Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1664: Successfully arrived

There was Long Tianyu, and they even brought the car to the college.

At the gate, unrelated people have been cleared.

The carriage was unimpeded, and they were sent to a newly built courtyard.

跳 She jumped off the carriage, but was scooped into her arms.

He struck the man's chest tightly against her back, his mellow voice, a few smiles, and asked in her ear.

"do you like it?"

抬 She looked up and saw a plaque hanging on the gate of the yard.

三个 "Ru Xinyuan" three characters, her heart is soft, soft.


I was pleased by her, not only the courtyard, but also his heart.

The two of them walked in together, and the bricks, tiles, and grass and trees in it were all in her heart, as she wanted.

I knew he was too busy with all kinds of things.

But here, his hard work is also indispensable.

Apart from him, who knows her so well.

Squinting at her unconscious eyebrows, Long Tianyu's heart couldn't help raising a sense of pride.

Look, he knew she would like it.

The Confucian Garden is the place where it was pushed before, because the organs are hidden underneath, so the top is naturally to be covered, but it should not be too complicated.

I came all the way, whether it was the front hall, the backyard, the master bedroom, the guest room, it was carefully arranged at a glance.

Even though it was only a temporary residence, Long Tianyu rubbed his heart here, ironing her heart all the time.

A glance is enough.

Enough to visit, the two also came to the place where they would cultivate for their great ancestors.

Here are the guest rooms of Ruxinyuan, which are spacious and comfortable.

I have everything to eat.

He was not a little bit better than the courtyard where Gong Tu used to imprison his great ancestors.

Also, there are several powerful and trustworthy people waiting here. For the great ancestors, their condition is also the best.

Qiu Liuqianrong was also busy going back and forth, but Lin Mengya looked, but suddenly felt as if there was one person missing.

"Qian Rong, how about Gong Ping?"

Here, Liu Qianrong no longer needs to hide her identity.

Hearing this, she paused before she said it.

"Gong Ping said he wants to stay there, and only then can we get rid of our doubts."

"Funny! How could someone like Gong Tu let him go!"

Gao Linmengya frowned and said very worried.

But, this child has always been well-behaved. How could he be foolish in this matter?

刚 She just wanted to be called, but Liu Qianrong stopped her by speaking.

"I think, don't worry. The relationship between Gong Ping and Gong Tu doesn't seem to be as simple as we think."

Then, Lin Mengya couldn't understand.

Looking at her doubts, Liu Qianrong said something she had discovered by accident.

"Before, Gong Ping had been taking care of the ancestors, but I found that he disappeared every other day. Once again, I accidentally bumped into it. He came out of the courtyard of Gong Tu. It seems that although his face is not very good OK, but it doesn't look like it's been difficult. "

Lin Gongping is a reliable person, and Lin Mengya will never doubt this.

According to Qian Rong's remarks, and the child has always had an idea, if he is not sure, he will not offer to stay in the old house.

But she was still uneasy and looked at Long Tianyu sideways.

The latter immediately understood and nodded at her, reassuring her.

He will find someone to protect Gong Ping.

With Long Tianyu's promise, she felt relieved.

I want to come, this catastrophe makes the people in the palace family more powerful.

Today's troubles make Lin Mengya somewhat uneasy.

After careful inspection, it was determined that there were no major problems, and she followed Long Tianyu to the yard where he lived.

"I'll leave it to you first, I have to hurry back to the Ma family."

After all, she and the teacher are still being monitored. If anyone is found missing for no reason, I'm afraid that everything they did before will fail.

Xun Ke Long Tianyu was reluctant to let go. After the two had tormented for a while, the talent himself thought about sending her back.

As soon as the two walked to the gate of the college, they saw the carriage that had been lent to Jin Yao and hurried back again.

Walking outside, the two of them naturally kept a certain distance.

She also lowered her eyebrows, mingling behind others.

I was almost at the door before the car stopped.

However, it wasn't Jin Yao who came down, but the person who asked them to borrow a car before.

After the man saw Long Tianyu, his calm face calmed down a lot, and even came forward to say hello.

"Mr. Su, are you going out?"

For outsiders, especially the part of him who looks displeased to the eye, Long Tianyu always cherishes words, and does not even look.

However, the man had exactly the same cheek as Jin Yao, and he was used to this situation and said to himself.

"If there is nothing else for my husband, I wonder if I can go with me to my lady? You also know that my lady has a bad temper. Now I am aggrieved outside and refuse to come back. If my husband advised me , She will definitely listen. "

Lin Lin Mengya raised her eyes, and unhappyly glanced at the man.

Fortunately, Long Tianyu just as if he hadn't heard it, passed the man straight.

She pinched the driver behind her, and the driver immediately stepped forward, asking thickly.

大 "Sir, you have run out of this car, can you return it to the younger?"

The Jin family immediately waved his hand impatiently, the driver nodded, and immediately took the horse away.

Wu Jin's family asked for nothing, but they didn't do much entanglement.

Lin Lin Mengya watched him go in the direction of the stables.

He walked a few steps tightly and pulled Long Tianyu's sleeve.

"Do you know where Jin Yao went today?"

Xun Long Tianyu quietly held her five fingers on her back, and drew it in her palm.

"For such boring things, you can ask Xue Hua."

Xue Hua, who has been following them, ate meal after meal of dog food, was stabbed badly.

Cooperating with the first secret agent of the defending country, in the eyes of their Highness, is this kind of "boring" thing done?

I was a little unhappy, but unfortunately could not resist.

I had to come over with great enthusiasm and return to me.

"Jin Yao went to the appointment. The person who asked her was Gong Wu."

Maimiya dance?

何时 When did they get together?

For a moment, Lin Mengya's heart could not help but hang.

Ji Jinyao knows Long Tianyu's true identity. If she revealed something to Lin Mengwu, wouldn't it be bad for Long Tianyu?

But soon, Long Tianyu understood the concerns in her eyes, and said something lightly.

"She doesn't dare."

Only three words, but gave her a peace of mind.

I was very kind to Xue Hua, afraid that she didn't understand, and said a few more words intentionally.

"Jin Yao seems to be reckless, but she is very deliberate. The Jin family behind her and the people behind Gong Wu are deadly opponents. Therefore, she will never reveal a little bit of news with Gong Wu."

I said so, she understood.

He squinted his eyes and gave a grateful smile to Xue Hua.

I didn't expect that someone was jealous.

"A lot of things."

The word cold cold instantly frozen Xue Hua's expression on his face.

He retreated to the end, for fear of being caught again.

Boss vinegar is too strong, so terrible!

Lin Lin Mengya didn't feel anything, but remembered how Long Tianyu looked at her subordinates while in the Wangfu.

人 This man seems indifferent, but there is fiery heat hidden inside.

He is loyal to his lover, kind to his loved ones, and kind to his brother.

Therefore, there is always no shortage of sincere and loving people around him.

And how lucky she was, she became the only priceless treasure in his heart.

He turned back and tangled with his fingers.

"Okay, just get here. I'll go back today and try to come back in a few days."

Nine Dragons Tianyu is naturally reluctant, but also knows that the most important thing is.

"Well, I'll take you home, it's not as if Gong Tu's man would give up."

He was afraid, they were embarrassed by the people who were slaughtered by the palace.

"I think he shouldn't have time to take care of us now. Ma Beichen, was injured in his house. Let him come out to find someone now, it should be to make things bigger. Now, the guy must be It has stirred up and down the palace family, and there is no peace. "

Look at the little smugness in her eyes, like a little beast who can count on prey.

He got tickled in his heart, he just wanted to confine people in front of himself, and no one showed it.

I can't help but want to show off, and want everyone in this world to see her well.

This contradictory mood makes him feel tangled all the time, but has a different sweetness.

"Well, I'll send someone to follow you. If there is any accident, come back at any time."

She nodded, and suddenly remembered another thing.

He took a small cloth bag from his arms and shoved it into his hands.

"Although we didn't reveal it just now, once Gong Tu has returned to God, he will closely monitor every move of the academy and you. I have prepared a new medicine kit for you and the children. There is more than just a solution One hundred poisons, and some herbs to expel poisonous insects. By the way, there is a poisonous insect that the teacher gave me. This thing is not harmful to children, but it can be used for tracking. Help me, give these to children They change. "

I mentioned their baby, Lin Mengya's heart was full of tenderness and guilt.

Nine Dragons Tianyu knew she wanted a child and couldn't help whispering.

"It's early, if you want Ninger, you can go and see."

"It's not used anymore. In the future, there is still a chance. I am assured that you are taking care of them."

安全 Compared with children's safety, her little miss is insignificant.

The two were silent, but their eyes were clearly affectionate.

Jiyi Yiyi's farewell work, Long Tianyu stood at the door, watching their carriage, disappearing into his sight.

I am motionless, just like the horizon.

In the midsummer season, Xue Hua shivered coldly.

If he remembered correctly, did n’t his Highness often slip out to meet the lady at night?

These two guys, is there anything wrong?

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