Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1669: Found anomalies

Dreamland, memory

Lin Lin Mengya thought about these two keywords carefully, but for some reason, she always felt a little creepy.

If a person's memory disappears and their consciousness sleeps forever, is that person still alive?

Even if alive, it is a vegetative state.

But she really couldn't figure out why Lin Mengwu didn't take the opportunity to kill the great ancestors, but so much trouble.

Also, what is the purpose of this medicine?

She just felt that she was shrouded in a huge conspiracy, and she couldn't find the answer.

"Don't worry too much, after all, the great ancestors are here now, and people are safe. Many things, we can take our time."

She looked at her tangled face and knew that this girl must be thinking hard about the solution.

Lin Lin Mengya nodded absently, but still turned on the system, and started checking on her brother.

"The indicators are normal. Master, I found something different."

There is little medicine in her, such things do not need to worry about her at all.

But soon, Xiaoyao completed the scan and gave her the information.

"what happened?"

She immediately returned her consciousness to the system. Xiaoyao did not change her form this time and still maintained the shape of a baby doll, but she wore an extremely cute cartoon baby bear pajamas.

The interface of the system with a little finger on the white and tender, immediately popped up a sketch of the human body.

Lin Lin Mengya glanced and found that a small red dot lit up in the cervical spine of the fourth brother.

"Look at the master, before our data showed that there were some abnormalities in the patient. But at that time, I did an assessment. The abnormality was not harmful to the body. It may be because the patient was injured. But today, the patient's abnormality completely disappear Yes, but I checked it and found that nothing has changed here. It's as if the previous abnormality left no trace at all. "

With a little medicine, Lin Mengya understood.

It's like how fast the wound heals, it always leaves a scar.

Whether it is trauma or internal injury, there should be some traces.

Alas, there really isn't.

She suddenly regained consciousness and said immediately.

"Brother, you turn around, I look behind you."

Long Tianyu and Gong Shi both saw her look like she thought she was lost, but did not want this person to return to normal, as if she had discovered something.

Xu Wenyan said that Gong Si did not dare to delay and immediately turned to lie on the bed.

Zhe Lin Mengya reached out and found the red dot marked by the previous medicine.

Two fingers extended and pressed slightly.

"Does it hurt?" She asked.

"No pain."

Hagiya is a little puzzled, but still tries his best to cooperate.

"Small medicine, ready to scan the subcutaneous tissue."

Although it cannot be used as a perspective, if it is such a small place, the small medicine can still be simulated by touch.

After Lin Meng Yazai carefully touched this small area, the simulation picture of Xiaoyao was also made.

I just had a result that surprised her.

"How could this be!"

Gao Linmengya said subconsciously, provoking Long Tianyu and Gong Shi, followed by involuntary tension.

What did you discover?

In the system, Lin Mengya stared at the picture, her thoughts were a little complicated.

This part of the fourth brother is different from others!

内 In his two neck bones, there is a small hole in the middle.

This hole might not have been found at all if it was not a small medicine scan.

But it does exist.

小 "Small medicine, this hole shouldn't be empty?"

Otherwise, how could she not feel it when she touched so carefully just now?

At this moment, Xiaoyao also had a serious look on his face.

"Master, there is a substance in this hole, I can't simulate and distinguish."


Lin Lin Mengya felt that all of a sudden, from the soles of the feet to the top of the head.

那 "So, have we seen this before?"

Xiaoyao looked at her.

"Not yet, but this is also possible. After all, what the system can distinguish is what humans have discovered. I can record it now and compare it next time."

Another thing that the system can not be ten times!

I have always had an inexplicable fear of such things.

It is not because the system cannot recognize it and feels that it is beyond its control.

But because every time something like this happens, nothing good happens.

"Okay, I see. You show me, this thing has abnormal data before."

Xiaoyao immediately retrieved the data.

Gao Linmengya took a look and found that the little red dot before it was radial when it was abnormal.

Although Xiaoyao decided that this thing was harmless to the elder brother's body, he ignored it.

But it seems a bit related now.

She looked at her nervous brother and Long Tianyu, and then got up and went to the other people's bed.

He pressed his back neck one by one, and then turned back strangely.

"Little sister, what's wrong with you?"

Kumiya Fourth didn't worry much about her body, only she felt a little weird, could not help but speak, and asked carefully.

"Oh, nothing"

She smiled absently, and then returned to the system.

"Master, these patients have abnormalities!"

Xiao Xiaoya sorted out the data for her.

Sure enough, with the exception of the four older brothers, all the red dots on the back of the neck were radial.

If their drowsiness has nothing to do with this, then she would not believe that she was killed.

"We have to monitor this data these days, small medicine, with these people in there, can you make some preliminary analysis?"

Xiaoyao nodded, and her pink face was full of serious look.

"No problem with the host, and I suggest you to use the method you have used before to see if these have any response."

If she didn't mention the little medicine, she would do the same.

Maybe her previous method was not invalid, but because they didn't detect it before, there was no way to know that it didn't work.

If the abnormal substance is related, then there will be data and indicators that can be observed.

Maybe, you can find a way to save people.

Seeing that she could find a way to heal her family, that joy also shocked her uneasy before she said.

"Tough work for you."

She squeezed her little face with a small medicine, and this guy has become a little addicted recently.

Even within the system, she can get a physical feeling.

In particular, it was her tender touch that made her like it differently.

"Small medicine does not feel hard, it can help the owner, and it is very happy!"

Xun Xiaoyao hugged her neck actively, and also pressed her face.

Gao Linmengya felt that since the awakening of the small medicine, day after day, he is more like a real person and has human emotions.

I was just a pity that, due to technical constraints, I'm afraid she couldn't be separated from Xiaoyao.

And the small medicine can't occupy her body, otherwise it will be destroyed instantly.

Fortunately, there are also many functions in the system. For the time being, Xiaoyao will not feel lonely.

乖 "Good, in the future you can use my sight, we can see the outside world together. If you want anything, you can tell me, I try to satisfy you."

Her tone is like a parent who loves her children.

And if Xiaoyao shared her sight with her, some things could be a lot easier.

I was just a little medicine, it seemed a little excited, and a little embarrassed.

"Master, Xiaoyao cannot use your body without your consciousness. However, if you allow it, Xiaoyao can share your sight with you. However, it cannot exceed two hours per day. . If it takes more than two hours, the small medicine will be judged and interfere with your life. "

It turned out so.

This system is really strict for artificial intelligence and management regulations.

But she does n’t know how to set it up, and Xiaoyao does n’t have that will either. Now for the time being.

"Well then, let me go out first, if you want to come out, you can tell me at any time."

"Good master!"

Xiao Xiaoya immediately crawled down from her and said cheerfully.

Lin Lin Mengya touched his head again, then exited the system and returned to reality.

Looking at the concerned eyes of the two in front of her, Lin Mengya exhaled softly.

"I found something just now, maybe, the key to being able to heal their great ancestors."

Neither of them expected that she would make such a discovery.

Kuimiya was very happy, but Long Tianyu's eyes flashed a little doubt quickly.

However, the two people were sensible and did not continue to question, Lin Mengya also called Liu Qianrong and gave her four brothers some warm medicine.

After a short while, the four brothers couldn't help falling asleep.

After Lin Qianmeng told Liu Qianrong Liu Qianrong, she took Long Tianyu out of Confucian Garden.

I went back to Long Tianyu's study, but both were weirdly silent.

Zhe Lin Mengya has been thinking about the discovery just now, but Long Tianyu's eyes are floating and seemingly caught in some tangles.

When Lin Mengya worked out a preliminary experimental plan, she discovered that the man around her had been staring at herself for a long time.

I could not help but smile a little embarrassed, she just thought a little too seriously about things.

"Yu, why are you looking at me like this?"

Nine Dragons Tianyu's eyes were very sincere, and some of them could not be fully understood.

She raised a smile, and the woman who was still serious before she showed her daughter's coquettishness.

He couldn't help but feel that the woman in front of him was precious.

"You look good."

The simple three-character words made Lin Mengya's heart suddenly pink.

"Who did you learn from?"

She pretended to be dissatisfied, and Shuimu stared at the guy in front of her.

Jiu Long Tianyu has been staring straight into her eyes, her eyes full of love.

"Sent it out."

This guy!

Lin Lin Mengya actually felt that she couldn't resist it.

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