Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1567: One after another

In fact, she is not so excessive. The reason why the fifth brother is not allowed to go out is because of his hair burst, which caused a huge wave at the palace house.

Now it's an eventful season, the fifth elder brother rarely appears, at least a little less chaos.

As for gossip, she believed that the housekeeper had already given a password.

But how can there be an impermeable wall in the world?

相信 She believes that it won't be long before someone will make a fuss about this matter.


I also had a lot of bruises on the face of the steward who had been waiting at the door. He tried to stop the fifth brother when he went crazy.

"Tough work for you."

"No, it's not hard at all. The younger was born and grew up in the palace family. For the palace family, I can think hard. Besides, the lady is my benefactor. Even if I die, I must repay the grace of the lady."


The steward raised his head slightly to look at her, and the gratitude in those eyes was by no means false.

"Yes, the little blessing has only one son. It was the lady who bought him back, and the lady rebuilt the little family."

She remembered that when she bought back the family members of the palace who had fallen into slavery, she also bought many house slaves who had been abducted by Gong Zhe before.

They were sold because of Gong Zhe, so she would buy it together.

I did not expect that among them was the housekeeper's son.

"That's your blessing, I'm just a good friend. By the way, how is my great ancestor now?"

Zeng Zengzu was not injured by his elder brother, but was in a hurry and was frightened, so he couldn't help but fainted.

Butler immediately put away his mother-in-law, and neatly returned.

"My ancestor, his old man's condition is okay, but when you dispose of the fifth master, someone came over there."

"Over there?"

"That's the outside one."

"What are they doing here?"

Speaking of which, she said that she would not wait to see the outer branch of the palace family.

What's more, they got together with Lin Mengwu again, which made her even more annoying.

"It is said that I came to see the ancestor, but let Xiao Xiao stop back."

"Well, you did a good job. Axiu, you asked the housekeeper to pick you a few good people and sneak out from the back door to get my teacher in."

"it is good."

Axiu nodded, his face was full of dignity.

The weasel gave the chickens a New Year's greeting, and the gang of people outside the branch must have no good intentions.

The steward left Axiu, and she also went to the great ancestor's yard.

Inside, many serving slaves looked at the house anxiously, apparently worrying about the great ancestor's body.

After seeing her in, those people saluted.

Even if they don't know her true identity, almost everyone at the palace knows that this Mr. Su Mei is a trusted person.

Therefore, I have a little more respect for her.

At this time, Lin Mengya had not yet felt that her prestige at the palace was stronger every day.

I raised the curtain, and she smelled a bitter medicine.

I arrived in the inner room, just in time to catch up with someone, feeding his great ancestor.

He just bit his teeth with his great ancestors.

"Let me do it."

She opened her mouth softly, and the medicine-giver raised her head and saw that she was relieved.

"Yes, miss."

I did not expect to be an acquaintance.

Gao Linmengya took the medicine bowl in the hands of Gong Ping. This medicine is just some common tonics. For Zengzu, it is better than nothing.

She drew her fingers in her veins, and after a moment, she knew.

In fact, the great ancestor was suffocated by one breath.

"You lift up your great ancestor."

Xi Gongping immediately did so, with complete trust in her eyes.

With such a gaze, she often found it on the faces of several brothers, so she was used to it.

握 She clenched her fist in her little hand, pinpointed a certain position on Zeng Zu's body, and slammed a little harder.

He heard only a squeak, and Zengzu sat upright instantly and made a loud gurgling sound.

After stunning, her eyes closed and slowly opened.

曾 "Zengzu, what do you think now?"

She lowered her head and asked softly.

Xun Zengzu just sobered from his coma, his eyes were full of confusion.

After seeing her, I gradually recovered my consciousness, but was replaced by anxiety.

"Ya'er, your five brother didn't mean to disrespect me deliberately. The child was controlled by him, he didn't want to hurt me! Actually, he rushed over several times, his fist almost fell on me, and he finally missed Now, you know, your fifth brother is superior in martial arts, I am an old man, and he is definitely not his opponent. "

"Well, great ancestors, I know. You raise your body in peace, and I'll do it over the elder brother."

Her tender promise is more effective than any comfort.

My great ancestors calmed down all of a sudden, but in his eyes, he also cared and worried about his grandchildren.

This is the great ancestor. He exhausted his whole heart to care for them, so the five brothers will be respectful.

"Okay, I know you will be able to handle it properly. Yaer, how would you like your great ancestor to thank you?"

"We are a family and don't say those outsiders."

Grandpa Zeng looked at her with distress, but she was also relieved.

Fortunately, the palace family did not lose Yaer.

"Miss! Old man, you woke up! That's great!"

The steward ran over in a hurry, but when he saw that Zengzu was awake, he immediately turned to worry.

"what happened?"

"Miss Hui, someone was sent over there, saying that he wanted to visit his ancestors and be filial in front of the bed. After the younger stopped for a long time, they just refused to leave. They were really angry!"

Alas, it came really fast.

Lin Lin Mengya evoked a cool sneer, and today is really lively. This should and shouldn't be, all of them come here.

This wonderful show is really a twist and turns, it is extremely exciting.

"I don't think they came to visit the doctor, but they want to see if I die? Huh, unfortunately, I can't let them get their wish."

Zeng Zengzu also had a look of anger. For the sake of his family, he was patient with it over and over again.

I do n’t want to, but these people are kicking their noses on their faces, and they are delusional!

"Zengzu, don't worry, I'll meet them with you."

She smiled mysteriously, her great ancestors didn't know what she planned.

Those people want to take a piece of food while they are in chaos, and don't weigh themselves a few pounds or two.

I have restored the neat hall, and many people are sitting at this moment.

In spite of the people's efforts to cover up, some traces were revealed.

Lin Lin Mengwu sat in this group of people, always hanging her face.

I occasionally lifted up, but also full of anxiety, with infinite eyes in my eyes, seemingly worried about something.

But some people do n’t have such good acting skills. From time to time, some people look out of the door, and the look of glee is almost impossible to hide.

Pu Gong slaughtered his throat, raised his eyelids, and glanced at the servant who was waiting beside him.

咳 "Ah, didn't you say you want to hire someone? Why haven't anyone come out for so long?"

Xun Gong Tu was prepared this time.

As the elder of the palace family, he was crushed by those little cubs.

Now that I have a chance to stand up, how can I let it go?

哪里 Where can the servants who are in charge dare to neglect, they have to answer politely.

"When I came back to Tu Ye, there were some guests in the house. Several young masters were busy with other things and couldn't receive it. The old man was old and had some trouble after talking to the guests. Now, should I have got up now? "

Tu Leng Tu Leng snorted and glanced down at him with a bad intention.

"What guest?"

"This, little I don't know"

With a crackling sound, as soon as Gong Tu raised his hand, he slapped the man.

I have a three-pointer on his face, staring coldly at the snoring subordinate.

"What do you count? Cheek your tongue in front of me! I ask you, what happened to your ancestor, if you dare to say a lie, I will pull your tongue out!"

"Master Tu, dare not, little dare!"

His Majesty was frightened, and immediately kneeled for mercy.

But Ke Gongtu felt indefatigable, and struck the man's heart.

"Good little slave! In the future, the palace family will not tolerate such a thing as you!"

老 The old guy was dying, they didn't know the current affairs.

I thought that I would be in charge of my grand family business in the future, and Gong Tu naturally fluttered a bit.

Looking at that disobedient thing, it is even more violent.

"I will let you know today, the house rules of the palace!"

Xun Gongtu sneered, raising his foot to step on it.

He didn't want to be behind him, and suddenly there was an angry voice.

"I really don't know when this palace's turn is your turn!"

Xu Gongtu trembled, his eyes widened, and he looked at the door incredibly.

I saw the old guy who was supposed to be lying on the bed, but now he appeared in front of him intact. He subconsciously rubbed his eyes, hoping that he was wrong.

"Once, your body--"

"Thanks to the ancestors, I am an old man who can die for a few more years. Lest someone want to usurp power while the owner is away!"

He followed behind his ancestor, Lin Mengya looked at Gong Tu's behavior coldly.

How about a crazy rat, do you really think that the palace is empty?

It's just here, not where she should talk.

She walked a few steps, walked to the boy beaten by Gong Tu, helped him up, and helped him clean his clothes.

"Does it still hurt?"

The boy was only sixteen or seventeen years old, and the born man was weak and handsome. Where was Gong Tu's opponent?

"No, it doesn't hurt anymore"

After looking at her timidly, Lin Mengya saw the red fingerprints on his face, and was even furious.

What **** elder!

Starting today, his palace thoroughly said to the power center of the palace family, saying goodbye!

"Follow me, I'll go back and give you some medicine."

The boy was trembling with fear when he was helpless.

I now have her words, immediately like a obedient little lamb, nodded gratefully.

She put the child behind her and see who dares to bully him again!

Xun Gongtu knew that what he was doing just now was afraid of being seen by old things.

But he was only a little nervous, and he didn't care after that.

He is just a little house slave. Can old things catch on to him because of this?

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