifferent, but these words were not just addressed to the woman.

The sweat of the steward was raining, and he had been lying on the ground and almost wanted to advance.

"Master Three, let's go."

Seeing that his purpose had been achieved, Lin Mengya turned away from the three without looking back.

Next, who's the turn?

The atmosphere in the Zhiwei Hall, which was used by the teachers of the Yuantai College to hold meetings, was somewhat weighted.

Although Mr. Li Liang is in the upper position, his brows are frowned, as if there is something that cannot be resolved.

There were thirty or forty people sitting down and down.

He is headed by a skinny old man, but Qi Yue is sitting in a humble corner.

Unlike other people who are either angry, serious, or sad, he frowns tightly and seems to be worried about something.

Compared to other people's flowers, where he sits, he seems to be thriving.

Yes, he was crowded out.

He was okay, as he expected.

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