"Sister Ya, where are we going now?"

Axiu's face is very ugly, Lin Mengwu is clearly a villain!

But now, after all, they are on the passive side.

"It's okay, we have somewhere to go."

The horse-drawn carriage Mu's family prepared. After sending them to the place, they left on their own.

两个 The two of them are living on the streets like dogs. Even if no one dared to catch up and ridicule them now, they looked a little downcast.

But in Lin Mengya's eyes, there was no loss or panic.

As if she wasn't kicked out, she just came out to play temporarily.

Seeing her so calm, Axiu seemed to have the backbone.

He didn't know where they were going to settle today, but Axiu didn't worry at all.

Sister Yuna, there will always be a way.

Lin Lin Mengya knew that there was a tail behind.

Xun Gongtu's group of people will never let her off easily, so from the moment she came out, she had noticed that someone was following.

Howling sneer, even if she knew where she stood?

Now they don't dare to fight by open flames, they do something to her.

The more I like this, the more they feel guilty.

Wu Axiu did not expect that Sister Ya actually took her and walked to Wen Yuge.

It's not dark at this time, so it's naturally quiet here.

Lin Lin Mengya knocked on the door forcefully, and after a while, a response came from inside.

"Who, we don't do business during the day!"

The person who responded complained and complained, but when he opened the door, he found two bright-eyed girls standing at the door.

At the moment, there is a suspicious look on his face, and people are alert.

"You two are wrong?"

"I want to see your boss."

My dude was a bit confused about the two women in front of him, but he was also used to the world, and he could see that both women were extraordinary in temperament, and now they dare not snub easily.

"Our boss hasn't got up yet. If the two don't matter, it's better to come back at night."

"Go tell Liu Qianrong that if she doesn't see me, she won't have to open tonight."

The servant servant subconsciously wanted to ask her who she was, and dared to run here to make a fuss.

But when I saw the woman saying this, she was neither threatened nor annoyed, as if it was an ordinary thing.

I was reluctant, but I could only be a little more patient.

"This lady, I said, we can only see guests here in the evening. I am also very distressed if you do this."

Gao Linmengya looked at the servant who had no intention of calling anyone. She knew that it was different from the past, and she was not angry, but she took out a silver ticket.

Sure enough, as soon as the silver ticket came out, the servant's eyes straightened.

She chuckled her lips and asked indifferently.

"now what?"

"It's a small girl who doesn't know Tarzan, two female guests, please inside!"

I lived all night at Wen Yuge, and at this moment just ushered in the quiet belonging to it.

When yawning Liu Qianrong was shouted from the bed, she was in a bad mood.

But when she saw the two women sitting in the living room, she yawned halfway, and she let her go back.


Lin Lin Mengya immediately passed a look, and Liu Qianrong woke up, realizing immediately that it was not the time to reveal the identity of the other party.

"Fuer, go and make a cup of tea, Ronger, you look at the door, no one can enter my room without permission."

The two little girls ringed by Xun who had been by her side immediately reconciled, while Liu Qianrong led the way in person and took the two to her room.

I looked around and closed the door carefully. Liu Qianrong lowered her voice and said hurriedly.

"You two have news, these days, you have died me!"

When she saw Liu Qianrong's expression, she knew that she had read the right person.

After all, she is still in a state of disappointment nowadays, saying that everyone is pushing against the wall, and Liu Qianrong would not be surprised if she chose to go down the rocks at this time.

"I was delayed by some things before, don't worry, no matter what news you receive, that's not true."

I heard her say that Liu Qianrong showed a relieved expression.

"Don't you know that in just a few days, a lot of big things happened in non-Yecheng."

"Well, I came to you this time, and I hope to know the specific news."

Qiu Liuqianrong did not hide anything, and told her all the news.

The first thing is that Gong and Mu were reconciled in secret.

No one knows what happened between them, but suddenly, the Mu family changed from stubbornness to the palace family and had to give a statement to become a handshake with the palace family.

Moreover, it was very high-profile and sent back the palace dance.

The second thing is that the palace family officially recognized the palace dance.

Now, she is the second lady of the eight classics of the palace family.

"I also heard the guests said that the reason why the palace family and the Mu family reconciled was because of what agreement they reached. I know your relationship with Miss Gongjia. I know you will be implicated, but you don't want to, what Can't find you, are you okay? "

The anxiety in Qianliu Qianrong's eyes did not seem to be cheating.

Lin Lin Mengya lowered her eyes and shook her head.

"Anyway, these two things are not trivial, thank you. But from now on, you don't need to inquire about the affairs of the palace."

Qiu Liuqianrong was somewhat surprised, Lin Mengya knew she had misunderstood, and explained.

"This matter is very implicated, whether it is the Mu family or the palace family, the foundation is deeper than you. If you fall into their eyes, I'm afraid it will be bad."

The reconciliation between the Xun Gong family and the Mu family happened suddenly in the eyes of others, but she had a premonition.

I'm sure it was Gong Tu who made troubles.

She was afraid that Liu Qianrong would be implicated in this matter, so she was prevented from continuing to touch it.

"I know, but you should also need news, I will grasp the scale well, and never set fire to myself."

Lin Lin Mengya smiled gratefully at Liu Qianrong. Since the other party is so loyal to her, she will certainly vote for her, so that Liu Qianrong can get what she wants.

"I haven't congratulated you yet to be the master of Wen Yuge."

She smiled at Wen Yan with a sincere congratulations.

Qiu Liuqianrong was not arrogant, said with a generous smile.

"Although I am Wen Yuge's boss on the surface, I know that you will always be the master of Wen Yuge."

"No, Wen Yuge is yours, that's yours. I have a cooperative relationship with you. This Wen Yuge is the reward you deserve."

I didn't expect that Liu Qianrong looked a little embarrassed.

She hesitated for a long while before asking carefully.

"Miss Su, can I know, what are you going to do? I'm not the kind of ungrateful person. In fact, I don't have half a loved one in this world. From the moment I first saw you, I It's not easy to know that you are a big person. My life is worthless, but I want to know what I'm doing for my life. "

To some extent, Liu Qianrong is a very simple person.

I have retribution, but always keep calm and never obey.

In this big dyeing tank, he can keep this kind of mind, and it is by no means an ordinary person.

She thought for a while, looked directly at each other, and said it seriously.

"First, I am not a man of wrongdoing and mischief. Second, what I do is dangerous and I can die at any time. Third, I will try my best to keep your life safe. If you want to quit, no matter what At that time, I will arrange for you a path backwards, so that you can remain anonymous and live a life of peace. "

I can't disclose anything else I say.

At least not now.

With Liu Qianrong's ingenuity, naturally, she could hear her embarrassment.

I did not expect, but your girl patted her chest quite comfortably.

"I know you're not a bad person, and now you say so, I'm relieved."

This man is really a wonderful person.

抿 She pursed her lips and asked a little unexpectedly.

"Do n’t you really want to know, what am I doing?"

Who knows, Liu Qianrong waved her hand.

"You are all doing big things. Since it is a big thing, I can't say clearly in three or two sentences. I can only play a small role, so whatever I can do, you can just tell me."

She couldn't help but smile a little, but did not expect that Liu Qianrong was such a transparent person.

"Okay, don't worry, you won't lose money following me."

In fact, Lin Mengya's idea is very simple. She wants to develop a force that is not weaker than Long Tianyu and belongs to her own.

Only in this way can she really be true and possess the qualification and ability to fight against the enemy.

In a troubled world, except for relying on herself, she cannot pin her hope on anyone.

Now that she has chosen this path, she will also win the final victory no matter what.

"I will take care of Mr. Su from now on!"

Qianliu Qianrong smiled playfully, and the atmosphere suddenly eased a lot.

After a while, Liu Qianrong suddenly remembered something, and said with some worry.

说 "Speaking of it, the reason why I know that you are the famous female Mr. Su Mei, or because the palace dance posted your portrait outside, saying that you have been expelled from the palace house. After that, where do you want to be?

In my opinion, Lin Mengwu really hated her.

I actually chose to use this method to humiliate her.

"I'll go anywhere, right here."

"That's fine, we also have a care. But I'm afraid that it will damage your reputation. After all, here is the Yaguan, but it is also a blue house."

Qianliu Qianrong was worried about her reputation, but Lin Mengya had no trouble in this regard.

At first, Su Mei was just one of her "vests." Second, she just wanted to use this incident to test the reactions of all parties.

The most important thing is that all the people who can come here are non-Yecheng heads and faces. She is here to inquire about some news.

I said again, who is she Lin Mengya?

She is so burdened with fame that she cares if she is a ghost.

不用 "Don't be afraid, if someone asks, you say I've rented a room here, and I'll live here in the future."

She raised an eyebrow and said softly.

Qiu Liuqianrong didn't understand. Why does the woman in front of her look not in a hurry? Why do she still feel a little excited?

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