Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1619: Strange blood

But soon, she settled down, all for the brothers to get better soon.

The sharp end of the dagger gently pierced the fifth brother's finger.

Immediately, Yin Hong's blood beads flowed out from his brother's wound.

She rolled her little tongue, and immediately the red blood beads came into her mouth.

There was a sweet, fishy smell spreading in her mouth.

I never expected that it smelled exactly the same as the smell she had just entered.

Isn't the smell actually coming from the elder brother?

She thought about it, and deliberately got closer.

In addition to the five brothers, there are other brothers.

It's strange, she can be sure now, that's how it tastes.

Difficulty is not possible, this matter is also related to a few five brothers?

"Master, the blood test report is out!"

There was a sound of small medicine in the system.

梦 Lin Mengya feels comforted that the other party can come up with the result so quickly.

"Their blood has some abnormalities. According to our simulation experiment function, they are unconscious because their blood is filled with a mysterious substance that does not belong to the human body."

What is? Lin Mengya couldn't figure it out, so she had to listen to Xiaoyao and continue to talk.

目前 "At present, this mysterious substance has already had some effects in the patient's body. It is also because of this that the patient will become lethargic."

"Is it the same we encountered on the holy mountain?"

Xiaoyao immediately denied.

"It's not exactly the same. The mysterious material we saw in the Holy Mountain, I guess it is very likely, it was extracted from the rock. But this time the thing from the family of the palace is more like a kind of invisible transmission. Disease. "

Hey, why is it more and more confused?

也就是说 "That is to say, why did everyone become like this because of this invisible disease?"

"Yes! Although I haven't figured out exactly what these things are, I think this may be an innate disease of Gongwu. If there is no attack, he is at best a carrier. But now, It broke out. "

Xiaoyao said immediately.

"It's true in theory, but for the time being, I'm just making assumptions. I can't be 100% sure about the situation."

Because of the limitation of being unable to connect to the Internet, Xiaoyao's testing has become impossible.

Even though it is now clear that the five brothers have been framed by others, there is still no solution to this invisible genetic disease.

"Small medicine, since you said that the recessive genetic disease in these people is because of the onset, they will become what they are now. Then, if these things hidden in the body are quieted again, is it right? Does that mean he can be healed temporarily? "

"In theory, you can try."

After receiving the affirmation of the small medicine, Lin Mengya's mind has already scratched over ten million ways.

In the end, she chose one of the more stupid, but the most secure method.

"Gong Ping, I have checked some things today. This is not the place to talk. We will go back in a moment. If you can come out, or if someone is reliable, you will let her go to Wen Yuge to come to you. Great great ancestors, they still need your help. "

When he heard that he could help, Gong Ping was very happy.

Because this means that the palace family has been saved.

"Okay, I listen to you. Sir, thank you."

Lin Lin Mengya smiled.

In fact, Gong Ping is also one of those who know her true identity, but this child is used to it steadily, and it is definitely not so big.

In this way, she can relax at first.

"That's good, I definitely do my best to save the great ancestors. We should go out now, after all, I don't know when, someone will turn this place into a copper wall and iron wall again.

"Well, I understand."

Lin Lin Mengya looked at Gong Ping with infinite gratitude in her heart.

If it weren't for Gong Ping's desperate protection, I'm afraid the dog legs of Gong Tu and A Xiu would be even more mad.

She gave her brothers a deep look again, and one day, she will let those **** taste the pain of their brothers today.

Xun Gongping originally went out to the door, but did not expect that, just when he arrived at the door and opened a small door to look out, he saw the great ancestor pushed back by him and the uncle who took away the great ancestor.

I was shocked.

Isn't that Shangguan Qing? No, if she was allowed to see live faces in the yard, all her efforts would be abandoned.

As soon as she had a clue, she lowered her voice.

"Let's hide in the house, don't worry, don't look at us, talk to us."

When Xiong Gongping wanted to continue talking, there was a sound of smashing the door outside.

"Don't the people in it die? Hurry up and open the door!"

"I'm coming!"

Xi Gongping looked back in anxiety, but the three of Lin Mengya looked at each other and hid silently.

I waited until Gong Ping just opened the door, and when Shang Guanqing didn't stop entering, there was no trace of the three of them in the room.

"How do you do things? How dare you let me out and wait for you so long?"

Shang Shangqing always treats the descendants of the palace family with curses.

But Gong Ping in front of her, but made her a little daunted.

She still remembers that when they moved Gong Qianfeng here on the first day, the boy seemed crazy and drove all of them out.

Since then, she has a bit of bad thoughts about the master of this famous master, Gong Ping, and always wants to get this face back.

Now, finally encountered another opportunity, she immediately said yin and yang.

"I'm asking you, haven't you heard?"

Xun Gongping's patience was extremely strong, and only in this way, he could temporarily control it, and wanted to drive this woman out of the palace house completely.

But he knew that the most important thing now is to be patient.

Only in this way can he wait until the day when the clouds clear up.

Therefore, temporarily aggrieved answer.

"I was just wiping off some young masters, and I couldn't leave for a while."

Squinting his attitude was still stiff, Shang Guanqing gave him a very unhappy glance.

"I think you are deliberately neglecting me, right? I can tell you, here is where our lady will decide. I advise you, it is best to get to know each other."

"My lady Gongya is the real master of this family. Regarding who you are, as long as my lady is in one day, this home is not yours to decide."

Ying Shangguan exploded, and Gong Ping slapped his backhand.

After a crackling sound, Gong Ping just felt that his cheeks were hot.

He had thousands of grievances in his heart, but his face was still not upset, but he just looked at the other side with a disdainful smile and smiled coldly.

"What are you laughing at? I hit you for your own good. If you don't want to die here like these futiles, just do something for our lady and listen to her!"

I did not expect, Gong Ping said dismissively.

"I only have one master and one lady in my heart, and that is Gongya."

"You! I see you toasting and not eating and drinking! Don't think you can instigate those outside, so I have to endure you all the time. Since you disagree, then you will be honest, here with these living dead Come on! "

She Shangguan Qing was very resentful cursing, and she pushed hard with her hand. The little wheelchair in which the great ancestor was sitting suddenly lost its balance and went to the side obviously.

Xi Gongping rushed forward immediately, protecting the ancestors.

She Shangguan Qing shrugged his lips, this palace family, one or two are fools.

扭 She turned her head and walked to the house where five people were located.

Follow the steps her daughter taught her before, checking the situation of three people one by one.

Fortunately, they are still no different from before.

What I didn't expect was that Shangguan Qing sprinkled something on everyone's pillow before leaving.

The sweetness of the scent was exuded.

可以 At this moment, she can be sure that the taste is because of what Shang Guanqing took out.

After squinting and seeing that everything was done, Shangguan Qing couldn't help but raise her corner of pride.

"Lin Mengya, Lin Mengya, when you come back, I will entertain you with this kind of thing!"

She Shangguan Qing looked at the small narrow-necked porcelain bottle in her hands almost intoxicated, as if she had pinched Lin Mengya's lifeline.

After a while, Shangguan Qing appreciated enough, then put away and left.

She waited for Gong Ping to bring her great ancestors and closed the door before she climbed out of the hiding cabinet.

Glancing at her, she saw five distinctive fingerprints on Gong Ping's face, and her heart was even more angry.

"It hurts?"

She reached out her hand and bumped it carefully.

But Gong Ping, but a little embarrassed to dodge.

"No, it's okay. By the way, what did 嬷嬷 come here just now, can you see clearly?"

"Well, she sprinkled something on the pillows of some of my brothers. What I can confirm for now is that they are afraid it will be because they hit it."

那 "So, how can Mr. Na crack it?"

There must be a solution, but before that, she needs to know what is in the bottle.

Although it is not easy to obtain, at least it is better than clueless.

"I have my own method, you don't need to worry. Also, the next time she comes, if you dare to punch and kick you, you will resist. However, if you meet the palace, you must be more respectful, Do you understand what I mean? "

Xi Gongping is such a smart person, and suddenly felt the other side's deep meaning in this idea.

"Mr. rest assured, Gong Ping knows what to do. However, although Gong Tu and Gong Wu are not in harmony, they will definitely want to be detrimental to their ancestors and several young masters. I'm afraid that if they bother them, In dispute, it will be the ancestors who suffer. "

Xiong Gongping's worry is not unreasonable.

But Lin Mengya, already thought of a solution for him.

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