"Okay, then I'll listen to the gentleman. Just ask the gentleman to hurry up and save the ancestors and some young masters from the sea of ​​suffering."

After many days of fear and horror, Gong Ping was naturally impatient.

At the same time, he also knew that the matter was important, so he could only pin all hope on the lady.

"I will rescue you anyway, and I will find a cure for them as soon as possible. I'll go first, and I'll leave it to you here."

She patted Gong Ping's shoulder seriously, the latter nodded heavily, and her eyes were still looking forward to and worrying about her.

"Axiu, Bai Su, let's go."

Before he left, Lin Mengya reluctantly looked at Zengzu and his brothers.

The handkerchief in the sleeves had been stained with something that Shangguan Qing had sprinkled on the pillow. At that time, she would study carefully and try to find an early cure for her family.

The outside patrol continued, but seemed to be more intensive than before.

Before they had dozens of seconds, now they only have at most ten seconds.

Moreover, they also need to see the opportunity, not only to rush out of the yard, but also to a corner tens of meters away, in order to hide themselves, not to be found by patrolling people.

The three of them lay behind the door and quietly leaned out of their heads, staring intently at the patrolling subordinate.

Wu Baisu stretched out three fingers to signal that they were about to move.

Lin Lin Mengya's heart hung up.

Three, two, one, run!

Bai Su suddenly retracted his fingers, and looked like a swift leopard, rushing out of the yard.

Then she and Axiu followed closely behind.

Exhausted all her strength, she ran with all her strength, breathing became increasingly difficult, and her lungs burned terribly.

Finally, the corner is in front of my eyes.

I do n’t know if it ’s because she ’s a little slow, or the patrollers took a few steps, just after she and Axiu ran into the corner, and suddenly heard a loud drink.

"Who's there? Come out!"

The three of them kept walking, and Bai Su stretched out and rushed away by pulling them both.

The sound of chasing footsteps came from behind me, and the three did not dare to turn around, but ran quickly.

Fortunately, this situation was expected before, relying on their advantage and familiarity with the old house, Bai Su led them around and ran behind the rockery in the garden of the old house.

"Whimper no more, I can't run anymore!"

As soon as he stopped, Axiu collapsed to the ground, her face flushed, and she stroked her chest while stroking her chest.

Lin Lin Mengya's situation is not much better. Although she is physically capable, she also lacks exercise in weekdays. She ran like this, she only felt a bit of **** smell in her mouth, and her eyes became dark for a while.

I seem to need to strengthen physical fitness in the future.

我们 "Let's hide here for a while now, and then find a chance to slip into the front yard. As long as we mix with those guests, no one can find out."

Bai Su wasn't panting at all, as if the person who had just caught them running was not her.

Lin Lin Mengya nodded, this is indeed a good way, but it must have alarmed those people just now.

Sting them, they will surely think that they may touch the fish in muddy water.

"Shh, someone is coming!"

Wu Baisu whispered, Axiu and Lin Mengya immediately suppressed their voices and pressed them tightly on the rockery, afraid to alarm the followers outside.

"People disappear here, you go and see there, the rest, come with me!"

Fortunately, before they could notify Gong Tu of the front yard and left the guards, only four or five people came to chase them.

Coupled with the fact that Bai Su was too fast, they did not even see clearly where the person disappeared.

So there are only two people assigned to this garden.

Bai Su stood behind the rockery, staring grimly at the two men.

Their martial arts are not high. If they are unexpected, they can still finish the two people.

I'm just afraid that it will make the other party aware.

But now, their safety is the most important thing.

The two men were also very alert. After looking around for a while, but found no trace of them, they talked for a few words and approached the only place where people could hide—the rockery.

Wu Axiu was a little nervous, and clenched her sleeve subconsciously.

Lin Lin Mengya patted her hand gently and calmly, and now, there is no other better way.

The two men lightened their feet, but pulled out the long knife around their waist.

Hanguang shimmered, with a cold intention to kill.

He poke out the fallen leaves next to the rockery, and approached them where they were hiding step by step.

Bai Su is ready to go. As long as their figures completely enter the shadow of the leaves, then she will explode and instantly kill the two people.

But at this moment, I heard a cry from outside.

"Don't run! Stop!"

These two people stopped immediately.

He turned and glanced outside because they had heard it, and that was the voice of their companions.


Two people turned and left, while the three in the rockery were a god.

Are anyone besides them come in?

But there is not much time to think about it, now is the best opportunity to leave.

"Let's go!"

Lin Lin Mengya took them both, immediately left the rockery, and hurriedly ran towards the front yard.

The size of the old palace house is not small. In addition, she intentionally expanded another part after she returned. The road leading to the front yard was added a few more.

最近 The closest to them is a small road. It was originally a convenient way for people to get in and out, and it was also a way to the back kitchen.

As soon as they walked not far, they saw the intersection, and someone was already guarding it.

People coming and going will be carefully examined and interrogated.

I want to mix it up, I'm afraid it's not easy.

"Bai Su, you go back first, don't show any flaws, I and Axiu will try to mix them up."

Bai Su refused, for fear of any danger they might encounter.

But Lin Mengya pushed people away.

"You are the one I stayed here, and now people are shocked, they will doubt me, if you are no longer, I am afraid that they will take my suspicion. And you go back, the danger is greater than ours Many. You need to protect yourself, you know? "

Bai Su nodded helplessly, she knew that the master was right.

Although he was still uneasy, he did not want to cause trouble to the master.

"Axiu, I will leave it to you."

Axiu nodded, solemn in his eyes.

Wu Baisu sighed and quickly disappeared into her field of vision.

Tong Axiu looked at the front, and the investigation was extremely strict, and she could not help but worry.

"Sister Ya, how do we get there?"

"I will find a way to attract their attention in a while, then you will take the opportunity to mix in first."

"How can that be?" Axiu shook his head like a rattle and refused again and again.

"In this way, you will be very dangerous. No, I just promised Sister Bai Su to protect you, to draw their attention, and I will also draw her away."

Lin Lin Mengya knew that, like Bai Su, A Xiu didn't want her to take risks.

But the matter is before us. If they continue to hide here, after the banquet ends, Gong Tu and Lin Mengwu will order their men to search the house.

By then, will not be caught by others?

"You obedient, I have a way to get out. No matter how bad this is my house, am I not familiar with them yet?"

A Xiu asked in doubt.

"Do you mean, is there any underworld or anything like this?"

She nodded immediately, but Axiu grabbed her arm and insisted.

"If so, let's go together. Or if you tell me where I will lead them to meet you later. I have Xiaozi on me, and I do n’t even look at ordinary babies. Or say You fool me! "

Well, it was dismantled.

The palace family is indeed a secret room, but she is sure that even though Lin Mengwu and Gong Tu are not clear about the specific location, they will also send someone to guard against death.

So, if she goes, she will be less like a self-thrower.

"Sister Ya, we have to go together. If we get caught, we can take care of each other. In this way, I will lead them away. You will run out first, and then think of a way to save me. When Xiao Zi is released to make a big noise, they can't make any money. "

With this girl, Lin Mengya patted her little head in disapproval.

"Oh, well, let me think again, let's go together if we want to go."

Then Axiu smiled and put out her tongue out playfully.

As she stood looking around in the corner, suddenly Lin Mengya felt someone approaching.

此时 But at this moment, the two of them are already in an inevitable state.

Suddenly, the two men immediately made a casual look, and stood with their heads down at the corner.

"You two, who are you? Why are you standing here?"

The interrogator was a woman dressed as a girl.

Seeing their sneaky looks, they immediately became suspicious and asked harshly.

Lin Lin Mengya didn't look up either, just pretending to be a cowardly interpretation.

"Sister, we are the followers who came with the young master. I broke into the backyard by mistake and go out now."

两个 The two of them turned around and wanted to leave, but the girl ringed, but said indifferently.

"Stop me! Not only are you going to the banquet with your son-in-law, but you should also be serving in the front yard honestly. What are you going to do in the backyard? No, you are stealing things!"

I squinted and watched the sound of that girl ringing louder and louder. It would be awful to attract those who chase them.

She can say a person at will, and she can also guarantee that the person will not say anything.

But she was afraid that Gong Tuhui would detain them without permission.

Although they will not worry about their lives, they are afraid that some things will be exposed in advance.

The lives of several great ancestors of the great ancestors could not be guaranteed, and they were afraid that the people behind Gong Tu could take the initiative.

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