Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1693: So-called princess

Lin Lin Mengya's analysis finally calmed the anger of the fourth brother.

However, the four brothers still felt unsafe, and arranged for her personally, and let Ning Liang arrange for her the most luxurious and delicate sedan in the house before letting her out.

On the way, Lin Mengya thought about the appearance of her elder brother's pair of protective calves, and smiled with an eyebrow.

The upper and lower palace houses are carved out of a mold. Usually nothing is okay. When something happens, each is irritable.

It didn't take long for the sedan chair to go outside the college.

I just didn't think that it was blocked by a leak.

"Sir, I'm afraid we have to wait."

Tong Baisu's words came in from the outside, Lin Mengya opened the curtain and glanced outside.

的 Various vehicles and horses blocked the long street in front of the college.

But she was inside, but she didn't see a few familiar ones.

I'm afraid it's all those families who don't have much contact with the palace family.

They know the relationship between Gong Ya and Murong Xi, but they are here to see Her Royal Highness Princess Xi.

Do you want to get around? Still want to give the palace family a face?

"Okay, we're not here to meet the princess, let people turn around and go to the back door."


Soon, the sedan walked around the back door.

No one is here, but it is a pity that the elder brother carefully prepared such a battle for her.

Bian took the two Bai Sus and crossed the backyard with light traffic, but did not go to Long Tianyu's residence first, but went to Ruxinyuan.

I found out at the door that the gatekeeper was not familiar with his face.

And the people who came in and out were all dressed in luxurious clothes.

Lin Lin Mengya stood not far away, a sneer appeared in the corner of her mouth.

I was very good. It was interesting to grab her man and occupy her house.

"Sir, we"

Bai Su was also a little displeased.

After Lin Lin Mengya glanced at the excitement over there, she seemed as if she was all right, and went up to Long Tianyu's yard.

要 If this person didn't give her a reasonable explanation today, she would blast out the **** prince herself!

How dare you live wild on her site?

Rushing hurriedly to Long Tianyu's yard, they saw the door closed.

Xi Baisu immediately called up to the door, but the people inside said impatiently.

"My husband said, it doesn't matter what the princess is, not the princess. Unless it is down, no one wants him to move out! Get out!"

Alas, it seems that the anger here is not small.

Xi Bai Sugang just wanted to report herself, but Lin Mengya pulled her away.

告诉 "Tell you sir, come and see me now, otherwise"

Before she finished talking, the door opened immediately.

天 Long Tianyu with a poor face pulled her in, and then slammed the door shut.

"I heard that someone's princess is here?"

After a few moments, he broke his hand.

Zhe Lin Mengya hugged her shoulders and frowned Long Tianyu coldly.

I do not know the man, looked at her with injustice, and frowned.

"I'm not without me, don't listen to others talking nonsense!"

He looks like a puppy that people have abandoned.

Lin Lin Mengya's heart was already soft, but her face was still cold.

"Hmm! No? Then why did my Ru Xinyuan take possession of it? I can tell you, I don't rub the sand in my eyes. Regardless of his Royal Highness, dare to mess with me, let me die!"

Nine Dragons Yu Yu suddenly burst.

At this moment, he can't wash up after jumping into the Yellow River.

Strong and tall body collapsed in half instantly. Standing in front of her with a gray face, she looked like an angry young daughter-in-law.

"none of my business"

"Well, then I will give you a chance to explain. If you are not satisfied with my explanation, hum!"

She froze the eyes of them fiercely and walked into the room first.

Alas, the smile on the corner of her mouth betrayed her.

This feeling of having the upper hand is awesome!

Long Tianyu, who followed her step by step, also saw a bit of slyness in her eyes.

I ca n’t help it, who tells him he just likes this girl?

Bai Su and his attendant stepped back silently. The little love between the husband and wife, they went away, but the scenery was great.

Sitting on a chair in Long Tianyu's study, Lao Lala thought that Lin Mengya held the handle, but she had a tenacious ability to lift her toes.

After squinting at the man, he gave a cold hum from his nostril.

"Okay, now you can be honest, right? What on earth is going on with that princess?"

After Chen Longyu moved two steps in front of her, Shen Sheng said.

"I really don't know what happened to her, I just know that I have never married anyone except you."

小心 The small, careful look pleased her, just like her son.

I'm not good, she can't hold her!

He lowered his head and deliberately pretended to be cold and ruthless, but after grinning a little, he raised his head again.

Suddenly, Long Tianyu also just put away her petting gaze and was happy to continue to cooperate with her.

少 "Stop giving me sloppy eyes! If she is a fake, how dare you come here to cheat? I see, you clearly want to fool!"

"Injustice!" Long Tianyu took a few more steps, and her big hand pulled her sleeve slightly, only in tone, but the fear that had been hard installed before disappeared.

"I don't know where she came from, but why do those idiots believe-"

He deliberately paused for a few moments, and after harvesting a few eyes of Lin Mengya, finally said it.

"That's because she has the credentials of His Highness Xi and that person in her hand."

那个 "That person? But you are not saying, is he ignoring everything now?"

At this moment, Lin Mengya couldn't care less that she was acting.

She was tense in her heart all of a sudden, but never thought that it was something that the man had troubled.

Xiao Long Tianyu saw her nervousness and immediately wrapped her little hand in his big hand.

"Don't be afraid. That man was indeed an idler before. And after I understood the previous things, I sent someone back to look at him. The Emperor didn't like him, and it was just for the brothers who were brothers He stayed alive. "

Xun Longxu, a former emperor of Jin Dynasty, is also his brother.

Since he returned to the Patriotic Kingdom, he has disappeared.

The outside world only knows that His Royal Highness attaches great importance to His Royal Highness Xi, and even intentionally passes the throne to him.

As for the others, I know nothing.

However, Lin Mengya did touch the person deeply.

In order to topple his hair wife and foreign relatives, the man was willing to tolerate for some time.

Moreover, the turmoil in Jin State, I know no credit for him.

Such an ambitious, capable, and forbearable evil wolf is standing around, how can she not be nervous?

"But what exactly does he want to do?"

Chen Long Tianyu held her in his arms, calmed her back, and said softly.

"From the beginning to the end, he has only one purpose-to become the emperor of the defending country!"

怎么 "How is this possible? Can everyone take that position? Even if there is anything wrong with Emperor Huang, how can he think better than him? He dares to delusion!"

Chen Longtianyu knows how much the woman in her arms hates his so-called father.

I can say that all her sufferings are caused by that person.

Even though he gave himself bones and blood, but his calculation of himself is not less than others.

He is now a father, and now he wants to come, but it is even more chilling.

"No, you can't let that princess stay here! They have no good intentions, I'm afraid they will hurt you!"

"Fool, why do you think I can't stay behind?"

Xun Long Tianyu touched her delicate forehead with her lips.

Lin Lin Mengya looked up and looked at him quite puzzled.

"She didn't come alone, and there was a person who knew me very well by her side. I also want to know what their purpose is. So, just watch it change."

"who is it?"

She turned many personal names in her mind, and she was alone, not like Long Tianyu said.

"Yes, my mother."

A short sentence surprised Lin Mengya.

Immediately, she responded.


Apart from Yu's mother, who can make him so careful?

怎么 样 "How about the mother-in-law? Didn't you say she was sold as a ghost slave before?"

Chen Long Tianyu knew that she never gave up tracking his mother's news.

As she grew stronger in the ghost market, the tracking became more and more powerful.

始终 But always, it is either a step behind or no news.

I didn't expect to come here.

"I don't know, regardless of what I heard, my mother told this woman to save him accidentally, so that person recognized her as 媳,"

The last word of 蕴 contains endless irony.

Lin Lin Mengya also felt that the hypocrisy was extremely extreme. Obviously, he bought it, didn't he?

"Guard the robbers, what kind of trick is this playing? By the way, they didn't recognize you, did you? Are you sure that is really the mother-in-law?"

If it is really the mother-in-law, then they really have to be careful.

After all, she didn't want to hurt Long Tianyu's mother.

Xun Long Tianyu looked at her frown, and felt in her heart that she was full.

如何 How can a woman like this not be in his heart?

"My people have confirmed that it is the mother. But Yaer, you know, I can have no parents, I can also have no children, as long as you have, I am enough."

He admits that he is a selfish person.

From the moment he learned to love, he was so selfish that he had to monopolize all of her.

Wu Dayi, responsibility, and even kindness all came after her.

In the world, she is the most precious.

I also because of her, he carefully deployed all this.

Even though it was to kill the people, even if it was for the sake of beings in the world, the only thing that drove him to do so was her.

Lin Lin Mengya hugged him and put his face in his arms.

"I know, I believe that there will be a two-pronged strategy. She is your mother and my mother. Moreover, we can't let those guys conspire."

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