Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1569: Well-planned

Lin Mengya is definitely a good player when she provokes such a thing as alienation.

I have seen a lot of things and experienced them a lot, and naturally I can understand them.

What's more, the people in front of them are not one piece at all. They just rely on the collusion of interests, and they have not formed a strong and effective whole.

So she only needs to be a seductive hook, and she can easily break their interests into pieces.

She doesn't need to worry that those people will see through her means. When everyone resists, her plan will never succeed.

These people, after all, are selfish and greedy ordinary people.

In the face of temptation, unsteadiness is the norm.

After all, who doesn't want to be that lucky one step up?

越 The more she is valued by the palace family, the more it can be proven side by side. The palace family cares about the family family.

Look, she can call the wind and rain at the palace.

What's more, are they originally from the palace family?

She is the glittering piece of gold, depending on who has the fate, can climb clouds in one step like her.

"This is a bit wrong!"

After hearing that she had the right to be a citizen, she immediately stood up to help her speak.

Xu Gongtu's brow frowned, and he looked a little more angry in this man's eyes.

"This is not where you speak, go back!"

He scolded angrily, but did not want to do so, let the person feel that Gong Tu wanted to swallow the opportunity alone.


The man looked at Gong Tu unhappyly, thinking more and more.

Xun Gong Tu was originally better than them. He has also gained good prestige in his ancestral family over the years.

Now the five sons of the Gong family have lost their reputation, and the old things will soon die, and Gong Ya doesn't know whether it is death or alive. Even if Su Mei was on the clan, he was just an outsider.

Xun Gong Tu is only one step away from his position.

I am all a chicken and dog ascended to heaven, but in the end, who is willing to be a chicken and dog, at the feet of others?

But if he is a clan member at this time, he can be equal to Gong Tu in his status.

Perhaps, you can get more.

怎么 How can they miss such a good opportunity?

So even if Gong Tu's eyes were as scary as Yasha's evil spirit, they were not afraid at all.

"Here is the old house of the palace family. Anyone who lives in the palace family can naturally say it. But you, you are too overbearing. Is n’t everyone talking even now, and you have n’t owned the house yet. If this were you I'm in charge of the house, I'm afraid of being a big guy, and I can't even laugh. "

Qi Lin Mengya spoke in time, fanning the fire.

When others saw her, they just made a joke casually, but it fell into the ears of those who were interested in the ancestors' sidelines.


Now they are suppressed so severely. After that, Gong Tu really took power. They are afraid that they are not as good as they are now!

They were motivated by interest trends, and they all developed a little bit of antipathy.

It's just now, it's not obvious yet.

"Girl Su laughed, I was just afraid they were clumsy and could not say anything."

Xun Gong Tu Yin looked at the woman in front of him, trying to fight him, there was no door.

I thought for a moment, this is a good opportunity.

At the moment, his face was slightly eased.

"Everyone who is next to you can be registered as a clan, so why not let the most important person be? Wuer, don't you?"

Lin Mengwu, who had been sitting quietly, stood up side by side and walked in front of them to worship.

Xun Gongtu twitched his lips, watching cruelly those people's faces turned gray.

He is going to teach these people a lesson, so that they never dare to move this kind of careful thinking again!

"Wuer, like the owner, has a noble background. It has really aggrieved her to leave her in these years. Since an outsider can be a citizen, let alone a member of our family?"

Zhe Lin Mengwu knelt down on the ground, looking a little sad, raised her head and looked at the ancestor timidly, but it seemed like she was frightened.

He bit his lip halfway, revealing a bit of eagerness.

Grandpa Zeng took a serious look at her, showing a little bit of intolerance in her eyes.


Xun Gongtu naturally knew the thoughts of great ancestors. For the current palace family, Lin Mengwu is indispensable.

He glanced at those who were instantly stepped on his feet before persuading solemnly.

"It's not that I disrespect the owner, but being a sister and sister, I naturally watch each other. But the family owner deliberately conceals the existence of Wuer, which is not appropriate. But if the ancestor can let Wuer enter the sect If you are a member of the family, you will not only keep the rare blood of our palace family, but also the reputation of the owner. After all, she is a young woman, and she is not well thought out. We naturally cannot listen to her as an elder. "

This remark seems to be talking to Lin Mengya, but it is actually putting pressure on them both.

I do not recognize Lin Mengwu, that is to say that she is ungrateful and betrays her relatives.

I can recognize that from then on, Lin Mengwu can logically become one of the heirs of the next homeowner.

Even when the time is ripe, it can be replaced.

But now, she and her great ancestor were pushed to the tip of the waves, a dilemma.

"She's special, let me think about it."

As soon as Zeng Zu wanted to delay, he heard Gong Tu say.

"Being special, it must be more cautious than anything. In fact, Wuer's character is not worse than that of the owner. In the past, there were many misunderstandings because the ancestors had not been in contact before. You might as well leave Wuer this time. Next, observe carefully, if there are deficiencies, you can adjust some. "

Zeng Zengzu looked at Lin Mengwu with a little hesitation in his expression.

Xun Gongtu knew that the old guy was tempted.

Sure enough, he cares most about the palace family, not the girl in the palace.

He quickly winked at Lin Mengwu, who immediately said nicely and nicely.

"Dream dance can't expect to go hand in hand with her sister, but dream dance only hopes that one day, she can recognize her ancestors. This is also the only grievance before the death of her mother. Her sister can open up territory for the palace family, but dream dance I just want to do her filial piety, and hope that Zengzu will fulfill her dream dance. "

She spoke sincerely and sorrowfully, and there was a sense of weak compromise inside and out.

It seems that if the great ancestor did not agree, it would be unfriendly.

Lin Lin Mengya watched Lin Mengwu beside her. Time does change a person.

I thought that Lin Mengwu, who was proud at that time, would even play Rou Kegang now.

I'm afraid, there is no way to carry the great ancestor.

She seemed to sense her gaze, and Lin Mengwu turned to her immediately.

"Sister Sumei, I know that you and my sister are friends. I don't mean to be a clan member, I just want to do what she should do for my sister, and also ask her to complete me!"

Isn't it? From the beginning to the present, Lin Mengwu just wanted to "replace" her.

I replaced her as the Miss Lin family, replaced her as Princess Yu, and replaced her as the man's lover.

Today, it's all about the palace family.

Lin Lin Mengwu, she really can't solve the evil fate.

"Miss Mai, you still get up. Although it is the young lady who deserves me and gave me this important errand, I think that is probably only because I can be more objective. Since you are the younger sister of the young lady, That naturally cannot be regarded as a collateral. If I let you become a clan member because of this, the young lady knows, I'm afraid I will blame me for wronging you. "

Gao Lin Mengwu blinked and said aggrievedly.

那 "So, what does Sister Samui mean"

"Oh, I don't mean anything special. I just think that you have to let the young lady do it for you to become a citizen. Besides, did you not just say that? Your ambition is not to become a citizen, since So, I can't help you. "

She slyly used the lie that Lin Mengwu had just fabricated to express her purpose.

A little bit of resentment crossed Lin Mengwu's eyes, but she saw it.

Let's see, she knows how Lin Mengwu might change from evil to right.

It's just that the palace family is her mother's family. Anyway, she won't let Lin Meng dance well!

"That, then me"

Lin Lin Mengwu continued to play the role of the delicate and weak victim, Lin Mengya "kindly" used her eyes to show her the way.

一切 "Everything depends on the decision of the great ancestor."

Lin Lin Mengwu also knew, but she did not continue to express her feelings, but instead, she knelt before the great ancestor.

At this time, Zengzu's old man was also in a dilemma.


I stay, I'm sorry, Yaer.

I do n’t want to stay, and then say that this is up, he is not good not to respond.

"Dream Dance knows that the great ancestor was a little bit embarrassed. Anyway, I fled here for the first time in my life, just to go to my relatives, and no longer let me go alone. But the life of Dream Dance is not as good as my sister. Dream Dance is not forced, and I hope from now on I can't ask for great ancestors to live safely and long. "

"Wuer, oh, ancestor, look at this"

Xun Gong Tu's heart was proud, but his face became increasingly helpless.

The entire front hall seems to be full of the effects brought by Lin Mengwu's grievous confession.

There is no place for such a weak woman in the sky and the earth.

The grandfather sighed, he knew that if the girl was turned away today, the reputation of the palace family would be even worse.

既然 "That being the case, Girl Lin will stay first. Just about your life history, we still have to be careful. All things will have to wait for the owner to come back before we can decide.

"Thank you for your great ancestors, Mengwu is grateful!"

Gao Linmengwu frowned, and threw three heads in a row to the great ancestor.

Lin Lin Mengya stood beside Zeng Zu, and no one knew that her heart was easier and more pleasant than anyone else.

The tadpole is good, the fish is hooked.

"This is a joy to everyone, and also ask the ancestors to look at Wuer's sake, don't care about our recklessness."

There was a smile that could not be concealed in Xun Gongtu's heart.

还是 He is the ultimate victor, and even gains more than he had previously expected.

So for now, he can give up something.

To hunt prey, it takes a little bit of conspiracy to come a long way.

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