Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1591: Vicious calculation

She knows the truths of the uncle's mother, but she is still unwilling to let her give up this great opportunity.

She Shangguan Qing nodded Lin Mengwu's forehead and said that she hated iron and steel.

"I stopped you, but I don't want to make the old thing in the palace family suspicious. If you really go with Su Mei, then if she accidentally dies at Mu's house, then you-"

Before Lin Guanqing's words were finished, Lin Mengwu started to choke again.

"I'm still suspected, isn't it clear?"

"You silly boy, why don't you think about it now? After you both went to Mu's house, if she died, it was naturally her bad luck. But if you escape from the dead, the palace family I will definitely listen to you. By then, between the Mu family and the Gong family, you will be a little bit provocative, and you are afraid of the two of them, will you never die? "

This is a trick that can kill someone with a knife.

But between the moments, Lin Mengwu felt something wrong.

"In case the Mu family confronts the Gong family, am I not exposed?"

Who knows, Shangguan Qing showed a sneer.

"Yes? How can families like the Mu family and the Gong family explain calmly? Don't forget, now the Mu family is holding on to the second master's fault. If one Su Mei is not enough, if Death of a second master, are you afraid that the palace family is not crazy? "

With Lin Linmengwu's eyes shining, she finally understood what her mother meant.

Xi Sui looked at her mother with a smile, admired in her heart, still thoughtful of her mother.

"It ’s still a great mother, no matter if the palace family or the Mu family, they can't escape the mother's calculations. This time, I will let that Su Mei and the second house master become my stepping stones!"

After the mother and daughter set a trick, their hearts were very happy.

Everything they endured has finally paid off.

Su Mei, who was calculated at the same time, was the consciousness at the moment when no great trouble was coming.

I looked at Lin Mengya, who was obviously angry just now. At the moment, like no one, she took her four children to go crazy. Axiu and Bai Su seemed a little suffocated.

"My sister, why don't you worry about it!"

In the end, Axiu couldn't help but urge.

Lin Lin Mengya wrestled with three boys, and then she and Qiaoer were sitting on the floor and laughing with joy.

Among the three children, Yuan Ze is the largest and Ning Er is the smallest, but Mo Yan is the most flexible one.

The three of you are fighting for me, and sometimes you will join with others to use small tricks, and the yard will be full of childlike laughter.

"What's the rush? Yuan Ze is good, Mo Yan is careful, and Ning Er will grab Brother Yuan Ze's leg!"

While blindly directing, she took the time to turn around and returned to Axiu.

"You haven't seen, Lin Mengwu has already taken the initiative. Since Gong Tu colluded with the Mu family, then there must be a way to deal with you. You should not be impulsive and hit their trap."

In fact, A Xiu is also a shameless act of Lin Mengwu. She also heard about how the sister Ya's mother died.

But I did not expect that this person was so shameless to this extent, and it is no wonder that the always-steady Ya sister would be a mess.

"Oh, young people, it's inevitable that they will be impulsive. When the matter comes, there will naturally be a solution, don't worry."

She is so heartless and heartless, but it really hurts A Xiu.

Lame stomped, Axiu biting her teeth, her face was already anxious.

好 "Well, Axiu, go and help me make a pot of chrysanthemum tea. You also go with Bai Su, and these children should be hungry in a while, please take some small things by the way."

Wu Baisu never said anything to her. Axiu, who was dragging the hot pot ant, gave up.

Looking at the back of their departure, she lowered her head and smiled.

I am still a cute and caring girl. When she is free, she should talk to her teacher to discuss whether there are any secret recipes for girls to ensure that she will be a good girl in the next baby.

"Aunt, I'll help them!"

I originally watched Qiaoer with her, but now it's already anxious to see the boys beat fiercely.

Lin Lin Mengya nodded, and touched the top of the little girl's head, said softly.

"Go, be careful."

Cheering little girl cheered and joined the war group.

Four little guys suddenly made a mess and made a lot of foreign appearances.

Wu Qinghu walked slowly behind her and glanced at the four children.

"Gong Tu makes frequent contact with Mu Yucheng, I'm afraid of his purpose, more than one you."

Lin Lin Mengya narrowed her eyes, the sun was warm, and after a while, the chill seemed to fade away.

She leaned halfway on the porch, too lazy as a cat in the sun.

"His purpose has always been only the palace family. I only wanted to remove me because it blocked his eyes. Just like this, I have a big nose and I want to install the entire palace family. I'm not afraid to kill him. "

Wu Qinghu sneered lightly, his eyes full of ridicule.

"Lin Mengwu also wants the palace family, you said, if the two of them know each other's intentions, will the dog bite the dog and have a hair?"

"Of course it will, but now, they still need to depend on each other's relationship and can't tear it up for a while. What's the situation at Mu's side? The person Mu Mucheng doesn't look like an idiot who can be flickered by the palace."

Everyone thought that she was just a watchdog of Miss Gongjia.

It's okay, she is ignored, but it will have unexpected results.

"I don't know what Gong Tu said to Mu Yucheng, but I know, he investigated you in secret."

查 "Check me? Sumei or Gongya?"

"Naturally, it's Samui."


She smiled, but she couldn't pay more attention to Mu Yucheng in her heart.

"So, what did you find?"

Xi Qinghu hung up the sign of the fox smile, as if everything in the world could not escape his calculations.

"What he can find are naturally good things. So now, he obeys the meaning of Gong Tu and wants to get you through."

She tilted her head slightly, and looked at the other with a suspicious look.

"You won't, what other identity background has you given me?"

Qing Qinghu touched his chin, and thought about it for a while, and then he said slowly.

"It shouldn't be too difficult, in short, Mu Yucheng must not be willing to kill you. Besides, he is not a fool. Only the idiot Gong Tu will feel that the Mu family really wants to endlessly die with the palace family."

He has no eternal friends, only eternal benefits.

This is definitely true in the Patriotic State.

"That's why you don't rush me back."

She pursed her lips and smiled deeply.

"Your girl, it's really getting worse like me. However, Grandpa likes it."


Qinghu really wanted to make those idiots wipe their eyes, and the girl in front of her was already a little fox who had cultivated into a fine. The things in the world can make her impulsive, really not much.

"Who is like you, uncle, please don't forget to put gold on your face, okay?"

She gave the guy a white look, and Qinghu immediately held her chest, hurting with a look on her face.

"Before you, you used to call my brother obviously! Huh, a disappointing man! Seeing that they are old, you want to throw them away?"

I came again, Lin Mengya rolled her eyes.

家伙 This guy was born in ancient times and is definitely a loss to the modern entertainment industry.

"No more disgusting, I will throw you out of here!"

The clear fox stomped her feet, bit her lower lip, and looked like a mad little daughter-in-law.

"Hum, ignore you!"

I turned and this person was about to leave, but unfortunately Lin Mengya had no intention of leaving him.

对 "Well, you let the guys in those stores get tighter lately. How can they take risks without giving them pressure?"

After Qing Qinghu "hummed" her again, she walked out.

Lin Lin Mengya knows that this guy just likes this to let himself release pressure.

I looked away and fell in the direction of Lin Mengwu's mother and daughter.

She knows that the people around Lin Mengwu are all brought in by Gong Tu.

I did not expect that Shangguan Qing was also there.

It is true that good people do not live long, and do evil for thousands of years.

The mother and daughter were together in the same house, but this time, Feng Shui took turns.

In the past they owed themselves, but now she wants to get back all the same!


I just got close to Su Xi, who was her little sister, and trot all the way to her.

孩子 Except for being timid, this child has almost no shortcomings.

I am willing and obedient, the key is to be loyal to her.

Looking at the teenager's little red face, she felt inexplicably better.

"what happened?"

Su Suxi immediately handed the bill tightly in his hand, and acted like a thief. He carefully looked at the left and right, and then said that no one had tapped.

"Here are all the bills that Miss Mai owes you. Look at it."

She shakes off and opens the bill, where does Lin Mengwu know that all the stores in Yecheng are actually owned by the palace family.

Without her speaking, who would owe money to Lin Mengwu who has not been recognized by the palace?

The bills were dense but clear.

Now, the general ledger is already a big number.

She thought about it and collected the bill.

"If you go back to the shopkeeper in each store, let her continue to owe it if she owes it. I have shown you some rare things recently. I believe she needs these things now."


Wu Suxi agreed, but in his heart, he had a lot of questions.

Lin Lin Mengya looked out and took the initiative to speak.

"Are you asking me something?"

Wu Suxi shook her head subconsciously, but changed her nod to the gentle eyes of the lady.

I was just a little timid and seemed a little afraid of her.

"I like people who have something to say."

"Yes, that's it. Miss, then Miss Wu bought so many things and owed so much money, what if I can't afford it later?"

She didn't care about this problem.

Su Su felt that the matter was extremely serious.

"So much money, how long will it take our palace family to eat up and down! My dad said that the money is enough to buy a house of taro!"

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