Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1617: Dog biting bad dog

处置 If you dispose of the palace dance, it means that she has lost her reputation. If she wants to inherit the palace family in the future, she will only be more difficult.

But if she covers her, he may affect himself.

The seemingly difficult choice is actually very difficult for Gong Tu.

Pu Gong Tu sighed with a little disappointment on his face.

"This matter is the negligence of my palace family. It is my palace family who can't help Ye Treasurer. Girl Pearl, if you can still trust me once, I will definitely give you a satisfactory answer."

Looking at Gong Tu's distressed appearance, I don't know, I really thought he confessed from the bottom of his heart.

Wu Mingzhu hesitated a bit and looked subconsciously at Liu Qianrong.

Qiu Liuqianrong nodded slightly, and then Pearl dared to respond.

"Pearl just asks for justice for his family."

I watched the state of mind finally eased, and Gong Tu's heart settled down a little.

Fortunately, he made the decision immediately, otherwise this time the palace family would be shameful.

Xun Chumu is not good at saying anything, but he thought privately, it is better to keep an eye on it, so as not to perfuse the palace family.

He subconsciously wanted to find the trace of the pearl, but saw that the man was being held by Liu Qianrong, and returned to Wen Yuge's sedan.

Thousands of tenderness emerged from the eyes. Although the girl had a bad destiny, she had courage.

Next time, he must visit this girl.

"Let you wait for a long time, today I will be a gift to you from my palace family, and please be sure to appreciate your face!"

After the state of affairs subsided, Gong Tu actually invited those people in by the name of reparation.

The family members of the family who went to the banquet were by no means ordinary people. When such a thing happened, they didn't dare to cope with it, but their face was still given.

However, Gong Tu and Gong Wu were blacklisted by them.

At the same time, they have different views on the palace family.

If you are really in power by the two of them, I am afraid that the palace family will not be far away from being divided up.

Therefore, those people are also obsessed with inquisitive thoughts.

But this time, no one has the heart and courage to check the guests who come in carefully.

Lin Mengya and Axiu, so shaken, entered the palace home with grandeur.

The old house of the palace family, they are more familiar than the people in the palace.

Unexpectedly, both of them quickly ran to the backyard.

In the most concealed little inter-courtyard of the palace family, Bai Su has been waiting for almost an entire hour.

She could not stop wandering around, but her eyes kept staring outside, for fear of missing something.

Finally, two familiar figures ran in from the outside, and she immediately greeted them and joined them.

"Master, Axiu, there is so much noise outside, hasn't it affected you?"

Wu Baisu knew her plan, but the details were unclear.

However, it was very bad today, she heard some noise in it.

I am so worried that I will be out of season.

Lin Lin Mengya shook her head and carefully pulled her into the vacant room next to her.

"Everything went smoothly. What happened to Zeng Zu?"

Bai Su frowned, and her cold eyes did not hide her anger.

"They don't allow anyone to visit the ancestor and several young masters, and the people inside are not allowed to come out. I have observed several times in secret, and they have no intention to treat the ancestors to them. Even eating and drinking are also some coarse tea and rice. It ’s not like it ’s for patients. "

Bai Su was so angry that it was not so easy to think about things.

Xun Gongtu, Lin Mengwu, these two people dare to hurt the family she cares about. It seems that the embarrassment given to them today is still too light.

"But the guards are so strict, how can we get in?"

Wu Axiu raised a key question, but did not expect that Lin Mengya had already figured out a countermeasure.

"There are more guests today. After the trouble just now, Gong Tu must be trying to show up in front of these people. I think he will draw all the available staff and do his best to host this banquet."

Don't look at them living in the old house, they can also imprison their great ancestors in the yard, but in fact, those who support the normal operation of the palace family are the same servants of the palace family.

Before the great ancestors, the great ancestors just wanted to paralyze the palace slaughterers, so they easily allowed them to occupy the nest.

But now that Gong Tu has been made like a bird of surprise by the talented person, he should not easily believe the original servant of the palace family.

He did so, and he would surely make the best use of it, all relying on the people he brought with him.

In this way, the strength of guarding the great ancestor's side will be relatively weak.

Is also an excellent opportunity for them not to fight grass and snakes.

Wu Axiu nodded, thinking she made a lot of sense.

"Let's go quickly, so as not to let them find out."

"Not urgent."

Who knows, Lin Mengya grabbed her and said with a smile.

"Before, Gong Tu and Lin Mengwu must have been prepared. We just hit them off guard. The people are still those people, and the situation will definitely stabilize soon.

那 "Well, aren't we here for nothing?"

Lin Lin Mengya smiled mysteriously and nodded A Xiu's nose.

别 "Don't worry, new guests will come soon."

At that time, she watched Gong Tu and Lin Mengwu how to end!

In the front yard of the palace's old house, Gong Tu is like the only owner of the family to greet guests.

In the days when he was in his hometown, he kept a low profile and worried.

Now I finally restored my former glory. It was when I raised my eyebrows and exhaled, but there was a little sister, hurriedly, and whispered in his ear.

"Miya Mai wants to come too?"

小厮 is here to convey this. Before Gong Wu fled in a hurry, now that he has managed to stabilize the situation, that woman is going to make trouble again?

Now, Gong Tu sank a face.

"Tell Miyagi, if you don't want to continue to shame me, stay in her room honestly, don't go out in half a step! Otherwise, I won't clean up the mess for her!"

Xun Gongtu shouted coldly, Xiao Xun did not dare to neglect, and immediately went to talk.

Who knows that just passed to Lin Mengwu's ears, the man was crazy and smashed the flower bottles in his house.

"Miss, you calm down!"

The servant girls did not dare to show up, but the appearance of Wenuo Nuo made her even more angry.

I twisted the faces of those two hoofs fiercely, only to get them blue and purple, Lin Mengwu felt a little relief.

"Let's all go down, don't make the lady angry again."

Xi Shangguan Qing appeared at the door, and the little girls ringed out immediately and hurried out.

Lin Lin Mengwu stared fiercely at those people, feeling more and more unhappy in her heart.

"You too, you have to blow the air where they ca n’t hit them well, but they hit your face. Isn't that hurting your reputation?"

Shang Shangqing reproached, but it was more pity for his daughter.

Qi Lin Mengwu was extremely wronged, hugged her mother's waist, and said with gritted teeth.

"That palace slaughter! This is obviously because he didn't handle it well, but it was only a few thousand dollars. He refused to offer it to me. Who did I do this for? I don't want to be able to take over the palace smoothly At home, he came with strange guilt. I didn't see. If he hadn't already had me, why would he have a chance to climb to the palace? "

She Shangguan Qing was naturally dissatisfied with Gong Tu. After all, it was her daughter who was in charge of Gong Tu. After Gong Tu was not a good assistant, she stepped on her daughter's head.

This made her, why didn't she feel the nest?

"My beloved daughter knows what you think in your heart. But you can't help but make a big deal. You also saw that he didn't protect you in front of those people today. In the future, our mother and daughter Way, but some are not easy to go. "

She Shangguan Qing is more mature and sophisticated, she naturally knows the power of public opinion.

Now, I'm afraid that it's the reputation of Wuer.

So they have to be careful everywhere.

But Lin Mengwu did not think so.

"What are you afraid of? No matter how bad my reputation is, I still have such a lone seedling in the palace family. He doesn't rely on me, so I don't want to get the palace family. Mother, I also want to go to a banquet. Why is it that the palace is slaughtered? You are wrong. "

She Shangguan Qing thought about it, and really thought of a good way for her.

一 Her eyes lighted up and helped her daughter out of her arms.

既然 "Since that palace dared to step on your reputation, we don't have to be too kind to him. He will be fifteen in his first day."

"Mother, what do we do?"

Shangguan Qing smiled coolly, and banged her daughter's horns.

"Don't forget that the people in the palace family got sick because of the things you brought. Since we can make the men in the palace family fall, we can also make the palace slaughter. In a moment, I will go to personally The old guy from the palace family sent someone to launch it. You said that you should accompany the palace family ancestors to attend, and at the same time, let those people know who is the true heir of the palace family. The second reason is also to warn the palace. "

Qi Lin Mengwu's eyes brightened, why didn't she think of such a good idea?

"Mother, then you do it now, I want to let the old man in the palace know that I am great!"

She Shangguan Qing petted her daughter and her eyes were full of calculations.

She can do everything as long as it is for dancing.

好 "Okay, you can wait with ease, I'll come and go. Come, dress up the lady. My dancer is the most beautiful and best girl in the world."

Lin Lin Mengwu only smiled sweetly at this moment, yes, what Lin Mengya and Su Mei were not defeated by her?

At this moment, the three Lin Mengya have lurked outside their small courtyard where the ancestors were imprisoned.

As she had expected before, the defense here is a little less than before, but it is still tight and not so easy to get in.

She was waiting patiently, but she saw that Shangguan Qing actually brought someone over.

做 什么 What is she doing here?

Fortunately, they hide better, and Shangguan Qing didn't pay attention to the surroundings.

I just entered the door in a hurry and came out again shortly after.

But this time, Shangguan Qing pushed him out.

I was actually a great ancestor?

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