Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1559: Miyaji accident

"This is impossible!"

Hei Miyazai flatly denied that, as a brother who grew up together, how could he not know Miyaji's temperament?

The servant had just returned to God, and now it was time to remember it. When he saw their unbelief, he immediately said.

"I saw with my own eyes that it was the second master's hand! And everyone around me also heard that they did have a quarrel before! Only two of them did it, who was not killed by the second master. What about? "

"Anyway, it will not be the second brother, I believe him!"

It's the same with Gomiya No. 5 and he firmly believes in his brother.

But Lin Mengya knew that his ears were false. Even if they firmly believed that the second brother was innocent, they could not be convinced at all until the truth of the matter was found.

好 "Well, don't get excited first. Isn't the young master rushing over now? We'd better wait for a result first."

She winked at her three brothers and four brothers. The two people reacted quickly.

One went to the row of the subordinates in person, and the other sent away all the subordinates who were attracted by the events just now.

After looking at Long Tianyu, she gave the other person a sorry look.

"It doesn't matter, there will be opportunities in the future."

Xiao Long Tianyu's lips moved slightly, and a word reached her ear.

She knew that he had long wanted to make the identity of the two people public, and that Su Mei and Su Yan were just fake identities.

是 如此 If so, if they still have to work hard to restrain them, then what are they doing so hard for?

Her life is so short, she can't push everything to the future.

After I figured it out, she stopped paying attention to him.

He was generous and gave him a sweet smile.

It was his own, with the light that seemed to illuminate all the gloom in his heart.

He stomped eagerly, but still carried his usual determination.

He walked to her, just exchanged a look, he understood her thoughts and thoughts.

For her, he always condoned.

"Let's wait and see what happens."

He is "us". Long Tianyu's heart suddenly felt like a spring breeze. From then on, they only have "us".

The two seats again, but the atmosphere is different from before.

The people in the house were worried because of Miyaji's affairs, but they didn't notice their changes immediately.

曾 "Zengzu, don't worry about it. The elder brother is doing things safely. With him, he should be able to find out soon."

When she saw that Zengzu's face was not so good, she immediately stepped forward and relieved.

Zeng Zengzu looked at her, but with a few hopes in his eyes.

She sighed and, after all, let the great ancestors follow them with fear and fear.

"I promise you, I will let my five elder brothers live a peaceful life."

She has a very low voice, which can only be heard by herself and her great ancestor.

She held Zengzu's rough hand, and she made the only promise she could make.

"OK, OK"

At this time, the great ancestor was already in tears.

He finally did not read the wrong person, this girl understands, understands that all his support, compromise and tolerance for her are only for these children.

Maybe, it is also for the palace family who have not yet had a plump future.

I just bitter her.

As she expected, the elder brother soon sent someone to spread the news.

The matter is the same as that of the person who reported it. The first elder brother had some quarrels with other people, but later developed into a fight.

But because of the superior martial arts of the second brother, he soon gained the upper hand.

Therefore, he should have stopped after violently violating the man.

He did not know why, but he pulled out the knife and cut off the man's first rank together.

It happened on the main street of Yecheng City. I saw too many people. Now the news has spread uncontrollably.

Fortunately, the big brother arrived in time, and now the second brother has been put in jail.

But the identity of the deceased is not simple. The other party has repeatedly demanded that the killer be severely punished.

Brother Bian was really unable to get away, so he sent someone back to report.

After Qiong cleared the matter, Miyaji asked afterwards.

"Who is the deceased?"

"Return to the fourth master, said to be a master of the Nanting Mu family. The grandfather asked the younger to give you a word, the Mu family means insidious, please follow the fifth master, be careful at home.

After hearing the fourth, Gong Gong tightened her brow.

Who is bad? It ’s the Nanting Mu family.

And Lin Mengya suddenly remembered something, was it a coincidence?

"The great ancestor, younger sister, Mu family acted deceitfully, they are also good at shushu, most of them are invincible. I went with my five brothers to inspect it."

His great-grandfather nodded, and his fourth brother immediately took his fifth brother away.

There were only a few of them in the house.

Speaking of puppetry, she was once killed by the old man of the Baili family in the temple.

Later, she learned that the wretched guy was actually the owner of the Mu family.

This time, the second brother killed the Mu family again.

She always felt that there was something wrong here.

Suddenly, her ears moved.

There was a faint sound coming out of Luan, and at the same time, Long Tianyu's expression tightened a little.

He was obviously like her, and he noticed.

"Be careful!"

刚 As soon as her voice fell, Long Tianyu ran out of the door.

Then, she heard a sound of metal connection, and in front of her, there was a ghost like a ghost.

A beep sounded like something was broken.

She only saw the long sword in the hands of Qinghu, tangled with filaments.

After a while, Qinghu stayed close to her.

He was frightened, Lin Mengya looked at the door immediately.

I heard only a few "bangs" and all the doors and windows were closed.

The light immediately dimmed, and Lin Mengya immediately looked at his great ancestor and his third brother.

Fortunately, although they were also surprised, they were not hurt.

"Don't mess around!"

Qing Qinghu warned in a cold voice, and as soon as his third brother wanted to get up, a tiny little mouth appeared inexplicably on his cheek.

Lin Lin Mengya frowned, and it seemed that the only one who did not win was only her.

"Three brothers, great ancestors, please sit still and stay still!"

I have her shouting, naturally the two people did not listen.

She pulled the sleeve of Qing Fox, and the man took a half-step to her side, but his eyes were still staring tightly around the room.

"Do you know the exact location of these things?"

"A part."

Because he arrived in time in the house, the traps should be relatively small.

But outside

突然 She suddenly remembered that there seemed to be a new feature in the Shennong system, and she hadn't used it much.

Close your eyes immediately and turn on the detection imaging function.

Suddenly, all the scenes in the house appeared in front of her eyes.

I do n’t know, the house and the yard look like nests covered with spider silk, and there are slender “silk” entanglements everywhere.

But in the yard, Long Tianyu was fighting with someone.

The martial arts of the man is not so profound, but it is the ubiquitous silk in the yard that keeps Long Tianyu constrained everywhere.

He must also know the danger of this silk, so before every move, he will break the silk in front of him.

As a result, his pressure increased greatly, and people were not as flexible as before.

尽管 But despite this, he still has the upper hand.

知道 She knew that she could not delay, she had to find out the source of the silk as soon as possible, in order to contact the siege.

All the silks are unevenly distributed, so there is no regular pattern.

But they must not be suspended, they must have a source and an attachment.

The key is where the silk thread is the most!

She desperately searched, compared and calculated in layers, and finally, she was found!

"Source, in the northwest corner!"

She shouted out with all her strength, but Long Tianyu didn't move at all, and intensified her attack.

In the video, the person who was fighting with Long Tianyu was slightly delayed, and then he wanted to retreat to the northwest corner.

But I didn't expect that at this moment, I only heard a crisp sound, and all the wires fell down at this moment.

The soft silk had lost its fighting power, and Long Tianyu no longer tied his hands and feet. A few moments later, he opened the weapon of that person.

"Dangdang", the victory and defeat have been divided.

Lin Lin Mengya opened her eyes immediately and turned off the imaging function.

He only felt that his eyes were dark and dizzy, and he calmed down for a while before he came over.


At that time, Qinghu had completely turned around, wrapped her shoulders, and eagerly called for her.

She was paralyzed in the arms of Qing Fox, and through his amber-like eyes, she saw her complexion, pale and scary.

"I'm fine"

This is the first time that the detection imaging function has been substantially enabled.

I did not expect that the burden on the body was so great.

It seems that in the future, it is better not to use it if she can't use it.

走 "Let's go and see what's going on outside."

Her footsteps are still a bit futile, but fortunately, there is a clear fox helping her.

He walked into the yard, where there was only one figure standing on the spot.

With a **** breath, she got into her nose.

She rushed over and saw Long Tianyu's body full of tiny wounds.

He smiled, and just wanted to say something to her, but when she saw her eyes, a weird purple flickered instantly.

That was a sign of her real anger, no less than the opening of the gates of hell.

"Is Mu family? Wait for me!"

She took the oath coldly, but in a flash, she resumed as usual.

I immediately pulled Long Tianyu's hand and carefully examined the wound.

"Damn! Come with me!"

She had long guessed that those silks were not so simple.

The wounds on Nine Dragons Tianyu were accidentally scratched, and initially did not feel anything, but in the future it will become more and more painful, and the wound will be difficult to heal.

The person who was hurt by this thread, at the end can bear the kind of pain, and after being tortured to death, the wound may heal.

But more, it was painful or died of bleeding.

I dare to make such a bad move, Mu family really has enough!

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