Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1564: Suddenly public

"But what did you think of?"

Xiao Long Tianyu looked at her a little distracted, and knew that she must have some clues.

Gao Linmengya told the information she found, after that, the two people were very surprised.

Although the four palaces have a sense of heart, they are more confused.

"There is such a thing in the world? But why hasn't anyone heard it before? And, Nanhai, where is it?"

On this point, Lin Mengya also felt a little surprised.

She suddenly discovered an issue that she had previously ignored.

She couldn't help looking inside Shennong's system, but the more she looked, the more questions she had in her heart.

Until Long Tianyu interrupted her search.

怎么 "Why frown so tightly?"

伸出 He stretched out his long fingers and smoothed her eyebrows finely.

Lin Lin Mengya woke up like a dream at first, withdrew from the system instantly, and the subconsciously met Long Tianyu.


Only this matter, she could not share it with Long Tianyu.

With a little regret in her heart, she took a step back later and shook her head with a smile.

"It's nothing, but I was thinking about something just now, but I couldn't remember anything, so I was in a hurry."

She has the ability to never forget, and this is clear to him.

But even the most powerful people are also powerless.

He knew she was eager to save people, but he didn't want to make her too hard.

"If you can't remember it, don't force yourself to think about it. There will always be other ways, don't embarrass yourself too much."

刚才 She just dodged, making his heart tighten slightly.

I have nothing to do with love, and now I still have to doubt each other's heart, it is an insult to both of them.

Only, he was afraid that after she knew something, she would go it alone.

Gently embraced her shoulder, he was parallel to her sight.

At first, she still dodged a little, but later, she also frankly opposed him.

He looked at those clear eyes, and he let go of his heart slightly.

Fortunately, there should be no big problems.

"I know that the geese have kept their voices, and people have left their marks. If this is not the second elder brother's doing, then we will definitely find out the true murderer behind the scenes. Regarding the" fate ", we will set aside for the time being. I guess they wo n’t get a single hit, and there will be a combo. In the past few days, you four brothers have to be more careful. "

Shimiya Shimi closed her mouth, and her expression was extremely serious.

After all, this thing is for five of them.

I was a little careless, and the next one to fold in did not know who it was.

Nine Dragons Tianyu took her into her arms, chin against her head and whispered.

"Let the children be at home these days."

"Well, that's fine."

Lu Muyu City came menacingly, and the dark hands hiding behind them did not know the depth.

These adults have interests involved, as long as you pay more attention, you can avoid the storm.

But babies can't. From the current situation, they are the most likely targets for enemy attacks.

"Four younger brother, Mr. Su Suyan?"

Sannomiya looked at the scene in shock, her eyes almost staring out.

As if awakening from a dream, Lin Lin Mengya immediately withdrew from Long Tianyu's arms.

What a mess, was seen by the third brother!

"You, you guys?"

Sannomiya was a bit incoherent. He knew that the young girl had something to do with Mr. Su Yan.

He also knew that Mr. Su Yan was sent by His Royal Highness Xi.

He originally thought that the younger sister and His Royal Highness Xi were a couple, otherwise how would the righteous son of His Royal Highness soon become the younger sister's biological son.

But now, she

For the first time, Miyazo felt that his head was probably not enough.

Lin Lin Mengya was caught on the spot, even if her skin is thick, she can't care less.

She turned her head and glanced at Long Tianyu.

The latter looked at her with a smile and seemed to be waiting for her decision.

But he still saw the expectation in his eyes, and his heart softened into a ball instantly.

He took the initiative and took his hand.

"Brother, he is my sweetheart."

Speak firmly and concisely.

As far as the current situation is concerned, the relationship between the two of them is indeed chaotic, but one thing has never changed.

He is her favorite person and loves in this life.

The smile on the corner of Xiaolong Tianyu's mouth continued to expand, but those dark eyes were shining brightly at the moment.

Holding her hands, she held her five fingers back harder.

"She is also my sweetheart."

Hatchback confessed, no more concealment.

He looked at the hearts of those couples, but Miyazo didn't know whether he was happy or sad.

In the end, the love for the little girl still prevailed.

He secretly gritted his teeth and made a big decision.

既然 "Since the younger sister likes it, then my brother will naturally support you. You can rest assured that if you go down to grab a relative in the future, the third brother will definitely take care of you!

He mentioned His Royal Highness Xi, and Gong San's heart still had some admiration.

But then I thought, the man actually let his younger sister give him a baby, but he didn't have the heart to marry the younger sister. I'm afraid it was because of this, that the younger sister was completely dead?

At the moment, he drew a large "x" in His heart to His Highness Xi.

Xi Ke Su Yan is also His Highness Xi's person. In the future, His Highness Xi must be embarrassed.

After thinking about it, he couldn't think of a good solution for a while.

Lin Mengya had some doubts in her heart after hearing the elder brother's words.

"Why does His Royal Highness come to **** relatives?"

She looked back and looked at Long Tianyu in doubt.

It is impossible to make a martyrdom. In the custom of marriage and marriage in Wei Guo, there is still a saying that robs a relative?

The latter shook his head to signal that he was also confused.

"Not yet because"

Sannomiya Hiromi just wanted to talk about the child, but suddenly remembered that the children always called Yaer as an aunt.

Isn't it that Mr. Su Yan doesn't even know about it?

At the moment, my heart sank, and my face was a little cautious.

"Sister, come here first, the third brother has something very important to tell you."

She nodded, and beat a drum in her heart.

The elder brother said that he agreed to come, but now he wo n’t, and he regrets it again?

"Three Brothers"

刚 As soon as she came over, she was caught in the corner by Miyazaki.

"Did you tell him about that?"

"what's up?"

My third brother gave a glance at Long Tianyu, then lowered his voice and said.

"That's the child's business."

"What child's business?"

"Just" Gongsan glanced at Long Tianyu again and said in a volume that only two people could hear.

"Ninger's life experience. Although you have never said who the child's father is, as Mu Rongxi and the spleen, if the child has nothing to do with him, then he naturally does not see. Now not only is it accepted as a righteous child, And he also announced that he can inherit his title. You tell the truth to the third brother, what is your relationship with His Highness Xi? "

She blinked innocently at the third brother, thinking to herself whether she should laugh or not.

那个 "Hey, brother, do you have any misunderstanding, in fact, my Highness Xi and the two of us"

It's even more distressing when Mimiya Misami saw her face embarrassed.

"I know, I know. His Highness Xi is cruel and ruthless. He can recognize his son, but he may not give you an explanation. But rest assured, even if he is a valued by His Majesty the Emperor, in our palace, He can't run rampant! "

Zhe Lin Mengya was a little bit stretched, but her heart was filled with warmth.

She doesn't think the third brother is stupid or stupid.

Rather, her elder brother's heart of love and care made her extremely moved.

She took the third brother's arm and said quietly.

"The three brothers don't have to worry. In fact, His Royal Highness Xi and me are already married by nature. He will not bear me, but will only hurt me and love me."

Sannomiya Sanchi frowned, and thought things were not easy

"So, Su Yan"

I looked at her with a slight smile, and Miyazo's IQ was finally online.

"Look at me, little slider, this matter is very important, you don't tell us in advance!"

Hei Gongsan didn't blame the little girl, he just felt that the courage of this girl was too big.

Lin Lin Mengya pursed her lips and said helplessly.

"It's him who won't let me tell you, you know, he's not ordinary, and I didn't mean to hide it from my family."

I pushed the responsibility away, she looked like a good baby.

Sangong Mi looked at his little sister and thought about it, she could understand.

也是 "Also, but if he really wants to make a good bond with you, then he should always be true?"

I said it plainly, the third brother of the palace family was afraid that the kid would come to cheat the marriage.

Lin Lin Mengya also knew that she secretly glanced at the distance pretending to be calm, but in fact she could not wait for someone to reach out to them.

"The third brother said, but you don't have to worry about this matter. Our two things have been recognized by the Lord and the Emperor."

If it wasn't for Long Tianyu, she wouldn't have to worry so much if she wanted to imprint his identity with her.

Actually, she also wanted to respond to his sincerity.

It was only then that Miyanomiya let go of his heart, but looking at Long Tianyu's eyes mixed with some complex emotions.

How do you say, my own jade jade cabbage is not hot yet, I will give it to someone's home

Huh, let ’s stay for a while, anyway, the child is also born, married, not in a hurry.

"Okay, this is also considered complete. In this case, would you like to tell your great ancestors and their elder brothers?"

She thought about it and nodded gently.

"We are a family."

I was just a short sentence, but Miyazo understood everything.

Because I am a family, my little girl trusts them and tells her big secret to her family.

"Good girl, your mind, third brother understands."

I looked at the little girl, Gong Sanbai mixed feelings.

She has done too much for the palace family.

In the future, I do not know what to do in order to return her.

"You two, don't poke there to be a wooden man, come here quickly!"

She smiled mischievously at the third brother, and beckoned at those two, and let them follow.

Looking at her cheerful look, Long Tianyu knew that she must have got the support of Miyazo.

I could not help being proud, his woman was always so powerful.

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