Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1691: Secret of King Xiao

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Squinting at the other party, Lin Mengya didn't want to embarrass her more.

She knows the situation of Xiao Xiaofu.

I watched the scenery on the surface, but inside was not very good.

As for this time, it was only because of her relationship with Gu Pan that she got some cheap.

"Well, miss please."

She turned to her side, obviously not wanting to care about the other side.

But the girl didn't know what to think of, and when she came over, she let down a warning voice.

"I don't care who you are, you're the best, take care of your mouth!"

After the grandma said, the girl took her away.

Tong Ningliang looked at the back of those people, but she did not know much about her.

"Okay, there is no need to be angry about a trivial person."

Then when she saw Princess Xiao, she could understand why she had warned her just now.

I sat in the living room, and she said something to Princess Xiao.

The topic was gradually shifted to a few older brothers.

"I heard that the sons and daughters of the palace family are several outstanding young talents. I don't know which girl is so blessed that they can win the eyes of the palace master."

上 The last topic of the two of them is still discussing the style of the newly popular **** this year. The next topic has turned to the marriage of several brothers.

I'm afraid that even blind people can see what the idea of ​​Princess Xiao is.

Zhe Lin Mengya turned her mind and did not say anything to death.

"It is natural to be careful about marriage. The situation of the palace family is different from that of other families. Whether it is a homeowner or a few sons, the partner they are looking for should still be based on their intentions. Not force."

Hearing this, Princess Xiao frowned slightly.

Xiao Xiao's mansion can't do anything else.

She thought about it and continued.

"Yes, naturally, the status of the palace family does not need to value her mother's position. However, people like us must always pay attention to a door-to-door right. If you marry a woman with a small door, you can say no Come together, what about peace talks between husband and wife? "

Alas, Lin Mengya was a bit disliked.

She always has a laissez-faire attitude towards the marriage of several brothers.

As long as the brothers like it, behave well, and treat the brother well, she can accept it.

However, in the end, Princess Xiao had different identities, and it was not easy for her to be too obvious, so she could only play haha.

Princess Xiao, who didn't get the exact answer, was still a little bit reluctant, just at this moment, the long-awaited hope finally came.

一 The moment she saw Pan, it was like seeing a savior, and she got up and walked over.

"Sumei, I've met the county master."

Gu Pan sniffed her nose habitually, and crossed her eyes with a slight accident.

Fortunately, Gu Pan is a clever girl, without revealing any flaws, but just said lightly.

"Well, I heard that you were sent by Sister Ya? Come with me and tell me what's going on with Sister Ya."

"Yes, but here is the princess"

She was slightly hesitant, and Princess Xiao said immediately with a smile.

"Go, Yan'er is a close friend of yours. I've been thinking about her sister in the past few days."

She pretended not to understand Princess Xiao's suggestion. After the ceremony, Gu Pan arrived in the courtyard arranged for her.

In addition to Gu Pan, she actually does not have much favor with other people in Xiao Wangfu.

Therefore, when preparing the room, it is natural to look forward to it.

For example, her yard is the most exquisite and comfortable, and she also assigned a few women to take care of her.

So here is a place to talk.

As soon as Gu Pan entered the door, he sent everyone out.

He took Lin Mengya's hand and sat down.

"Sister Ya, do you have any news from him?"

She froze, then shook her head.

In fact, she has never given up looking for the whereabouts of Long Qinghan and her father and brother, but this vast sea of ​​people, trying to find a few people, is like finding a needle in a haystack, which is really difficult.

Gu Pan's face suddenly collapsed. The face, which always had a bright smile like the rising sun, faded.

"I'm afraid I can't wait for that nerd to come to me."

Saying this, he was grieving.

Lin Lin Mengya immediately held her hand and persuaded softly.

"Don't say such frustrating words, I believe you will meet one day. He must be looking for you."

She knew she couldn't hide the girl's nose, so she admitted her identity.

Gu Pan's eyes were a little sad, and his eyes were red, making people feel distressed.

Lin Lin Mengya took her over and gently stroked her back.

"It's not uncomfortable. If you have any difficulties, tell me. With me, no one can take you."

Gu Pan sniffed and said with a cry.

"That man, forced me to marry! He said, if I can't marry this time, I will marry him to my husband-in-law. If not, I will declare my father and daughter off!

Zhe Lin Mengya did not expect that King Xiao was so heartless.

"However, your county's identity is imperial title. Even if he breaks the relationship with you, you are the Xianghua county's owner, it has no effect."

"But he actually threatened me with my mother's graveyard! He said that if he breaks up with me, he will be asked to throw out my mother's bone and let the wild dog eat it!"

It's too bad.

Suddenly, Lin Mengya yelled at the heart of the drowsy King Xiao 800 times.

He didn't even let the dead go, and threatened his own daughter and daughter in such a way that he was not human.

Here, Gu Pan was already crying.

"My mother is a bitter woman. I have suffered too much aggrieved life. I ca n’t watch her dead and still have a mob. You're the smartest. Can you help me figure out a way, okay? "

Looking at Pan's tears, Lin Mengya couldn't think of any other answer besides agreeing.

She took out her handkerchief and wiped tears on Gu Pan, her mouth still gently coaxing Gu Pan.

"Well, don't cry, Sister Ya will definitely help you."

"Really? But Sister Ya, I, I don't want to marry the Gong family."

看着 Looking at Gu Pan's uneasy look, she couldn't help but nodded her clean forehead.

"You, I'm so clever for a while. Wang Xiao is holding your lifeline, but isn't he afraid of the world's mouth?"

Gu Pan stared at Shui Ling's big eyes with tears in her eyes, and looked at her with a little more doubt.

Lin Lin Mengya smiled and told her the method she had just thought of.

"Think about it, why did King Xiao have to marry you?"

Gu Pan wiped her tears and said disdainfully.

"It's not because he's extravagant / sexy, and he can't make ends meet. In addition, he has frequently acted recently, and there are some things that he is not so good at.

"Yeah. If at this time, there are rumors that he treats his daughter harshly and throws out the bones of Yuan Fei, do you think he will respond this way?"

This is the fan of the authorities.

I was also in a hurry, so I didn't expect the key.

I heard her say, Gu Pan Mao Saiton opened.

"I know what to do with Sister Ya, or you are clever, so I solved my problem so easily!"

Lin Lin Mengya smiled but said nothing, but she had a plan in her heart.

After solving Gu Pan's problem, the two sisters settled down and talked about themselves.

"Yes, what's the matter with the princess? She isn't she?

Gu Pan shook his lips and said rather helplessly.

"Mother is also a bitter life. Although she was born in the horse family, the **** did not dare to blame her on the surface. In the dark, but a lot of fine work was tortured. After we returned from the dragon, the **** did not know what to do, actually Give your mother a lot of diligence. In the past few months, you can coax her mother. Otherwise, how can he take this opportunity to send her daughter over? "

This is new.

Who doesn't know that King Xiao is a man who likes the new and hates the old, but this time, he is dedicated to the princess.

I'm afraid, it's the weasel who gave the chicken a New Year?

Although Princess Wang had counted her before, she really loved Gu Pan.

So, she didn't hate the princess, nor did she like it.

"Did you not advise your mother? After all, King Xiao may not be kind."

"Persuasion? Why don't I persuade it! But after all, he is the mother's husband, and I, as a daughter, can say so much more than stay with her for a day more than that asshole. That **** made the mother dizzy. . But he didn't go to the rooms of those cellars too! "

梦 Lin Mengya should not have intervened in family affairs.

But Xiao Xiao's series of actions came down a bit strange.

Gu Pan is still in the house of Xiao Wangfu. There are some things that she has to remind.

"You know, why did King Xiao change like this? Also, have any outsiders come to your house recently? Nothing happened, what weird?"

Gu Pan heard the words, and said it after thinking about it carefully.

"Well, that old **** is usually used for prestige and blessing. It is not unusual for anything in the house. If there is something wrong, it is probably that he has recently been brought into a chamber in the house. Although he has been very diligent with his mother recently, besides his mother, he most often visits the courtyard of the mortuary. He treats the mortuary as a treasure, and even the daily courtesy to his mother is avoided. I I was furious before, and wanted to break in and see, but was stopped by the old **** and gave me a slap. Hum, isn't it a stunner who wouldn't see the light? If she had settled a little, just let her. Dare to show off, I have a way to rule her! "

Lin Lin Mengya even felt strange.

Now that you have a well-loved cricket room, why do you want to talk to your wife?

Difficulty is not possible. It was the "big man" of the chamber that advised King Xiao to be kind to his wife?

Xun Ke apparently, now that King Xiao has lost his courtesy, justice and shame, he still uses his dead wife's bones to threaten his own daughter.

These things make her a little bit see through.

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