Stunning Poisonous Doctor Princess

Chapter 1699: North Korea situation

As soon as I had dinner, Sister Hui brought her uncle with them.

A few people are tired of their faces, want to come all the way, they ca n’t rest for a while.

After seeing her husband and son, Mrs. Lin Lian was relieved.

The fourth person in the palace is still dizzy, and they are the only women left in the family. Why not worry?

"Master, you are here! Are you tired? Are you hungry or hungry? Are you going well?"

After watching the worries in his wife's eyes, Master Lin Lian immediately burst into a gentle smile.

"Everything is fine, how are you?"

"I am fine too."

Mrs. Lin Lian was a little embarrassed and lowered her head and said softly.

愈 The longer the relationship between these two people becomes, the more envious they are.

I was so blind-sighted by Lian Xing that he held his mother's arm in a wronged position and coveted.

"Mother, Xing'er is here too, why don't you ask Xing'er to work hard?"

At this moment, Lien Fu remembered his youngest son.

She nodded Lian Xing's forehead, and Mrs. Lian looked around for a week, but did not see the streak.

Qi Lianxing immediately knew that his mother was looking for his brother.

"Mother, brother has something to do, and can't come for the time being."

Xun Wenyan said that Lien Fu's talents were relieved.

All three people also arrived at Dongyuan. After everyone sat down, even the husband talents could be introduced.

"This one was mentioned in Yaer Xin, Su Mei, Mei."

Old people met, Lin Mengya could not help but a little nervous.

Uncle Qilian's eyesight was so hot that she was afraid of being spotted.

I could only lower my head and asked a good question.

At the same time, Ning Liang and Gong Ping were both introduced by his wife.

Master Lin Lian just glanced at them faintly and said nothing, but Lien Xing looked up and down Lin Mengya.

After seeing that the other party did not respond at all, she turned her gaze and looked at Mrs. Lian.

"Mother, I heard Sister Yue said that someone in the palace family is making troubles, and it has also affected the fourth brother of the palace?"

Hearing Lian Xing's question, Mrs. Lian sighed helplessly and told the matter about the princess originally.

"What do you mean, His Highness Xi, what do you mean? Isn't he bullying people?"

He looked at his wife's indignation, and even the master immediately comforted him.

I was so overwhelmed that my eyes were fast.

"Xinger, do you have anything to say?"

"This mother, this princess, is indeed His Highness Xi's wife!"

Ji Yishi stirred up thousands of waves, and several women in the room stared at him in surprise.

"This is impossible? How did you know about this?"

Mrs. Lin Lian immediately asked, and Lian Xing looked at his father for help, but the other side ignored him at all.

I have to make up for things I provoke.

In desperation, Lian Xing swallowed and said stiffly.

"After his mother left, Houzhuang suddenly ordered that he wanted to give a woman to his Highness as a flat wife. This was too sudden, and it was already raging in Longdu. His Highness never responded, Neither was ever married. "

When Lin Mengya heard it, she knew what was going on.

最快 It will take more than a month to complete the fiefdom of the palace from Longdu to the palace, just like the wife.

But the news came only after Mrs. Lian left.

Indicates that even his wife should be far away from the dragon at this time, otherwise she will surely know the news.

那个 And the princess came to the front and back with Mrs. Lien.

This shows that the purpose of the posthumous person has been known for a long time.

I ca n’t wait for it, and there must be deep meaning in it.

Mrs. Erlian was astonished.

"Sir, how can you do that?"

Mrs. Lin Lian's brow froze, secretly saying that if this matter was really the will of the posthumous, it would not be easy.

Others have the same thoughts as Mrs. Lian, but Lin Mengya is now more and more calm.

夫人 "Ma'am, don't worry about it."

Mrs. Lin Lian looked at the girl next to Mei, and for some reason she always felt that this girl was not worried at all.

Lin Lin Mengya smiled and said comfortably.

"Lian Ergong, this will be done by the posthumous one?"

Pian Lianxing nodded, and the intention was posted at the gate of the city, and he saw it really.

夫人 "Mrs., the marriage agreement between the host and His Royal Highness was set by the Emperor himself, and it was also the will of His Royal Highness. But the Emperor ’s doing this is not the same as playing His Royal Highness?

He Huangzun and Houzun are now the same.

The posthumous order of the Emperor Hou Zun was afraid that he wanted to add a block to the emperor, and at the same time, he could also annoy Long Tianyu.

Mrs. Lin Lian hasn't responded yet. Instead, she has been an official in the court for many years and understands the meaning of her words.

But also because of this, frowned.

"But then, hasn't the palace family become a bargaining chip for the Emperor and the Emperor? This is also bad for the palace family."

"Lord, if you don't want to hear something, even if the Emperor and Emperor ordered it, who would be sincerely obedient?"

With a touch of dissatisfaction, he crossed Master Lien's eyes.

But soon, it was replaced by helplessness.

It sounded harsh, but it was true.

The status and influence of the current royal family are not as good as before.

"His Majesty the Emperor's wedding is to win the palace family. His Royal Highness's marriage is to divorce the palace family and his highness. Therefore, this marriage is like a joke. Only a fool will take it seriously.

If this will be under the emperor's honor, Lin Mengya estimates she will turn her face immediately.

But because it is under the posthumous, she doesn't take it seriously.

Although Hou Zunzhuang was awful, she only relied on her being the post.

And her trick is nothing more than to annoy Long Tianyu. In this way, it is justified and removes the position of Long Tianyu's heir.

Alas, Hou Zun did this for his own son.

There are certain things, even if there is a beloved heart, they should not be willful.

I heard that she dared to speak so boldly, Lian Xing couldn't help but squeeze a sweat.

You know, his father has always been a loyal patriot.

No one dare to say that the royal family is not in Longdu.

I'm afraid this girl is unlucky.

In my heart, I was thinking about how to relieve the girl, but if I had a stomach, I was in my heart.

He waited and waited, why didn't he see his father get angry?

"Master, girl Mei, she just speaks up."

Mrs. Qilian also carefully advised that after living together for so many years, she naturally knew her husband's temper.

It ’s just that his face is a little uglier. Even Master, there seems to be no other reaction?

"Ok, I know."

Bian Lianxing stuck in his throat in one breath, and that was it?

He stared at his father, and after a few glances, he found that the other party was really not ready to speak anymore.

He couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed and looked at his father in confusion.

This is obviously wrong!

He turned his head and looked at Su Mei like a ghost.

What kind of spell did this girl use to keep his father from getting angry?

"Lian Ergong don't look at me anymore, even Master is a loyal minister."

Lin Lin Mengya smiled and ordered Lian Xing.

The latter scratched his head, still unclear.

In the end, even Master had to hate the iron and stare at him.

This child, why isn't there a bit of aura in others?

既然 "That being the case, then this princess cannot stay in Feiye City. Even the master and the wife, my family is inconvenient to come forward, the ancestors, they have not recovered yet. Therefore, we can only ask for two."

She said sincerely, even the master and his wife nodded solemnly.

If the princess really did the posthumous purpose and came here to destroy the relationship between Gongya and His Highness, then naturally she couldn't let her go.

After all, if the two of them are turned into revenge, I am afraid there will be a turmoil.

This is fatal to the royal family.

Therefore, even the master would agree.

I'm afraid I'm really crazy.

Did she think that by pulling Murong Xi into the water, could her son sit back and relax?

Master Lianlian, they arrived, and it was really hard.

Lin Lin Mengya took them to take a look at her brother, and then she took them to the courtyard where Mrs. Lian lived.

Because even the wife is considered to be affected by her today, she secretly sent a lot of extra staff to protect the wife.

After waiting for her to finish, Lin Mengya returned to her brother's house again.

At this moment, only Ning Liang was in front of the bed.

"Four brothers, everyone is gone, no need to pretend."

She opened the tent, and the people inside sat up immediately, looking energetic. Where was half injured?

"Sister, I have heard everything today, you are doing well."

Ning Liang just told him everything when nobody was there.

Sugimiya looked at her little girl with a smile, how she thought, and how she felt that her little girl was too great.

Lin Lin Mengya shrugged and sighed slightly.

"In the future, you can still do more or less. I'm really not suitable for acting. Many times, I'm afraid I can help myself."

"Miss, you are humble."

I heard her complain, and the corners of Ning Liang's mouth couldn't help anymore.

Isn't Miss Yun's acting great? Then they do n’t have to live?

He would have believed if he hadn't known in advance.

Naturally, the palace four knew what kind of virtue her little sister was, and gently flicked her forehead and asked softly.

"You did this today, but you broke your face with the princess. What are you going to do next?"

That's what the saying is, but neither Palace 4 nor Lin Mengya is afraid of it.

Holding her chin, she blinked her water eyes.

"The princess must be half-dead with anger, and she can never give up like that."

"Yeah, anyway, she still holds the title of a princess. Although we don't think she is real, no one can prove that she is fake."

This is also the princess, the reason why she dares to openly.

Lin Lin Mengya smiled, and snorted coldly.

"If she wants to be a princess, let her do it. Do you think this princess is so good?"

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