Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1550: Invite a party

Axiu thought about it carefully and said thoughtfully.

"This is also the case. I haven't heard of Mrs. Liang and they got involved in the academy during the past few days. However, Mrs. Liang seems to be interested in making friends with the palace family. I heard the porter say that the day they just arrived Mrs. Liang took the time to visit the palace family, saying it was to thank the young master for his life-saving grace. "

He squeaked his lips, apparently Axiu was extremely disdainful of Mrs. Liang's tricks in drilling.

Lin Lin Mengya didn't feel anything. On the contrary, like Mrs. Liang, she showed her purpose as soon as she came up, but it was easier to deal with.

I just don't know what the person hiding behind Liangyue has done.

"Girl, you seem to have an idea?"

Wu Qinghu always smiled a little, he knew that his girl was not likely to eat this dumb loss.

"Well, I have it at any time. They think they are not exposed at all, but they can leave marks. What's more, our people, they can't help it."

Wu Qinghu raised his eyes, he knew what to do next.

He gently threw the sharp dagger in his hand, and narrowed his eyes slightly.

"I don't know who's next, now?"

Lin Lin Mengya also followed his gaze and looked at the night sky.

Probably, as long as people have sex, conspiracy and tricks, there will never be a day to stop it.

On the second day, everything is as usual.

Lin Lin Mengya first took two children to see Mr., and when she was in her study, she saw someone talking to A Xiu.

I waited until she came to the front, the man had finished speaking, and hurriedly retreated, not even seeing her nearby.

She watched the man leave a little, but Axiu had already taken a step forward, and fell into her ear and said.

"This morning, Mr. Shen rushed to resign. He said that there was a very important thing to deal with at home, and the dean kept it over and over again."

Ye Xueshi left?

This actually made her feel a bit surprised. She thought that Xue Shi's attachment was still entangled for at least a while.

I still say, what method did Long Tianyu use?

After all, Xue Shi is the person under his control. Go and stay should have something to do with him.

"Let's go, right, what's going on with the Liang family today?"

Axu shook his head.

Did the Liang family learn well?

But her doubts were released after less than an hour.

Lin Lin Mengya slightly looked at Miss Liang Jiaer with a little surprise.

She didn't expect it. After that incident, the first to come to her Liang family was actually the gentle and dignified second lady.

But now she is very interested. What is the reason for this Miss Liang Er's trip?

"Liang Qing, met Mr. Su Mei."

The woman in front of her eyes behaved elegantly, advancing and retreating as if in a manner.

Sister-in-law is totally different from her stubborn and wayward sister.

In fact, the three sisters have their own characteristics, but their features are slightly similar.

I want to look at it in detail. Miss Liang and Miss Liang Er, like Mr Liang, have more gentleness on their bodies.

As for the three young lady, she is exactly like her mother, and her spleen is very similar.

I have to say that although she hates Mrs. Liang and Liang Yue, she can't feel a bit sick of Liang Qing in front of her.

"Miss Er doesn't have to be courteous. I don't know if Miss Er comes here. Is there something that needs Su Mei's help?"

Qi Liangqing was a crystal clear person, but when he heard the words, he shook his head immediately, then nodded with a bitter smile.

"Mr. Su Mei, don't get me wrong, in fact, this time, Liang Qing paid the crime on behalf of her mother and younger sister."

Hagiwara is for such people.

Lin Lin Mengya didn't want to embarrass her, but she just scratched a little smile.

"Su Mei is not a stingy person, and knows that you are indeed a bit difficult, so Liang Fu talents want to cut first and then play. These Su Mei can understand, so Miss Er does not have to make a special trip to say this."

Looking at her talkative appearance, the worry on Liang Qing's face resolved a lot.

She stepped forward with a smile, but her eyes were always watching the woman in front of her.

"Since Mr. Su Mei is so generous, Liang Qing is really grateful. However, because we can't leave home for a long time, in a few days, my mother will go back with us. Before that, I ask you Gathered together with the sons of the palace family. Thank you, too. When my father fell ill, he helped us so much. I wonder, Mr. Su Mei, what do you think? "

I honestly, if Liang Qing came to invite her, then she really wanted to agree.

But she always felt that Mrs. Liang and Liang Yue were afraid they would not give up so easily.

I saw her hesitate, Liang Qing immediately seemed to see through her mind, and explained.

"My mother and Sanmei also knew that they were wrong, and just wanted to take this opportunity to apologize to Mr. Su Mei."

Qi Liangqing's sincerity was enough, but Lin Mengya felt curious.

Will Mrs. Yan Liang and Liang Yue really give up easily?

I thought for a while, she thought that if she did agree, she might have some unexpected surprises.

"It is not necessary to apologize. I haven't seen Mr. Liang for a long time. It is better for the girl Liang Qing to go to some young masters of the palace together. If only I were one, I would be really shy."

"No, Mr. Su Mei, please rest assured. I will definitely go to the palace boys, and I will definitely not let the husband feel embarrassed."

With Liang Qing's assurance, she seemed more relieved.

Soon, Liang Qing said goodbye, and it seemed that he had invited others.

After looking at the back of Liang Qing's departure, Xi Axiu looked at her with some complexities and said.

"Sister Ya, do you really want to go?"

"Go, why not go?"

She was obviously interested in curiosity.

Wu Axiu couldn't help covering her forehead. Why did she think that if Sister Ya had gone, what would have happened?

I wish she had thought too much.

Qi Liangqing really worked diligently, and sent someone to inform her of the time and place that night.

The time was the evening of the third day, and the place was the small courtyard where Mr. Liang was ill.

In the past few days, under the care of his daughter, Mr. Liang has recovered almost.

I just ca n’t overwork, and my emotions should n’t have too much ups and downs.

Qi Liangqing sent invitations to the five young masters of the palace family, but after considering it again and again, the palace family decided to let the palace palace come.

Of course, no one knows that this matter was actually settled by her.

After all, only three are involved with the Liang family.

The elder brother is special and not suitable for coming.

Other people come in for nothing. The more people there are, the worse things are.

They almost arrived at the Liang's yard at the same time. Inside, Liang Qing had been waiting for a long time.

"Some people please."

After the guests and the guests sat down, Liang Qing ordered people to serve.

Soon, a variety of delicacies appeared at the table.

Lin Lin Mengya looked at the table, but was wondering.

Is n’t it really just eating?

She was thinking about it, and saw Mrs. Liang and Liang Yue come to the room.

"Mother, three sisters, why did you come here? VIPs, have been waiting for a long time."

Qi Liangqing greeted the past with a little doubt in his eyes.

In fact, this meal was the mother's 撺掇 her.

She originally did not want to do this kind of thing, but Nai He's mother was right, they are now trying to repair the relationship with the palace family.

虽然 Although she doesn't like flattery flattery, she is very impressed by the palace house.

So I agreed.

He didn't know why they were so late.

"It's uneasy over your elder sister."

Madam Gao Liang complained, but Liang Qing looked behind her, not seeing the figure of her elder sister, and couldn't help but lower her voice and asked.

"Where's eldest sister? Why don't you see her?"

Xun Wenyan, Mrs. Liang and Liang Yue's eyes flashed a light.

But fleeting, even Liang Qing didn't find it.

"The eldest sister has to take care of her father, so she can't get through. The second sister you know, the father's temper, except the elder sister, is afraid that no one can stand it."

In Liang Liangyue's tone, he was slightly disgusted.

But now that outsiders are present, coupled with her own personality, she has hardly reprimanded anyone.

When she saw her mother and sister coming, she quickly let in.

"You, my sister and my mother have arrived, letting a few wait long."

一 As soon as their mother and daughter appeared, the atmosphere suddenly condensed.

Whether it's Gong III or Gong IV, he doesn't like Liang Yue.

Not to mention, her mother wanted to grab the sister's yard.

But good tutors will not let them do too much things, so they just looked at their mother and daughter coldly.

"Not urgent."

At this moment, Lin Mengya, like an old monk sitting still, threw a sentence lightly.

Ji Liangyue immediately slaped her lips. If it wasn't for the second sister to give up her life, she would never let go of Su Mei any more. She really wanted to sneer at Su Mei.

What deepness to pretend to be, obviously a personal bitch!

Qi Liangyue grew more and more angry, but Mrs. Liang, who was sitting next to her, gently squeezed her hand.

Motioned to Liang Yue now, it is not time to turn his face.

In desperation, Liang Yue had to endure.

虽然 Although these things happened very quickly, Lin Mengya still had a good view.

In my opinion, some people are not as sincere as they seem.

So, then, it will be much more fun.

She looked at Liang Qing with a smile, and just after she finished speaking, she said.

"I remember Miss Liang Er told me today that it was Mrs. Liang and Miss Liang San, who gave me the guilt feast. I didn't care about it, but Miss Liang Er said that Mrs. Liang and Miss San had to apologize to me. Okay, so I really don't know what to do. "

After listening to Gong Gongsan and Gong Shiyi, they knew that the girl was deliberately picking things up.

So they remain calm, but they will become the most solid backing for the younger sister.

一 As soon as these words were finished, Liang Yue and Mrs. Liang's faces changed immediately.

But at the same time, they glanced at Liang Qing fiercely.

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