模糊 In the endless space, the blurry light is looming.

Gao Linmengya was thinking about how to contact the cloud of suspected consciousness, but did not expect that the light gradually approached her.

Suddenly, she was extremely familiar, but with a slight jerky feeling, passed into her consciousness.

She doesn't dare to move, she can only use her consciousness to convey her message.

"Brother, are you?"

Is bright, and suddenly it becomes brighter.

But it was only a short while before it became the same again.

I really found the consciousness of the four brothers!

But before she was happy, she thought of another key question.

How can he awaken his brother's consciousness and get him out of his dreams?

The cloud of consciousness has been shrouded in her body, even the small medicine is bewildered.

碎片 Memory fragments have been flying and hovering beside her, and there is always a sense of loneliness in the entire space of consciousness.

For a while, the situation was deadlocked.

"Brother, what are you going to do so you can wake up?"

She constantly touched the consciousness cloud of her four brothers with consciousness, and soon she discovered something.

Every time there is a fragment of memory, and the cloud of consciousness is inadvertently integrated, the cloud will flash, and then a little more light.

Memory, consciousness

She felt like she was vaguely touching some key factors.

Nightmare, in some ways, is also a projection of memory.

For example, people do not dream of what they have ever dreamed of, even if it is a nightmare, it is also the most frightening part of memory.

The reason why Brother Sisi couldn't wake up might be the collapse of memory!

And the reason why memory becomes like this has something to do with consciousness.

小 "Small medicine, what does it look like in that memory space?"

Xiaoyao immediately replied, "It's bright inside, but it's also empty."

如果 "What if we put consciousness into the space of memory?"

的 Her idea is very simple. Although she does not know the cause of the memory collapse, it is true that when the fragments of memory are integrated into the cloud of consciousness, the consciousness will show some signs of recovery.

So, if they send consciousness into the memory space, does it mean that consciousness will be affected by memory and then restored?

Although she was not sure, she still had to try it now.

Xiaoyao reminded after thinking about it for a moment.

"You can try it, but you may be in danger by doing so. Although you have already established a connection before, once he wakes up, he may close the connection. At that time, you will never go back."

Even if I know, this is the system setting.

But she still felt that Xiaoyao was the first to think of her feeling no matter where she was, which was really intimate.

没 "It doesn't matter, if we really want to stay here forever, I will play a split personality with the fourth brother or something."

"Master, this joke is not funny at all!"

Xiao Yaoyao's fleshy face looked a bit angry, Lin Mengya did not continue to tease it, but let him down.

"The elder brother's consciousness has been chasing me, little medicine, then I will send him in, and you are waiting for me here."

Xiaoyao walked on her short legs and wanted to run after her.

"Obey, wait for me here."

Pouting, the little ball remained in place.

"Master, you have to be careful! Once he shows signs of soberness, you must run first!"

Xiaoyao was not assured, but she continued to urge.

Lin Lin Mengya, with her elder brother's consciousness cloud, soon reached the entrance of the memory space.

Walking outside and inside is where the memory is most concentrated.

I belonged to the elder brother's consciousness and gradually became active.

Countless stars dotted the cloud of consciousness. Lin Mengya knew that her move should be the right move.

She continued to swim inside.

The memory space is much brighter than the previous consciousness space.

In the space, the places where the light shines should be memories.

She felt that the elder brother's consciousness seemed to be more active.

"Don't worry, brother four!"

She appeased immediately, but her memory collapsed and nothing changed.

I continued to deepen, but she saw that somewhere in the memory space, those bright places, were quickly becoming dark.

Casually, the memory fragments will slip off and drift away.

That void, and then it became dim.

It won't be long before a new light comes out.

However, it is much darker than before.

How is this going?

When she was wondering, the elder brother's consciousness suddenly seemed to be stimulated and flew into the distance.

"Brother, where are you going?"

She wanted to use consciousness to communicate, but now it was completely useless.

What the **** happened?

I immediately followed, but soon she lost the trace of the elder brother's consciousness.

Without the consciousness of her four elder brothers, the memory space quickly lost her direction.

Unconsciously, she went to a place in the memory space.

Alas, there are no memory fragments.

What I have is just a dim light.

She attached her consciousness, but strangely, the light had no resistance to her consciousness at all.

this is not right!

Her consciousness should not be able to read the memory of another person so smoothly.

When she was full of doubts, suddenly, the memory space started to shake.

"Master! His consciousness is awake, come out quickly!"


She immediately wanted to rush out of the memory space, but now the fourth brother is awake faster than her.

Her consciousness once again felt the pressure from all directions.

This is because the awakening of the elder brother's consciousness, she began to be rejected.

"Small medicine! Come on!"

At a critical moment, she escaped from the memory space.

I grabbed a small medicine and prepared to return to my body.

But what she expected was that their shared conscious space had begun to collapse.

She wore a small medicine and was teetering.

Once the shared consciousness space collapses, and she has n’t gone back, it will disappear and there is no possibility of rebirth!

Ping Xingguang collapsed a little, Lin Mengya only felt her consciousness like a full bow and arrow.

I just need a little more time before she can return to her body.

I did not expect that at this time, sharing the space of consciousness collapsed!

"Four Brothers!"

She subconsciously asked for help, but was deeply desperate.

However, at this time, sharing the space of consciousness was worthy of stability.

She had no time to think, and immediately took advantage of this last bit of luck to return to her own brain.

她 When she and Xiaoyao returned to the familiar system page, she only heard a "drop".

Sharing consciousness space completely disappeared.

"My mother, master, this is too dangerous! Next time, I won't accompany you on adventures!"

When they reached their own place, both of them were glad for the rest of their lives.

Lin Lin Mengya is also panic-stricken, she needs to immediately control the control of her body to see what kind of consequences this consciousness has brought to her.

The familiar vertigo came, but this time, it was much more serious.

She only heard buzzing from her ears, her eyes still dark.

"Miss! Miss!"

I do not know who is calling her, but also with a bit of excitement.

He was just that voice, as if it came from a distant sky, he was still shattered.

Until a moment later, vision is gradually recovering.

The first to bear the brunt was the teacher's face, deliberately making old faces.

"Girl, how are you? Can you see me?"

"Teacher, dodge yourself."

"what happened?"

"I'm dizzy, want to vomit, and vomit"

A stubborn daring rushed straight up, she lay on her back, but spit out a few mouthfuls of sour water.

Bairui, aside, was a little sad.

Is this face really ugly?

As if she had made a roller coaster ten times and eight times, she only felt her head like a bronze bell turned by a dizzy head.

It took a long time for me to feel uncomfortable before she took it easy.

Alas, there was an instant news from Xiaoyao.

Because they returned in time, there was no serious damage to the body.

I just have a slight concussion reaction these days.

"Miss, drink some water and rinse your mouth."

Qian Liu Qianrong held a bowl of warm water and fed her a little bit.

After she completely swallowed all the acidity in her mouth, Liu Qianrong brought her warm white porridge.

The remaining two people also looked at her with a worried look.

After drinking half a bowl of porridge, she finally got some strength.

"Are there any porridge?"

Qiu Liuqianrong thought she wasn't full and immediately nodded to go to Sheng, but stopped her.

我 "I've had enough, but when the fourth brother wakes up, I'm afraid to drink more."

As soon as she said this, the three were dumb.

Especially the teacher, a pair of eyes exudes weird frenzy.

Huh, if the teacher dared to come up and shake her, this mouthful of white porridge would be a drink.

I'm sorry, the teacher didn't.

"This thing really made you untied?"

I said that it was untied, it is better to say that the blind cat encountered a dead mouse.

But what shared space of consciousness, memory fragments, etc., is too difficult to explain.

She said succinctly: "Um."

"Deserves to be my student! Sooner or later, it will surpass the achievements of those old guys!"

Teacher Yun is a little excited.

Compared to the teacher's excitement, Gong Ping and Liu Qianrong reacted normally.

The two men couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, looked at each other, and immediately went to check the situation of the fourth brother.

"Okay! Really good! Miss, Master Four is obviously better than before!"

Hey, right next to her.

Zhe Lin Mengya naturally felt the elder brother's breathing for a long time, much better than before, no longer so angry.

Xi Gongping and Liu Qianrong became more diligent and hardworking.

While two people were busy, Lin Mengya froze 捅 teacher's waist and eyes.

"Teacher, is there anything in this world that can make memory completely disappear?"

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