Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1573: Show off intentionally

不 "It's not too late. I came early and disturbed the sir."

If Lin Mengwu can speak without biting her teeth, it may be more convincing.

Lin Lin Mengya pretended not to find her gaffe, and smiled to give in.

"Where can I count it as an interruption? It is said that Miss Wu moved here on the first day. It should be me asking for warmth. I asked Miss Wu to work hard first. Speaking of it, I was really embarrassed."

She was sitting in the position of the owner by herself, her skirt draped down her leg obediently, and the hoops she wore were exposed instantly.

That is a good jade ring, not to mention the fineness, the carving is even more powerful.

She saw Lin Mengwu's eyes and stuck on the jade ring, sneering in her heart.

Look, it's the same as before.

However, Lin Mengwu had to take back her gaze soon.

Even though she wore satin cloth, she was a little worse than Su Mei's.

Just because Su Mei was on the elaborate work of Neifang, who tailored clothes for the palace family.

He narrowed his eyes and looked back and forth unintentionally, and Lin Mengya guessed Lin Mengwu's mind.

From childhood, Lin Mengwu's food and clothing must be the best.

I used to have her mother and the queen's auntie, so naturally she couldn't help it.

I ca n’t help but die now.

He smiled, took the tea next to him and took a sip.

This feeling, cool!

"It ’s all family, why bother talking so much. I heard Mr. Su Mei, and even my sister. I do n’t know where my sister had such good luck. I am really envious of finding such a capable friend. . "

Gao Linmengwu took back her sour gaze, and trembled with her.

After Lin Lin Mengya took another sip of tea, she said quietly.

"Speaking of it, my acquaintance with the owner is also an inexplicable fate. However, it seems that I have never heard the owner say that she has a sister."

Xun Wenyan, Lin Mengwu's body was slightly shaken.

Immediately, her face continued to be sad, and her eyes dropped, as if she had touched some sad past.

"There is some misunderstanding between me and my sister. But outsiders do n’t know about these things. After all, we are sisters and blood is thicker than water. One day my sister knows my hard work."

By saying this, it means that she is an outsider, and she is better known.

But Lin Mengwu's expression has never seen the slightest dissatisfaction.

"Say the same, I wonder if Miss Wu was used to being at the palace house?"

She shouldn't hear it, and don't talk about it, instead she asked kindly.

Lin Lin Mengwu was a little surprised, probably did not think why Su Mei did not follow up, but soon, returned to God.

"What's wrong with my own home? It's just that my yard is small and doesn't have the spaciousness of Sister Samui."

Is the yard small?

Lin Lin Mengya sneered, Lin Mengwu's yard, but she carefully selected.

A simple and clean yard, more than a dozen people are more than enough, Lin Mengwu is still too small?

The place is big outside, why doesn't she move out?

"Oh, it's good to get used to it. I don't know if Miss Wu is here so early, but is there anything I need?"

Lin Lin Mengya was the one who didn't take Lin Mengwu, but just asked again.

I was so angry that Lin Mengwu was furious, but she couldn't ask Su Mei on her own initiative, she could only follow along.

"In fact, it's not a big deal, but I just came back and I'm not familiar with the old house. Since we are a family in the future, we naturally want to live in harmony. This is a little gift I brought. Don't disdain shabby. "

I talked about it, and finally came to the topic.

She looked at the other person and took out a delicate brocade box. As soon as the lock was opened, she saw two beads inside.

It is modeled after a tree branch, dotted with milky pearls, and there are not many precious, but it is very unique.

At a glance, she knew that she had put her mind on it.

"Zhilan Yushu, Miss Wu really looks good, so I thanked it first."

She said with a smile, but when the maid accepted the brocade box, she clearly saw a touch of perseverance in Lin Mengwu's eyes.

Everyone knows that she is the first lady in Sitai Academy.

So this thing came over, which is also in line with her identity.

I'm afraid every gift Lin Mengwu sent out was carefully selected.

To please people, gifts are always the best place to start.

"As long as Mr. Su Mei likes it."

Lin Lin Mengwu was bleeding.

She has many, but this one is very rare and exquisite.

She moved a lot of thoughts, and even thought of switching back to other ones.

最终 But in the end, she didn't dare to do it.

I can only try my best to comfort myself, there will be better in the future.

"I like it, of course I like it."

She deliberately stood in front of Lin Mengwu and took out Zhu Xi to play with.

But look, always secretly hooked Lin Mengwu's reaction.

要 "Or else, I'll put it on now, will Miss Wu look good?"

She woke up for a while, ordered someone to come over to the mirror and put Zhuzhu on her hair.

Actually, she didn't like it much, she just wanted to see more of Lin Mengwu's reaction.

"It really is really suitable for Sister Samui."

Zhe Lin Mengwu said against her mind, that Zha was worn in the hair, and it was more beautiful and delicate.

Zhe Lin Mengya reached out and touched, looking left and right in the mirror, constantly changing various poses and angles to appreciate the beauty of Zhu Zhu.

"I think so too. I used to think that there was something missing in my makeup box. Now I am satisfied by this dance gift from Miss Wu."

I looked at Su Mei as if I liked it very much, Lin Mengwu was so angry.

In my heart I despise the little family of Su Mei, but I still have to agree.

"Sister Su Mei liked it, so I didn't waste my mind."

"Of course I like it. In the end, I am the younger sister of the homeowner. She has a delicate mind and unique vision. The more I look at it, the more refined it is. Thanks to Miss Wu's generosity, if I change it, I am afraid I will not give anything. To others. "

She deliberately praised it, but Lin Mengwu's face became increasingly ugly.

I waited until the show was exciting enough, Lin Mengwu had already endured it, and got up and wanted to leave.

"It's rare to be with you like this, Miss Wu might as well stay for a while."

She pretended to stay, but Lin Mengwu shook her head and smiled unnaturally.

"I have other things to deal with, talk to Sister Su Mei next time."

"Yeah, the first day you moved here, there must be a lot of things, I will not leave you much more. Come here, take this 钗 for me and put it away, but don't lose it or forget it."

She deliberately stimulated Lin Mengwu with beads, and the latter's heart was long overwhelmed by jealousy. Where can I deal with her?

I watched the other party leave, Lin Mengya pulled off my puppet and threw it into the box.

Ai Xiu, came in from the outside.

"If the people behind her knew that she had just sent a tadpole in vain today, would she be furious?"

Zhe Lin Mengwu finally came to deliver things, apparently with the intention to draw and test.

So she deliberately changed her expensive clothes and boasted in front of Lin Mengwu.

He was nothing more than trying to evoke Lin Mengwu's jealousy, and then messed up the other party's plan.

Woman, always fickle.

Especially Lin Mengwu, as long as he has grasped his weakness, he can easily take his nose away.

"It's not too bad to be mad, pay close attention. People pay such a big price, it seems that the plan is not small."

The bait must be big enough and long enough for the big fish to hook.

Lin Lin Mengwu thought she had come to fish, but in fact, it was the bait that she tied to the fishing hook.

The gift-giving comes to an end, leaving Su Xi to continue monitoring, she took a break and went to Zengzu's yard.

The two babies were very happy to see her. According to her instructions, she only introduced to Yuan Ze and Qiaoer that she was the aunt the house owner had invited to take care of them.

Yuan Yuanze is the oldest among several children, and he is more and more stable.

In the beginning, I only carefully looked at him, and even faintly meant to protect the three small ones.

In my opinion, these four little seedlings look good.

But she didn't come, just to check if there was anything wrong.

With a glance at what Lin Mengwu sent, she ordered Gong Ping to throw it in the storeroom.

In the future, whether it is a great ancestor or four children, you must be careful about what you eat.

But don't refuse what Lin Mengwu sent, but just send it to her yard.

It's almost settled here. She also returned to her yard, changed her clothes, and changed her face.

At the beginning of the Huahua lantern, the sky was getting stronger.

She, Axiu, and Bai Su, dressed up as a master and two servants, went quietly to Xicheng.

Bianfeiye City did not implement a strict curfew system. With the advent of summer, there was a lot of recreational space after the night.

She did not adopt a one-size-fits-all approach to the Qinlou Chu Pavilion.

Sometimes you need this kind of place for buying and selling business and entertainment.

What's more, she felt that as long as it was not compulsory, it could be regarded as a serious business.

Therefore, in non-Yecheng, all the restaurants operating the skin and meat business are required to register, and then pay part of the tax on time every month.

In addition, there are also explicit regulations that, if it is found that there is a good one, the bad phenomenon of human trafficking will not only have to confiscate all the property, but will also be evicted from non-Yecheng forever, and the severe ones will be directly beheaded.

No one dared to make such a deal at the beginning, but later discovered that in fact, it does not do anything harmful, and the conditions in non-Yecheng are still very loose.

What's more, active and passive are two completely different things. Coupled with the government's care, those guests easily dare not provoked trouble.

I had the first and the second. After a few months, Xicheng resumed its former prosperity.

As soon as I got into the night, I lit up a lot of lanterns along the street, and it looked like daylight here.

When they arrived here, many of the restaurants were just opened and it was not the time when they were the busiest.

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