Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1536: Insatiable

"Sir, this matter can no longer be condoned!"

A gentleman filled his indignation, his whitening skin rose a little bit angry, it seemed that he was already angry.

Mr. Tong Liang touched his beard, and his face showed some difficulties.

I just looked at the man, but didn't speak.

"Mr. Liang, you have high morals and we all respect you. As long as you say a word, we will follow you immediately and clean up the atmosphere together!"

The other, though polite, spoke words with relentless seriousness.

After the two gentlemen took the lead, everyone started talking.

At the end, the voice of Feiteng was eager to try and overturn the roof.

Mr. Tong Liang looked around, his eyes were deeper and deeper.

Putting your head on your knees is also an unconscious clenching.

虽 Although he is more justified in dealing with people in the world, now he is guilty of anger.

若 If he were alone, the matter would go with them.

But now, Sitai College has just built a shelf. If it collapses at this time, everything must start from the beginning.

Anyway, he will live up to the expectations of the palace family.

If you obey their minds,

He can see that even though Mr. Sumeisu has sharpened his teeth, it is a kind of heart to Sitai College.

The others were unclear, and through getting along some time ago, Mr. Su Mei was indeed responsible for the college.

Especially after Si Gongzi gave her all the responsibilities and rulings, Mr. Su will do everything that is good for the college.

Therefore, he dare to guarantee that no matter what Mr. Su's personality is, she must have used her heart for the academy.


He glanced at those almost noisy colleagues, the frown between his eyebrows tightened.

不是 Is it okay a few days ago? Why is this necessary to drive Su Mei out?

Mr. Tong Liang looked out of the door. Before that, he sent a book boy who was on his way to the palace to report. He didn't know that the sons of the palace had no news.

Alas, this burden is not easy to pick!

Mr. Xie Liang's side was so warm and enthusiastic that he never had a straightforward attitude, apparently he was delaying.

Over there, Qi Yue's mind was turning.

He is usually not good at socializing with people, and it is because he is a gentleman who has been invited by famous people. So those people respect him on the surface, but he has heard a lot of cold words in the ground.

Today's matter, he has his own understanding.

Gao Leng looked at these beam-jumping clowns, he just looked on from the wall.

Thanks to his intuition for many years, he told him that Mr. Su was not the one to drive away so easily!

"Miss, we must be successful this time!"

In the corner of Zhizhi Weitang, Liang Yue couldn't wait to admire his victory.

I watched them all hate the bitch, and she just felt very happy.

"I see that Samui, how do you turn around!"

Ji Liangyue proudly ticked the corners of his lips, and sure enough the man was right.

As long as Su Mei is disgusted, then Master Four is her!

He didn't know that these things were not at the heart of the Lord.

"Sister, why don't we go in now?"

Outside of Zhiwei Hall, Lin Mengya stopped suddenly, hugging her arms, and leaned against the wall.

Sannomiya Miyoshi was doing this to her, but the louder the voice inside, he could hear it clearly.

I just do n’t know. He has always been a little girl who refuses to eat, but why they let those people bark.

"No hurry, they haven't exposed their fangs yet. We're in now, aren't we all done?


She looked at Gong Sanyi with a wicked look, and Gong San's heart jumped slightly.

How do you say, such a young girl he has never seen.

I was like an aggressive leopard approaching silently, and at the same time he stretched out his own claws, waiting for the moment when the prey was exposed, and quickly harvested the life of the prey.

He was originally angry, but now he is sad for the people inside.

Because of opponents, they are never equal.

"what do you mean"

Sannomiya looked at her with a little doubt in her eyes.

Lin Lin Mengya pointed contemptuously, but looked at the sky in the distance.

"Three brothers, if hungry people keep a huge sweet cake for others every day. They can only eat some crumbs for their entire lives. Do you think they are fair?"

Sannomiya Sanji thought for a while, but bent his lips.

所以 "So, they want to grab this sweet cake before it has no one?"

"Yeah, so I feel that there is no absolute relationship between a person's virtues and their ability to learn. Greed is greed. Even if he learns to get rich in five cars, he only learns insatiably."

Even in ancient and modern China and abroad, most scholars hold a scornful attitude to money.

I think that everything is only good, but ironically, what can test them the most is money and power.

But who is she Lin Mengya?

The rat made her idea of ​​vegetable oil, she could let the rat back to her two or two masters.

又 How could she, let these people take advantage of her for nothing?

"It makes sense, sorry, I used to be too narrow-minded."

Hei Miyamiya had previously thought that it was the little girl who spoke those words to comfort him in order to get him out of the knot earlier.

I didn't want to, the situation of the college was really so bad.

If he had entered the main academy from the beginning, I was afraid that the situation would not become so outrageous.

"Yes, it's all your fault."

She complained a little before pretending to be grieved, and then couldn't help it, and smiled softly, and said softly.

所以 "So, the third brother had to bow to death for the college, and he has made up for it!"

Sannomiya stunned for a while, and finally couldn't help but smile brightly.

I touched the top of her head like a coward, and responded gently to her.

"it is good."

Even if he did n’t do anything else, just for the protection of his sister, he would work hard to get out of the past.

The past cannot be changed, only the future can be hoped for.

"Mr. Liang, you shouldn't say that. Yes, this college is indeed funded by the palace family. But everyone knows that they were built under the order of His Majesty the Emperor. In that case, the court must have given a lot of Silver two. Since it was given by the court, it is a part of the whole country. In that case, why do you want a palace family to decide it alone? This is very unfair! "

Gao Lin Mengya's eyes brightened, okay, she waited for so long for nothing, and finally there was a stupid person who brought the matter to the topic.

As soon as he said this, it was quiet for a while.

Then another person received it.

"This is a very good statement. Even if the palace family has the function of supervising and making, but now that the college has been completed, the palace family should also be retired. This will preserve the palace's reputation. Otherwise, until the day when the college's reputation is notorious That house of the palace is a sinner all over the world! "

Frowning his eyebrows, Lin Mengya's anger was fierce for a moment.

What a good man to retire and a sinner all over the world.

A few words, they tried to obliterate all the merits of the palace family, but now they are threatening to force the palace family to hand over the management of the college.

In my opinion, the palace family was too indulgent to them.

I squinted at it and said that it was going too far, and in the end, even Mr. Liang felt a little too much.

"This matter can't be said like this. It is an indisputable fact that the palace family built the Four Thai Academy. If your colleagues feel that there is anything wrong with the palace family, then the old one will give the palace family and accompany you. No "

Mr. Qi Liang originally wanted to deal with the mud, and after delaying the matter, he tried to figure it out.

I didn't expect that he would interrupt someone before he had finished speaking.

"Mr. Liang, you ca n’t say that. You put your heart and soul into the college, and we all look at it. So we all think that the first dean of Sitai College should be you!"

Mr. Xie Liang's secret screaming was not good. These people were so eager to pull the thief boat.

刚 He just wanted to decline, but he heard a familiar voice behind him.

"Father, since everyone said that, you might as well respect it."

Mr. Qi Liang turned back in shock and anger, but saw his maidservant, came over with a smile.

I lowered my face and reprimanded.

"What do you know about a girl's house, go back quickly, don't talk nonsense!"

I didn't expect that Liang Yue instead of not listening, but stepped forward and grabbed his cuff.

"Father, daughter also thinks that all the gentlemen are right. After all, with your talents and virtues, this dean is right. Besides, you have spent a lifetime on the college. Your daughter feels that this position, You deserve it! "

Xi Liangyue's words were immediately approved by everyone.

Mr. Xie Liang was anxious, staring straight at his daughter.

This child, confused!

She should not be ought to, should be harmonious into this matter.

Now, he has completely ruined his position.

"Hurry back! There is no place for you to speak here!"

He slumped his face and yelled sharply.

But Ke Liangyue put on a look of extreme grievances, yelling around his neck.

"Even if the father refuses to let his daughter say it, his daughter must say it! It's not to say that this college was built in accordance with His Majesty the Emperor's Royal Highness. Just look at the person who was in the palace, and Su Mei fluttered and wandered. De. One Su Yan is arrogant and one is even more self-assertive. Such a person can be regarded as a guest by the palace family. It can be seen that their vision and temperament must be similar to the three. "


Talking word by word made Mr Liang's heart so cold.

With this slap, he throbbed heartbreakingly, and at the same time, he frightened.

"Get out of me! Say these **** things here, I'll be without your daughter!"

Yan Liangyue covered her face and could not return to her for a long time.

There was a burning pain in her cheek, but she was just shocked and looked at her father.

Wu Cong has been loved the most because she is the youngest and smartest.

But now, my father actually slapped her because of her saying a few words about the palace family!

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